BREAKING: Wayne County, home of Detroit, has DEADLOCKED on certifying election results!

You just accused those Republicans of rigging the elections against Donald Trump period do you realize how stupid you are?
No I didn't. How stupid are you?
That's are extremely stupid and seem unable to read.
Okay so you think Republicans certified an election that you say is rigid, just for a fun?
you're f*****. You're going to look awkward no matter what because Republicans certified this election in Wayne county.
After they agreed to audit the votes. :cool:

the board is requesting that Jocelyn Benson, the state's top elections official, investigate any discrepancies in vote totals.”
In georgia, you guys were very excited when they announced the votes would be audited. Now you are all depressed about reading news that the recount is not going to change anything at all.
Are you setting yourself up for depression in Michigan the same way?
An audit isn’t a recount, idiot.
After they agreed to audit the votes. :cool:

the board is requesting that Jocelyn Benson, the state's top elections official, investigate any discrepancies in vote totals.”
In georgia, you guys were very excited when they announced the votes would be audited. Now you are all depressed about reading news that the recount is not going to change anything at all.
Are you setting yourself up for depression in Michigan the same way?

Yes they are.

The republicans aren't going to succeed in their schemes to steal the election from Biden.

Biden won. In a fair election.

All the garbage that they are spewing is just that. GARBAGE.
Hey Mods, just curious....there was already a Thread open about Wayne County and the 'Certification' drama....shouldn't this thread be combined with that one, as an 'update'?
Hah. right wingers want the new thread about certification to be hidden within an older thread about non-certification.
I understand that news about certification causes you emotional pain. But no.

They didn't get their wish.

This isn't about what the old thread is about. That one is about it not being certified.

This is not the same topic. This is that the vote is certified.

They can try to bury this but it won't reverse the reality that the vote was certified in Michigan and their schemes to overturn an honest election with the people loudly saying they want Joe Biden.

trump lost.
After they agreed to audit the votes. :cool:

the board is requesting that Jocelyn Benson, the state's top elections official, investigate any discrepancies in vote totals.”
In georgia, you guys were very excited when they announced the votes would be audited. Now you are all depressed about reading news that the recount is not going to change anything at all.
Are you setting yourself up for depression in Michigan the same way?

Yes they are.

The republicans aren't going to succeed in their schemes to steal the election from Biden.

Biden won. In a fair election.

All the garbage that they are spewing is just that. GARBAGE.
The only one stealing the election is Biden and the Dems. If it wasn’t for a few corrupt Dem precincts that allowed ballot stuffing in the middle of the night, President Trump and the Republicans won handily all across the nation. And of course the Dominion “glitches” that flipped thousands of votes to Biden all over the place. Thousands of more ballots “lost” in several areas too. It’s not “bullshit”, or a “conspiracy theory”, it happened.
now it turns out that those opposing the certification were "dox'd" and suddenly changed their minds.

They’re public officials. They can’t be doxxed. One of them openly bragged about it.

Don’t let your alligator mouth overload your canary ass.
Absentee ballots did not reconcile. Republicans refused to certify.

And the plot thickens...

Big win for Trump, a big loss for our Democracy. Anyone excited about this, is a traitor to our country.

Thank goodness the majority of Republicans will not stand for what Trump cult members will do. The Republican leader of the Michigan Senate said the Wayne County move will not stand and the state will certify Biden as winner of the state.
It is not Republican against Democrats. It is the US Democracy vs Trumpism.

Foolish fellow, the media is lying to you—in telling you republicans "will not stand" for this or that or whatever, related to the actions of our President. You have no clue what's really going on. None.
Read it and wheep!

For some reason I am not weeping. Can you explain, for the benefit of other democrats here on USMB, why I am not weeping? Think about it. Carefully. You'll figure it out.
Benefit of a new President- THEY WOULD BE DEALING WITH THE WORST PANDEMIC IN A CENTURY AND NOT SITTING IN THEIR ROOM POUTING IF CURRENT PRESIDENT. Wasting time chasing frivolous law suits that are going no where while the Pandemic rages is treason.
A President who thinks about himself above the nation. Trump minions think about Trump above the nation.

That wasn't long!

The county took another canvassing board vote and Wayne county voted 4 to 0 to certify the results!
The two Republican board members rescinded their votes to certify the votes and filed affidavits that their families were threatened.

