BREAKING! Tim Morrison Testimony Released — NSC Sr. Director BLOWS UP Ukrainian Hoax

Of course he doesn't think anything in the Potus call was illegal, he is a tramper like you are.

You know of course the Republican chair can also put out their excerpts but they are lazy butts.

The Republican House Minority Leader told Fox News host Laura Ingraham that he was not able to share details from Tuesday’s closed-door session due to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff
BREAKING: Schiff Finally Releases Tim Morrison Testimony -- NSC Sr. Director BLOWS UP Ukrainian Hoax -- Destroys Schiff Top Witness Lt. Col. Vindman
BREAKING: Schiff Finally Releases Tim Morrison Testimony — NSC Sr. Director BLOWS UP Ukrainian Hoax — Destroys Schiff Top Witness Lt. Col. Vindman

Sorry going over bumpy rds
We've known that from the start, haven't we? Isn't that the reason they didn't forward the complaint to Congress? NSC Director didn't see a problem?
Game set and match. Closed case and it’s a wrap just like Mueller instantly was.

The Gateway Pundit must have read an entirely different transcript from the one I'm reading. Mr. Morrison said NONE of the things that GP printed that he did.
They always do this here. Here are the steps:
1) pretend witness said something that exonerates Trump
2) admit the witness actually did the opposite.
3) Say bad things about the witness and link him to the "Deep State".
Wow! This guy needs to be ejected from his chairmanship. This is highly unethical what he did here.

Democrats Omit Exculpatory Information from Summary of Tim Morrison Transcript | Breitbart
Schifferbrains is a scumbag of the highest order.

But these reports downplay or omit the most important parts of Morrison’s testimony for Trump’s defense:

  • Morrison testified “I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed” on the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, to which he himself listened. That statement does not appear anywhere in the Democrats’ “key excerpts” document. He also testified that he “did not have a view” on whether President Trump’s comments to Zelensky on the phone call were “improper.”
  • Morrison testified that he was afraid that the conversation would leak — not because he thought the president had done anything wrong, as Democrats’ “key excerpts” document implies, but because he knew about what would happen, given “Washington’s polarized environment.” The Democrats’ summary of the document omits this telling exchange between Morrison and chairman Adam Schiff — no doubt, because it damages their case:
THE CHAIRMAN: Okay. I just wanted to follow up a bit on this.

One of the concerns, and there may be an overlap between the first two concerns you mentioned about the caII, and if the call became public. First, you said you wene concerned how it would play out in Washington’s polarized environment and, second, how a leak would affect bipartisan suppont for our Ukrainian partners.

Were those concerns nelated to the fact that the President asked his Ukrainian countenpant to look into on investigate the Bidens?

MR. MORRISON: No, not specifically.

THE CHAIRMAN: So you didn’t think that the President of the United States asking his counterpart to conduct an investigation into a potential opponent in the 2020 election might influence bipartisan support in Congress?


THE CHAIRMAN: And you weren’t concerned that the President bringing up one of his political opponents in the Presidential election and asking a favor with respect to the DNC server or 2016 theory, you weren’t concerned that those things would cause people to believe that the President was asking his counterpart to conduct an investigation that might influence his reelection campaign?


THE CHAIRMAN: That never occurred to you?


THE CHAIRMAN: Did you recognize during the — as you listened to the call that if Ukraine were to conduct these investigations, that it would inure to the President’s political interests?


  • Morrison contradicted Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the Democrats’ star witness in the closed-door hearings, who reported to Morrison directly. Morrison testified that while he admired his subordinate’s patriotism, he was irritated that Vindman failed to report concerns about the call directly to him. He said Vindman never raised concerns that something illegal had happened. He also said he accepted all of Vindman’s proposed edits to the call record, contrary to Vindman’s testimony. And while he did not think that Vindman was a leaker, he testified: “I had concerns that he did not exercise appropriate judgment as to whom he would say what.” He said that Vindman’s sloppy practices were partly the result of his own predecessor at the NSC, Dr. Fiona Hill — another one of the Democrats’ star witnesses, who, like Morrison, is due to testify publicly this week.
  • Morrison testified that other foreign aid being offered by the U.S. at the time was reportedly under review — not just to Ukraine. And he confirmed earlier testimony that the aid being held up did not include the essential Javelin anti-tank missiles, which were being delivered to Ukraine through a separate procurement process.
  • Morrison testified that he had no concerns that President Trump asked President Zelensky, during the July 25 phone call, to meet with his personal attorney, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
  • Morrison kept NSC lawyers informed about what was going on — not because he was concerned Trump had done anything wrong, but because he wanted “to protect the president” from whatever Sondland was doing.
All of these facts are missing in the Democrats’ “key excerpts.” The Democrats do acknowledge a few exculpatory moments, but downplay them.
One should always be skeptical of any document that jumps from one page to another farther away as you only get a partial picture.

