BREAKING: Washington Post Reporter Behind Roy Moore Hit Piece Has History Of Writing Fake Checks

Ms. McCrummen was convicted of a crime punishable by up to six months of imprisonment for writing a hot check that was deemed worthless.”

They don't hand out sentences like that for an overdraft.

They don’t hand out sentences like that for murder! That’s some hard time! :eek:

Therefore, Roy the molester is FAKE NEWS!!!
And so the worm turns. The reporter who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.

Writing “fake” checks. As in writing check on non-existent bank accounts or writing NSF checks. There’s a difference. One is fraud. The other is bad accounting.
That's right moron!
Writing an NSF cheque is always just "bad accounting".
How old are you? Like ten?

No I’m a 68 year old retired banker. Lots of people write bad cheques. Some are just bad at accounting. But if you write a cheque without having an account, that’s fraud. There is a difference.
And so the worm turns. The reporter who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.

Give me a break, writing a bounced check and a few speeding tickets. Give me a break. Also you are calling that 14 year old a liar.
They don't put you in jail for 6 months simply for overdrawing your account. I once had a maid service, and one of the women who cleaned my apartment stole one of my checkbooks and wrote three checks with it and cashed them at K-mart. That's what writing a fake check is.

Jail, she was jailed now? Please should her indictment and sentencing papers.
And so the worm turns. The reported who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.
The "fake check" mentioned in the thread was a bounced check.
That's right. OP makes it seem at if the writer committed fraud.

She wrote more than one, and this is what the article says about the first one:

“Ms. McCrummen’s criminal history began with North Carolina Case # 1992 CR 00654, a violation of the Article 19 – False Pretenses and Cheats section of the North Carolina Criminal Code. Ms. McCrummen was convicted of a crime punishable by up to six months of imprisonment for writing a hot check that was deemed worthless.”
They don't hand out sentences like that for an overdraft.

The bottom line is that she has a history of dishonesty and fraud.

You keep going bripat, you are now lying to try and defend a kiddy fucker....

Nice job man...

So as long as you support Trump you allowed to fuck the odd kid...

How many kids can you fuck before they won't allow you become Senator?
And so the worm turns. The reporter who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.

Give me a break, writing a bounced check and a few speeding tickets. Give me a break. Also you are calling that 14 year old a liar.
They don't put you in jail for 6 months simply for overdrawing your account. I once had a maid service, and one of the women who cleaned my apartment stole one of my checkbooks and wrote three checks with it and cashed them at K-mart. That's what writing a fake check is.

You Lie!
I saw a rural Judge sentence a guy convicted of bouncing 2 checks to 2 consecutive 2 year sentences
Then in some big cities it's hard to get a prosecutor to press charges because they can't handle the caseload.
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This is the GOP Leader who Inspires Roy Moore
And so the worm turns. The reporter who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.

Give me a break, writing a bounced check and a few speeding tickets. Give me a break. Also you are calling that 14 year old a liar.
They don't put you in jail for 6 months simply for overdrawing your account. I once had a maid service, and one of the women who cleaned my apartment stole one of my checkbooks and wrote three checks with it and cashed them at K-mart. That's what writing a fake check is.
She didn't go to jail at all, you moron. Show me where it says she went to jail.

The article says the penalty is up to 6 months for what she did. They don't hand out sentences like that for an overdraft. That doesn't mean a judge imposed that long of a sentence.

And so the worm turns. The reporter who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.

Give me a break, writing a bounced check and a few speeding tickets. Give me a break. Also you are calling that 14 year old a liar.
They don't put you in jail for 6 months simply for overdrawing your account. I once had a maid service, and one of the women who cleaned my apartment stole one of my checkbooks and wrote three checks with it and cashed them at K-mart. That's what writing a fake check is.
She didn't go to jail at all, you moron. Show me where it says she went to jail.

