Brian Kemp is mighty PO’d

Now. . . is this the guy that laundered money through China? :dunno:

I’m not defending Kemp. Now, will you please denounce Donald’s dangerous behavior before somebody gets killed?
Sure, just as soon as you tell me if China printed up those counterfeit ballots for the DNC counties and shipped them here, before, or after they released that corona virus. . . I am still having a hard time with the sequence of events on this . . .

Counterfeit ballots from China? This is a new one on me - Proof? :icon_rolleyes:
Why? You wouldn't accept it anyway, what would be the point?

Google it if you are really interested.

I did. Sydney Powell again? Fucking hilarious!! :laugh2:
That's. . . not where I got the information. Though, I do have to say, there is a lot of conflicting information out there, and I cannot verify any of it. Some say 1.5 million, others 5 million.

In these types of operations, misinformation, disinformation, mixed in with the truth is essential. Why do you think everything has been thrown out of court? Proving anything in this climate is impossible. The folks running this operation have run ops. in many, MANY other nations before. They know what they are doing.

I would not, and could not even say for sure who won, and that is the point. Confusion and chaos.


Of course, like I said, does it matter where it comes from?

Like I said, whether it came from Rudy, or Powell, or whereever, I TOLD YOU, you would not believe anything. And I was right. The claims are out there though.

Your partisanship precludes you from taking any claims seriously. No point in even having a discussion with you. You don't care about possible Chinese meddling as long as the DNC are their clients and not the GOP apparently.

Let's just ignore it all.


Dude, it would be a simple matter to detect a counterfeit ballot. The conspiracy theories rattling around in your brain are gonna kill you (and others) STOP!!

You would think it would be. .. .

. . . if they wanted to.
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

He needs some harassment. His state voting system is a smoking toxic dump right now. And there's an election coming up and HE is in the way of restoring ACCURATE AND SECURE elections in his state..

I approve of anything short of personal or property violence to get his useless ass IN GEAR...

Brian Kemp is one of the world’s greatest election fraudsters and he did everything in his power to make it harder for black folk to vote. But he has his limits.

Your Donald has crossed the line. Tell him to STOP it!!

Really.. So YOU hate him for fictitious reasons and I hate him for actual deeds.. Well aint that swell?

Right now -- by all the numbers at least 60 MILL people KNOW this election was stolen thru last minute court challenges to strip the SECURITY AND ACCURACY of the vote in 4 states and to some degree less in 1 or 2 others.. You're problems are NOT with Trump. Your problem is with the 60 Million that are PATIENTLY WAITING for the states to step up and fix this...

But patience is getting short.. And it's NOT your problem in any way.. You're just here because YOUR country is so boring...

The time has come to stop lying :disbelief: You lost. Please find a way to deal with it short of more conspiracy theories and violence.

Can I come and camp out in your country and find all the dirt and make an ass of myself there interfering? Trump did lose.. But the VOTE in 4 or 6 states was NOT legitimate. And this WILL come out.. The media right now is doing everything it can to bury THIS story.. The Hunter Biden story and the Swallwell/Fang Fang story.. If Americans KNEW THE NEWS -- this would already be on the road to repairing the damage to electoral integrity..

Go suck the air around some of your geothermal mining operations..

We know your “news” - It’s as fake as your Donald’s “news” Sydney’s “news” and Rudy’s “news”. Please stop before people are killed.
Now. . . is this the guy that laundered money through China? :dunno:

I’m not defending Kemp. Now, will you please denounce Donald’s dangerous behavior before somebody gets killed?
Sure, just as soon as you tell me if China printed up those counterfeit ballots for the DNC counties and shipped them here, before, or after they released that corona virus. . . I am still having a hard time with the sequence of events on this . . .

Counterfeit ballots from China? This is a new one on me - Proof? :icon_rolleyes:
Why? You wouldn't accept it anyway, what would be the point?

Google it if you are really interested.

I did. Sydney Powell again? Fucking hilarious!! :laugh2:
That's. . . not where I got the information. Though, I do have to say, there is a lot of conflicting information out there, and I cannot verify any of it. Some say 1.5 million, others 5 million.