True, but Morrison is a long term partisan man, a Republican.
And Schiff is a long time extremly partisan Democrat. Your point is?

The witnesses are not partisan, like Morrison is.
They aren't witnesses to anything.

The Gateway Pundit must have read an entirely different transcript from the one I'm reading. Mr. Morrison said NONE of the things that GP printed that he did.

Sometimes things get lost in translation. You have to remember that the OP might hear the words in English, he thinks in Russian.
Wake us up when Fox, CNN and MSNBC all come to a conclusion similar to that vomited-up here by the Gateway Pundit :21:


The "Gateway Pundit" ??? !!! :21: :21: :21:

God Almighty, but these silly-a$$ Orange Baboon Enablers are getting more desperate by the hour... funny stuff, though. :21:
Last edited:

The Gateway Pundit must have read an entirely different transcript from the one I'm reading. Mr. Morrison said NONE of the things that GP printed that he did.

Sometimes things get lost in translation. You have to remember that the OP might hear the words in English, he thinks in Russian.

"During a recent closed-door deposition as part of the impeachment inquiry, Morrison was asked under oath, “In your view, there was nothing improper that occurred during the call?”

“Correct,” he answered"

From the unread attached article
Wake us up when Fox, CNN and MSNBC all come to a conclusion similar to that vomited-up here by the Gateway Pundit :21:


God Almighty, but these silly-a$$ Orange Baboon Enablers are getting more desperate by the hour... funny stuff, though. :21:

"During a recent closed-door deposition as part of the impeachment inquiry, Morrison was asked under oath, “In your view, there was nothing improper that occurred during the call?”

“Correct,” he answered"

From the unread attached article
Wake us up when Fox, CNN and MSNBC all come to a conclusion similar to that vomited-up here by the Gateway Pundit :21:


God Almighty, but these silly-a$$ Orange Baboon Enablers are getting more desperate by the hour... funny stuff, though. :21:

"During a recent closed-door deposition as part of the impeachment inquiry, Morrison was asked under oath, “In your view, there was nothing improper that occurred during the call?”

“Correct,” he answered"

From the unread attached article
Thank you for your testimony, Mr. Morrison.

That's one opinion in the President's favor.

Unfortunately for you, the preponderance of evidence and testimony indicates otherwise.

The Gateway Pundit took one sliver of testimony and tried to puff it up into something (a deal-breaker) that it is not.

Nice try, Pundit... not... more like Epic Fail.

Next batter, please.
Morrison refused to give his OPINION.

He wanted his testimony to be about what actually occurred...ya know...facts
Wake us up when Fox, CNN and MSNBC all come to a conclusion similar to that vomited-up here by the Gateway Pundit :21:


God Almighty, but these silly-a$$ Orange Baboon Enablers are getting more desperate by the hour... funny stuff, though. :21:

"During a recent closed-door deposition as part of the impeachment inquiry, Morrison was asked under oath, “In your view, there was nothing improper that occurred during the call?”

“Correct,” he answered"

From the unread attached article
Thank you for your testimony, Mr. Morrison.

That's one opinion in the President's favor.

Unfortunately for you, the preponderance of evidence and testimony indicates otherwise.

The Gateway Pundit took one sliver of testimony and tried to puff it up into something (a deal-breaker) that it is not.

Nice try, Pundit... not... more like Epic Fail.

Next batter, please.

Maybe read the article next time

"During a recent closed-door deposition as part of the impeachment inquiry, Morrison was asked under oath, “In your view, there was nothing improper that occurred during the call?”

“Correct,” he answered"

From the unread attached article
Morrison refused to give his OPINION.

He wanted his testimony to be about what actually occurred...ya know...facts

Yes, the fact is that there was nothing inappropriate about the call

"During a recent closed-door deposition as part of the impeachment inquiry, Morrison was asked under oath, “In your view, there was nothing improper that occurred during the call?”

“Correct,” he answered"

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