Brett Kimberlin Strikes again Another Swatting Attack Against Conservatives


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
I told you recently about Swating. See this thread for more info:

This is the lastest tactic of convicted liberal terrorist, Brett Kimberlin, who is being supported by liberals like Babs Streisband and the Tides Foundation.

Along with his Posse who send threats to conservatives via Twitter, they tell Conservatives to shut up and stop digging up the truth about corrupt liberals like Rep Weiner, or they and their families will "suffer the consequences.

Well it's happened again. Another Conservative blogger has had his life and his family threatened in another Swating attack:

CNN Contributor Erickson and Family Targeted in Latest 'SWATing' Attack

Erik Erickson, editor-in-chief of and a CNN political contributor, reports that he is the latest conservative to be "SWAT"ed.
Local police received a call from an individual claiming to be Erickson, stating that an accidental shooting had occurred at his home. Says Erickson, "Tonight, my family was sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner when sheriffs deputies pulled up in the driveway."

In a statement to Breitbart News, Erickson further explained:

I can say that the Sheriff's Deputy told me someone had called from my number, giving my home address, claiming an accidental shooting.

Whether or not they actually gave the number, I don't know. My actual guess is that, given how we have our number set up, someone called 911 from a blocked number and gave our home address.

This tactic has previously been used on conservative blogger Patrick Frey aka Patterico, a California Deputy District Attorney, and Mike Stack, a New Jersey private citizen, both of whom were targeted by the left following the sex scandal which forced Anthony Weiner to resign from Congress.

Patterico's SWATer told 911 dispatchers that he (posing as the blogger) had shot his own wife, and police greeted him with drawn weapons, handcuffing him and waking his wife to frisk her as a police helicopter flew over their home.

More here: CNN Contributor Erickson and Family Targeted in Latest 'SWATing' Attack

This isn't a prank this is serious. Patterico was almost killed by Police because they almost mistook the Cell phone in his hand for a gun. Thank Goodness they realized their mistake in time.

See my other thread above for scads of info about the Swating of others and the threats made via Twitter to those who continue to look into the corruption of liberals.

This is liberalism on display. They are serious about shutting up conservatives any way they can, including trying to get them killed by police.

Read and become informed about these people. This isn't a prank. This is deadly serious AND DANGEROUS.
For someone so popular, I'm surprised I never heard of him before.
I told you recently about Swating. See this thread for more info:

This is the lastest tactic of convicted liberal terrorist, Brett Kimberlin, who is being supported by liberals like Babs Streisband and the Tides Foundation.

Along with his Posse who send threats to conservatives via Twitter, they tell Conservatives to shut up and stop digging up the truth about corrupt liberals like Rep Weiner, or they and their families will "suffer the consequences.

Well it's happened again. Another Conservative blogger has had his life and his family threatened in another Swating attack:

CNN Contributor Erickson and Family Targeted in Latest 'SWATing' Attack

Erik Erickson, editor-in-chief of and a CNN political contributor, reports that he is the latest conservative to be "SWAT"ed.
Local police received a call from an individual claiming to be Erickson, stating that an accidental shooting had occurred at his home. Says Erickson, "Tonight, my family was sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner when sheriffs deputies pulled up in the driveway."

In a statement to Breitbart News, Erickson further explained:

I can say that the Sheriff's Deputy told me someone had called from my number, giving my home address, claiming an accidental shooting.

Whether or not they actually gave the number, I don't know. My actual guess is that, given how we have our number set up, someone called 911 from a blocked number and gave our home address.

This tactic has previously been used on conservative blogger Patrick Frey aka Patterico, a California Deputy District Attorney, and Mike Stack, a New Jersey private citizen, both of whom were targeted by the left following the sex scandal which forced Anthony Weiner to resign from Congress.

Patterico's SWATer told 911 dispatchers that he (posing as the blogger) had shot his own wife, and police greeted him with drawn weapons, handcuffing him and waking his wife to frisk her as a police helicopter flew over their home.

