Brian Kemp is mighty PO’d

Thanks for admitting you lied when you said this:
Stupid fucking commie.

Ignorant, subservient Trumptard. I said that there is no such thing as a level of illegal votes of any kind that could change the result of an election. IOW - WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD. Go play on the freeway.

Wow, now the back peddling and equivocation comes. I quoted exactly what you said, stop trying to deny it. Now that you've laid out your dishonesty for all the world to see, my work here is done. Now run along commie and play with yourself, I won't be bumping your stupid little thread again.


I'll stay it again - Illegals can't vote and they don't vote.
Q: Does Donald know that this BS is not only dangerous, but hurting the R candidates in the runoff?
A: Nope, he doesn’t give a rat’s ass.

He needs some harassment. His state voting system is a smoking toxic dump right now. And there's an election coming up and HE is in the way of restoring ACCURATE AND SECURE elections in his state..

I approve of anything short of personal or property violence to get his useless ass IN GEAR...

Brian Kemp is one of the world’s greatest election fraudsters and he did everything in his power to make it harder for black folk to vote. But he has his limits.

Your Donald has crossed the line. Tell him to STOP it!!

Really.. So YOU hate him for fictitious reasons and I hate him for actual deeds.. Well aint that swell?

Right now -- by all the numbers at least 60 MILL people KNOW this election was stolen thru last minute court challenges to strip the SECURITY AND ACCURACY of the vote in 4 states and to some degree less in 1 or 2 others.. You're problems are NOT with Trump. Your problem is with the 60 Million that are PATIENTLY WAITING for the states to step up and fix this...

But patience is getting short.. And it's NOT your problem in any way.. You're just here because YOUR country is so boring...

The time has come to stop lying :disbelief: You lost. Please find a way to deal with it short of more conspiracy theories and violence.

Can I come and camp out in your country and find all the dirt and make an ass of myself there interfering? Trump did lose.. But the VOTE in 4 or 6 states was NOT legitimate. And this WILL come out.. The media right now is doing everything it can to bury THIS story.. The Hunter Biden story and the Swallwell/Fang Fang story.. If Americans KNEW THE NEWS -- this would already be on the road to repairing the damage to electoral integrity..

Go suck the air around some of your geothermal mining operations..
What galls me most?

I don't even give a rats ass about either one of these pieces of shit. . .

All I want, is some integrity in the system. Process over politics.

Where there is smoke, there is fire. I mean, c'mon. wtf?

As if that past four years weren't bad enough, now this? Why?

Exactly.. You and i are in the same basic foxhole in no man's land on this... What galls ME the most is how many news stories are getting COMPLETELY censored from 85% of the American media.

Just think about it..

1) The Hunter Biden story BEFORE the election that broke RIGHT AFTER the election? But STILL hasn't gotten much coverage.

2) The Eric Swallwell getting played for 4 years by Fang Fang? Only Dems BRIEFED in 2015.. All the rest of us find out about it --- AFTER THE ELECTION??

3) And this election mess. NO coverage of the actual facts and evidence.. Just spin and punditry.. They even blacked out the few court challenges to the "steal" before the election to make mail ins the "safest system on the planet"..
Yer damn right. . .

I just want to see ONE, just ONE Democrat, with an once of integrity to stand up and say, hey, you know what, maybe having China meddle in our internal affairs isn't such a good thing, and although Trump is a loathsome sack of crap, we need to slow our roll and look at this, because, we don't want our government, our culture or our norms to end up looking like theirs.

The whole hypocrisy about "Russia" interfering with the last elections with scant evidence, and now, we have obvious red flags here with (what appears to be,) overwhelming evidence?

Republicans showed integrity in 2016, why can't the DNC this time around? I - just - don't - get - it.

Is D.C. really this corrupt and lost?

It makes the independent observer's head spin at the hypocrisy.

Almost 90 judges looked at your "evidence". Half of them were Republicans and 8 of them were appointed by Donald Trump. All 90 decided that there was no there there. Stop it, this is not good for our country.

NONE of those cases had ANY inquiries into the evidence.. Maybe you don't know American law.. But HERE -- evidence is gathered during discovery.. Discovery only occurs once their IS a trial and lawyers are empowered to depose witnesses and get access to documents that either side is HIDING from them.. NO court ever ASKED a single question about 40 and 60 page submissions. Especially not the state or federal Supreme cts...
Thanks for admitting you lied when you said this:
Stupid fucking commie.

Ignorant, subservient Trumptard. I said that there is no such thing as a level of illegal votes of any kind that could change the result of an election. IOW - WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD. Go play on the freeway.

