Breyer to Retire: Anita Hill Should Take His Place

What qualifications for SCOTUS did Lewis Powell possess?
How much judicial experience did Nixon's pick have?

Powell, a dem, a brilliant legal mind, but shouldn’t of been picked either due to his lack of experience..but this is 2022 not 1971
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there is nothing true about it. Thomas is a excellent example for african americans and a role model.
Sorry boot lickin and selling out is not a excellent example for black folks.
there is a reason racist like joey xiden tried a high tech lynching of him.
It was a reason Bush 41 picked him as his nominee and now we know why.
folks that cheered it, like yourself, stood and cheered when Till. was lynched too.
Now that is funny, because you love the very folks that lynched Emmitt Till. Everything that is against black folks in this country you support, the party that you support is the very party that is against a Voting Rights Bill, they are against a Police Reform Bill. Why are you afraid to say whether you are a black woman are not?
The bottom line is qualifications. One must have extensive constitutional law credentials as well experience sitting on the bench in Federal Court. One must also remember after the dog and pony show the Dim’s delivered during the past two GOP nomination proceedings it should be expected the GOP has not forgotten.

Their principal qualification is promoting corporate citizens over natural citizens.

How the Federalist Society came to dominate the Supreme Court
his is absolute nonsense and defamation of character. George go back to your Parents basement until you have real evidence.
How does integrity factor into your definition of character?
Thomas has displayed less of the former than Trump:

The Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas

"In a sane world, Jane Mayer’s excellent piece on Ginni Thomas in The New Yorker would set off a series of events that would lead to her husband Clarence Thomas’s impeachment and removal from the Supreme Court.

"Ginni is involved with numerous far-right organizations and schemes that take very public positions on court decisions across a range of social and political issues, such as last week’s 8–1 holding that Donald Trump could not block the release of documents related to the January 6, 2021, insurrection.

"Thomas was the lone dissenter in that case.

"His wife sat on the advisory board of a group that sent busloads of insurrectionists to Washington on January 6. In addition, she cheered the insurrection on Facebook."
Now, I have no use for Thomas, who I consider to be a bit dim.... but I have more contempt for Hill, who was just an opportunist.
Imho, Bush I needed a black male on SCOTUS to cover for his party's longtime commitment to white supremacy, and he found an opportunist who has never been up to the task:

Clarence Thomas - Wikipedia

"Supreme Court experts describe Thomas's jurisprudence as textualist, stressing the original meaning of the United States Constitution and statutes.

"He is also an advocate of natural law.[2]

Many writers and political scientists view Thomas as the Court's most conservative member.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

"He is also known for having gone over a decade without asking a question during oral arguments."
You should take his place. You would be the first bitch on the SC.
Wrong again, Moshe
Step-and-Fetch got their first.

New evidence brings a call for the impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas

"His record on the Court has been devastating for women’s rights.

"Thomas typically votes against reproductive choice: In 2007, he was in the 5-4 majority in Gonzales v. Carhart that upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003.

"He voted to weaken equal-pay protections in the Court’s congressionally overruled decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire.

"He joined the majority decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, holding that an employer’s religious objections can override the rights of its women employees."
Wrong again, Moshe
Step-and-Fetch got their first.

New evidence brings a call for the impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas

"His record on the Court has been devastating for women’s rights.

"Thomas typically votes against reproductive choice: In 2007, he was in the 5-4 majority in Gonzales v. Carhart that upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003.

"He voted to weaken equal-pay protections in the Court’s congressionally overruled decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire.

"He joined the majority decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, holding that an employer’s religious objections can override the rights of its women employees."
yes, partial birth abortion is horrible. It’s ourlawed in most cases nationally

yes he correctly ruled that as the law was written she was outside of the SOLs, hence the law was changed

yes, he was once again right…a employee doesn’t have the right to demand their employer violate their own rights

seriously find some better examples
Wrong again, Moshe
Step-and-Fetch got their first.

New evidence brings a call for the impeachment of Justice Clarence Thomas

"His record on the Court has been devastating for women’s rights.

"Thomas typically votes against reproductive choice: In 2007, he was in the 5-4 majority in Gonzales v. Carhart that upheld the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003.

"He voted to weaken equal-pay protections in the Court’s congressionally overruled decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire.

"He joined the majority decision in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby, holding that an employer’s religious objections can override the rights of its women employees."
That’s doesn’t make him a bitch. Your whining does. Obviously you’re racist as you don’t like CT because he is black. Bitch.
Imho, Bush I needed a black male on SCOTUS to cover for his party's longtime commitment to white supremacy, and he found an opportunist who has never been up to the task:

Clarence Thomas - Wikipedia

"Supreme Court experts describe Thomas's jurisprudence as textualist, stressing the original meaning of the United States Constitution and statutes.

"He is also an advocate of natural law.[2]

Many writers and political scientists view Thomas as the Court's most conservative member.[3][4][5][6][7][8][9]

"He is also known for having gone over a decade without asking a question during oral arguments."
If you think the Republican Party is the party with the longtime commitment to white supremacy, you need to study history.

Of course Thomas was selected primarily for the color of his skin. Imagine the media's snowflake reaction if Bush had replaced the only black justice at the time with a white justice.
If Thomas' performance has not been what we should expect from a man who is supposedly one of the nine greatest living jurists in the U.S., chalk that up to the fact that his ability was not the primary factor in his selection.

But then you must apply that to all affirmative action, not just to a black guy you hate.

Hill is at least as qualified as Thomas (not to mention Lewis Powell). and her nomination would give Corporate Joe a chance to redeem himself for one of his many past blunders:

Anita Hill - Wikipedia

"In 1991, President George H. W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas, a federal circuit judge, to succeed retiring Associate Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Senate hearings on his confirmation were initially completed[13] with Thomas's good character being presented as a primary qualification for the high court because he had only been a judge for slightly more than one year..."

"According to Hill, Thomas asked her out socially many times during her two years of employment as his assistant,[7] and, after she declined his requests, he used work situations to discuss sexual subjects.[4][7]

"'He spoke about ... such matters as women having sex with animals and films showing group sex or rape scenes,' she said, adding that on several occasions Thomas graphically described 'his own sexual prowess' and the details of his anatomy..."

"Four female witnesses reportedly waited in the wings to support Hill's credibility, but they were not called,[15][18] due to what the Los Angeles Times described as a private, compromise deal between Republicans and the Senate Judiciary Committee chair, Democrat Joe Biden."
Troll much?
Her accusations were deeply investigated by those who wanted her story to be true, and it never panned out.
Thomas has a lifetime of women around him who worked with him, and they all were appalled by Hills accusations.
Exactly like Kavanaugh, Thomas faced a witch hunt - lynch mob launching all manner of wild accusations that flat out had no merit and directly contradicted a parade of colleagues who worked with them for years and never saw the first hint of that kind of behavior.
We will see, I could see favors for votes in this appointment.
No doubt he will listen to his corporate benefactors, but he has supported one of Biden's prospective SCOTUS picks already:

Will Joe Manchin Kill Biden's Legacy Forever by Rejecting His Supreme Court Nominee?

"Manchin has so far voted to confirm every lower court judge Biden has nominated, including D.C. circuit court judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is the presumptive frontrunner to be Biden’s Supreme Court nominee.

"He voted for Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, Trump’s first two Supreme Court nominees, but opposed the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett on the grounds that her nomination was squeezed in right before the 2020 election."

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