More here: CNN Contributor Erickson and Family Targeted in Latest 'SWATing' Attack

This isn't a prank this is serious. Patterico was almost killed by Police because they almost mistook the Cell phone in his hand for a gun. Thank Goodness they realized their mistake in time.

See my other thread above for scads of info about the Swating of others and the threats made via Twitter to those who continue to look into the corruption of liberals.

This is liberalism on display. They are serious about shutting up conservatives any way they can, including trying to get them killed by police.

Read and become informed about these people. This isn't a prank. This is deadly serious AND DANGEROUS.

Bonafide terrorist dressed up by Soros and Streisand as an "activist".
For someone so popular, I'm surprised I never heard of him before.

Many liberals didn't know Obama's statements about socialsim or passages from his book describing toking up or using cocaine.

That doesn't mean it isn't true. It just means the liberal media keeps quiet about it.

I told you recently about Swating. See this thread for more info:

This is the lastest tactic of convicted liberal terrorist, Brett Kimberlin, who is being supported by liberals like Babs Streisband and the Tides Foundation.

Along with his Posse who send threats to conservatives via Twitter, they tell Conservatives to shut up and stop digging up the truth about corrupt liberals like Rep Weiner, or they and their families will "suffer the consequences.

Well it's happened again. Another Conservative blogger has had his life and his family threatened in another Swating attack:

CNN Contributor Erickson and Family Targeted in Latest 'SWATing' Attack

Erik Erickson, editor-in-chief of and a CNN political contributor, reports that he is the latest conservative to be "SWAT"ed.
Local police received a call from an individual claiming to be Erickson, stating that an accidental shooting had occurred at his home. Says Erickson, "Tonight, my family was sitting around the kitchen table eating dinner when sheriffs deputies pulled up in the driveway."

In a statement to Breitbart News, Erickson further explained:

I can say that the Sheriff's Deputy told me someone had called from my number, giving my home address, claiming an accidental shooting.

Whether or not they actually gave the number, I don't know. My actual guess is that, given how we have our number set up, someone called 911 from a blocked number and gave our home address.

This tactic has previously been used on conservative blogger Patrick Frey aka Patterico, a California Deputy District Attorney, and Mike Stack, a New Jersey private citizen, both of whom were targeted by the left following the sex scandal which forced Anthony Weiner to resign from Congress.

Patterico's SWATer told 911 dispatchers that he (posing as the blogger) had shot his own wife, and police greeted him with drawn weapons, handcuffing him and waking his wife to frisk her as a police helicopter flew over their home.

More here: CNN Contributor Erickson and Family Targeted in Latest 'SWATing' Attack

This isn't a prank this is serious. Patterico was almost killed by Police because they almost mistook the Cell phone in his hand for a gun. Thank Goodness they realized their mistake in time.

See my other thread above for scads of info about the Swating of others and the threats made via Twitter to those who continue to look into the corruption of liberals.

This is liberalism on display. They are serious about shutting up conservatives any way they can, including trying to get them killed by police.

Read and become informed about these people. This isn't a prank. This is deadly serious AND DANGEROUS.

Bonafide terrorist dressed up by Soros and Streisand as an "activist".

Malkin has a lot about how Soros and others are funding this guy and his possee behinds the scenes.

Michelle Malkin » Who’s funding Brett Kimberlin?
I told you recently about Swating. See this thread for more info:

This is the lastest tactic of convicted liberal terrorist, Brett Kimberlin, who is being supported by liberals like Babs Streisband and the Tides Foundation.

Along with his Posse who send threats to conservatives via Twitter, they tell Conservatives to shut up and stop digging up the truth about corrupt liberals like Rep Weiner, or they and their families will "suffer the consequences.