In these types of operations, misinformation, disinformation, mixed in with the truth is essential. Why do you think everything has been thrown out of court? Proving anything in this climate is impossible. The folks running this operation have run ops. in many, MANY other nations before. They know what they are doing.

I would not, and could not even say for sure who won, and that is the point. Confusion and chaos.


Of course, like I said, does it matter where it comes from?

Like I said, whether it came from Rudy, or Powell, or whereever, I TOLD YOU, you would not believe anything. And I was right. The claims are out there though.

Your partisanship precludes you from taking any claims seriously. No point in even having a discussion with you. You don't care about possible Chinese meddling as long as the DNC are their clients and not the GOP apparently.

Let's just ignore it all.


Dude, it would be a simple matter to detect a counterfeit ballot. The conspiracy theories rattling around in your brain are gonna kill you (and others) STOP!!

You're not even close, The BALLOTS were not the problem illegal immigrant --- the problem was once you REMOVED the mailed backed ballot from its double envelope with signatures and postmark and address confirmation -- WITHOUT CHECKING OR RECORDING ANY OF THAT -- you've violated State and Federal constitutions and lost the chain of custody for that ballot.. It's JUST a ballot without a person attached.. And they did this COMPLETELY in many states..

So there's no SECURITY OR ACCURACY to the count,. Reject rates in 2016 for mail-ins were about 6% because of FINDING duplicate or ineligable voters. CANNOT BE DONE NOW BECAUSE THEY DESTROYED the info on the returned ballots..

So a reject rate of 6% in 2016 on mail-backs is now more like 0.07% in the EXACT FIVE STATES that illegally fucked with their voting laws????? This aint even close to over.. But I'm not wasting time educating NZ intel operatives sent here to screw with us.. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

He needs some harassment. His state voting system is a smoking toxic dump right now. And there's an election coming up and HE is in the way of restoring ACCURATE AND SECURE elections in his state..

I approve of anything short of personal or property violence to get his useless ass IN GEAR...

Brian Kemp is one of the world’s greatest election fraudsters and he did everything in his power to make it harder for black folk to vote. But he has his limits.

Your Donald has crossed the line. Tell him to STOP it!!

Really.. So YOU hate him for fictitious reasons and I hate him for actual deeds.. Well aint that swell?

Right now -- by all the numbers at least 60 MILL people KNOW this election was stolen thru last minute court challenges to strip the SECURITY AND ACCURACY of the vote in 4 states and to some degree less in 1 or 2 others.. You're problems are NOT with Trump. Your problem is with the 60 Million that are PATIENTLY WAITING for the states to step up and fix this...

But patience is getting short.. And it's NOT your problem in any way.. You're just here because YOUR country is so boring...

The time has come to stop lying :disbelief: You lost. Please find a way to deal with it short of more conspiracy theories and violence.

Can I come and camp out in your country and find all the dirt and make an ass of myself there interfering? Trump did lose.. But the VOTE in 4 or 6 states was NOT legitimate. And this WILL come out.. The media right now is doing everything it can to bury THIS story.. The Hunter Biden story and the Swallwell/Fang Fang story.. If Americans KNEW THE NEWS -- this would already be on the road to repairing the damage to electoral integrity..

Go suck the air around some of your geothermal mining operations..
What galls me most?

I don't even give a rats ass about either one of these pieces of shit. . .

All I want, is some integrity in the system. Process over politics.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. I mean, c'mon. wtf?

As if that past four years weren't bad enough, now this? Why?
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

He needs some harassment. His state voting system is a smoking toxic dump right now. And there's an election coming up and HE is in the way of restoring ACCURATE AND SECURE elections in his state..

I approve of anything short of personal or property violence to get his useless ass IN GEAR...

Brian Kemp is one of the world’s greatest election fraudsters and he did everything in his power to make it harder for black folk to vote. But he has his limits.

Your Donald has crossed the line. Tell him to STOP it!!

Really.. So YOU hate him for fictitious reasons and I hate him for actual deeds.. Well aint that swell?

