Breaking: Trump To Skip Megyn Kelly's Fox GOP Town Hall Wednesday Night

I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?
See post 17
I love watching the cons turn canabil on one another. It wasn't just two years ago the majority of the cons were swooning over Meagan Kelly. Since the Trumptards had their egos busted when she "DARED" question Trump they have gone full retard.
What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

No what she did is put to light the man Trump REALLY is and the Trumptards can't stand that. He stumbled and fumbled on that question big time because he IS a misogynist.
You have already discredited yourself before this post. Now you have made it clear in this latest post that you do not know what you are talking about.
It was never about Megyn Kelly --- it was about Fox and the moguls there who wanted to destroy Trump. You cannot see that because all you want to do is make conservatives look bad. You need to be honest or seek the advice of those more in the know than you.

Fox went too far and now they are the ones with egg on their face. They cannot get rid of Kelly who is the face of their devious designs, but neither can they warm up to Trump who is onto them. It's really that obvious. And Fox and oreilly and hannity and kelly are tiresome arrogant egomaniacs. We are not charmed or fooled.

Nope it was ALL about Meagan Kelly. You have discredited yourself you Trumptard.
It's funny, conservitives don't watch fox... Progressives are the only ones watching the Rino network.

true just as the radio shows of glenn beck hannity and rush the leftards have a big following in fox news as well

I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?

Are you in the right thread?

You have done nothing to discredit the main point being made, i.e., it's Fox who wanted Trump destroyed. It is Fox who coached Kelly.

Yes, we know what Donald Trump is claiming or bragging about. We know that is not Megyn talking. Thanks for your help.

PS -- This is not about a Trump lovefest, so do not divert the action, ok? I don't want Trump but I admire him in many ways. And I probably will have to vote for him since Rubio turns me off and Cruz is causing me great concerns as well. But it will be a cold day in hades before we listen to people telling us what is wrong with our candidates when they voted twice for Barack and are also a Hillary supporter. Donkeys on parade.
I don't blame him. She has let her feelings be shown when she had that idiot Michael More on her show to bash Trump and the others. she needs to go over to PmsNbc. she would fit right in to the group of , liars, idiots and agitators

The rose has certainly fallen off the bloom, hasn't it? She was President of the Crusty Old Man Spank Bank until she dared to cross Trump. I'll admit, this campaign season is certainly more entertaining than I anticipated.
Trump is Chicken Little.

I love the fact he runs away from a woman yet he wants to be president. What a coward.
He is knifing her in the back...the viewers want to see HIM and he knows it. Why help their ratings? You should know by now that Trump could eat her alive if he wanted to.

Is that why even Trump admitted that when he boycotted that last debate from Fox it hurt him? It doesn't matter to me, watching the cons eat each other alive is quite fun. The one thing I will give the GOP is their race is far more interesting than the Dems.
The progressives that run fox want open borders, debt expanded, spending extended, baby butchers funded, firearms confiscation and a Rino in as president...
I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?

Are you in the right thread?

You have done nothing to discredit the main point being made, i.e., it's Fox who wanted Trump destroyed. It is Fox who coached Kelly.

Yes, we know what Donald Trump is claiming or bragging about. We know that is not Megyn talking. Thanks for your help.

PS -- This is not about a Trump lovefest, so do not divert the action, ok? I don't want Trump but I admire him in many ways. And I probably will have to vote for him since Rubio turns me off and Cruz is causing me great concerns as well. But it will be a cold day in hades before we listen to people telling us what is wrong with our candidates when they voted twice for Barack and are also a Hillary supporter. Donkeys on parade.
Actually, I believe you are wrong. Trump has been on many Fox shows, O'Reilly, Van Sustern, Hannity and was well received. If this was going to be a hit job by Ailes, it would have affected the other talk shows as well.

Fox did back up Kelly after she disappeared for ten days after the debate and now there is a mini war between Kelly, Ailes and Trump. Fox will not see the ratings they got from the first debate. And that is thanks to Trump.
Trump is Chicken Little.