Well it's happened again. Another Conservative blogger has had his life and his family threatened in another Swating attack:

More here: CNN Contributor Erickson and Family Targeted in Latest 'SWATing' Attack

This isn't a prank this is serious. Patterico was almost killed by Police because they almost mistook the Cell phone in his hand for a gun. Thank Goodness they realized their mistake in time.

See my other thread above for scads of info about the Swating of others and the threats made via Twitter to those who continue to look into the corruption of liberals.

This is liberalism on display. They are serious about shutting up conservatives any way they can, including trying to get them killed by police.

Read and become informed about these people. This isn't a prank. This is deadly serious AND DANGEROUS.

Bonafide terrorist dressed up by Soros and Streisand as an "activist".

Malkin has a lot about how Soros and others are funding this guy and his possee behinds the scenes.

Michelle Malkin » Who’s funding Brett Kimberlin?

Ooh, thanks for that link on the funding. I'd discovered the initial information about the Speedway bomber at the Blaze.

Great Dem representative. Another domestic terrorist. I want to make him the poster child for liberals.

I've just been reading articles that Wiki has scrubbed his entry.
Bonafide terrorist dressed up by Soros and Streisand as an "activist".

Malkin has a lot about how Soros and others are funding this guy and his possee behinds the scenes.

Michelle Malkin » Who’s funding Brett Kimberlin?

Ooh, thanks for that link on the funding. I'd discovered the initial information about the Speedway bomber at the Blaze.

Great Dem representative. Another domestic terrorist. I want to make him the poster child for liberals.

I've just been reading articles that Wiki has scrubbed his entry.

Seems to be a pattern doesn't it? Bill Ayers, Brett Kimberlain. They blow up things and kill or try to kill people.

After that they become darlings to the left.

And then the liberals way we are the ones who have the potential for violence.

What a joke!
Malkin has a lot about how Soros and others are funding this guy and his possee behinds the scenes.

Michelle Malkin » Who’s funding Brett Kimberlin?

Ooh, thanks for that link on the funding. I'd discovered the initial information about the Speedway bomber at the Blaze.

Great Dem representative. Another domestic terrorist. I want to make him the poster child for liberals.

I've just been reading articles that Wiki has scrubbed his entry.

Seems to be a pattern doesn't it? Bill Ayers, Brett Kimberlain. They blow up things and kill or try to kill people.

After that they become darlings to the left.

And then the liberals way we are the ones who have the potential for violence.

What a joke!

Yeah, no one is taking this laying down on our side though. Have you seen this link?

Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin Poked a Bees Nest – Updated and Bumped | The Lonely Conservative
For someone so popular, I'm surprised I never heard of him before.
Your ignorance reflects solely on you, not on reality. Of course, leftists subscribe to magical thinking. You really do believe that if you want something to be true, it is; and that if you don't believe in something, it doesn't exist.
For someone so popular, I'm surprised I never heard of him before.

New hero for the left.

In the late 1970′s Brett Kimberlin planted bombs all over the town of Speedway Indiana.

One of those bombs was in a gym bag placed outside a school. Carl DeLong, a Vietnam War veteran, picked up the bag thinking he would be able to identify the owner and return it. For his trouble he had his leg blown off, his body filled with shrapnel, and an injured wife.

DeLong was in so much pain he took his own life a few years later. His widow won a wrongful death suit against Kimberlin, who has not paid up.

The police who investigated the bombings believed Kimberlin planted the bombs to deflect attention from another crime – the cold-hearted murder of the grandmother of a girl he may have molested.

They didn’t have enough evidence to charge him for that crime, especially after the victim’s husband died. Eventually, Kimberlin was sentenced to fifty years in prison, but thanks to lax federal parole laws at the time he got out early.

The Indy Star covered the events, and their reporting is available online. (Follow that link for one article, and look to the left of the page for a number of other articles they ran at the time.)

Figures Soros would fund him. And the left will adore him.
Ooh, thanks for that link on the funding. I'd discovered the initial information about the Speedway bomber at the Blaze.

Great Dem representative. Another domestic terrorist. I want to make him the poster child for liberals.