Right now -- by all the numbers at least 60 MILL people KNOW this election was stolen thru last minute court challenges to strip the SECURITY AND ACCURACY of the vote in 4 states and to some degree less in 1 or 2 others.. You're problems are NOT with Trump. Your problem is with the 60 Million that are PATIENTLY WAITING for the states to step up and fix this...

But patience is getting short.. And it's NOT your problem in any way.. You're just here because YOUR country is so boring...

The time has come to stop lying :disbelief: You lost. Please find a way to deal with it short of more conspiracy theories and violence.

Can I come and camp out in your country and find all the dirt and make an ass of myself there interfering? Trump did lose.. But the VOTE in 4 or 6 states was NOT legitimate. And this WILL come out.. The media right now is doing everything it can to bury THIS story.. The Hunter Biden story and the Swallwell/Fang Fang story.. If Americans KNEW THE NEWS -- this would already be on the road to repairing the damage to electoral integrity..

Go suck the air around some of your geothermal mining operations..
What galls me most?

I don't even give a rats ass about either one of these pieces of shit. . .

All I want, is some integrity in the system. Process over politics.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. I mean, c'mon. wtf?

As if that past four years weren't bad enough, now this? Why?

Exactly.. You and i are in the same basic foxhole in no man's land on this... What galls ME the most is how many news stories are getting COMPLETELY censored from 85% of the American media.

Just think about it..

1) The Hunter Biden story BEFORE the election that broke RIGHT AFTER the election? But STILL hasn't gotten much coverage.

2) The Eric Swallwell getting played for 4 years by Fang Fang? Only Dems BRIEFED in 2015.. All the rest of us find out about it --- AFTER THE ELECTION??

3) And this election mess. NO coverage of the actual facts and evidence.. Just spin and punditry.. They even blacked out the few court challenges to the "steal" before the election to make mail ins the "safest system on the planet"..
We know your “news” - It’s as fake as your Donald’s “news” Sydney’s “news” and Rudy’s “news”. Please stop before people are killed.
You know what they say. Don't shoot the messenger if you don't like the news.
Censoring the news doesn't stop things from happening.
It just stops people from knowing who what when where why things are happening.
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

He needs some harassment. His state voting system is a smoking toxic dump right now. And there's an election coming up and HE is in the way of restoring ACCURATE AND SECURE elections in his state..

I approve of anything short of personal or property violence to get his useless ass IN GEAR...

Brian Kemp is one of the world’s greatest election fraudsters and he did everything in his power to make it harder for black folk to vote. But he has his limits.

Your Donald has crossed the line. Tell him to STOP it!!

Really.. So YOU hate him for fictitious reasons and I hate him for actual deeds.. Well aint that swell?

Right now -- by all the numbers at least 60 MILL people KNOW this election was stolen thru last minute court challenges to strip the SECURITY AND ACCURACY of the vote in 4 states and to some degree less in 1 or 2 others.. You're problems are NOT with Trump. Your problem is with the 60 Million that are PATIENTLY WAITING for the states to step up and fix this...

But patience is getting short.. And it's NOT your problem in any way.. You're just here because YOUR country is so boring...

The time has come to stop lying :disbelief: You lost. Please find a way to deal with it short of more conspiracy theories and violence.

Can I come and camp out in your country and find all the dirt and make an ass of myself there interfering? Trump did lose.. But the VOTE in 4 or 6 states was NOT legitimate. And this WILL come out.. The media right now is doing everything it can to bury THIS story.. The Hunter Biden story and the Swallwell/Fang Fang story.. If Americans KNEW THE NEWS -- this would already be on the road to repairing the damage to electoral integrity..

Go suck the air around some of your geothermal mining operations..
What galls me most?

I don't even give a rats ass about either one of these pieces of shit. . .

All I want, is some integrity in the system. Process over politics.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. I mean, c'mon. wtf?

As if that past four years weren't bad enough, now this? Why?

Exactly.. You and i are in the same basic foxhole in no man's land on this... What galls ME the most is how many news stories are getting COMPLETELY censored from 85% of the American media.