You want to quibble? NO ONE believes "widespread" means "nation wide".. NO ONE is contending anything outside of 4 to 5 states. And WITHIN those states -- "widespread" refers to the number of DIFFERENT TYPES AND SCHEMES that were employed to get HIGH percentages of illegal ballots into the "mail-back" stream.. From dead people, to people who had long left the state. To minors registered registered but too young to vote. To a method in Wisc, whereby someone "indefinitely confined" could request a mail ballot without ANY proof of residence or ID.. And a dozen more "methods" for RUINING the SECURITY AND ACCURACY of the vote in those states, by ILLEGALLY changing election rules just 60 to 90 days BEFORE the ballots were printed.

And then there's questions THAT SHOULD BE ASKED and were never allowed to go to court to be asked. Like how Michigan (who illegally changed from absentee mail only to full gonzo MASS mailing of ballots like they were ads for Pizza Hut) -- RECEIVED some 40,000 more mail ballots than they have recorded as sent out..

Anyone NOT interested in the answers is a partisan whore or mentally incompetent to see the IMPORTANCE of getting a couple hundred questions answered in court...
Thanks for admitting you lied when you said this:
Stupid fucking commie.

Ignorant, subservient Trumptard. I said that there is no such thing as a level of illegal votes of any kind that could change the result of an election. IOW - WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD. Go play on the freeway.

Wow, now the back peddling and equivocation comes. I quoted exactly what you said, stop trying to deny it. Now that you've laid out your dishonesty for all the world to see, my work here is done. Now run along commie and play with yourself, I won't be bumping your stupid little thread again.


I'll stay it again - Illegals can't vote and they don't vote.

And you as a foreign KNOW THIS?? How many illegals are REGISTERED TO VOTE in the State of California? And they DO vote in state/local elections. And without proper procedures to prevent it and CHARGE PEOPLE for illegal voting in Federal Elections -- you can be certain that a significant fraction of them do vote in Federal elections.

Then we can discuss other things you have no fucking clue about in America., Like "opt-out" registration for "Motor Voter".. Never heard of that? Well then your value to this discussion is "irritating foreigner" only.
Show me the law that authorizes the SOS to change election requirements. The US Constitution says only the State legislature has that authority.
The legislature says that the electors are decided by popular vote. The SOS is tasked with enforcing that directive which is what they were doing.

Nothing the SOS did was illegal, it was all done with approval and guidance by the court system. If it were illegal, the courts would have said so, but the lawsuits attempting to dispute this have failed.

That is still be litigated, but a judge can't override the US Constitution.


If that is your claim, you would be overturning elections in pretty much every state.

If that's what the law requires, so be it. Unlike you, I care if the laws are followed. There's a reason 26 European countries have outlawed voting by mail and you commies want it expanded, it's easier to cheat.


So now you want to follow what Europeans are doing.

I do, stop mass mail voting, require proof of citizenship to register and require ID for any form of voting. Would those be bad things?


Don't you have to do those things now, I do every time I vote.

Are you saying you provided proof of citizenship when you registered?


I provided a birth certificate to Oregon DMV who then auto-registered me.
Your claims that non-citizens vote is Pants on Fire material.

Damn, you keep proving your ignorance. Here's one example, there are many more.

US Attorney Matthew GT Martin announced charges against 19 North Carolina residents for voting as non-citizens, based on a years-long investigation by the Homeland Security Investigations Office in Raleigh. Three of the defendants — a 65-year-old woman from Mexico, a 52-year-old man from Costa Rica and a 57-year-old man from Tobago — live in Winston-Salem.

The 19 defendants, from 16 countries spanning the world from Latin America to Asia and residing in dozens of counties across the North Carolina central Piedmont, are all accused of voting in the 2016 election as non-citizens, which carries a maximum sentence of up to a year in prison. Others are also charged with making false statements on voter registration applications and making false statements about their immigration status.


Wow, you found and convicted NINETEEN? That's bigly YUUUUUGE man. Good for you. 99.999% of illegals wouldn't dare attempt to vote. It would mean immediate deportation if they are caught, and they are caught MOST of the time.

Can noncitizens vote in U.S. elections?
Registration for voting in federal elections is reserved for U.S. citizens, according to the National Council of State Legislatures. The right to vote in local municipal or town elections has been extended to noncitizens in 11 states.​
Whether voting by mail or in-person, registrants voting in a federal election supply evidence of their residence, a signature or another form of verification when submitting a ballot, according to Robert Brandon, founder of the Fair Elections Center.​
"The handful of times when people try to do something, they're caught and they’re indicted. ... It’s only a handful of individuals and that’s not going to change an election," Brandon told USA TODAY about voter fraud.​
Agresti argues some noncitizens manage to vote in federal elections despite preventive measures. But allegations of voter fraud by noncitizens tend to be "exaggerated or unfounded," according to a 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a center-left institute. Few people purposefully register to vote if they are knowingly ineligible.​
"Given that the penalty (not only criminal prosecution, but deportation) is so severe, and the payoff (one incremental vote) is so minimal for any individual voter, it makes sense that extremely few non-citizens would attempt to vote, knowing that doing so is illegal," the Brennan Center observed.​

Bullshit.. In NYork they granted Driver's Licences to illegals. A driver's licence is the SOLE ID required to register. And ONCE REGISTERED -- no other ID IS REQUIRED to get a ballot..

