
Gold Member
Jul 24, 2016
New Orleans
Do you stupid, ignorant pigheaded righties get it now?
Need any more fucking dots to connect?
He's fucking toxic!

Four top law firms turned down Trump: report | TheHill
13 hours ago - Four top law firms reportedly turned down requests to represent President Trump in the investigation into ties between his administration and Russia ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump - Yahoo
14 hours ago - Top lawyers with at least four major law firms rebuffed White House overtures to represent President Trump in the Russia investigations, in part over concerns that the president would be unwilling to listen to their advice, according to five sources familiar with discussions ...
Some of America's top law firms don't want Donald Trump as a client ...
9 hours ago - According to law firms that may represent him, Donald Trump... and Paul Clement — have turned down White House requests for legal ...
Top Law Firms Turned Down Trump: 'Won't Pay, Won't Listen' | Crooks ...
13 hours ago - Top Law Firms Turned Down Trump: 'Won't Pay, Won't Listen' ... So even more than the logistics of dealing with four separate congressional ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump - Democratic Underground
20 hours ago - 17 posts - ‎16 authors
Top lawyers with at least four major law firms rebuffed White House overtures to represent President Trump in the Russia investigations, in part ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump : politics
14 hours ago - We disallow solicitation of users (petitions, polls, requestsfor money, etc.) ... Four top law firms turned down requests to representTrump ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump, page 1 ...
20 hours ago - 20 posts - ‎12 authors
The unwillingness of some of the country's most prestigious attorneys and their law firms to represent Trump has complicated the ...
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I told you clowns in 2015 that this was what you were getting: A goon from Queens who was lawsuit happy, didn't pay taxes, a sociopath who stiffed everyone who ever worked for him BEFORE he stiffed thousands through Trump University fraud. But you wouldn't listen!
Do you stupid, ignorant pigheaded righties get it now?
Need any more fucking dots to connect?
He's fucking toxic!

Four top law firms turned down Trump: report | TheHill
13 hours ago - Four top law firms reportedly turned down requests to represent President Trump in the investigation into ties between his administration and Russia ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump - Yahoo
14 hours ago - Top lawyers with at least four major law firms rebuffed White House overtures to represent President Trump in the Russia investigations, in part over concerns that the president would be unwilling to listen to their advice, according to five sources familiar with discussions ...
Some of America's top law firms don't want Donald Trump as a client ...
9 hours ago - According to law firms that may represent him, Donald Trump... and Paul Clement — have turned down White House requests for legal ...
Top Law Firms Turned Down Trump: 'Won't Pay, Won't Listen' | Crooks ...
13 hours ago - Top Law Firms Turned Down Trump: 'Won't Pay, Won't Listen' ... So even more than the logistics of dealing with four separate congressional ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump - Democratic Underground
20 hours ago - 17 posts - ‎16 authors
Top lawyers with at least four major law firms rebuffed White House overtures to represent President Trump in the Russia investigations, in part ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump : politics
14 hours ago - We disallow solicitation of users (petitions, polls, requestsfor money, etc.) ... Four top law firms turned down requests to representTrump ...
Four top law firms turned down requests to represent Trump, page 1 ...
20 hours ago - 20 posts - ‎12 authors
The unwillingness of some of the country's most prestigious attorneys and their law firms to represent Trump has complicated the ...
You need to get a new Progressive guide book for the internet the old cut and paste is getting stale and drawing flies. Get a life.
Another thread on this with no facts presented except a Yahoo post. I guess we'll need to wait for 2020 for some evidence.

Or you can just look at who is around Trump and determine that no new people are stepping up. Now maybe that means that everyone is stuck in the door trying to get by his side...or no new faces are by his side for another reason.
And still nothing but anonymous sources.

You're either too young or stupid to remember how Watergate unfolded. Either way, you're probably both:

FBI’s No. 2 Was ‘Deep Throat’: Mark Felt Ends 30-Year Mystery of The Post’s Watergate Source
FBI’s No. 2 Was ‘Deep Throat’: Mark Felt Ends 30-Year Mystery of The Post’s Watergate Source
Well, you definitely are too stupid to understand the world.

In the 1970's, the media actually still had journalists who had principles and thought that the job of the press was to expose politicians who were breaking the law. Back then, they often would not care (but not always) what party the politician was a member of.

Today, the media isn't interested in exposing corruptions, they are looking to take down the Democrats opponents, and speaking truth to power has long since vanished.

So, let Me explain that to you. What I meant is that back in the 70's, an anonymous source was actually someone who was a reliable source with an agenda that was ONLY for exposing government corruption, not someone who was made up by the news agency whose only purpose is to destroy Republicans.
We know the Federal government illegally spied on Americans thousands of times. If the rumor is correct, maybe the lawyers don't feel like having their every word with every client recorded. Or possibly the partners are DNC supporters. Lots of possibilities. Again, it is an unverifiable rumor from chicken shits afraid of going on the record, repeated in the empty echo chamber of liberal media. I noticed Yahoo was unable to obtain a single response from the law firms listed.
No law firm turned Trump down. FOUR flaming liberal lawyers turned him down because they are flaming dirt eating liberals. One is Ted Olsen. How much worse can you get?

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