Breyer resigning, Biden to nominate USSC justice. (Poll)

Will Joe Biden's first pick for USSC justice be approved by the Senate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 53.7%
  • No

    Votes: 19 46.3%

  • Total voters

Please don't sue me for any resulting eye damage it may have caused you.


The only reason the Racist Republican Party is up in arms, having full blown hissy fits over Mr. Biden's promise to appoint an African-American Woman to the Supreme Court.

In the 232-Year history of the United States Supreme Court, there have been 115-Justices who have served and/or are serving on the court.

108 White Men have been Supreme Justices.

No African-American,No Woman has ever served as Chief Justice.

5 Women have served on the Supreme Court. Sandra Day O'Conner, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan and Amy Coney Barrett.

2 African-American Men have served on the Supreme Court. Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas.

Which works out to roughly 94% of Supreme Justices have been White Male.


The Ronnie God promised to appoint a Woman (Sandra Day O'Connor) and Bush41 appointed an African-American Male (Clarence Thomas) to fill the seat of the late Justice Marshall. BUT HOT HOLY FUCKING SHIT BIDEN IS GOING TO APPOINT AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN WOMAN....

Shut the fuck up Cons. You've had the court 232-Years. White and Male is NOT the only color or gender for a qualified justice.
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I'm assuming that Biden will jump at the opportunity to appoint someone based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

Additionally, he's more likely to pick a female judge, again, in the interest of social justice rather than qualification.

In other words, a black female by default, for no other reason than the optics of it.

Would the group tend to agree with me about that?
Do you not think a black female can be found that has the character and experience to serve as SCOTUS?
Wouldn't surprise me to see our 1st tranny justice. But yeah, Biden will nominate a progressive liberal similar to Kagan and Sotomayor.

BTW, I haven't heard or seen a word about Breyer retiring. Link?

Added: never mind, I just saw a link in anther thread.
Ru Paul for USSC!

Now with that out of the way the nominee should be the most qualified and not based on their skin color or sexual organ…
Do you not think a black female can be found that has the character and experience to serve as SCOTUS?
A qualified person be it male or female - black, white, yellow, brown, vanilla, orange, light, dark, tan or even cream color can be found for these job's, but let it be based on their qualifications always, and that is the only way to roll....

It has been done many times before, and it has always balanced itself out, but that's not the point, because using any gender or skin color as a criteria would be a ridiculous thing to even consider, otherwise to be based upon such nonsense when it comes to a job or interview..........

We should never use color or gender as being a prominent factor ever in consideration of a job over qualifications, otherwise it's not right to consider people to get any job being based upon either of the two things above being talked about.....

Color should never be used as being the leading criteria to then somehow consider a person or person's qualifications in a job.... It is simply ridiculous and is unfair.

Yes it was done in the past, but it wasn't right then, and it won't be right now.

Skin color has never told us about a person's educational skills, their character or personality... Otherwise those things are never found within a person's skin color or gender.

What is basically being said however, is that people of color have been discriminated against, and so the position should be highly biased towards a person as based on their skin color and gender, and therefore the person of color deserves to be promoted as a person of color in order to balance out the spreadsheets or rather they should be seen as privileged as based upon their gender or their skin color when seeking a job and/or elected or permanent office appointment, but why ?? It's all because of their skin color or gender in order to make corrections for the past, but today it's being used to race bait by politician's, and that's unexceptable..

This is unfair to anyone that has done everything possible to lift themselves up to a level of qualifications to be based upon their merit's, their mindsets, experiences, their understanding of law, and ultimately their character's regardless of color or gender.

The gender and skin color thing has got to somehow get resolved and finally be over with in this country, because it's gone way to stupid now, and it's constantly preying upon white guilt.
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The Real question to be asked is how Biden
is going to Get his Nomination { whoever } passed
in a 50-50 senate.There has NEVER been a Supreme Court
Nominee passed with a 50-50 tiebreak vote by the
Vice President.The only court that was recognized
in our Constitution was The Supreme Court.
All other courts { District and Appellate } were constructed
later by Congress.
Since our Founders wrote the Constitution with only
One Court in mind { Supreme Court } there is no
Precedent for a Senate tiebreaker vote by the V.P.
to make way for a Supreme Court Jurist.
I’m old enough to remember a certain Senator being vehemently opposed to a black man being nominated to the Supreme Court....