The article says the penalty is up to 6 months for what she did. They don't hand out sentences like that for an overdraft. That doesn't mean a judge imposed that long of a sentence.
So You're admitting that she bounced a check and got a fine for it. Correct?
And so the worm turns. The reporter who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.

Before Roy Moore there was Incest Donald

“This is what happens when you let reckless, incompetent idiots like Steve Bannon go out and recruit candidates who have absolutely no business running for the U.S. Senate.”

— Former Mitch McConnell chief of staff Josh Holmes, quoted by the New York Times, on the allegations that Roy Moore initiated sexual relations with teenagers.
ty, Moore sodomized no child. There is no accusation of such behavior. Quit acting like the far right and alt right and the gun bunnies with all the hysteria.

He sexually molested a 14 year old and paid attention to other underage teenage girls at the time.

His defenders are reprehensible for attacking the women instead of demanding an investigation.
And so the worm turns. The reporter who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.
And yet that disgusting turkey gobbler McConnell dumped on Moore yesterday.

Moore has been in public office for 25 years, yet all of the sudden this hit piece comes out. Suspicious to say the least.
Ms. McCrummen was convicted of a crime punishable by up to six months of imprisonment for writing a hot check that was deemed worthless.”

They don't hand out sentences like that for an overdraft.

They don’t hand out sentences like that for murder! That’s some hard time! :eek:

Therefore, Roy the molester is FAKE NEWS!!!
The writer was not sentenced.
And so the worm turns. The reported who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.
The "fake check" mentioned in the thread was a bounced check.
That's right. OP makes it seem at if the writer committed fraud.

She wrote more than one, and this is what the article says about the first one:

“Ms. McCrummen’s criminal history began with North Carolina Case # 1992 CR 00654, a violation of the Article 19 – False Pretenses and Cheats section of the North Carolina Criminal Code. Ms. McCrummen was convicted of a crime punishable by up to six months of imprisonment for writing a hot check that was deemed worthless.”
They don't hand out sentences like that for an overdraft.

The bottom line is that she has a history of dishonesty and fraud.

You keep going bripat, you are now lying to try and defend a kiddy fucker....

Nice job man...

So as long as you support Trump you allowed to fuck the odd kid...

How many kids can you fuck before they won't allow you become Senator?
I just love the way you left wing assholes automatically assume Republicans are guilty of whatever you accuse them of.
And so the worm turns. The reporter who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

Washington Post reporter Stephanie McCrummen, who co-wrote today’s hit piece on Judge Roy Moore, has a history of writing fake checks, according to a 2011 report reviewed by GotNews. According to left-leaning New York Magazine, McCrummen has an extensive criminal record, committing four infractions in three different states.
And yet that disgusting turkey gobbler McConnell dumped on Moore yesterday.

Moore has been in public office for 25 years, yet all of the sudden this hit piece comes out. Suspicious to say the least.
You mean a bounced check proves McConnell wrong?
And so the worm turns. The reported who dumped this sleazy story about Moore on the public turns out to have a problem with honesty:

That reporter is not running for Senator of the US ...,Roy Moore the children fucker is running LOL

The reporter is a sleazy leftwinger trying to take Moore down.

The reporter is trying to keep a guy who molested underaged girls out of the Senate. You would think that YOU wouldn’t want a man of such low moral character in public office either but you voted for Trump so obviously you don’t care that what kind of morals your candidate has.

Liar, cheat, admitted fraud artist, bankrupt. You voted for him anyway.
If it's true, I wouldn't want him elected. However, given the history of Dim sleazy tactics, I seriously doubt it.

Your lies about Trump are proof that people should be skeptical about the claims that leftwing journalists make.
If it's true, I wouldn't want him elected. However, given the history of Dim sleazy tactics, I seriously doubt it.
Orange Sleaze a Thon Donald Trump defrauded Americans of more than $25 million with a sleazy Fake University and you think his word is Gold ...

Roy Moore is the face of republican morality
Truer Words Have never been posted

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