Breaking: Twitter is saying Cruz is ending his campaign

My significant other, who has always voted republican, will not vote for president this year.

Me either.

Many Tea Party republicans walked away from Romney last election, refusing to vote for him.

Why would it be any different this year?

LOL it was Romney that's what's different.

The idea that republicans will come out to vote against the opposing candidate even if they don't like the republican nominee.....didn't play out in 2012. Or 2008.

Many republicans didn't vote.

Why wouldn't 2016 be the same?
You are an idiot social justice kook. We don't want you voting for our candidates.

Prior to 2012, I voted for Republican candidates every year.

And when you guys get so nutty that Ted fucking Cruz is a "RINO", but Donald Trump, who has supported abortion, eminent domain, cheated on two wives, is a "real conservative", I think your philosophical compass might be a bit skewed.
I have been more aligned with candidates like Trump since I first registered to vote in 2007. I suspect there are about as many Republican Trump supporters like myself as the number of true socialists supporting Bernie.

The Republican Party hasn't been truly socially conservative since Goldwater. The Democrat party has dictated what is and isn't socially conservative for an entire generation.

They haven't been fiscally conservative either.
When you are competing with Democrats you merely have to pretend you give a shit about the budget and you can fake being the fiscal Conservative party for literally generations.
When you are competing with Democrats you merely have to pretend you give a shit about the budget and you can fake being the fiscal Conservative party for literally generations.

Not really.

Fiscally conservative usually means, "We don't want to give any money to poor people". T hey have no problem spending on $600 toilet seats and billion dollar contracts for Halliburton and putting wars on credit cards.

Fiscally conservative is actually paying for what you spend on.
Maybe. Depends who the Libertarian Party picks.

But Trump's anti-free market rhetoric is scary. That's what he was pounding on Hannity yesterday, we have to control markets and companies and punish the ones who want to leave, not figure out why they want to leave and fix it. Hillary is going to be four years of scandal, she won't get shit done
"Free Market" is a nice way of describing "America Takes It In The Ass".

It like calling yourself pro-choice when it's really pro-abortion.

Yeah, fucking consumers with lower prices, it needs to be stopped.

LOL, and yeah, thinking something should be not banned by government (in this case abortion) means that you want it to happen. Everything you don't want people to do needs to be illegal. Choice, not. Well, your choice for everyone. You are an authoritarian, at least you admit that. No wonder you don't support economic freedom either
I don't know what you're babbling about, but can you point out what part of this free market system has caused anything to decrease costs to the consumer? Sure, you can site examples of where it may possibly have decreased the increase in costs, but free markets do only one thing other than relieve us of our wealth, and that's move jobs over seas.

Not interested in teaching the field of economics to someone on the internet who doesn't even want to learn
I understand what free markets are. Problem is, most other countries don't have the system we have. Their economic system revolves around their government rather than free enterprise. Because of that they tend to cheat.....tend to manipulate currencies amongst other things.

That's not in our control. Companies will find the most efficient partners to trade with. That benefits consumers and competition. Politicians benefit themselves. If Trump were just talking about going out and trying to use leverage to get other countries to open markets, I'd be all for that. But he focuses his points on punishing American companies rather than helping them.

For example, why are we defending and giving aid to countries that restrict our access to their markets? That's a great question. Closing off our markets, which means restricting access to our companies and citizens to their markets isn't the solution and it's not in our economic interest to do it

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