I've just been reading articles that Wiki has scrubbed his entry.

Seems to be a pattern doesn't it? Bill Ayers, Brett Kimberlain. They blow up things and kill or try to kill people.

After that they become darlings to the left.

And then the liberals way we are the ones who have the potential for violence.

What a joke!

Yeah, no one is taking this laying down on our side though. Have you seen this link?

Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin Poked a Bees Nest – Updated and Bumped | The Lonely Conservative

Oh, I know! I've been doing my humble part, though I don't own a blog.

You can too. Heres the hashag for twitter!!/search/realtime/#BRETTKIMBERLIN
For someone so popular, I'm surprised I never heard of him before.

New hero for the left.

In the late 1970′s Brett Kimberlin planted bombs all over the town of Speedway Indiana.

One of those bombs was in a gym bag placed outside a school. Carl DeLong, a Vietnam War veteran, picked up the bag thinking he would be able to identify the owner and return it. For his trouble he had his leg blown off, his body filled with shrapnel, and an injured wife.

DeLong was in so much pain he took his own life a few years later. His widow won a wrongful death suit against Kimberlin, who has not paid up.

The police who investigated the bombings believed Kimberlin planted the bombs to deflect attention from another crime – the cold-hearted murder of the grandmother of a girl he may have molested.

They didn’t have enough evidence to charge him for that crime, especially after the victim’s husband died. Eventually, Kimberlin was sentenced to fifty years in prison, but thanks to lax federal parole laws at the time he got out early.

The Indy Star covered the events, and their reporting is available online. (Follow that link for one article, and look to the left of the page for a number of other articles they ran at the time.)

Figures Soros would fund him. And the left will adore him.

The left loves them some terrorists.

See my first thread about Kimberlin, which also has youtube videos of the Swating and evidence it was Kimberlin and company who did it.

Plus they sent Twitters to one intended victim before it happened:

This guy needs to be exposed!
For someone so popular, I'm surprised I never heard of him before.

New hero for the left.

In the late 1970′s Brett Kimberlin planted bombs all over the town of Speedway Indiana.

One of those bombs was in a gym bag placed outside a school. Carl DeLong, a Vietnam War veteran, picked up the bag thinking he would be able to identify the owner and return it. For his trouble he had his leg blown off, his body filled with shrapnel, and an injured wife.

DeLong was in so much pain he took his own life a few years later. His widow won a wrongful death suit against Kimberlin, who has not paid up.

The police who investigated the bombings believed Kimberlin planted the bombs to deflect attention from another crime – the cold-hearted murder of the grandmother of a girl he may have molested.

They didn’t have enough evidence to charge him for that crime, especially after the victim’s husband died. Eventually, Kimberlin was sentenced to fifty years in prison, but thanks to lax federal parole laws at the time he got out early.

The Indy Star covered the events, and their reporting is available online. (Follow that link for one article, and look to the left of the page for a number of other articles they ran at the time.)

Figures Soros would fund him. And the left will adore him.

The left loves them some terrorists.

Bill Ayers springs instantly to mind.
Wow! Look at this!

Ace of Spades summed up one story, the one where they recounted how Kimberlin put out hits on his enemies.
But remember, this is the guy who is being “harassed” and even viciously “decked” by bloggers.
It’s not this guy himself who’s causing the problems– no, not the guy who had a list of witnesses against him to be killed.
Not the guy who tried to pay off another convict to plant a bomb, of the exact same design as his own bomb, so that he could argue that cops “got the wrong man” for the Speedway Bomber.

