Brett Kavanaugh caught partying with Matt Gaetz and we can't think of a worse way to celebrate the holidays

So we need to start looking a who the justices associate with?
Democrats want to look at who conservative justices associate with so they can add to their argument that they need to stack the Supreme Court.

First they make up false charges about conservatives to ruin their reputations for the rest of their lives and then if two of their targets socialize they make a BIG deal about it And remind everybody of the false charges.
Beer-loving Brett Kavanaugh partied with Florida’s own Matt Gaetz over the weekend at a boozy holiday soiree held at the home of homophobe Matt Schlapp, chairman of the vehemently anti-LGBTQ Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC).

Other attendees at Friday night’s shindig included longtime Trump ally Stephen Miller (ew), former White House press secretary Sean Spicer (ugh), and openly gay GOP Rep.-elect George Santos of New York (girl, bye!), according to Politico.

OK, first, we can’t think of a worse group of people to hang out with. #holidaypartyfromhell

And second, the fact that Kavanaugh hung out with these losers raises serious questions about potential conflicts of interest. A sitting Supreme Court justice really shouldn’t be attending a private event with a bunch of right-wing extremists.

Even more worrisome is the fact that Miller’s conservative activist group, America First Legal, currently has several briefs filed on cases that are pending before the Supreme Court.

The news also comes as SCOTUS faces renewed scrutiny over ethics concerns following an explosive report by The New York Times about another potential breach of an opinion back in 2014.

All that being said, it doesn’t surprise us that Kavanaugh and Gaetz are buddy buddies. After all, they have a lot in common.

In addition to their shared hatred of LGBTQ people and mutual love for boofing partying, both men have been accused of sexually assaulting and/or raping high school girls. (Both have also denied the allegations, but only one of them cried about it.)

Is anyone really surprised.

This is just par for the course.

Oh noes!!! Kavanaugh hangs with some sane guy!!! Deviants and racists panic and snivel!!!! Break out the Prozac!!!
judges are allowed to go to holiday parties

sorry you weren’t invited…but from the tone of your post it seems like you’d just be jealous that none of the men were interested in dating you
You're right only racist are invited to those parties and boot lickers like you work the room.
Beer-loving Brett Kavanaugh partied with Florida’s own Matt Gaetz over the weekend at a boozy holiday soiree held at the home of homophobe Matt Schlapp, chairman of the vehemently anti-LGBTQ Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC).

Other attendees at Friday night’s shindig included longtime Trump ally Stephen Miller (ew), former White House press secretary Sean Spicer (ugh), and openly gay GOP Rep.-elect George Santos of New York (girl, bye!), according to Politico.

OK, first, we can’t think of a worse group of people to hang out with. #holidaypartyfromhell

And second, the fact that Kavanaugh hung out with these losers raises serious questions about potential conflicts of interest. A sitting Supreme Court justice really shouldn’t be attending a private event with a bunch of right-wing extremists.

Even more worrisome is the fact that Miller’s conservative activist group, America First Legal, currently has several briefs filed on cases that are pending before the Supreme Court.

The news also comes as SCOTUS faces renewed scrutiny over ethics concerns following an explosive report by The New York Times about another potential breach of an opinion back in 2014.

All that being said, it doesn’t surprise us that Kavanaugh and Gaetz are buddy buddies. After all, they have a lot in common.

In addition to their shared hatred of LGBTQ people and mutual love for boofing partying, both men have been accused of sexually assaulting and/or raping high school girls. (Both have also denied the allegations, but only one of them cried about it.)

Is anyone really surprised.

This is just par for the course.
I see nothing wrong with Kavanaugh celebrating the holiday season.
You know you are boot licking scum, wanting a man to get away with child molestation.
This guy?

Democrats want to look at who conservative justices associate with so they can add to their argument that they need to stack the Supreme Court.
A fine strategy. Highlighting the corruption of the Trump judges and Thomas is a necessity.

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