Brexit benefit - untreated sewage dumped in sea and rivers

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016

Difficult to find any clean water to bathe in these days. Water was privatised by the tories and the water companies spend their money paying out vast dividends to shareholders than updating a crumbling system.

They run monopolies and are overseen by supine regulators who seem to act as cheerleaders for the robber barons. Bills up, dividends up , leaks up , investment down.

Another failed thatcher policy.

What does this have to do with "Brexit" at all?

Brexit was just a movement in Britain against Germany and France ruling over them. Opposing Brexit and British independence is sort of a kick in the teeth to Wellington and Churchill who risked so much in fighting against Bonaparte and Hitler and their idea of a united Europe.

Difficult to find any clean water to bathe in these days. Water was privatised by the tories and the water companies spend their money paying out vast dividends to shareholders than updating a crumbling system.

They run monopolies and are overseen by supine regulators who seem to act as cheerleaders for the robber barons. Bills up, dividends up , leaks up , investment down.

Another failed thatcher policy.

If this is a combined sewer this happens all the time in heavy rain events. Even in the US some beaches after a heavy rainfall have to be closed for a few days due to combined sewage flow as you can't design plants to treat flows caused by large or even moderate rainfalls economically.

Difficult to find any clean water to bathe in these days. Water was privatised by the tories and the water companies spend their money paying out vast dividends to shareholders than updating a crumbling system.

They run monopolies and are overseen by supine regulators who seem to act as cheerleaders for the robber barons. Bills up, dividends up , leaks up , investment down.

Another failed thatcher policy.

Thatcher died in 2013. What the hell does this have to do with Brexit?
What does this have to do with "Brexit" at all?

Brexit was just a movement in Britain against Germany and France ruling over them. Opposing Brexit and British independence is sort of a kick in the teeth to Wellington and Churchill who risked so much in fighting against Bonaparte and Hitler and their idea of a united Europe.
Iwould love to kick Churchill in the teeth.
Thatcher died in 2013. What the hell does this have to do with Brexit?
water used to be a public utility. Thatcher privatised it (gave it away) and it has been downhill since then.
When we joined the EU in 73 we had dirty beaches and rivers and thee EU cleaned them up. There is no such requirement now and the water companies are free to dump shit whenever it suits them.
Water companies are not run for the public benefit but they do have monopolies and you cant sack your water company.
If this is a combined sewer this happens all the time in heavy rain events. Even in the US some beaches after a heavy rainfall have to be closed for a few days due to combined sewage flow as you can't design plants to treat flows caused by large or even moderate rainfalls economically.
Never happened when we were in the EU.

Difficult to find any clean water to bathe in these days. Water was privatised by the tories and the water companies spend their money paying out vast dividends to shareholders than updating a crumbling system.

They run monopolies and are overseen by supine regulators who seem to act as cheerleaders for the robber barons. Bills up, dividends up , leaks up , investment down.

Another failed thatcher policy.

Tis nothing. The water in the river running through my area looks like that on a good day. After a heavy rain, it is always fun to see how many different things you spot floating along in it like gas cans and lots and lots of gallon jugs. Occasionally a picnic cooler.
Tis nothing. The water in the river running through my area looks like that on a good day. After a heavy rain, it is always fun to see how many different things you spot floating along in it like gas cans and lots and lots of gallon jugs. Occasionally a picnic cooler.
Eugggghh! Water is complex in the US isnt it ? I saw a doc about Flint and couldnt work out where the responsibility lay.
People have had enough over here and want the industry brought into public ownership.
You cant spend more on dividends than maintenance and hope to get away wwith it.
Never happened when we were in the EU.

Difficult to find any clean water to bathe in these days. Water was privatised by the tories and the water companies spend their money paying out vast dividends to shareholders than updating a crumbling system.

They run monopolies and are overseen by supine regulators who seem to act as cheerleaders for the robber barons. Bills up, dividends up , leaks up , investment down.

Another failed thatcher policy.

You people are pigs. Stay on your little racist island please.
Eugggghh! Water is complex in the US isnt it ? I saw a doc about Flint and couldnt work out where the responsibility lay.
People have had enough over here and want the industry brought into public ownership.
You cant spend more on dividends than maintenance and hope to get away wwith it.
Our river is just a mile shy of being as long as the Thames and runs through mostly rural farm land, a few cities and with several low head dams before it hits a lake where the crap gets fished out. A lot of opportunity for surface run off of that fine red clay here in the south, random flotsam and jetsam to wash in, and storm drains to add whatever to the watershed. It simply isn't practical to handle it any other way when you have lashing rains in summer and fast melting snow in winter flooding into it. The US rivershed are massive compared to the UK. Ours is a small one.

All that said, it is improving over generations as more buffers are put in place to at least keep some of the soil erosion from hitting it like it did when I was a kid. The federal government is doing a better job with the stick when rain floods septic tanks and wash into the river untreated. That is part of the pushback against processing storm water. We can't always even keep the residential and commercial wastewater contained, let alone the massive amounts of rain that can come down in very short periods of time.

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