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud (

Yeah -- "it's an honor system" subject to fines and jail that ARE NEVER LEVIED WHEN FOUND.. But we're dealing with "DIShonorable" Dems who will tell these people - it's FINE to request a ballot in a Federal election. KNOWING this will NEVER BE INVESTIGATED or prosecuted... That's evil..

Your sources all used "weasel words" for meaningless facts like whether the voting rules are EVEN SPELLED out "STATE constitutional level".. In most states they are not.. So you got spun right there with those numbers. No wonder you're so belligerent. You dont THINK for yourself. And there are no critical reading skills either to protect your ass from being played by phony as shit "fact checkers"..
Thanks for admitting you lied when you said this:
Stupid fucking commie.

Ignorant, subservient Trumptard. I said that there is no such thing as a level of illegal votes of any kind that could change the result of an election. IOW - WIDESPREAD VOTER FRAUD. Go play on the freeway.

You want to quibble? NO ONE believes "widespread" means "nation wide".. NO ONE is contending anything outside of 4 to 5 states. And WITHIN those states -- "widespread" refers to the number of DIFFERENT TYPES AND SCHEMES that were employed to get HIGH percentages of illegal ballots into the "mail-back" stream.. From dead people, to people who had long left the state. To minors registered registered but too young to vote. To a method in Wisc, whereby someone "indefinitely confined" could request a mail ballot without ANY proof of residence or ID.. And a dozen more "methods" for RUINING the SECURITY AND ACCURACY of the vote in those states, by ILLEGALLY changing election rules just 60 to 90 days BEFORE the ballots were printed.

And then there's questions THAT SHOULD BE ASKED and were never allowed to go to court to be asked. Like how Michigan (who illegally changed from absentee mail only to full gonzo MASS mailing of ballots like they were ads for Pizza Hut) -- RECEIVED some 40,000 more mail ballots than they have recorded as sent out..

Anyone NOT interested in the answers is a partisan whore or mentally incompetent to see the IMPORTANCE of getting a couple hundred questions answered in court...

You're giving that fucker way too much energy.

Democrats were busy setting up this election shitfest back in 2019 when they took the House back.. Here's John Lewis of Georgia BRAGGING about it as the House passed a bill supporting illegals voting in local elections. This effort wasn't JUST about "school board elections". This was the beginnings of "COUNT EVERY VOTE".. Which in Democrat evil speak means "COUNT EVERY VOTE" legal AND illegal.

House votes to support illegal immigrant voting in local elections - Washington Times

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues as he led opposition to the GOP measure.


Don't know how the spineless repubs missed this.. It would be like sending a registered letter to the US navy warning them of Pearl Harbor a YEAR AHEAD of time..
Democrats were busy setting up this election shitfest back in 2019 when they took the House back.. Here's John Lewis of Georgia BRAGGING about it as the House passed a bill supporting illegals voting in local elections. This effort wasn't JUST about "school board elections". This was the beginnings of "COUNT EVERY VOTE".. Which in Democrat evil speak means "COUNT EVERY VOTE" legal AND illegal.

House votes to support illegal immigrant voting in local elections - Washington Times

“We are prepared to open up the political process and let all of the people come in,” Rep. John Lewis, a Georgia Democrat and hero of the civil rights movement, told colleagues as he led opposition to the GOP measure.


Don't know how the spineless repubs missed this.. It would be like sending a registered letter to the US navy warning them of Pearl Harbor a YEAR AHEAD of time..

It's too bad Trump doesn't have you as a lawyer, he would have won every suit with you on board. Smfh.
Show me the law that authorizes the SOS to change election requirements. The US Constitution says only the State legislature has that authority.
The legislature says that the electors are decided by popular vote. The SOS is tasked with enforcing that directive which is what they were doing.

Nothing the SOS did was illegal, it was all done with approval and guidance by the court system. If it were illegal, the courts would have said so, but the lawsuits attempting to dispute this have failed.

That is still be litigated, but a judge can't override the US Constitution.


If that is your claim, you would be overturning elections in pretty much every state.

If that's what the law requires, so be it. Unlike you, I care if the laws are followed. There's a reason 26 European countries have outlawed voting by mail and you commies want it expanded, it's easier to cheat.


So now you want to follow what Europeans are doing.

I do, stop mass mail voting, require proof of citizenship to register and require ID for any form of voting. Would those be bad things?


Don't you have to do those things now, I do every time I vote.

Are you saying you provided proof of citizenship when you registered?


I provided a birth certificate to Oregon DMV who then auto-registered me.
Your claims that non-citizens vote is Pants on Fire material.

Damn, you keep proving your ignorance. Here's one example, there are many more.