No, it’s this guy who is the innocent victim of cruel right-wingers conspiring to besmirch his good reputation with smears.
While in prison Kimberlin boned up on the law, and claimed to have sold drugs (he was also convicted of drug dealing) to Dan Quayle. Those claims caught the attention of the left. Fox News documented his post-parole activities in 2010.
Now, 22 years later, Kimberlin has taken that lesson and made unfounded accusations a profession of sorts. Using two popular leftist blogs, the 56-year-old from Bethesda, Md., has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from the public and left-leaning foundations by promising to put conservatives he disagrees with in jail, often with offers of large rewards. So far — without success — he has called for the arrest of Karl Rove, Andrew Breitbart, Chamber of Commerce head Tom Donohue, Massey Energy Chairman Don Blankenship and other high-profile public figures.

A review of tax filings for Kimberlin’s blogs, “Velvet Revolution” and “Justice Through Music,” raises troubling questions about whether his “nonprofit” operations are dedicated to public activism — or are just a new facade for a longtime con artist.
Though neither website publicly reveals Kimberlin’s role, tax and corporate documents show that he is one of four directors who incorporated the Velvet Revolution, and that he is the registered agent for the tax-exempt, non-stock company, which is registered at his mother’s house in Bethesda. In 2008, the last year for which tax records are available, Velvet Revolution took in $83,000 in gifts and contributions.

Kimberlin is also one of two incorporators of Justice Through Music, as well as a $19,500-a-year employee of the non-profit, whose purpose is to “shed light on some of the injustices of the world through music” and which took in more than $550,000 in contributions in 2008.

What those who view the blogs — and those who donate to them — aren’t told is who Kimberlin is and where he’s been. And that is a twisted story, indeed. (Read More)

Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin Poked a Bees Nest – Updated and Bumped | The Lonely Conservative

Everyone needs to know who this scumbag is, and expose him for the evil coward that he is.
New hero for the left.

In the late 1970′s Brett Kimberlin planted bombs all over the town of Speedway Indiana.

One of those bombs was in a gym bag placed outside a school. Carl DeLong, a Vietnam War veteran, picked up the bag thinking he would be able to identify the owner and return it. For his trouble he had his leg blown off, his body filled with shrapnel, and an injured wife.

DeLong was in so much pain he took his own life a few years later. His widow won a wrongful death suit against Kimberlin, who has not paid up.

The police who investigated the bombings believed Kimberlin planted the bombs to deflect attention from another crime – the cold-hearted murder of the grandmother of a girl he may have molested.

They didn’t have enough evidence to charge him for that crime, especially after the victim’s husband died. Eventually, Kimberlin was sentenced to fifty years in prison, but thanks to lax federal parole laws at the time he got out early.

The Indy Star covered the events, and their reporting is available online. (Follow that link for one article, and look to the left of the page for a number of other articles they ran at the time.)

Figures Soros would fund him. And the left will adore him.

The left loves them some terrorists.

Bill Ayers springs instantly to mind.
Indeed. Not to mention the endless apologia for Muslim terrorism.
Wow! Look at this!

Ace of Spades summed up one story, the one where they recounted how Kimberlin put out hits on his enemies.
But remember, this is the guy who is being “harassed” and even viciously “decked” by bloggers.
It’s not this guy himself who’s causing the problems– no, not the guy who had a list of witnesses against him to be killed.
Not the guy who tried to pay off another convict to plant a bomb, of the exact same design as his own bomb, so that he could argue that cops “got the wrong man” for the Speedway Bomber.

No, it’s this guy who is the innocent victim of cruel right-wingers conspiring to besmirch his good reputation with smears.
While in prison Kimberlin boned up on the law, and claimed to have sold drugs (he was also convicted of drug dealing) to Dan Quayle. Those claims caught the attention of the left. Fox News documented his post-parole activities in 2010.
Now, 22 years later, Kimberlin has taken that lesson and made unfounded accusations a profession of sorts. Using two popular leftist blogs, the 56-year-old from Bethesda, Md., has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from the public and left-leaning foundations by promising to put conservatives he disagrees with in jail, often with offers of large rewards. So far — without success — he has called for the arrest of Karl Rove, Andrew Breitbart, Chamber of Commerce head Tom Donohue, Massey Energy Chairman Don Blankenship and other high-profile public figures.