View attachment 593986
It's called Turnabout is Fair Play.
There will be gob smack videos of how Joe Biden
treated and talked down To and About Clarence Thomas.
who will be The Oldest Member of the Supreme Court.
A qualified person be it male or female - black, white, yellow, brown, vanilla, orange, light, dark, tan or even cream color can be found for these job's, but let it be based on their qualifications always, and that is the only way to roll....

It has been done many times before, and it has always balanced itself out, but that's not the point, because using any gender or skin color as a criteria would be a ridiculous thing to even consider, otherwise to be based upon such nonsense when it comes to a job or interview..........

We should never use color or gender as being a prominent factor ever in consideration of a job over qualifications, otherwise it's not right to consider people to get any job being based upon either of the two things above being talked about.....

Color should never be used as being the leading criteria to then somehow consider a person or person's qualifications in a job.... It is simply ridiculous and is unfair.

Yes it was done in the past, but it wasn't right then, and it won't be right now.

Skin color has never told us about a person's educational skills, their character or personality... Otherwise those things are never found within a person's skin color or gender.

What is basically being said however, is that people of color have been discriminated against, and so the position should be highly biased towards a person as based on their skin color and gender, and therefore the person of color deserves to be promoted as a person of color in order to balance out the spreadsheets or rather they should be seen as privileged as based upon their gender or their skin color when seeking a job and/or elected or permanent office appointment, but why ?? It's all because of their skin color or gender in order to make corrections for the past, but today it's being used to race bait by politician's, and that's unexceptable..

This is unfair to anyone that has done everything possible to lift themselves up to a level of qualifications to be based upon their merit's, their mindsets, experiences, their understanding of law, and ultimately their character's regardless of color or gender.

The gender and skin color thing has got to somehow get resolved and finally be over with in this country, because it's gone way to stupid now, and it's constantly preying upon white guilt.
Stay with me for a second and please answer a couple of questions…

Do you think women have a perspective on certain situations that it is just not possible for men to have? Let’s look at understanding the feeling and struggles of pregnancy and child birth. Would it be a fair statement to say women are better qualified than men to understand what pregnant women go through?

would it also be fair to say that black people also have a unique perspective to understand the social climate for minorities better than say a white person?
" If there be a principle that ought not to be
questioned within the United States,it is that
every man has a right to abolish an old government
and establish a new one.This principle is not only
recorded in every public archive,written in every heart
and sealed with the blood of a host of American Martyr,but is the only lawful tenure by which the
United States hold their existence as a nation. "
-- James Madison {
Quoted by Commager,N.Y.Times
July 2,1961 }
Stay with me for a second and please answer a couple of questions…

Do you think women have a perspective on certain situations that it is just not possible for men to have? Let’s look at understanding the feeling and struggles of pregnancy and child birth. Would it be a fair statement to say women are better qualified than men to understand what pregnant women go through?

would it also be fair to say that black people also have a unique perspective to understand the social climate for minorities better than say a white person?
Silly drivel.Blacks can't even recognize the simple
ramifications of Killing their own.Blacks are murdering
their own in record numbers.Blacks have led in Homicides
by around 50+% the last decade in the U.S.
The FBI releases their Crime reports every couple years
or so.
Stay with me for a second and please answer a couple of questions…

Do you think women have a perspective on certain situations that it is just not possible for men to have? Let’s look at understanding the feeling and struggles of pregnancy and child birth. Would it be a fair statement to say women are better qualified than men to understand what pregnant women go through?

would it also be fair to say that black people also have a unique perspective to understand the social climate for minorities better than say a white person?
Ok, so I'll try and see where you are heading with this...

1. Yes when it comes to childbirth, but of course a woman has a better understanding of that, and yes she can relay that in a way that helps a male hopefully understand her suffering during that event. And what does this have to do with law and justice specifically ????

2. Black people depending on their social climate, just as well as any color depending on their social climate, can otherwise definitely relay their thoughts and experiences better than someone living outside of their social climate in which they live in. Has nothing to do with color or gender.
Silly drivel.Blacks can't even recognize the simple
ramifications of Killing their own.Blacks are murdering
their own in record numbers.Blacks have led in Homicides
by around 50+% the last decade in the U.S.
The FBI releases their Crime reports every couple years
or so.
You didn’t address my questions. Care to try again?

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