Just The News reported:
In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County’s election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan’s largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved.
Bullied and Threatened
The statements by Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chairwoman Monica Palmer and fellow GOP member William C. Hartmann rescinding their votes from a day earlier threw into question anew whether Michigan’s presidential vote currently favoring Democrat Joe Biden will be certified. They also signaled a possible legal confrontation ahead.

“I voted not to certify, and I still believe this vote should not be certified,” Hartmann said in his affidavits. “Until these questions are addressed, I remain opposed to certification of the Wayne County results.”

Added Palmer in her affidavit: “I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections.”

According to Shannon Bream of Fox News, in a tweet, she said that now the MI attorney has buckled to pressure and WILL certify the results, they will simply do an audit.

You are losing your democracy it appears.

No they're not. They're preserving it. It's Trump and the Republicans who are putting it in danger with their lies, and their attempts to overturn the will of the people - again.

I watched the Election on Game Night. Please save your conspiracy theories for a more average Canadian.

These aren't "conspiracy theories". They are the actions of the Republican Party as confirmed by the rest of the world. A recent study out of Europe confirmed that the Republican Party in the USA has abandoned democratic principles and is now heavily tilted in favour of authoritarianism.
So you are jealous they are better at this game then Dems are? *L* YOU HAVE NO IDEA everytime you complain, it's always about a reflection of your party.
In fact now CNN is resorting to parotting and plagiarizing my commentary about them and deflecting it back at the right. Don Lemmon used someones commentary that took my comments. And deflected it.
It was my comment about the brilliant way progressive Liberal voters voted the one candidate that is the very thing they think Trump is & despise of. He deflected that to say Republicans are becoming the things they despise (which makes no sense and is actually the opposite).
Proof: Dems claimed they were the tolerant ones, that is not even close to being true, they have become the most disturbingly intollerant ones.
Dems claimed they were the unifiers yet our division is on them not being country first and resisting and using the rules for radicals playbook.
Dems claim to be inclusive, not true.
Claim to be anti racist yet are most racist by using minorities as voting bases, tactics, and thinking they are too dumb to notice the propaganda abuses and lies and information control used to pander and brainwash.
I can go on and on with the many ways Dems are deluding themselves and their anger is based on being that which they hate, but to proud to admit they hate their "own reflection" (thus lash out-human ego 101)

That wasn't long!

The county took another canvassing board vote and Wayne county voted 4 to 0 to certify the results!
The two Republican board members rescinded their votes to certify the votes and filed affidavits that their families were threatened.

Just The News reported:
In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County’s election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan’s largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved.
Bullied and Threatened
The statements by Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chairwoman Monica Palmer and fellow GOP member William C. Hartmann rescinding their votes from a day earlier threw into question anew whether Michigan’s presidential vote currently favoring Democrat Joe Biden will be certified. They also signaled a possible legal confrontation ahead.

“I voted not to certify, and I still believe this vote should not be certified,” Hartmann said in his affidavits. “Until these questions are addressed, I remain opposed to certification of the Wayne County results.”

Added Palmer in her affidavit: “I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections.”

View attachment 418264
TURNS OUT the sock puppet propagandists on these forums left out most important details on their forced switch to certify.
Turns out the whole story was they eventually were gonna agree "only if an audit was done."
Now why would leftist propagandist miss out the details of the request for audit?
Answer: because Michigan refused the audit request after first agreeing to, and that right there is an admission something is wrong they don't want an audit to expose. If nothing was fraudelant they have nothing to lose having an audit-and if you have to fake news cover up not wanting an audit that's proof on top of proof something is not kosher. Which is why the agreement to certified was cancelled.
Maybe Dem officials in Michigan and it's propaganda media thought by leaving out the audit part, they could make the 2 Rep certifiers look bad instead of the fishy process.
And they just did.

And........... they did not.........

GOP members in Michigan's Wayne County rescind votes to certify, cite Dem bullying, threats
Wayne County GOP members rescind votes to certify election, claim Dems 'bullied' them

My only question is when is the right going to ever stop being so weak and stand up to these bullies?

That wasn't long!

The county took another canvassing board vote and Wayne county voted 4 to 0 to certify the results!
The two Republican board members rescinded their votes to certify the votes and filed affidavits that their families were threatened.

Just The News reported:
In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County’s election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan’s largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved.
Bullied and Threatened
The statements by Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chairwoman Monica Palmer and fellow GOP member William C. Hartmann rescinding their votes from a day earlier threw into question anew whether Michigan’s presidential vote currently favoring Democrat Joe Biden will be certified. They also signaled a possible legal confrontation ahead.

