Breeding Hatred For America By Americans


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Everyone must be thinking these days, what's wrong with this country.

I can put a finger on the problem immediately. Our media. I'm not talking just about the news, but TV programs, commercials, comedy shows, movies, kids shows, everything is skillfully being geared toward thinking the worst of the country we live in.

The root of the problem is a prevailing belief that America is a bad country. Having lived in several others I can say this isn't true. I've lived in better and much worse. Much, much worse. But you wouldn't know that if you had never left the confines of our shores.

Everything we feel about America is a byproduct of our media sources. They have a huge impact on our national mood. I seriously doubt there is anyone right now that is happy with the direction this country is going. Watching the Republican primary we see candidates making up lies about each other and tearing each other down. We see a president that we can't trust, that supports anarchy in the streets, and seems to think the constitution is just something to be ignored.

Just as an example, look at the nominations for Oscars this year. How many uplifting pictures got any recognition? Well, one that is purported to be so only pulled in $20 million. "The Artist". Another "Moneyball" tells the story of how a penny-pinching owner forced a general manager to come up with a new way of picking winners without paying them for it. The favorite this year appears to be "The Help". A story about racism that is long past, but for some reason Hollywood feels we need constant reminders of.

Every once in awhile I see something that is uplifting. Something positive. But it's being drowned out by all of the negativity that constantly surrounds us. The only folks that seem to be enjoying this are folks that aren't really good people.

I don't expect much of a discussion about this because unless the media is talking about it nobody else will.
Ohhhh come on.... give me a f-ing break.

Have some more faith in your own god damn countrymen. Look around you. Get on the streets and look around you. Even though people are facing hardships, they still love living in this country, they still like this country.

The only people who believe such hyperbolic crap have to be the conservatives who can't go one damn day thinking about Anti-American Americans in people which is such a ridiculous concept when applied to nearly any American.

Most who criticize America do so because they love this country, and want to see it be better.
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It's what happens when you have a political party that's 90% of one race and one religion all have a similar view on education and science. It's not a secret and it's not something that can be denied. That lack of diversity breeds hatred.
Everyone must be thinking these days, what's wrong with this country.

I can put a finger on the problem immediately. Our media. I'm not talking just about the news, but TV programs, commercials, comedy shows, movies, kids shows, everything is skillfully being geared toward thinking the worst of the country we live in.

The root of the problem is a prevailing belief that America is a bad country. Having lived in several others I can say this isn't true. I've lived in better and much worse. Much, much worse. But you wouldn't know that if you had never left the confines of our shores.

Everything we feel about America is a byproduct of our media sources. They have a huge impact on our national mood. I seriously doubt there is anyone right now that is happy with the direction this country is going. Watching the Republican primary we see candidates making up lies about each other and tearing each other down. We see a president that we can't trust, that supports anarchy in the streets, and seems to think the constitution is just something to be ignored.

Just as an example, look at the nominations for Oscars this year. How many uplifting pictures got any recognition? Well, one that is purported to be so only pulled in $20 million. "The Artist". Another "Moneyball" tells the story of how a penny-pinching owner forced a general manager to come up with a new way of picking winners without paying them for it. The favorite this year appears to be "The Help". A story about racism that is long past, but for some reason Hollywood feels we need constant reminders of.

Every once in awhile I see something that is uplifting. Something positive. But it's being drowned out by all of the negativity that constantly surrounds us. The only folks that seem to be enjoying this are folks that aren't really good people.

I don't expect much of a discussion about this because unless the media is talking about it nobody else will.

Care to tell us which one(s)?
Half the nation hates this country for what it is. The other half despises what it is becoming.

There is no such thing as national unity. Even those who can still dig up something in this country to like, don't feel any national kinship to others.
The MSM sells outrage because outrage sells.

If you doubt that just look at the threads that have the highest counts.

They are often content free, but filled with bickering and outrage.

Try to post factually-based discussion about things that are real and those threads typically go nowhere.

The media panders to imbeciles as does this board.

And by doing so they increase the number of citizens whose grasp of the issues is virtually non existent.

The MSM doesn't have to lie...they just have to report the LIES that the partisans spew constantly and never question the veracity of what these cretin are saying.