US Attorney Matthew GT Martin announced charges against 19 North Carolina residents for voting as non-citizens, based on a years-long investigation by the Homeland Security Investigations Office in Raleigh. Three of the defendants — a 65-year-old woman from Mexico, a 52-year-old man from Costa Rica and a 57-year-old man from Tobago — live in Winston-Salem.

The 19 defendants, from 16 countries spanning the world from Latin America to Asia and residing in dozens of counties across the North Carolina central Piedmont, are all accused of voting in the 2016 election as non-citizens, which carries a maximum sentence of up to a year in prison. Others are also charged with making false statements on voter registration applications and making false statements about their immigration status.


Wow, you found and convicted NINETEEN? That's bigly YUUUUUGE man. Good for you. 99.999% of illegals wouldn't dare attempt to vote. It would mean immediate deportation if they are caught, and they are caught MOST of the time.

Can noncitizens vote in U.S. elections?
Registration for voting in federal elections is reserved for U.S. citizens, according to the National Council of State Legislatures. The right to vote in local municipal or town elections has been extended to noncitizens in 11 states.​
Whether voting by mail or in-person, registrants voting in a federal election supply evidence of their residence, a signature or another form of verification when submitting a ballot, according to Robert Brandon, founder of the Fair Elections Center.​
"The handful of times when people try to do something, they're caught and they’re indicted. ... It’s only a handful of individuals and that’s not going to change an election," Brandon told USA TODAY about voter fraud.​
Agresti argues some noncitizens manage to vote in federal elections despite preventive measures. But allegations of voter fraud by noncitizens tend to be "exaggerated or unfounded," according to a 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a center-left institute. Few people purposefully register to vote if they are knowingly ineligible.​
"Given that the penalty (not only criminal prosecution, but deportation) is so severe, and the payoff (one incremental vote) is so minimal for any individual voter, it makes sense that extremely few non-citizens would attempt to vote, knowing that doing so is illegal," the Brennan Center observed.​

Bullshit.. In NYork they granted Driver's Licences to illegals. A driver's licence is the SOLE ID required to register. And ONCE REGISTERED -- no other ID IS REQUIRED to get a ballot..

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud (

Yeah -- "it's an honor system" subject to fines and jail that ARE NEVER LEVIED WHEN FOUND.. But we're dealing with "DIShonorable" Dems who will tell these people - it's FINE to request a ballot in a Federal election. KNOWING this will NEVER BE INVESTIGATED or prosecuted... That's evil..

Your sources all used "weasel words" for meaningless facts like whether the voting rules are EVEN SPELLED out "STATE constitutional level".. In most states they are not.. So you got spun right there with those numbers. No wonder you're so belligerent. You dont THINK for yourself. And there are no critical reading skills either to protect your ass from being played by phony as shit "fact checkers"..

I'm "belligerent"? LoL - That's a label you sore losers foist on anyone with a different view and it's ridiculous. The never-Rumper crowd is WAY less belligerent than a gaggle of angry Trumplings. :rolleyes-41:

Anyway, your claims that NY and other states have issued driver's to migrant workers give them the right to vote has been soundly put to bed. These are temporary permits, not a "license" such as you and I would have.

Show me the law that authorizes the SOS to change election requirements. The US Constitution says only the State legislature has that authority.
The legislature says that the electors are decided by popular vote. The SOS is tasked with enforcing that directive which is what they were doing.

Nothing the SOS did was illegal, it was all done with approval and guidance by the court system. If it were illegal, the courts would have said so, but the lawsuits attempting to dispute this have failed.

That is still be litigated, but a judge can't override the US Constitution.


If that is your claim, you would be overturning elections in pretty much every state.

If that's what the law requires, so be it. Unlike you, I care if the laws are followed. There's a reason 26 European countries have outlawed voting by mail and you commies want it expanded, it's easier to cheat.


So now you want to follow what Europeans are doing.

I do, stop mass mail voting, require proof of citizenship to register and require ID for any form of voting. Would those be bad things?


Don't you have to do those things now, I do every time I vote.

Are you saying you provided proof of citizenship when you registered?


I provided a birth certificate to Oregon DMV who then auto-registered me.
Your claims that non-citizens vote is Pants on Fire material.

Damn, you keep proving your ignorance. Here's one example, there are many more.

US Attorney Matthew GT Martin announced charges against 19 North Carolina residents for voting as non-citizens, based on a years-long investigation by the Homeland Security Investigations Office in Raleigh. Three of the defendants — a 65-year-old woman from Mexico, a 52-year-old man from Costa Rica and a 57-year-old man from Tobago — live in Winston-Salem.

The 19 defendants, from 16 countries spanning the world from Latin America to Asia and residing in dozens of counties across the North Carolina central Piedmont, are all accused of voting in the 2016 election as non-citizens, which carries a maximum sentence of up to a year in prison. Others are also charged with making false statements on voter registration applications and making false statements about their immigration status.


