Breyer resigning, Biden to nominate USSC justice. (Poll)

Will Joe Biden's first pick for USSC justice be approved by the Senate?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 53.7%
  • No

    Votes: 19 46.3%

  • Total voters
Now you’re diving into personal views and making assumption about what my “angle” is. I haven’t mentioned anything of the sort. This conversation was about race and sex and whether those are legit factors to use for criteria to select a Supreme Court Justice. I made a couple arguments explaining the unique perspective they can bring that others can not. Regarding politics and issue positions that’s a whole of discussion. Let’s finish talking what we were talking about and then if you want to talk about my personal views and agenda we can go there.

so back to our conversation. Do you understand how diversity can round out an entity like scotus and why sex and race can be relevant factors to consider?
By sex and race in that you specifically like, then it is that you are suggesting that those two things found in the gender or color of your choice, uhhhhh would ultimately bring about rulings that you would specifically like and agree with, otherwise if a ruling ends up taking place as based upon your choices made...

That's a fair analysis by you to some degree, but again I think that you are confused to think that color has anything to do with one being educated, skilled in the law, and blind when it comes to a ruling.... Our hopes should always be that the person who is ruling from the high court or any court, will be administering the laws/justice as to be based upon the law in a color blind way.. I would be saying the same thing if we were talking about Biden saying that we needed a half black and half white on the court, otherwise in order to represent that skin tone or color of people as well.

If color has anything to do with what you want specifically, then you are seeking a biased individual that will rule based upon color in some and/or many cases for you, and that's where it goes wrong.

The court should only recognize the character and qualifications, and definitely not a person's skin color.

Biases yes they do exist in court rooms sure, but we need to stay away from using superficial physical attributes such as color or gender in order to somehow think that a person might rule in ones favor based upon such attributes. That my fellow USMB person (IMHO), is you seeking favor on the court for rulings that may not coinside with the law, but will fall along color lines or gender lines.
Silly drivel.Blacks can't even recognize the simple
ramifications of Killing their own.Blacks are murdering
their own in record numbers.Blacks have led in Homicides
by around 50+% the last decade in the U.S.
The FBI releases their Crime reports every couple years
or so.
You can shut up now; you're not helping the cause.
The Real question to be asked is how Biden
is going to Get his Nomination { whoever } passed
in a 50-50 senate.There has NEVER been a Supreme Court
Nominee passed with a 50-50 tiebreak vote by the
Vice President.The only court that was recognized
in our Constitution was The Supreme Court.
All other courts { District and Appellate } were constructed
later by Congress.
Since our Founders wrote the Constitution with only
One Court in mind { Supreme Court } there is no
Precedent for a Senate tiebreaker vote by the V.P.
to make way for a Supreme Court Jurist.
What does the lower versus supreme court difference have to do with settling a 50/50 tie? And the Constitution did not create the Supreme Court; it simply outlined a set of authorities and limitations but authorized the Congress to create the Supreme Court and the lesser courts.

Article 1, Section 3, Clause 4, clearly gives the Vice President the authority, as President of the Senate, the vote to break any and all ties. There are no limitations and no context missing or to be considered. Harris might actually put herself in the Court should she get the nomination.
I'm assuming that Biden will jump at the opportunity to appoint someone based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

Additionally, he's more likely to pick a female judge, again, in the interest of social justice rather than qualification.

In other words, a black female by default, for no other reason than the optics of it.

