Brexit Boom: Manufacturing Jobs Rise 24 Per Cent, Growth Accelerates

The NWO Globalists always use excessive Fear-Mongering to force folks to go along. It's been doing it for years. I truly hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to dump the NWO, and regain independence and sovereignty.
You won't, this is just about bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy, nothing more.

Probably a bit of that too. But i do hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to boot the NWO Globalists.
The NWO Globalists always use excessive Fear-Mongering to force folks to go along. It's been doing it for years. I truly hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to dump the NWO, and regain independence and sovereignty.
You won't, this is just about bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy, nothing more.

Probably a bit of that too. But i do hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to boot the NWO Globalists.
You would do well to focus on america.
Independence and Sovereignty. That time is coming for Europe. The NWO Globalists are now officially on the run. :thup:
Funny how quickly everybody forgets why the EU was formed in the first place.

Especially the EU bureaucrats.
Nah they remember. Which is why they know they have 100% of the leverage against the UK.
What leverage do they have against the UK? I didn't realize that the reason the European union was created was so it could twist the UK's arm.

Exactly, the EU has no right to 'punish' nations that don't go along with its NWO. That kind of arrogant power-mad mentality is exactly why it's vital for all of Europe to begin fighting the NWO Globalists. Nations have to regain their independence and sovereignty.
The fact the EU is constantly threatening Great Britain with economic sanctions and such, says it all about the NWO Globalists. Hopefully, their time is passing.
The fact the EU is constantly threatening Great Britain with economic sanctions and such, says it all about the NWO Globalists. Hopefully, their time is passing.
Their pretense that they are all about community and love for their fellow man as been exposed as a complete fraud.
The NWO Globalists always use excessive Fear-Mongering to force folks to go along. It's been doing it for years. I truly hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to dump the NWO, and regain independence and sovereignty.
You won't, this is just about bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy, nothing more.

Probably a bit of that too. But i do hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to boot the NWO Globalists.
You would do well to focus on america.

I can walk and chew gum.
The NWO Globalists always use excessive Fear-Mongering to force folks to go along. It's been doing it for years. I truly hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to dump the NWO, and regain independence and sovereignty.
You won't, this is just about bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy, nothing more.

Probably a bit of that too. But i do hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to boot the NWO Globalists.
You would do well to focus on america.

I can walk and chew gum.
You're having no effect here, no one is.
The fact the EU is constantly threatening Great Britain with economic sanctions and such, says it all about the NWO Globalists. Hopefully, their time is passing.
Their pretense that they are all about community and love for their fellow man as been exposed as a complete fraud.

The Globalists' behavior speaks for itself. They're now ruling by intimidation and force. That's an admission they're losing control. It's a sign of weakness. Now's the time to start fighting them. Hopefully, that's gonna happen all across Europe in the coming years.
The NWO Globalists always use excessive Fear-Mongering to force folks to go along. It's been doing it for years. I truly hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to dump the NWO, and regain independence and sovereignty.
You won't, this is just about bickering factions of a ruling aristocracy, nothing more.

Probably a bit of that too. But i do hope the Independence Movement spreads all across Europe. It's time to boot the NWO Globalists.
You would do well to focus on america.

I can walk and chew gum.
You're having no effect here, no one is.

Ha, don't kid yourself. The US still owns Europe.
If you have to rule by intimidation and force, it's the beginning of the end for you. And that's where the NWO Globalists are at currently. They know they can only hang onto power by intimidation and force. It is the beginning of the end for them.
Oh no! The UK can't leave the European Union! It will be the end of the world!

Once again, the globalists turn out to be totally full of shit

CV-Library research indicates that British manufacturing has seen a 24 per cent increase in advertised vacancies over the last 12 months.

“It’s great to see that employers in the manufacturing sector are remaining positive,” said the independent job board’s founder and managing director, Lee Biggins, according to a Manufacturing Management report.

“This is particularly good news for active job hunters and anyone who may be looking for their next role. If you’re starting to get itchy feet and feel like it could be time to make your next career move, there are an abundance of great opportunities in this industry right now.”