Wow, you found and convicted NINETEEN? That's bigly YUUUUUGE man. Good for you. 99.999% of illegals wouldn't dare attempt to vote. It would mean immediate deportation if they are caught, and they are caught MOST of the time.

Can noncitizens vote in U.S. elections?
Registration for voting in federal elections is reserved for U.S. citizens, according to the National Council of State Legislatures. The right to vote in local municipal or town elections has been extended to noncitizens in 11 states.​
Whether voting by mail or in-person, registrants voting in a federal election supply evidence of their residence, a signature or another form of verification when submitting a ballot, according to Robert Brandon, founder of the Fair Elections Center.​
"The handful of times when people try to do something, they're caught and they’re indicted. ... It’s only a handful of individuals and that’s not going to change an election," Brandon told USA TODAY about voter fraud.​
Agresti argues some noncitizens manage to vote in federal elections despite preventive measures. But allegations of voter fraud by noncitizens tend to be "exaggerated or unfounded," according to a 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a center-left institute. Few people purposefully register to vote if they are knowingly ineligible.​
"Given that the penalty (not only criminal prosecution, but deportation) is so severe, and the payoff (one incremental vote) is so minimal for any individual voter, it makes sense that extremely few non-citizens would attempt to vote, knowing that doing so is illegal," the Brennan Center observed.​

Bullshit.. In NYork they granted Driver's Licences to illegals. A driver's licence is the SOLE ID required to register. And ONCE REGISTERED -- no other ID IS REQUIRED to get a ballot..

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud (

Yeah -- "it's an honor system" subject to fines and jail that ARE NEVER LEVIED WHEN FOUND.. But we're dealing with "DIShonorable" Dems who will tell these people - it's FINE to request a ballot in a Federal election. KNOWING this will NEVER BE INVESTIGATED or prosecuted... That's evil..

Your sources all used "weasel words" for meaningless facts like whether the voting rules are EVEN SPELLED out "STATE constitutional level".. In most states they are not.. So you got spun right there with those numbers. No wonder you're so belligerent. You dont THINK for yourself. And there are no critical reading skills either to protect your ass from being played by phony as shit "fact checkers"..

I'm "belligerent"? LoL - That's a label you sore losers foist on anyone with a different view and it's ridiculous. The never-Rumper crowd is WAY less belligerent than a gaggle of angry Trumplings. :rolleyes-41:

Anyway, your claims that NY and other states have issued driver's to migrant workers give them the right to vote has been soundly put to bed. These are temporary permits, not a "license" such as you and I would have.

Permanent residents get the same drivers licenses as everyone else and they are NOT citizens. You commies are pathetic.

I didn't say they were MAGA-man. Ya gotta admit, it's a horrible record.
Would you start a quarterback who had 1 win against 90 losses? Would you even keep him on your team??
And now he's talking about Sidney Fucking Powell as a special prosecutor.
Just quit while you're behind please.
That record isn't surprising given that the other team has been cheating their asses off.
Only a liar and scumbag would consider what has happened in front of the nation's eyes
to be equitable or fair. That's you, scumbag liar, if you weren't sure what I meant.
I didn't say they were MAGA-man. Ya gotta admit, it's a horrible record.
Would you start a quarterback who had 1 win against 90 losses? Would you even keep him on your team??
And now he's talking about Sidney Fucking Powell as a special prosecutor.
Just quit while you're behind please.
That record isn't surprising given that the other team has been cheating their asses off.
Only a liar and scumbag would consider what has happened in front of the nation's eyes
to be equitable or fair. That's you, scumbag liar, if you weren't sure what I meant.

If we equated credibility with our desired outcome, as you do....perhaps.

But if fairness isn't dependent on our guy winning, but the person with the most votes winning......then your argument is just sore losers being sore. And more than a little silly.
Show me the law that authorizes the SOS to change election requirements. The US Constitution says only the State legislature has that authority.
The legislature says that the electors are decided by popular vote. The SOS is tasked with enforcing that directive which is what they were doing.

Nothing the SOS did was illegal, it was all done with approval and guidance by the court system. If it were illegal, the courts would have said so, but the lawsuits attempting to dispute this have failed.

That is still be litigated, but a judge can't override the US Constitution.


If that is your claim, you would be overturning elections in pretty much every state.

If that's what the law requires, so be it. Unlike you, I care if the laws are followed. There's a reason 26 European countries have outlawed voting by mail and you commies want it expanded, it's easier to cheat.


So now you want to follow what Europeans are doing.

I do, stop mass mail voting, require proof of citizenship to register and require ID for any form of voting. Would those be bad things?


Don't you have to do those things now, I do every time I vote.

Are you saying you provided proof of citizenship when you registered?


I provided a birth certificate to Oregon DMV who then auto-registered me.
Your claims that non-citizens vote is Pants on Fire material.

Damn, you keep proving your ignorance. Here's one example, there are many more.