That incidently is not what REAL journalism is all about.
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We have a major political party, the Democrats who are economically to the Left of Communists and hate our Constitutional framework and the fact that people can become wealthy and free from government dependency.

They are fed a daily 2 minute hate and they follow without question. Today it's the "1%" tomorrow its anyone who is religious
We have a major political party, the Democrats who are economically to the Left of Communists and hate our Constitutional framework and the fact that people can become wealthy and free from government dependency.

Duh. We have a winner. Someone asked for an example of the ignorant rantings of a right wing wack job and how those ranting could influence the opinion of those with an opposing point of view.

Well there you go. I am no Democrat, however I could see where a Dem could take offense about being labeled in such an ignorant way.

That attitude is not conducive to real communication. Or problem solving.
Ohhhh come on.... give me a f-ing break.

Have some more faith in your own god damn countrymen. Look around you. Get on the streets and look around you. Even though people are facing hardships, they still love living in this country, they still like this country.

The only people who believe such hyperbolic crap have to be the conservatives who can't go one damn day thinking about Anti-American Americans in people which is such a ridiculous concept when applied to nearly any American.

Most who criticize America do so because they love this country, and want to see it be better.

I bet you think the occupoopers aka occupiers like this country too.

I mean why else would they burn the American flag, desecrate public buildings etc.....

I believe liberals dislike America and wishes to fundamentally transform it. After all that's what their dear leader Obama said he would do as President.

Tell me what exactly can be done to make this country better?

Personally I think if you get the federal government out of healthcare, education, business and environmental issues it would be a much better nation.
We have a major political party, the Democrats who are economically to the Left of Communists and hate our Constitutional framework and the fact that people can become wealthy and free from government dependency.

Duh. We have a winner. Someone asked for an example of the ignorant rantings of a right wing wack job and how those ranting could influence the opinion of those with an opposing point of view.

Well there you go. I am no Democrat, however I could see where a Dem could take offense about being labeled in such an ignorant way.

That attitude is not conducive to real communication. Or problem solving.

Obama on Sunday pretty much stated that he didn't like the framework of our Constitution, so the quote you say is ignorant, isn't.
It all depends on what the term "better" means. The controversy is what would make the country better. More government dependency, or more freedom?
We have a major political party, the Democrats who are economically to the Left of Communists and hate our Constitutional framework and the fact that people can become wealthy and free from government dependency.

Duh. We have a winner. Someone asked for an example of the ignorant rantings of a right wing wack job and how those ranting could influence the opinion of those with an opposing point of view.

Well there you go. I am no Democrat, however I could see where a Dem could take offense about being labeled in such an ignorant way.

That attitude is not conducive to real communication. Or problem solving.

Yea, its not like you have a liberal Supreme Court Justice trashing our constitution right?
Oh wait. Ginsburg did just that.
Or a democrat president lamenting the fact that he can not force congress to do his bidding.
Oh wait, I forgot that the current pussy in chief did just that.
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We have a major political party, the Democrats who are economically to the Left of Communists and hate our Constitutional framework and the fact that people can become wealthy and free from government dependency.

Duh. We have a winner. Someone asked for an example of the ignorant rantings of a right wing wack job and how those ranting could influence the opinion of those with an opposing point of view.

Well there you go. I am no Democrat, however I could see where a Dem could take offense about being labeled in such an ignorant way.

That attitude is not conducive to real communication. Or problem solving.

Oh Dear, I may have offended a Democrat and potentially alienated someone who is "no democrat" yet takes offense when I point out that the Communist nations of Vietnam and China have a fuller embrace of free enterprise, free markets and entrepreneurship than American Democrats.

Oh, Dear.
It's what happens when you have a political party that's 90% of one race and one religion all have a similar view on education and science. It's not a secret and it's not something that can be denied. That lack of diversity breeds hatred.

There must be a lot of hatred in Japan then huh? Idiot.

So much hatred is being spewed by both "sides" that it's difficult, and irrelevant, to say which is worse.

Either way, it's literally bringing this country down, and both "sides" are too full of themselves to see it.


