Breaking: Timeline of shooting in Vegas inaccurate...guard shot BEFORE shooting

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.

P.T. Barnum
If he stayed behind and waited for backup, why did the cops go to the wrong floor? The guard that worked the hotel didn't know what floor he was on?

None of this adds up.

You obviously have never been in a hotel with all floors that look alike and he had just been shot. Perhaps he wasn't thinking clearly?

The hysteria over this minor glitch in the timeline is causing conspiracy theorists to lose their minds!
I can't personally do anything but why did the cops lie? I mean if they had said the guy showed up after 8 minutes of shooting instead of 10, I wouldn't care. But why say this guard saved the day showing up 10 minutes after the shooting began when the guard was shot 6 minutes BEFORE the shooting began? That's not a little bit wrong, that's WAY wrong.
The Airplane Mechanic has "been keeping up" plenty good. We have a Guard w/o radio contact...? shot on the 32nd floor by 200 rounds fired out of a Hotel room through the door. That is a very big deal. This was going on and the Police "were searching" the Hotel? WTH?

No one called the front desk? There were other guests too right next door and below also. The valet had alerted Security to breaking glass falling from above also.

A MAINT worker came up too and the Guard stopped him short. WTH? Did they not think 200 rounds from AK47 fired down the hallway was a big deal? What Gun fired those rounds? They went through the room door? Silent shots?

something is wrong here. THEN he was able to fire out the window onto the crowd. What did they do? Lay there and listen? Anybody think to radio the "boss"? WTH?

Your info is flat out wrong if you think either of those weapons ware an AK-47. The rounds were fired at the door, not down the hallway.
If he stayed behind and waited for backup, why did the cops go to the wrong floor? The guard that worked the hotel didn't know what floor he was on?

None of this adds up.

You obviously have never been in a hotel with all floors that look alike and he had just been shot. Perhaps he wasn't thinking clearly?

The hysteria over this minor glitch in the timeline is causing conspiracy theorists to lose their minds!

The man shot 200 rounds down the hall, through the door, doesn't matter. But the door looked down the hall anyway, so the rounds went through the door and down the hall. NOBODY ELSE THOUGHT TO CALL THE COPS AND REPORT THIS??? He had the 32nd floor to himself??? NOBODY ELSE UP THERE???
If he stayed behind and waited for backup, why did the cops go to the wrong floor? The guard that worked the hotel didn't know what floor he was on?

None of this adds up.

You obviously have never been in a hotel with all floors that look alike and he had just been shot. Perhaps he wasn't thinking clearly?

The hysteria over this minor glitch in the timeline is causing conspiracy theorists to lose their minds!

Conspiracy theorist is served dinner by his wife. He notes that the potato is to the left of the steak. She never serves the potato to the left of the is always to the right of the steak. He concludes the obvious: that his wife has been kidnapped by the government and replaced by a robot.
I can't personally do anything but why did the cops lie? I mean if they had said the guy showed up after 8 minutes of shooting instead of 10, I wouldn't care. But why say this guard saved the day showing up 10 minutes after the shooting began when the guard was shot 6 minutes BEFORE the shooting began? That's not a little bit wrong, that's WAY wrong.

When are you going to scroll through Assange's timeline and admit that you were mistaken?
When are you going to look at my link TO TWITTER and admit you're wrong? Can you explain that? No.

You're not man enough to admit you're wrong. Even with direct evidence and a link to the twitter website.
If he stayed behind and waited for backup, why did the cops go to the wrong floor? The guard that worked the hotel didn't know what floor he was on?

None of this adds up.

You obviously have never been in a hotel with all floors that look alike and he had just been shot. Perhaps he wasn't thinking clearly?

The hysteria over this minor glitch in the timeline is causing conspiracy theorists to lose their minds!

The man shot 200 rounds down the hall, through the door, doesn't matter. But the door looked down the hall anyway, so the rounds went through the door and down the hall. NOBODY ELSE THOUGHT TO CALL THE COPS AND REPORT THIS??? He had the 32nd floor to himself??? NOBODY ELSE UP THERE???

Maybe. There were 22,000 people across the street and I am sure lots more in the casinos and on the Strip.
Yes ignore me. That would please me immensely. You're too fucking stupid to realize you've been proven wrong. Not man enough to admit you're wrong. God damn liberals fucking suck.
It sucks when you've been proven wrong huh?

I thought more people on here were real men, sorry enough to say they're not.

This thread is not about assange and further replies about him will be reported. Keep the thread on topic.
Maybe it was the "fog of war"? but it sure looks like it all got kinda bungled up? Then the Police Chief? tells a wrong story? for days and days?
If he stayed behind and waited for backup, why did the cops go to the wrong floor? The guard that worked the hotel didn't know what floor he was on?

None of this adds up.

You obviously have never been in a hotel with all floors that look alike and he had just been shot. Perhaps he wasn't thinking clearly?

The hysteria over this minor glitch in the timeline is causing conspiracy theorists to lose their minds!

The man shot 200 rounds down the hall, through the door, doesn't matter. But the door looked down the hall anyway, so the rounds went through the door and down the hall. NOBODY ELSE THOUGHT TO CALL THE COPS AND REPORT THIS??? He had the 32nd floor to himself??? NOBODY ELSE UP THERE???

You know the craziest thing?

Mandalay Bay doesn't have a 13th floor.

So the shooter was actually on the 31st floor!!!!

And 31 is the exact opposite of 13.

13 American colonies...13 British colonies

So many questions still unanswered.
Maybe it was the "fog of war"? but it sure looks like it all got kinda bungled up? Then the Police Chief? tells a wrong story? for days and days?

That's exactly right. He doesn't correct the info the next day, its a WEEK later before he does. Where the hell did he pull the "guard saved the day" bullshit from? If he lied about that, he'd lie about anything.

And yes, it has a 13th floor.

2 king beds on 13th Floor - Picture of Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas - TripAdvisor
Maybe it was the "fog of war"? but it sure looks like it all got kinda bungled up? Then the Police Chief? tells a wrong story? for days and days?

That's exactly right. He doesn't correct the info the next day, its a WEEK later before he does. Where the hell did he pull the "guard saved the day" bullshit from? If he lied about that, he'd lie about anything.

And yes, it has a 13th floor.

2 king beds on 13th Floor - Picture of Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino, Las Vegas - TripAdvisor

That's what they want you to think.

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