US Attorney Matthew GT Martin announced charges against 19 North Carolina residents for voting as non-citizens, based on a years-long investigation by the Homeland Security Investigations Office in Raleigh. Three of the defendants — a 65-year-old woman from Mexico, a 52-year-old man from Costa Rica and a 57-year-old man from Tobago — live in Winston-Salem.

The 19 defendants, from 16 countries spanning the world from Latin America to Asia and residing in dozens of counties across the North Carolina central Piedmont, are all accused of voting in the 2016 election as non-citizens, which carries a maximum sentence of up to a year in prison. Others are also charged with making false statements on voter registration applications and making false statements about their immigration status.


Wow, you found and convicted NINETEEN? That's bigly YUUUUUGE man. Good for you. 99.999% of illegals wouldn't dare attempt to vote. It would mean immediate deportation if they are caught, and they are caught MOST of the time.

Can noncitizens vote in U.S. elections?
Registration for voting in federal elections is reserved for U.S. citizens, according to the National Council of State Legislatures. The right to vote in local municipal or town elections has been extended to noncitizens in 11 states.​
Whether voting by mail or in-person, registrants voting in a federal election supply evidence of their residence, a signature or another form of verification when submitting a ballot, according to Robert Brandon, founder of the Fair Elections Center.​
"The handful of times when people try to do something, they're caught and they’re indicted. ... It’s only a handful of individuals and that’s not going to change an election," Brandon told USA TODAY about voter fraud.​
Agresti argues some noncitizens manage to vote in federal elections despite preventive measures. But allegations of voter fraud by noncitizens tend to be "exaggerated or unfounded," according to a 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a center-left institute. Few people purposefully register to vote if they are knowingly ineligible.​
"Given that the penalty (not only criminal prosecution, but deportation) is so severe, and the payoff (one incremental vote) is so minimal for any individual voter, it makes sense that extremely few non-citizens would attempt to vote, knowing that doing so is illegal," the Brennan Center observed.​

Bullshit.. In NYork they granted Driver's Licences to illegals. A driver's licence is the SOLE ID required to register. And ONCE REGISTERED -- no other ID IS REQUIRED to get a ballot..

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud (

Yeah -- "it's an honor system" subject to fines and jail that ARE NEVER LEVIED WHEN FOUND.. But we're dealing with "DIShonorable" Dems who will tell these people - it's FINE to request a ballot in a Federal election. KNOWING this will NEVER BE INVESTIGATED or prosecuted... That's evil..

Your sources all used "weasel words" for meaningless facts like whether the voting rules are EVEN SPELLED out "STATE constitutional level".. In most states they are not.. So you got spun right there with those numbers. No wonder you're so belligerent. You dont THINK for yourself. And there are no critical reading skills either to protect your ass from being played by phony as shit "fact checkers"..

I'm "belligerent"? LoL - That's a label you sore losers foist on anyone with a different view and it's ridiculous. The never-Rumper crowd is WAY less belligerent than a gaggle of angry Trumplings. :rolleyes-41:

Anyway, your claims that NY and other states have issued driver's to migrant workers give them the right to vote has been soundly put to bed. These are temporary permits, not a "license" such as you and I would have.

Your fact-checkers are lying. THEY nor NOBODY knows if registered illegals actually vote in FEd elections -- because THEY NEVER CHECK... Cali ended up with 1.5Mill PROVISIONAL ballots to clear in 2016.. THAT MANY is a fucking ADMISSION -- they've lost control of their rolls and process. They only cleared about 40% by the time they had to certify -- all the others -- good votes got tossed into the dumpster along with the bad.. Disenfranchising the HONEST voters..

And I just showed you an article from the NY Post outlining HOW illegals end up voting in NY election since the state changed THEIR laws..
Show me the law that authorizes the SOS to change election requirements. The US Constitution says only the State legislature has that authority.
The legislature says that the electors are decided by popular vote. The SOS is tasked with enforcing that directive which is what they were doing.

Nothing the SOS did was illegal, it was all done with approval and guidance by the court system. If it were illegal, the courts would have said so, but the lawsuits attempting to dispute this have failed.

That is still be litigated, but a judge can't override the US Constitution.


If that is your claim, you would be overturning elections in pretty much every state.

If that's what the law requires, so be it. Unlike you, I care if the laws are followed. There's a reason 26 European countries have outlawed voting by mail and you commies want it expanded, it's easier to cheat.


So now you want to follow what Europeans are doing.

I do, stop mass mail voting, require proof of citizenship to register and require ID for any form of voting. Would those be bad things?


Don't you have to do those things now, I do every time I vote.

Are you saying you provided proof of citizenship when you registered?


I provided a birth certificate to Oregon DMV who then auto-registered me.
Your claims that non-citizens vote is Pants on Fire material.

Damn, you keep proving your ignorance. Here's one example, there are many more.