CV-Library notes that creation of new positions did not slow as the year progressed, growing by 7.4 per cent quarter on quarter.

“It’s clear from the data that businesses in the manufacturing industry are continuing to invest in their workforce, and are showing no signs of slowing down. If you are looking for a new role, this further confirms that now is the perfect time to do so,” Biggins added.

Manufacturing jobs are almost all gone in the USA, the few that are coming back will be here only on a short term basis. The jobs are in Medical, Trucking, the Trades and Accounting. I applied once to a manufacturing job, over 100+ applicants for a job that paid just 12$/hr. That company recently had a bunch of layoffs too. Why bother trying to bring back a dying job market in America.

Hence why I drive a truck for a living.
Oh no! The UK can't leave the European Union! It will be the end of the world!

Once again, the globalists turn out to be totally full of shit

CV-Library research indicates that British manufacturing has seen a 24 per cent increase in advertised vacancies over the last 12 months.

“It’s great to see that employers in the manufacturing sector are remaining positive,” said the independent job board’s founder and managing director, Lee Biggins, according to a Manufacturing Management report.

“This is particularly good news for active job hunters and anyone who may be looking for their next role. If you’re starting to get itchy feet and feel like it could be time to make your next career move, there are an abundance of great opportunities in this industry right now.”

CV-Library notes that creation of new positions did not slow as the year progressed, growing by 7.4 per cent quarter on quarter.

“It’s clear from the data that businesses in the manufacturing industry are continuing to invest in their workforce, and are showing no signs of slowing down. If you are looking for a new role, this further confirms that now is the perfect time to do so,” Biggins added.

Manufacturing jobs are almost all gone in the USA, the few that are coming back will be here only on a short term basis. The jobs are in Medical, Trucking, the Trades and Accounting. I applied once to a manufacturing job, over 100+ applicants for a job that paid just 12$/hr. That company recently had a bunch of layoffs too. Why bother trying to bring back a dying job market in America.

Hence why I drive a truck for a living.
I agree.
Last year I visited a plant in the northwest that processed potatoes; that is they made potato products such as french fries. In 1970, the plant employed about 400 workers. Today, they employ 55 workers. Most everything is automated. Most of the employees work in shipping and receiving and the front office. When I was there, they were considering merging the plant with another plant which would reduce employment even further. We have to face it, these jobs are never coming back. The jobs of the future are going to be skill jobs in construction, medical, and service industries, and high skilled jobs such registered nurses, software developers, computer analysts, and physicians. Gone forever are jobs where employees wait for the boss to them what to do. In tomorrows jobs employees will be expected to determine what work is needed to solve a problem and then do it.

Globalization and the need to compete worldwide will make all jobs competitive.
The fact the EU is constantly threatening Great Britain with economic sanctions and such, says it all about the NWO Globalists. Hopefully, their time is passing.
Their pretense that they are all about community and love for their fellow man as been exposed as a complete fraud.

The Globalists' behavior speaks for itself. They're now ruling by intimidation and force. That's an admission they're losing control. It's a sign of weakness. Now's the time to start fighting them. Hopefully, that's gonna happen all across Europe in the coming years.
Globalization is not going to be stopped despite the protectionist rhetoric. Today, any entrepreneur anywhere in the world can put his goods online and they can be shipped to any country in the world. And that is going to drive trade. This means more and better products for the price throughout the world and tremendous opportunities for small businesses.

In a global economy, when each country is doing what it does best, everyone benefits. When protectionist are able to protect jobs that can be done better and cheaper elsewhere or preserve products that have out lived their usefulness, no one benefits in the long run.

Recently in the US, the administration has tried to boost the coal industry to protect jobs for political gains. However, this is doomed to failure because the worldwide market for coal is shrinking and has been for 20 years while the market for natural gas and alternative energy is expanding. Bucking the market is never a good option but that is exactly what protections try to do. Protect dying industries to preserve jobs.

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