Breaking: Trump loses again....Manhattan DA to get Trump's tax returns

President Trump is not going away...nor are his supporters. Matter of fact, America First is not going to go away. I see a lot of hysterical anti trump remarks and behavior. That's okay. Keep it up. It highlights the insanity of the left.
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?

For you blind cultists, nothing. You will simply claim the IRS is wrong, teh DA is wrong and that Trump is as rich and honest as he claims.

You folks are fucked up in the head.
The IRS says his taxes were legit. Why the fuck should anyone listen to your uninformed opinions?

link please

Interesting you ask for a link
Are you suggesting that the IRS had not did their job every year with the president's tax return?
I'm sure the Obama IRS went through
Especially since the obama justice department spied on him.

If you call the Russian Embassy repeatedly, you will come up on the FBI's radar. That's SOP for 70 years. Trump was just too stupid to know that.

Is the gun part of your identity in Kannapolis?
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?

Trump owes a billion dollars to foreign banks.. Bank fraud is a crime.
Real Estate developers almost 100% finance projects through banks. I'm amused by your notion that having loans somehow translates into "bank fraud"!
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
But I thought it was HIS Supreme Court!

those motherfuckers OWE him.
I though this TDS might end with the theft of this election. Apparently the left is not feeling too confident that they can't let this go. LOLOL
Trumpism must be crushed so it does not raise it's ugly head again. Trumpism is a bigger danger to the US than China, Russia or Islamic extremists. They are home grown domestic terrorists that must be and will be stopped.
I’m right here fkwad! Come and shut me up

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump....
You do not need to worry about me but you may have the FBI or local police showing up.
Typical Trumpist, an angry, misfit that thinks if they beat the crap out of somebody or blow something up or take over the Capitol, they are somebody. AT THE END OF THE DAY, THEY ARE NOBODIES.
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?

For you blind cultists, nothing. You will simply claim the IRS is wrong, teh DA is wrong and that Trump is as rich and honest as he claims.

You folks are fucked up in the head.
The IRS says his taxes were legit. Why the fuck should anyone listen to your uninformed opinions?

link please

Interesting you ask for a link
Are you suggesting that the IRS had not did their job every year with the president's tax return?
I'm sure the Obama IRS went through
Especially since the obama justice department spied on him.

If you call the Russian Embassy repeatedly, you will come up on the FBI's radar. That's SOP for 70 years. Trump was just too stupid to know that.

Is the gun part of your identity in Kannapolis?
Oh, is that why Trump was up on Strzok's "radar"? Or was it because higher ups in the FBI were out to get Trump?
what they’re looking for wouldn’t be there, he had to have filed, and any concerns would trigger an.......... audit,
So this is the madeup cultist self defense mechanism?

That all loan and tax fraud is always caught in IRS audits?

And you have convinced yourselves of this?
I though this TDS might end with the theft of this election. Apparently the left is not feeling too confident that they can't let this go. LOLOL
Trumpism must be crushed so it does not raise it's ugly head again. Trumpism is a bigger danger to the US than China, Russia or Islamic extremists. They are home grown domestic terrorists that must be and will be stopped.
I’m right here fkwad! Come and shut me up

Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump....
You do not need to worry about me but you may have the FBI or local police showing up.
Typical Trumpist, an angry, misfit that thinks if they beat the crap out of somebody or blow something up or take over the Capitol, they are somebody. AT THE END OF THE DAY, THEY ARE NOBODIES.
As opposed to Black Lives Matter and Antifa members? Are they SOMEBODIES, Elmer?
Typical Trumpist, an angry, misfit that thinks if they beat the crap out of somebody or blow something up or take over the Capitol, they are somebody. AT THE END OF THE DAY, THEY ARE NOBODIES.
I think you're describing yourself...that usual projection by the left. This Man, DJT, really sets you off..and since you cannot destroy him, you hate his supporters also. THat's some kind of hate you got goin' on there bud. That's the kind of stuff that causes strokes.
what they’re looking for wouldn’t be there, he had to have filed, and any concerns would trigger an.......... audit,
So this is the madeup cultist self defense mechanism?

That all loan and tax fraud is always caught in IRS audits?

And you have convinced yourselves of this?
You're telling me the same IRS that had Lois Lerner running one of it's divisions wouldn't have had someone who would have leaked any damaging information YEARS ago if it was there? Aren't you the naive one!
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?

Trump owes a billion dollars to foreign banks.. Bank fraud is a crime.
Real Estate developers almost 100% finance projects through banks. I'm amused by your notion that having loans somehow translates into "bank fraud"!

US banks won't touch Trump for the past 20 years.

Over valuing your assets to get a bank loan and undervaluing them at the same time for tax purposes is bad business. Cyrus Vance will sort it out.. NY is VERY good at RICO prosecutions.
what they’re looking for wouldn’t be there, he had to have filed, and any concerns would trigger an.......... audit,
So this is the madeup cultist self defense mechanism?

That all loan and tax fraud is always caught in IRS audits?

And you have convinced yourselves of this?
You're telling me the same IRS that had Lois Lerner running one of it's divisions wouldn't have had someone who would have leaked any damaging information YEARS ago if it was there? Aren't you the naive one!

The head of the IRS is a Trump appointee.
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?