US Attorney Matthew GT Martin announced charges against 19 North Carolina residents for voting as non-citizens, based on a years-long investigation by the Homeland Security Investigations Office in Raleigh. Three of the defendants — a 65-year-old woman from Mexico, a 52-year-old man from Costa Rica and a 57-year-old man from Tobago — live in Winston-Salem.

The 19 defendants, from 16 countries spanning the world from Latin America to Asia and residing in dozens of counties across the North Carolina central Piedmont, are all accused of voting in the 2016 election as non-citizens, which carries a maximum sentence of up to a year in prison. Others are also charged with making false statements on voter registration applications and making false statements about their immigration status.


Wow, you found and convicted NINETEEN? That's bigly YUUUUUGE man. Good for you. 99.999% of illegals wouldn't dare attempt to vote. It would mean immediate deportation if they are caught, and they are caught MOST of the time.

Can noncitizens vote in U.S. elections?
Registration for voting in federal elections is reserved for U.S. citizens, according to the National Council of State Legislatures. The right to vote in local municipal or town elections has been extended to noncitizens in 11 states.​
Whether voting by mail or in-person, registrants voting in a federal election supply evidence of their residence, a signature or another form of verification when submitting a ballot, according to Robert Brandon, founder of the Fair Elections Center.​
"The handful of times when people try to do something, they're caught and they’re indicted. ... It’s only a handful of individuals and that’s not going to change an election," Brandon told USA TODAY about voter fraud.​
Agresti argues some noncitizens manage to vote in federal elections despite preventive measures. But allegations of voter fraud by noncitizens tend to be "exaggerated or unfounded," according to a 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a center-left institute. Few people purposefully register to vote if they are knowingly ineligible.​
"Given that the penalty (not only criminal prosecution, but deportation) is so severe, and the payoff (one incremental vote) is so minimal for any individual voter, it makes sense that extremely few non-citizens would attempt to vote, knowing that doing so is illegal," the Brennan Center observed.​

Bullshit.. In NYork they granted Driver's Licences to illegals. A driver's licence is the SOLE ID required to register. And ONCE REGISTERED -- no other ID IS REQUIRED to get a ballot..

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud (

Yeah -- "it's an honor system" subject to fines and jail that ARE NEVER LEVIED WHEN FOUND.. But we're dealing with "DIShonorable" Dems who will tell these people - it's FINE to request a ballot in a Federal election. KNOWING this will NEVER BE INVESTIGATED or prosecuted... That's evil..

Your sources all used "weasel words" for meaningless facts like whether the voting rules are EVEN SPELLED out "STATE constitutional level".. In most states they are not.. So you got spun right there with those numbers. No wonder you're so belligerent. You dont THINK for yourself. And there are no critical reading skills either to protect your ass from being played by phony as shit "fact checkers"..

I'm "belligerent"? LoL - That's a label you sore losers foist on anyone with a different view and it's ridiculous. The never-Rumper crowd is WAY less belligerent than a gaggle of angry Trumplings. :rolleyes-41:

Anyway, your claims that NY and other states have issued driver's to migrant workers give them the right to vote has been soundly put to bed. These are temporary permits, not a "license" such as you and I would have.

Your fact-checkers are lying. THEY nor NOBODY knows if registered illegals actually vote in FEd elections -- because THEY NEVER CHECK... Cali ended up with 1.5Mill PROVISIONAL ballots to clear in 2016.. THAT MANY is a fucking ADMISSION -- they've lost control of their rolls and process. They only cleared about 40% by the time they had to certify -- all the others -- good votes got tossed into the dumpster along with the bad.. Disenfranchising the HONEST voters..

And I just showed you an article from the NY Post outlining HOW illegals end up voting in NY election since the state changed THEIR laws..

I'm not saying it never happens. Illegals who try it and are caught pay fines and do time followed by deportation. Your claim that "they never check" is goofy. That's why it's so rare - Not the "millions" as your Orange Overlord claims. ;)
Show me the law that authorizes the SOS to change election requirements. The US Constitution says only the State legislature has that authority.
The legislature says that the electors are decided by popular vote. The SOS is tasked with enforcing that directive which is what they were doing.

Nothing the SOS did was illegal, it was all done with approval and guidance by the court system. If it were illegal, the courts would have said so, but the lawsuits attempting to dispute this have failed.

That is still be litigated, but a judge can't override the US Constitution.


If that is your claim, you would be overturning elections in pretty much every state.

If that's what the law requires, so be it. Unlike you, I care if the laws are followed. There's a reason 26 European countries have outlawed voting by mail and you commies want it expanded, it's easier to cheat.


So now you want to follow what Europeans are doing.

I do, stop mass mail voting, require proof of citizenship to register and require ID for any form of voting. Would those be bad things?


Don't you have to do those things now, I do every time I vote.

Are you saying you provided proof of citizenship when you registered?


I provided a birth certificate to Oregon DMV who then auto-registered me.
Your claims that non-citizens vote is Pants on Fire material.

Damn, you keep proving your ignorance. Here's one example, there are many more.