Just think about it..

1) The Hunter Biden story BEFORE the election that broke RIGHT AFTER the election? But STILL hasn't gotten much coverage.

2) The Eric Swallwell getting played for 4 years by Fang Fang? Only Dems BRIEFED in 2015.. All the rest of us find out about it --- AFTER THE ELECTION??

3) And this election mess. NO coverage of the actual facts and evidence.. Just spin and punditry.. They even blacked out the few court challenges to the "steal" before the election to make mail ins the "safest system on the planet"..
Yer damn right. . .

I just want to see ONE, just ONE Democrat, with an once of integrity to stand up and say, hey, you know what, maybe having China meddle in our internal affairs isn't such a good thing, and although Trump is a loathsome sack of crap, we need to slow our roll and look at this, because, we don't want our government, our culture or our norms to end up looking like theirs.

The whole hypocrisy about "Russia" interfering with the last elections with scant evidence, and now, we have obvious red flags here with (what appears to be,) overwhelming evidence?

Republicans showed integrity in 2016, why can't the DNC this time around? I - just - don't - get - it.

Is D.C. really this corrupt and lost?

It makes the independent observer's head spin at the hypocrisy.
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

He needs some harassment. His state voting system is a smoking toxic dump right now. And there's an election coming up and HE is in the way of restoring ACCURATE AND SECURE elections in his state..

I approve of anything short of personal or property violence to get his useless ass IN GEAR...

Brian Kemp is one of the world’s greatest election fraudsters and he did everything in his power to make it harder for black folk to vote. But he has his limits.

Your Donald has crossed the line. Tell him to STOP it!!

Really.. So YOU hate him for fictitious reasons and I hate him for actual deeds.. Well aint that swell?

Right now -- by all the numbers at least 60 MILL people KNOW this election was stolen thru last minute court challenges to strip the SECURITY AND ACCURACY of the vote in 4 states and to some degree less in 1 or 2 others.. You're problems are NOT with Trump. Your problem is with the 60 Million that are PATIENTLY WAITING for the states to step up and fix this...

But patience is getting short.. And it's NOT your problem in any way.. You're just here because YOUR country is so boring...

The time has come to stop lying :disbelief: You lost. Please find a way to deal with it short of more conspiracy theories and violence.

Can I come and camp out in your country and find all the dirt and make an ass of myself there interfering? Trump did lose.. But the VOTE in 4 or 6 states was NOT legitimate. And this WILL come out.. The media right now is doing everything it can to bury THIS story.. The Hunter Biden story and the Swallwell/Fang Fang story.. If Americans KNEW THE NEWS -- this would already be on the road to repairing the damage to electoral integrity..

Go suck the air around some of your geothermal mining operations..
What galls me most?

I don't even give a rats ass about either one of these pieces of shit. . .

All I want, is some integrity in the system. Process over politics.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. I mean, c'mon. wtf?

As if that past four years weren't bad enough, now this? Why?

Exactly.. You and i are in the same basic foxhole in no man's land on this... What galls ME the most is how many news stories are getting COMPLETELY censored from 85% of the American media.

Just think about it..

1) The Hunter Biden story BEFORE the election that broke RIGHT AFTER the election? But STILL hasn't gotten much coverage.

2) The Eric Swallwell getting played for 4 years by Fang Fang? Only Dems BRIEFED in 2015.. All the rest of us find out about it --- AFTER THE ELECTION??

3) And this election mess. NO coverage of the actual facts and evidence.. Just spin and punditry.. They even blacked out the few court challenges to the "steal" before the election to make mail ins the "safest system on the planet"..
Yer damn right. . .

I just want to see ONE, just ONE Democrat, with an once of integrity to stand up and say, hey, you know what, maybe having China meddle in our internal affairs isn't such a good thing, and although Trump is a loathsome sack of crap, we need to slow our roll and look at this, because, we don't want our government, our culture or our norms to end up looking like theirs.

The whole hypocrisy about "Russia" interfering with the last elections with scant evidence, and now, we have obvious red flags here with (what appears to be,) overwhelming evidence?