Would the group tend to agree with me about that?
This president is a idiot and I think this president is pathetic. This is the same racist democrats who tried to accuse a African American man of sexual harassment.
If I was on that committee I would vote no and I DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST THE NOMINATION BUT I would base my vote on how the nomination behave on the bench. We DO NOT need a another politician to take up a seat! We need constitution originalist judicial philosophy
You can shut up now; you're not helping the cause.
I'm guessing that he is saying or using the term "black's" in the sense that they in many ways operate as a tight knitted group for the most part, and in this thinking it is hard to understand the stats or silence that is seen amongst the group when it comes to their resolve or thinking that surrounds such things or stats being recorded. Can't include the so called uncle Tom's and Tomasena's into the mix, because they are a minority trying to relate their feeling's on the matter's, but are shot down by the radical activist within the group.
I'm guessing that he is saying or using the term "black's" in the sense that they in many ways operate as a tight knitted group for the most part, and in this thinking it is hard to understand the stats or silence that is seen amongst the group when it comes to their resolve or thinking that surrounds such things or stats being recorded. Can't include the so called uncle Tom's and Tomasena's into the mix, because they are a minority trying to relate their feeling's on the matter's, but are shot down by the radical activist within the group.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that you and Foolardi are both echoing IM2's and Biden's view that blacks all think in one mind - or should. Who are you suggesting are the "Uncle Tom's and Tomasenas"? I assume that, by that, you mean any black person who thinks differently from how someone else tells them to think? Please elaborate.
Why is it you think a person of color or female is less qualified than a White male?
Lest of which the other way around.
Because it's a way to make political hay.
Create False and Unamerican narratives.
The entire driven reason behind BLM.
Or the absurd notions behind Voter Suppression.
Like some sort of W.C.Fields vehicle.What he had to
deal with.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that you and Foolardi are both echoing IM2's and Biden's view that blacks all think in one mind - or should. Who are you suggesting are the "Uncle Tom's and Tomasenas"? I assume that, by that, you mean any black person who thinks differently from how someone else tells them to think? Please elaborate.
Correct where the proven assumption is wrong.
Blacks Literally vote in Lockstep for Democrats.
Piggybacking with what L.B.J. said.
About once his Great Society project becomes
part of the American Landscape ...
" We'll have them " N word " votin' Democrat for the
next 200 years."
His plea is 60 years in the making.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it seems to me that you and Foolardi are both echoing IM2's and Biden's view that blacks all think in one mind - or should. Who are you suggesting are the "Uncle Tom's and Tomasenas"? I assume that, by that, you mean any black person who thinks differently from how someone else tells them to think? Please elaborate.
You are wrong, but could it be that you are looking so hard for racist when black's are being discussed, that you are getting lost within your interpretations of simple discussion ?? Do you assume that we are racist without evidence in your fever to uncover one ?? Now go back and read real slow in order to understand my post in the context that they are written in. Read them without thinking racist, and your enlightenment will be like a ray of sunshine breaking through.
Correct where the proven assumption is wrong.
Blacks Literally vote in Lockstep for Democrats.
Piggybacking with what L.B.J. said.
About once his Great Society project becomes
part of the American Landscape ...
" We'll have them " N word " votin' Democrat for the
next 200 years."
His plea is 60 years in the making.
Otherwise he looked at it as their plan of keeping them (the Democrat elite), as being the Democrat's who will be using the black's for that very reason for the next 200 years. They figured heck what do the black's have to lose at this point, so it's going to work perfectly.

Now it's not that the Republican's weren't interested in helping black's because they sure were going to continue to help black's lift themselves up, but they weren't looking at the situation like the Democrat's were, otherwise to bribe the black's with free stuff that would ensure the Democrat power born of bribes and dependency would last for the next 200 years.
Otherwise he looked at it as their plan of keeping them (the Democrat elite), as being the Democrat's who will be using the black's for that very reason for the next 200 years. They figured heck what do the black's have to lose at this point, so it's going to work perfectly.