US Attorney Matthew GT Martin announced charges against 19 North Carolina residents for voting as non-citizens, based on a years-long investigation by the Homeland Security Investigations Office in Raleigh. Three of the defendants — a 65-year-old woman from Mexico, a 52-year-old man from Costa Rica and a 57-year-old man from Tobago — live in Winston-Salem.

The 19 defendants, from 16 countries spanning the world from Latin America to Asia and residing in dozens of counties across the North Carolina central Piedmont, are all accused of voting in the 2016 election as non-citizens, which carries a maximum sentence of up to a year in prison. Others are also charged with making false statements on voter registration applications and making false statements about their immigration status.


Wow, you found and convicted NINETEEN? That's bigly YUUUUUGE man. Good for you. 99.999% of illegals wouldn't dare attempt to vote. It would mean immediate deportation if they are caught, and they are caught MOST of the time.

Can noncitizens vote in U.S. elections?
Registration for voting in federal elections is reserved for U.S. citizens, according to the National Council of State Legislatures. The right to vote in local municipal or town elections has been extended to noncitizens in 11 states.​
Whether voting by mail or in-person, registrants voting in a federal election supply evidence of their residence, a signature or another form of verification when submitting a ballot, according to Robert Brandon, founder of the Fair Elections Center.​
"The handful of times when people try to do something, they're caught and they’re indicted. ... It’s only a handful of individuals and that’s not going to change an election," Brandon told USA TODAY about voter fraud.​
Agresti argues some noncitizens manage to vote in federal elections despite preventive measures. But allegations of voter fraud by noncitizens tend to be "exaggerated or unfounded," according to a 2007 report by the Brennan Center for Justice, a center-left institute. Few people purposefully register to vote if they are knowingly ineligible.​
"Given that the penalty (not only criminal prosecution, but deportation) is so severe, and the payoff (one incremental vote) is so minimal for any individual voter, it makes sense that extremely few non-citizens would attempt to vote, knowing that doing so is illegal," the Brennan Center observed.​

Bullshit.. In NYork they granted Driver's Licences to illegals. A driver's licence is the SOLE ID required to register. And ONCE REGISTERED -- no other ID IS REQUIRED to get a ballot..

Loophole in law granting illegal immigrants driver’s licenses could lead to voter fraud (

Yeah -- "it's an honor system" subject to fines and jail that ARE NEVER LEVIED WHEN FOUND.. But we're dealing with "DIShonorable" Dems who will tell these people - it's FINE to request a ballot in a Federal election. KNOWING this will NEVER BE INVESTIGATED or prosecuted... That's evil..

Your sources all used "weasel words" for meaningless facts like whether the voting rules are EVEN SPELLED out "STATE constitutional level".. In most states they are not.. So you got spun right there with those numbers. No wonder you're so belligerent. You dont THINK for yourself. And there are no critical reading skills either to protect your ass from being played by phony as shit "fact checkers"..

I'm "belligerent"? LoL - That's a label you sore losers foist on anyone with a different view and it's ridiculous. The never-Rumper crowd is WAY less belligerent than a gaggle of angry Trumplings. :rolleyes-41:

Anyway, your claims that NY and other states have issued driver's to migrant workers give them the right to vote has been soundly put to bed. These are temporary permits, not a "license" such as you and I would have.

Your fact-checkers are lying. THEY nor NOBODY knows if registered illegals actually vote in FEd elections -- because THEY NEVER CHECK... Cali ended up with 1.5Mill PROVISIONAL ballots to clear in 2016.. THAT MANY is a fucking ADMISSION -- they've lost control of their rolls and process. They only cleared about 40% by the time they had to certify -- all the others -- good votes got tossed into the dumpster along with the bad.. Disenfranchising the HONEST voters..

And I just showed you an article from the NY Post outlining HOW illegals end up voting in NY election since the state changed THEIR laws..

I'm not saying it never happens. Illegals who try it and are caught pay fines and do time followed by deportation. Your claim that "they never check" is goofy. That's why it's so rare - Not the "millions" as your Orange Overlord claims. ;)

NOBODY is getting caught and punished.. Not for being REGISTERED and illegally voting. THey MAY be prosecuted if they intercept a ballot and vote for other family members or cast ballots for dead people..

In FACT, the Blue states wont even SHARE any of the instances that they DO catch and DONT prosecute. Pence had a committee to study this.. They could NOT GET the basic info from the states that allow illegals to register..

They are WELL protected if they ATTEMPT to vote illegally by the same folks who are pushing "every voice and every vote"...

Dems have a congenital defect about "legality".. Wont even SAY the words "illegal alien".. Wont SAY -- "count all the LEGAL ballots".. Will change election laws ILLEGALLY just prior to a Federal election violating BOTH their State and the Federal Constitution.. Wanted to force electoral delegates to abide by the National Popular Vote in spite of the will of the people of their state?

You see the trend here?

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