Breyer to Retire: Anita Hill Should Take His Place

You can't use Negro ghetto bullshit to justify Potatohead using race as a criteria for a Federal hire, which is in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Acts.
Show us how it is in Violation Flush, you are talking loud and ain't saying shit.
Of course you Jungle Bunnies only think you can't discriminate against fellow Jungle Bunnies and that does not include discrimination against other races.

You are that stupid, aren't you?
Damn Flush do you ever bring anything to the table other than your hatred for black folks. We get it, you are a bitter, racist POS.
Oh you know, fabricating the sexual harassment crap.

Crooked wife? Gawd you people are pathetic.
Hill would have no more have needed to fabricate harassment charges against Long Dong than the DoJ would have to resort to deception to prosecute his air-head wife:

Is Ginni Thomas a Threat to the Supreme Court?

"In recent years, Justice Thomas, long one of the Court’s most reticent members, has been speaking up more in oral arguments. His wife, meanwhile, has become less publicly visible, but she has remained busy, aligning herself with many activists who have brought issues in front of the Court."
Hill would have no more have needed to fabricate harassment charges against Long Dong than the DoJ would have to resort to deception to prosecute his air-head wife:

Is Ginni Thomas a Threat to the Supreme Court?

"In recent years, Justice Thomas, long one of the Court’s most reticent members, has been speaking up more in oral arguments. His wife, meanwhile, has become less publicly visible, but she has remained busy, aligning herself with many activists who have brought issues in front of the Court."
Progs have made a reputation of attacking the character of people in extreme ways. Trump was a known person before he ran for office. Many did not like him. He fought that and won people over. It was his agendas that got him elected. The same agendas that both Progs and Repubs have stated they approved of over the years, but nothing was done about. We hav
How do you think he got the nick-name, Don the Con?

Because he was known as a liar and cheat by those in his circles long before 2016.

How many vendors did he cheat by refusing to pay their entire bills?

"Trump would pay all of the bill except the last $100,000 -$200,000 knowing the vendor could not afford to hire a lawyer for that portion, AND that portion was often the vendors profit on the job.

If there is any justice in this corrupt country, Trump will die in prison hopefully like his good friend Epstein.

Donald Trump and his family fleeced America: Why aren’t they being held accountable?

"Donald Trump has raised somewhere close to a half a billion dollars at this point, through his 'Stop the Steal' claims that the election was stolen.

"Of course there's no evidence of that and all sorts of Republicans have said there was nothing improper.

"We've had lots of audits and recounts and recounts.

"It's all nonsense, but he's raised a lot of money off it.

"He said, 'I need the money to hire lawyers to stop the steal.'

"He spent $9 million on lawyers.

"Well, that's a lot of money, except that he took in close to a half a billion."

"And Donald can spend that money on himself under our laws.

"So I call Donald today America's 'beggar in chief.'

"I don't know if you get these, but every day I get texts and emails from Donald Trump asking for money.

"I love the ones from Don Jr. that start off: 'I just spoke to my father. You're the only person in America who didn't respond to my note earlier today, and Dad asked me to call you since you've been such a generous supporter in the past."

"It's just a con."
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Obama was definitely the worst at appointing judges and AGs. Thank God Garland didn't get that SC spot. But Biden's overall nominations have been following Obama's dogshit example. Democrat appointees are piss poor these days.
Obama was definitely the worst at appointing judges and AGs. Thank God Garland didn't get that SC spot. But Biden's overall nominations have been following Obama's dogshit example. Democrat appointees are piss poor these days.
I guess you are saying that Trump was great at appointing judges and AGs, it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.
She was so offended by Thomas’ joke about a pubic hair on a coke can while working together, she followed him to the next job. Then, he got nominated to the Supreme Court as a Republican and married a white woman….. all hell broke loose.
I guess you are saying that Trump was great at appointing judges and AGs, it would be funny if it wasn't so stupid.
Trump could have been better at his AG choices but his SC justices have been great. The thing about Republican nominated judges is that people like Roberts, Kavanaugh and Barrett will side with the Democrat justices on some big decisions and that's fine, but you'll never see that from Sotomayor or Garland and very seldom from Kagan. Ideology trumps law with Democrats. And that's why Democrat judges suck.
Nominating Anita Hill for a SCOTUS position might also throw a white-hot spotlight on Thomas and his corrupt wife and raise the impeachment issue in time for Biden to get a second appointment before 2024.

"The Supreme Court justice refuses to recuse himself from cases in which his right-wing activist wife, Ginni, has a clear interest. The Democrats should punish him for it."

The Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas
She decided after the fact that she would be offended by a pubic hair on coke can and then got mad only when it coincided with Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination because the Democrats could not stand a Republican-nominated Black man to the Supreme Court.

it is Anita Hill that is corrupted.

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