A review of tax filings for Kimberlin’s blogs, “Velvet Revolution” and “Justice Through Music,” raises troubling questions about whether his “nonprofit” operations are dedicated to public activism — or are just a new facade for a longtime con artist.
Though neither website publicly reveals Kimberlin’s role, tax and corporate documents show that he is one of four directors who incorporated the Velvet Revolution, and that he is the registered agent for the tax-exempt, non-stock company, which is registered at his mother’s house in Bethesda. In 2008, the last year for which tax records are available, Velvet Revolution took in $83,000 in gifts and contributions.

Kimberlin is also one of two incorporators of Justice Through Music, as well as a $19,500-a-year employee of the non-profit, whose purpose is to “shed light on some of the injustices of the world through music” and which took in more than $550,000 in contributions in 2008.

What those who view the blogs — and those who donate to them — aren’t told is who Kimberlin is and where he’s been. And that is a twisted story, indeed. (Read More)

Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin Poked a Bees Nest – Updated and Bumped | The Lonely Conservative

Everyone needs to know who this scumbag is, and expose him for the evil coward that he is.
So, he's a violent, unhinged, lying leftist.

No wonder Soros is bankrolling him.
Wow! Look at this!

Ace of Spades summed up one story, the one where they recounted how Kimberlin put out hits on his enemies.
But remember, this is the guy who is being “harassed” and even viciously “decked” by bloggers.
It’s not this guy himself who’s causing the problems– no, not the guy who had a list of witnesses against him to be killed.
Not the guy who tried to pay off another convict to plant a bomb, of the exact same design as his own bomb, so that he could argue that cops “got the wrong man” for the Speedway Bomber.

No, it’s this guy who is the innocent victim of cruel right-wingers conspiring to besmirch his good reputation with smears.
While in prison Kimberlin boned up on the law, and claimed to have sold drugs (he was also convicted of drug dealing) to Dan Quayle. Those claims caught the attention of the left. Fox News documented his post-parole activities in 2010.
Now, 22 years later, Kimberlin has taken that lesson and made unfounded accusations a profession of sorts. Using two popular leftist blogs, the 56-year-old from Bethesda, Md., has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from the public and left-leaning foundations by promising to put conservatives he disagrees with in jail, often with offers of large rewards. So far — without success — he has called for the arrest of Karl Rove, Andrew Breitbart, Chamber of Commerce head Tom Donohue, Massey Energy Chairman Don Blankenship and other high-profile public figures.

A review of tax filings for Kimberlin’s blogs, “Velvet Revolution” and “Justice Through Music,” raises troubling questions about whether his “nonprofit” operations are dedicated to public activism — or are just a new facade for a longtime con artist.
Though neither website publicly reveals Kimberlin’s role, tax and corporate documents show that he is one of four directors who incorporated the Velvet Revolution, and that he is the registered agent for the tax-exempt, non-stock company, which is registered at his mother’s house in Bethesda. In 2008, the last year for which tax records are available, Velvet Revolution took in $83,000 in gifts and contributions.

Kimberlin is also one of two incorporators of Justice Through Music, as well as a $19,500-a-year employee of the non-profit, whose purpose is to “shed light on some of the injustices of the world through music” and which took in more than $550,000 in contributions in 2008.

What those who view the blogs — and those who donate to them — aren’t told is who Kimberlin is and where he’s been. And that is a twisted story, indeed. (Read More)
Speedway Bomber Brett Kimberlin Poked a Bees Nest – Updated and Bumped | The Lonely Conservative

Everyone needs to know who this scumbag is, and expose him for the evil coward that he is.
So, he's a violent, unhinged, lying leftist.

No wonder Soros is bankrolling him.

And lefties on this forum will stay quiet. They won't denounce this guy, because they WANT people to shut up conservatives.

They don't believe in freedom. They only believe in freedom for themselves. Anyone opposing them deserves "all they can get."

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