Breaking: Twitter is saying Cruz is ending his campaign

Whatever................Eat the sour grapes and move on..................Kasich should have withdrawn a long time ago.................They tried to stop the train and lost...........Get over it.

Why should Kasich withdraw? I mean, if Trump is so unstoppable, why does it matter of Kasich withdraws?


And there you have it. Your real problem is that you think Trump is entitled to the nomination.
The only man with a prayer of beating him in a legitimate fashion has now dropped out.

Trump will steamroll Kasich if he stays in.

Let him. Kasich supporters need to learn humility. So do Trump supporters but we start one group at a time.
Kasich supporters don't exist....
Whatever................Eat the sour grapes and move on..................Kasich should have withdrawn a long time ago.................They tried to stop the train and lost...........Get over it.

Why should Kasich withdraw? I mean, if Trump is so unstoppable, why does it matter of Kasich withdraws?


And there you have it. Your real problem is that you think Trump is entitled to the nomination.
The only man with a prayer of beating him in a legitimate fashion has now dropped out.

Trump will steamroll Kasich if he stays in.

Let him. Kasich supporters need to learn humility. So do Trump supporters but we start one group at a time.

So, you'd rather that Clinton win so you can feel better about Cruz losing?
As he should. And Kasich should be laughed out of the party & banned from the convention

And if Trump still fails to reach 1237 before the convention?

The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies. No one wants that
Will you vote for Trump now..........or will you help Hillary....................Tis the next question..............

Voting for Trump is helping Clinton.

Still sticking with your Kasich fantasy? Or are you finally coming around to my way of thinking?
Why should Kasich withdraw? I mean, if Trump is so unstoppable, why does it matter of Kasich withdraws?


And there you have it. Your real problem is that you think Trump is entitled to the nomination.
The only man with a prayer of beating him in a legitimate fashion has now dropped out.

Trump will steamroll Kasich if he stays in.

Let him. Kasich supporters need to learn humility. So do Trump supporters but we start one group at a time.

So, you'd rather that Clinton win so you can feel better about Cruz losing?
Clinton isn't going to win....
As he should. And Kasich should be laughed out of the party & banned from the convention

And if Trump still fails to reach 1237 before the convention?

The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies. No one wants that
Will you vote for Trump now..........or will you help Hillary....................Tis the next question..............

Voting for Trump is helping Clinton.

Still sticking with your Kasich fantasy? Or are you finally coming around to my way of thinking?

Your way of thinking is liberal bullshit, mixed with a juvenile obsession with the s-e-x.
And if Trump still fails to reach 1237 before the convention?

The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies. No one wants that
Will you vote for Trump now..........or will you help Hillary....................Tis the next question..............

Voting for Trump is helping Clinton.

Still sticking with your Kasich fantasy? Or are you finally coming around to my way of thinking?

Your way of thinking is liberal bullshit, mixed with a juvenile obsession with the s-e-x.

You may have me confused with someone else. I'm the one that has been telling you that the GOP is fucked. That with or without Trump they were going to lose. And that your Kasich fantasy was meaningless nonsense.

And here we are. With Trump the presumptive nominee, Kasich's odds roughly that number that comes just after zero, and even you admitting that the GOP's odds of winning with Trump were slim to none.

I knew you'd come around.
The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies. No one wants that
Will you vote for Trump now..........or will you help Hillary....................Tis the next question..............

Voting for Trump is helping Clinton.

Still sticking with your Kasich fantasy? Or are you finally coming around to my way of thinking?

Your way of thinking is liberal bullshit, mixed with a juvenile obsession with the s-e-x.

You may have me confused with someone else. I'm the one that has been telling you that the GOP is fucked. That with or without Trump they were going to lose. And that your Kasich fantasy was meaningless nonsense.

And here we are. With Trump the presumptive nominee, Kasich's odds roughly that number that comes just after zero, and even you admitting that the GOP's odds of winning with Trump were slim to none.

I knew you'd come around.

Still a damned idiot, I see.

I have always said that Trump has zero chance of winning in November. Kasich is the only candidate who can win in November. You have been desperately wanting Trump to be the nominee because you want to secure a Clinton victory. You've been trash talking Kasich because you know he's the only one who can defeat Clinton.
Will you vote for Trump now..........or will you help Hillary....................Tis the next question..............

Voting for Trump is helping Clinton.

Still sticking with your Kasich fantasy? Or are you finally coming around to my way of thinking?

Your way of thinking is liberal bullshit, mixed with a juvenile obsession with the s-e-x.

You may have me confused with someone else. I'm the one that has been telling you that the GOP is fucked. That with or without Trump they were going to lose. And that your Kasich fantasy was meaningless nonsense.

And here we are. With Trump the presumptive nominee, Kasich's odds roughly that number that comes just after zero, and even you admitting that the GOP's odds of winning with Trump were slim to none.

I knew you'd come around.

Still a damned idiot, I see.