I love the fact he runs away from a woman yet he wants to be president. What a coward.
He is knifing her in the back...the viewers want to see HIM and he knows it. Why help their ratings? You should know by now that Trump could eat her alive if he wanted to.

Is that why even Trump admitted that when he boycotted that last debate from Fox it hurt him? It doesn't matter to me, watching the cons eat each other alive is quite fun. The one thing I will give the GOP is their race is far more interesting than the Dems.
No I do not think it hurt him or he said that it did.
Trump is Chicken Little.

I love the fact he runs away from a woman yet he wants to be president. What a coward.
He is knifing her in the back...the viewers want to see HIM and he knows it. Why help their ratings? You should know by now that Trump could eat her alive if he wanted to.

Is that why even Trump admitted that when he boycotted that last debate from Fox it hurt him? It doesn't matter to me, watching the cons eat each other alive is quite fun. The one thing I will give the GOP is their race is far more interesting than the Dems.
No I do not think it hurt him or he said that it did.

he said maybe it hurt him

but from the looks of it he is doing rather well
Screw these News stations. they are in it for the ratings only, they don't care to showcase the candidates platforms for WE THE PEOPLE to consider.
Is The Gateway Pundit reporting that Megyn Kelly is an actual vixen b/c she works for Fox News? :lol:
I'll build a wall!
I'll deport the rapists!
I'll crush ISIS!
I'll stare down Putin!
I'll outmaneuver the Chinese..... is that Megyn Kelly? :50:


What she did was unethical and unprofessional.

And what was that?

Are you in the right thread?

You have done nothing to discredit the main point being made, i.e., it's Fox who wanted Trump destroyed. It is Fox who coached Kelly.

Yes, we know what Donald Trump is claiming or bragging about. We know that is not Megyn talking. Thanks for your help.

PS -- This is not about a Trump lovefest, so do not divert the action, ok? I don't want Trump but I admire him in many ways. And I probably will have to vote for him since Rubio turns me off and Cruz is causing me great concerns as well. But it will be a cold day in hades before we listen to people telling us what is wrong with our candidates when they voted twice for Barack and are also a Hillary supporter. Donkeys on parade.
Actually, I believe you are wrong. Trump has been on many Fox shows, O'Reilly, Van Sustern, Hannity and was well received. If this was going to be a hit job by Ailes, it would have affected the other talk shows as well.

Fox did back up Kelly after she disappeared for ten days after the debate and now there is a mini war between Kelly, Ailes and Trump. Fox will not see the ratings they got from the first debate. And that is thanks to Trump.

Wrong about what? That Fox big shots do not want Trump to win? No, I disagree. That was clear from the first debate.

I may be wrong about some other assumptions, not sure. But let's face it. Fox without Trump really hurts Fox, so they have no choice but to kowtow to him in many applications. They are between a rock and a hard place.
The progressives that run fox want open borders, debt expanded, spending extended, baby butchers funded, firearms confiscation and a Rino in as president...
Wow. Is it that bad?

I know they bristle when Jesus is brought up. So they counter that by producing their new sit-com hit this year called "Lucifer." What idiots.

I love watching the cons turn canabil on one another. It wasn't just two years ago the majority of the cons were swooning over Meagan Kelly. Since the Trumptards had their egos busted when she "DARED" question Trump they have gone full retard.

Thats called intellectual honesty.
FOX tried to influence the election and conservatives said hell no.
The media kisses hilarys ass and screws Bernie and you fools suck it up.

I love watching the cons turn canabil on one another. It wasn't just two years ago the majority of the cons were swooning over Meagan Kelly. Since the Trumptards had their egos busted when she "DARED" question Trump they have gone full retard.

Thats called intellectual honesty.
FOX tried to influence the election and conservatives said hell no.
The media kisses hilarys ass and screws Bernie and you fools suck it up.

I'm not sucking anything up unlike you. I'm not voting for either Dem or GOP so it is you who are sucking on the Trumptard.

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