Cite some examples to back up your assertions.
I see valid points discussed here and I also see examples of why this country doesn't feel good about itself.

When it comes to the media it's the fact negativity sells whereas when it comes to politics negativity can destroy your opponent. If you don't have good ideas the easiest way to run a campaign is go negative. However yesterdays primary results shows that negativity doesn't always work. People are tired of hearing how much the other guy sucks. They just aren't buying it. Lying about your opponent only reflects poorly on you.

It's clear Obama is incapable of leading this country with a positive message. If anyone wonders why Ronald Reagan was such a great president, it wasn't because he had all of the answers, it was because his positive influence gave us hope. I see none of that from our current leaders.
Everyone must be thinking these days, what's wrong with this country.

I can put a finger on the problem immediately. Our media. I'm not talking just about the news, but TV programs, commercials, comedy shows, movies, kids shows, everything is skillfully being geared toward thinking the worst of the country we live in.

The root of the problem is a prevailing belief that America is a bad country. Having lived in several others I can say this isn't true. I've lived in better and much worse. Much, much worse. But you wouldn't know that if you had never left the confines of our shores.

Everything we feel about America is a byproduct of our media sources. They have a huge impact on our national mood. I seriously doubt there is anyone right now that is happy with the direction this country is going. Watching the Republican primary we see candidates making up lies about each other and tearing each other down. We see a president that we can't trust, that supports anarchy in the streets, and seems to think the constitution is just something to be ignored.

Just as an example, look at the nominations for Oscars this year. How many uplifting pictures got any recognition? Well, one that is purported to be so only pulled in $20 million. "The Artist". Another "Moneyball" tells the story of how a penny-pinching owner forced a general manager to come up with a new way of picking winners without paying them for it. The favorite this year appears to be "The Help". A story about racism that is long past, but for some reason Hollywood feels we need constant reminders of.

Every once in awhile I see something that is uplifting. Something positive. But it's being drowned out by all of the negativity that constantly surrounds us. The only folks that seem to be enjoying this are folks that aren't really good people.

I don't expect much of a discussion about this because unless the media is talking about it nobody else will.

As usual you are full of shit. Who is the first people to denigrate their fellow Americans? People like you. You assholes daily post you bile concerning Liberals, poor people, people whose complexion is differant than yours, or who think a bit differantly than you do.

You people immediatly screamed, puked, and mewled about the ad that Chrysler ran with Clint Eastwood, which was a positive message. In fact, everytime an American says, "Yes, we can", you people immediatly say, "No, we can't, and you are a dirty Commie for suggesting that Americans have the ability to work together to achieve anything".
Everyone must be thinking these days, what's wrong with this country.

I can put a finger on the problem immediately. Our media. I'm not talking just about the news, but TV programs, commercials, comedy shows, movies, kids shows, everything is skillfully being geared toward thinking the worst of the country we live in.

The root of the problem is a prevailing belief that America is a bad country. Having lived in several others I can say this isn't true. I've lived in better and much worse. Much, much worse. But you wouldn't know that if you had never left the confines of our shores.

Everything we feel about America is a byproduct of our media sources. They have a huge impact on our national mood. I seriously doubt there is anyone right now that is happy with the direction this country is going. Watching the Republican primary we see candidates making up lies about each other and tearing each other down. We see a president that we can't trust, that supports anarchy in the streets, and seems to think the constitution is just something to be ignored.

Just as an example, look at the nominations for Oscars this year. How many uplifting pictures got any recognition? Well, one that is purported to be so only pulled in $20 million. "The Artist". Another "Moneyball" tells the story of how a penny-pinching owner forced a general manager to come up with a new way of picking winners without paying them for it. The favorite this year appears to be "The Help". A story about racism that is long past, but for some reason Hollywood feels we need constant reminders of.

Every once in awhile I see something that is uplifting. Something positive. But it's being drowned out by all of the negativity that constantly surrounds us. The only folks that seem to be enjoying this are folks that aren't really good people.

I don't expect much of a discussion about this because unless the media is talking about it nobody else will.

Care to tell us which one(s)?

I can think of one example but then I'd have to start another thread to discuss the various reasons why.

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