I have always said that Trump has zero chance of winning in November. Kasich is the only candidate who can win in November. You have been desperately wanting Trump to be the nominee because you want to secure a Clinton victory. You've been trash talking Kasich because you know he's the only one who can defeat Clinton.

You are so close....but still don't quite get it. Yes, I wanted Trump as the GOP nominee. He's the dream nominee from a DNC perspective. But that's not why I predicted Kasich would fail. It was the evidence. Which you described as.'liberal bullshit'.

Evidence has no political affiliation. Reality isn't liberal or conservative. I simply had a better command of the facts, a clearer perception of reality than you did.

Which is why I was right. What I told you was going to happen is happening. Ignore as you will. It won't matter anymore than it did with your Kasich nonsense.
Not teu
Yup. The path is wide open for Hillary now. As it is now, I won't vote von Trump. I'll be writing a candidate in. Just about everyone else here in our lunch room pretty much feels the same. I thought I could do the anyone but Hillary thing, but just like the last two presidential elections I can't bring my self to vote for a fake. Couldn't do it with McCain, would not do it with the Mormon freak show Mittens and I can't do it now with the Donald. I'll vote to keep Cruz in the Senate where he has done exactly what he said he would do. Was a good race. Good on our guy. Hope I'm wrong about the Donald.
Thankfully your vote doesn't mean shit in the General. Texans won't let sHillary become president.

Yeah, right. Like I told your boyfriend, trump will go down because Texans will stay home. He will lose the northeast, and all before that Hillary will drag him through the mud and stomp him. As I also told your boyfriend, you trumptards melt down will be awesome. No back to Hannity. Enjoy your night. Come November you will be crying.
As he should. And Kasich should be laughed out of the party & banned from the convention

And if Trump still fails to reach 1237 before the convention?

The only way Trump fails to get the nomination is if he dies. No one wants that
I dunno... I bet the repug establishment is praying for a meteor to land on Trump.

Why? He isn't going to change a thing if he wins and they think he is going to lose to Hillary which doesn't threaten their power at all
People like you play that card every election...............Standard crap you say no matter who the hell wins the nomination.

To clear it up for you.

Yeah, well, maybe if you guys stopped nominating guys who play to racism, we wouldn't be able to say that.

But the only reason why Romney got 29% of the Hispanic Vote in 2012 is Cubans still voted for him when Mexicans and Puerto Ricans didn't. Can't see that happening after what he did to Cruz and Rubio.
The target is about to shift to where it belongs..........against the Hildabeast and her laundry list of's about to become harder to keep the ball in the GOP court..................She's about to go on the block..........................and the Dems know it...............................

Gonna be interesting as hell...........

Get the popcorn.

Guy, you've been trying to pin shit on Hillary for 25 years now. It never sticks.
You are an idiot social justice kook. We don't want you voting for our candidates.

Prior to 2012, I voted for Republican candidates every year.

And when you guys get so nutty that Ted fucking Cruz is a "RINO", but Donald Trump, who has supported abortion, eminent domain, cheated on two wives, is a "real conservative", I think your philosophical compass might be a bit skewed.
I hope Trump drives sHillary batshit crazy. Would love her to have a meltdown and start crying.

I think Trump is far more likely to have a meltdown than Hillary is.

The guy has had meltdowns arguing with Rosie O'Donnel. If I was Clinton, I'd have a whole bunch of surrogates lined up to bait the Donald into saying misogynistic and racist things.
If Trump says he will appoint Ted Cruz to the SCOTUS maybe he will get Cruz supporters on board. This election isn't about the Presidency, it is about who chooses the next four SCOTUS judges who will defend our Bill of Rights and support the Constitution. Hillary will appoint Trannies, gays, BLM types, Occupy,and othe far left radicals because she will owe it to them for her election.

He says a lot of things, then he turns around and says 'psych!'.

Even if he dangled Cruz for SC, he'd just as quick turn on a dime. Maybe he's bipolar? smh

No, what Trump did to Cruz is called 'rebranding' him, and now he makes amends after winning so that there's no hard feelings. ...and maybe a SCOTUS pick.

Before the Cruz campaign dirties began with Carson, I personally dreamed of Cruz as Attorney General and always wanted Carly to be the WH Press Secretary.
And there is nothing liberal about your love of big government.

Just because I am not an anarchist like doesnt make me a lover of big government, dude.

Liberals are what founded the country.

lol, not by todays definitions

Ironically today liberals are called libertarians and the people who call themselves liberal are authoritarian leftists.

Um, no, Libertarians are anarchists and Fellow Travelers.

You also call yourselves "JimBowie1958"

I dont call myself Jim Bowie; I simply named my account after Jim Bowie because I admire the mans love for freedom.

Dont even pretend you understand Bowie.

Donald Trump wouldn't know free markets if they bit him in the ass. He repeated that again saying on Hannity that his plan isn't to fix why companies want to leave, he wants to punish them for trying to do what's in their interest.

Defeat Donald Trump, he sucks

So Kaz, you voting for Hellary now?

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