Now it's not that the Republican's weren't interested in helping black's because they sure were going to continue to help black's lift themselves up, but they weren't looking at the situation like the Democrat's were, otherwise to bribe the black's with free stuff that would ensure the Democrat power born of bribes and dependency would last for the next 200 years.
The Blacks were freed by a Tall White Republican.
A Log splitter.Self-taught brought up in a Cabin.
Jim Crow was authored by Democrats.
Poll Taxes were part of Jim Crow.As were not being able
to drink from public water fountains or eat at a lunch counter
if Black.All Areas where Democrats and Black activist are
feverishly attempting to Gaslight Americans as if never happened or Not so.
But We the People are not about to put up with
this sort of Mindset { Bullying tactics } when it comes
to Educating our Kids and forcing them to wear masks
and get a jab.No sane American can possibly find what
Democrats are doing and saying as acceptable.
I mean,even Franz Kafka couldn't have written a more
perverse attempt to Gaslight a country into Oblivion.
Correct where the proven assumption is wrong.
Blacks Literally vote in Lockstep for Democrats.
Piggybacking with what L.B.J. said.
About once his Great Society project becomes
part of the American Landscape ...
" We'll have them " N word " votin' Democrat for the
next 200 years."
His plea is 60 years in the making.
You stated, "Blacks can't even recognize the simple ramifications of Killing their own." Many blacks do recognize it but you referred to them as Uncle Toms and Tomasinas.

When you make generalized statements about black people then you're showing your racism and that does not help the cause of trying to convince those who might listen to conservative ideas.

Edit to correct, it was Beagle who said uncle Toms and Tomasinas. Thus tying you both to the same racist-sounding generalization, whether you meant to or not.

Generally, your posts show that you understand the facts and the problem but your racist tone and generalizations undercut the facts and the cause.
Last edited:
You didn’t answer the question that I asked
As I was saying......

Progressives criticize J. Michelle Childs, a potential Biden Supreme Court pick​

Childs was nominated to the U.S. District Court for the District of South Carolina by Barack Obama in 2009. The 55-year-old jurist is a favorite of Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., who pushed Biden to make the pledge to select a Black woman and whose endorsement helped the president salvage his Democratic primary campaign. Across the aisle, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has also praised Childs.

But although the South Carolina delegation has praised her, Childs’s résumé has drawn scrutiny from many on the left, with a particular focus on her time at a corporate law firm defending management in cases involving discrimination and labor law violations.

Our Revolution, a progressive group that sprung from Sen. Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaigns, has been critical of Childs, while two Democratic congressmen are circulating a letter stating that “for far too long, the Supreme Court has been dominated by pro-corporate justices” and that “labor-minded jurists bring crucial knowledge and experience to the bench.”

“Whatever happened to diversity, as progressives try to disqualify Judge J. Michelle Childs?” it added, although none of the appeals from the left for a non-Childs option have called on Biden to break his promise to appoint a Black woman for the role.

Progressives criticize J. Michelle Childs, a potential Biden Supreme Court pick
You stated, "Blacks can't even recognize the simple ramifications of Killing their own." Many blacks do recognize it but you referred to them as Uncle Toms and Tomasinas.

When you make generalized statements about black people then you're showing your racism and that does not help the cause of trying to convince those who might listen to conservative ideas.

Edit to correct, it was Beagle who said uncle Toms and Tomasinas. Thus tying you both to the same racist-sounding generalization, whether you meant to or not.

Generally, your posts show that you understand the facts and the problem but your racist tone and generalizations undercut the facts and the cause.
All white people are racist. Didn't get the memo?
Let's see:

1. Gotta be black - Check

2. Gotta be female - Check

3. Gotta be someone who serves no other purpose - Check

4. Gotta be someone Poopy Pants Biden sorta likes - Check

5. Gotta be someone who eschew the leftist party line - Check

6. Gotta be someone who was a scum-sucking lawyer - Check

Who would that be? Why none other than Kamala "Kneepads" Harris. So Hillary would be thrown into the Vice Presidency and bide her time until the old pedo kicks the bucket.

I just called it. Can you imagine that stupid bitch Kamala Harris sitting on the bench of the SC? :uhh:

And I own Page 3. :banana:
Black female means nothing in the day of self-identification. Would Quid Pro DARE to reject a white man who says he identifies as a black woman? Talk about backlash!
Since Moscow Mitch stole two USSC picks, Biden is entitled to one and maybe more nominations. You know, if Clarence disagrees with his loony wife, no telling what she might do....
He's entitled to nothing more than an opportunity afforded by the death or retirement of a justice, and the Senate can torpedo anyone he sends up.

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