Trump owes a billion dollars to foreign banks.. Bank fraud is a crime.
Real Estate developers almost 100% finance projects through banks. I'm amused by your notion that having loans somehow translates into "bank fraud"!

US banks won't touch Trump for the past 20 years.

Over valuing your assets to get a bank loan and undervaluing them at the same time for tax purposes is bad business. Cyrus Vance will sort it out.. NY is VERY good at RICO prosecutions.
My son-in-law deals in mega commercial acquisitions...who lends money from a bank?
You have a team of attorneys write up a contract between private investors.
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?

Trump owes a billion dollars to foreign banks.. Bank fraud is a crime.
Real Estate developers almost 100% finance projects through banks. I'm amused by your notion that having loans somehow translates into "bank fraud"!

US banks won't touch Trump for the past 20 years.

Over valuing your assets to get a bank loan and undervaluing them at the same time for tax purposes is bad business. Cyrus Vance will sort it out.. NY is VERY good at RICO prosecutions.
So anyone who gets a loan from a foreign bank is committing bank fraud?
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?

Trump owes a billion dollars to foreign banks.. Bank fraud is a crime.
Real Estate developers almost 100% finance projects through banks. I'm amused by your notion that having loans somehow translates into "bank fraud"!

US banks won't touch Trump for the past 20 years.

Over valuing your assets to get a bank loan and undervaluing them at the same time for tax purposes is bad business. Cyrus Vance will sort it out.. NY is VERY good at RICO prosecutions.
My son-in-law deals in mega commercial acquisitions...who lends money from a bank?
You have a team of attorneys write up a contract between private investors.

Trump had cheated his investors so often in the past so he was borrowing Russian money.
what they’re looking for wouldn’t be there, he had to have filed, and any concerns would trigger an.......... audit,
So this is the madeup cultist self defense mechanism?

That all loan and tax fraud is always caught in IRS audits?

And you have convinced yourselves of this?
You're telling me the same IRS that had Lois Lerner running one of it's divisions wouldn't have had someone who would have leaked any damaging information YEARS ago if it was there? Aren't you the naive one!

The head of the IRS is a Trump appointee.
There are hundreds of thousands of people who work in the IRS. What you're claiming is that none of them...even in this hyper partisan environment...would do something blatantly political like Lois Lerner did if they had information on Trump that would have hurt him? Common sense tells me that is highly unlikely! If it was there...SOMEONE would have leaked it!
I guess he's going to be very angry with his SCOTUS appointees letting him down, but SCOTUS denied Trump's appeal.


Under state law, materials turned over to a grand jury must be kept secret. But Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance can now require Trump's accountants to turn over the records that the president has steadfastly refused to surrender to prosecutors or Congress.

“The work continues,” Vance said in response to the Supreme Court order.

Vance is seeking tax returns covering eight years for a grand jury investigation of hush money payments and other financial transactions."""
How does Trump lose? What on earth do you think is going to happen to Trump if his taxes are released?

Trump owes a billion dollars to foreign banks.. Bank fraud is a crime.
Real Estate developers almost 100% finance projects through banks. I'm amused by your notion that having loans somehow translates into "bank fraud"!

US banks won't touch Trump for the past 20 years.

Over valuing your assets to get a bank loan and undervaluing them at the same time for tax purposes is bad business. Cyrus Vance will sort it out.. NY is VERY good at RICO prosecutions.
My son-in-law deals in mega commercial acquisitions...who lends money from a bank?
You have a team of attorneys write up a contract between private investors.

Trump had cheated his investors so often in the past so he was borrowing Russian money.
I repeat my post with a slight modification...

My son-in-law deals in mega commercial acquisitions...who borrows money from a bank?
Since the late 90s you have a team of attorneys write up a contract between private investors.
what they’re looking for wouldn’t be there, he had to have filed, and any concerns would trigger an.......... audit,
So this is the madeup cultist self defense mechanism?

That all loan and tax fraud is always caught in IRS audits?

And you have convinced yourselves of this?
You're telling me the same IRS that had Lois Lerner running one of it's divisions wouldn't have had someone who would have leaked any damaging information YEARS ago if it was there? Aren't you the naive one!

The head of the IRS is a Trump appointee.
There are hundreds of thousands of people who work in the IRS. What you're claiming is that none of them...even in this hyper partisan environment...would do something blatantly political like Lois Lerner did if they had information on Trump that would have hurt him? Common sense tells me that is highly unlikely! If it was there...SOMEONE would have leaked it!
Has it occurred to you yet that surada is an idiot?
She used to be pretty when she was a woman
Truth and transparency.

Something Republicans and self-professed Conservatives know nothing about.
ok we need to see all tax returns of every American citizen
True Republicans never had a hard time handing over their tax returns when they ran for president. Except for Nixon and now Trump....GOP candidates welcomed the opportunity to show voters they were honest and paid taxes just like them.

But Trump knows he has two that deflates his RE values for tax purposes and one for banks that inflates his RE values for loan purposes. That is Fraud!
Stupid do you actually believe that if the president had done something illegal the IRS would have allowed it to slide?
If you believe that I have a bridge for sell and it has a pot of gold at the end
You should not call people stupid, especially if you have not done any research on the issue. That just makes YOU look stupid

A lesson from Trump taxes: An underfunded IRS is outmatched (

The IRS lakes the resources to go after the likes of Trump. The Mahatten DA does not

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