Republicans showed integrity in 2016, why can't the DNC this time around? I - just - don't - get - it.

Is D.C. really this corrupt and lost?

It makes the independent observer's head spin at the hypocrisy.

Almost 90 judges looked at your "evidence". Half of them were Republicans and 8 of them were appointed by Donald Trump. All 90 decided that there was no there there. Stop it, this is not good for our country.
The absolute MINIMUM Gov. Kemp should do is order the Dominion machines shut down given the multiple accounts of election tampering involving Dominion. Has he done that? Nope. The Georgia run-off election will be stolen by the Democrats.

Can you show us the REAL evidence that Dominion machines were tampered with.

According to its website, Dominion Voting Machines serves more than 40 percent of the U.S. population. Its products are used in 28 states including New York, California, Nevada, Georgia, and Puerto Rico.

Why isn't Trump challenging the states he won that used the machines?
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

Maybe the SOB should got to Walmart and buy a spine and a pair of balls.


Kemp and his S of S pulled out all the stops to make sure it was harder for black and brown folks to vote. There were the usual purges and shutting down of polling places and pulling drop boxes in heavily D districts. You naysayers could use some of Kemp and Raffenspurger's spine.
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.
Does this moron Kemp think people will just let him steal an election with no consequences?
I doubt all this hurts republican candidates at all. Keep spinning, liar.
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

Maybe the SOB should got to Walmart and buy a spine and a pair of balls.


Kemp and his S of S pulled out all the stops to make sure it was harder for black and brown folks to vote. There were the usual purges and shutting down of polling places and pulling drop boxes in heavily D districts. You naysayers could use some of Kemp and Raffenspurger's spine.


Also explain the record turnout.

Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

Maybe the SOB should got to Walmart and buy a spine and a pair of balls.


Kemp and his S of S pulled out all the stops to make sure it was harder for black and brown folks to vote. There were the usual purges and shutting down of polling places and pulling drop boxes in heavily D districts. You naysayers could use some of Kemp and Raffenspurger's spine.


Also explain the record turnout.


Kemp is the king of election fraudsters. You should know that by now.
The record turnout was to reject another term for The Worst POTUS in History.

Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

Maybe the SOB should got to Walmart and buy a spine and a pair of balls.


Kemp and his S of S pulled out all the stops to make sure it was harder for black and brown folks to vote. There were the usual purges and shutting down of polling places and pulling drop boxes in heavily D districts. You naysayers could use some of Kemp and Raffenspurger's spine.


Also explain the record turnout.


Kemp is the king of election fraudsters. You should know that by now.
The record turnout was to reject another term for The Worst POTUS in History.

You do know that the areas you're talking about are ran by commiecrats, right?

Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

He needs some harassment. His state voting system is a smoking toxic dump right now. And there's an election coming up and HE is in the way of restoring ACCURATE AND SECURE elections in his state..

I approve of anything short of personal or property violence to get his useless ass IN GEAR...

Brian Kemp is one of the world’s greatest election fraudsters and he did everything in his power to make it harder for black folk to vote. But he has his limits.

Your Donald has crossed the line. Tell him to STOP it!!

Kemp was a staunch Trump supporter.
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

He needs some harassment. His state voting system is a smoking toxic dump right now. And there's an election coming up and HE is in the way of restoring ACCURATE AND SECURE elections in his state..

I approve of anything short of personal or property violence to get his useless ass IN GEAR...

Brian Kemp is one of the world’s greatest election fraudsters and he did everything in his power to make it harder for black folk to vote. But he has his limits.

Your Donald has crossed the line. Tell him to STOP it!!

Kemp was a staunch Trump supporter.

Yet he refused to follow his oath and make sure GA election laws were followed. Go figure.

Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

Maybe the SOB should got to Walmart and buy a spine and a pair of balls.


Kemp and his S of S pulled out all the stops to make sure it was harder for black and brown folks to vote. There were the usual purges and shutting down of polling places and pulling drop boxes in heavily D districts. You naysayers could use some of Kemp and Raffenspurger's spine.


Also explain the record turnout.

What is there to explain about that?

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