“I voted not to certify, and I still believe this vote should not be certified,” Hartmann said in his affidavits. “Until these questions are addressed, I remain opposed to certification of the Wayne County results.”

Added Palmer in her affidavit: “I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections.”

View attachment 418264
TURNS OUT the sock puppet propagandists on these forums left out most important details on their forced switch to certify.
Turns out the whole story was they eventually were gonna agree "only if an audit was done."
Now why would leftist propagandist miss out the details of the request for audit?
Answer: because Michigan refused the audit request after first agreeing to, and that right there is an admission something is wrong they don't want an audit to expose. If nothing was fraudelant they have nothing to lose having an audit-and if you have to fake news cover up not wanting an audit that's proof on top of proof something is not kosher. Which is why the agreement to certified was cancelled.
Maybe Dem officials in Michigan and it's propaganda media thought by leaving out the audit part, they could make the 2 Rep certifiers look bad instead of the fishy process.
What these two Republicans did was UNPRECEDENTED.... denying the people of Detroit their vote, because of small clerical errors that ALWAYS occur in elections.

In 2016, 80% of all counties had clerical discrepancies, and it did NOT STOP the vote of the people from being certified! Trump still won in 2016 and was certified....

It was simply a Trump campaign plot, a republican plot with these two sell outs to democracy.
All of the counties in the state have these same clerical discrepancies, AND STILL CERTIFIED the votes of the people, in their counties.

These Republicans were approached, AHEAD OF TIME, to not certify Detroit's vote, on minor clerical errors.... buying time, for TRUMPs next PLOT TO STEAL the election from us, and Biden..... by claiming there is so much distrust in the results, the State legislatures should pick the electors, then when that fails he'll claim that the congress should throw out the electors, and pick the President themselves....

all the while preventing Biden and all of us, from celebrating our hard earned win! And preventing Biden from the transfer of power period, needed to begin the next presidency, to have t heir feet on ground....a smooth transition of power, as we have always had, until this jerkoff showed up.

That wasn't long!

The county took another canvassing board vote and Wayne county voted 4 to 0 to certify the results!
The two Republican board members rescinded their votes to certify the votes and filed affidavits that their families were threatened.

Just The News reported:
In an extraordinary turnabout that foreshadows possible legal action, the two GOP members of Wayne County’s election board signed affidavits Wednesday night alleging they were bullied and misled into approving election results in Michigan’s largest metropolis and do not believe the votes should be certified until serious irregularities in Detroit votes are resolved.
Bullied and Threatened
The statements by Wayne County Board of Canvassers Chairwoman Monica Palmer and fellow GOP member William C. Hartmann rescinding their votes from a day earlier threw into question anew whether Michigan’s presidential vote currently favoring Democrat Joe Biden will be certified. They also signaled a possible legal confrontation ahead.

“I voted not to certify, and I still believe this vote should not be certified,” Hartmann said in his affidavits. “Until these questions are addressed, I remain opposed to certification of the Wayne County results.”

Added Palmer in her affidavit: “I rescind my prior vote to certify Wayne County elections.”

View attachment 418264
TURNS OUT the sock puppet propagandists on these forums left out most important details on their forced switch to certify.
Turns out the whole story was they eventually were gonna agree "only if an audit was done."
Now why would leftist propagandist miss out the details of the request for audit?
Answer: because Michigan refused the audit request after first agreeing to, and that right there is an admission something is wrong they don't want an audit to expose. If nothing was fraudelant they have nothing to lose having an audit-and if you have to fake news cover up not wanting an audit that's proof on top of proof something is not kosher. Which is why the agreement to certified was cancelled.
Maybe Dem officials in Michigan and it's propaganda media thought by leaving out the audit part, they could make the 2 Rep certifiers look bad instead of the fishy process.
What these two Republicans did was UNPRECEDENTED.... denying the people of Detroit their vote, because of small clerical errors that ALWAYS occur in elections.

In 2016, 80% of all counties had clerical discrepancies, and it did NOT STOP the vote of the people from being certified! Trump still won in 2016 and was certified....

It was simply a Trump campaign plot, a republican plot with these two sell outs to democracy.
DON'T INSULT PEOPLE by claiming fraud as clerical errors and programs owned and directed by Dem politicians like head strategist and their former staff as "Glitches"-that magically and mysteriously always go Dems way from years back not just this election. That's like saying the bartender who targets drunk or non regular non paying attention customers purposely short changes you off a twenty then claims Oh I thought you gave me a ten, just committed a math error.

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