Brian Williams Death Penalty QUestion

Any guesses on whether Williams tries to spin the question on the Nightly News or it gets no air time?
Perry is a politician. He knows he is playing to the majority of the american public when he says he is cool with it.
That's what They Say, huh???



"Contrary to the conventional wisdom that Americans wholeheartedly support the death penalty, the latest national opinion poll released in conjunction with this report shows that more people in this country would prefer alternative sentences that guarantee both protection and punishment over the death penalty. Death penalty support becomes a minority opinion when the public is presented with a variety of alternative sentences. Most Americans, however, are unaware that the length of imprisonment embodied in these alternatives is now the norm almost everywhere in the country."

Some crimes require the death penalty if there is to be justice. There is nothing just about requiring the family, friends, and neighbors of murder victums to feed, house, and protect such animals for the rest of their natural lives.

The standard of evidence must be higher in capital cases.

Beyond a reasonable doubt isn't good enough.
In the case of Willingham in TX the conviction was found to be unsupportable. Obviously mistakes were made.

Cameron Todd Willingham, Texas, and the death penalty : The New Yorker

By whom ?


Two days before Christmas in 1991, Willingham poured a combustible liquid on the floor throughout his home and intentionally set the house on fire, resulting in the death of his three children. According to autopsy reports, Amber, age two, and twins Karmon and Kameron, age 1, died of acute carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of smoke inhalation. Neighbors of Willingham testified that as the house began smoldering, Willingham was “crouched down” in the front yard, and despite the neighbors’ pleas, refused to go into the house in any attempt to rescue the children. An expert witness for the State testified that the floors, front threshold, and front concrete porch were burned, which only occurs when an accelerant has been used to purposely burn these areas. The witness further testified that this igniting of the floors and thresholds is typically employed to impede firemen in their rescue attempts. The testimony at trial demonstrates that Willingham neither showed remorse for his actions nor grieved the loss of his three children. Willingham’s neighbors testified that when the fire “blew out” the windows, Willingham “hollered about his car” and ran to move it away from the fire to avoid its being damaged. A fire fighter also testified that Willingham was upset that his dart board was burned. Willingham told authorities that the fire started while he and the children were asleep. An investigation revealed that it was intentionally set with a flammable liquid. His claims of heroic effort to save the girls were not borne out by his unscathed escape with little smoke in his lungs.

Cameron Todd Willingham #899

If you bothered to read the article in the New Yorker you would see that a renowned arson expert refuted all the state's evidence in the case. Unfortunately he was found very late in the appeals process

read pages 11-15 of the article and then tell me there were no mistakes made and that the independent arson expert had he been allowed to testify may have turned the case.

I read the article, this is only one of two or three its posted in. It is not a fact piece, it is an opinion piece.
By whom ?


Two days before Christmas in 1991, Willingham poured a combustible liquid on the floor throughout his home and intentionally set the house on fire, resulting in the death of his three children. According to autopsy reports, Amber, age two, and twins Karmon and Kameron, age 1, died of acute carbon monoxide poisoning as a result of smoke inhalation. Neighbors of Willingham testified that as the house began smoldering, Willingham was “crouched down” in the front yard, and despite the neighbors’ pleas, refused to go into the house in any attempt to rescue the children. An expert witness for the State testified that the floors, front threshold, and front concrete porch were burned, which only occurs when an accelerant has been used to purposely burn these areas. The witness further testified that this igniting of the floors and thresholds is typically employed to impede firemen in their rescue attempts. The testimony at trial demonstrates that Willingham neither showed remorse for his actions nor grieved the loss of his three children. Willingham’s neighbors testified that when the fire “blew out” the windows, Willingham “hollered about his car” and ran to move it away from the fire to avoid its being damaged. A fire fighter also testified that Willingham was upset that his dart board was burned. Willingham told authorities that the fire started while he and the children were asleep. An investigation revealed that it was intentionally set with a flammable liquid. His claims of heroic effort to save the girls were not borne out by his unscathed escape with little smoke in his lungs.

Cameron Todd Willingham #899

If you bothered to read the article in the New Yorker you would see that a renowned arson expert refuted all the state's evidence in the case. Unfortunately he was found very late in the appeals process

read pages 11-15 of the article and then tell me there were no mistakes made and that the independent arson expert had he been allowed to testify may have turned the case.

I read the article, this is only one of two or three its posted in. It is not a fact piece, it is an opinion piece.

So the arson investigator was an opinion?

His findings were opinion?
How much has the murder rate in Texas gone down since Perry executed over 200 prisoners?

Wingy...did you know that in Texas, they no longer use the electric chair? Now they use the electric sofa so they can take six at a time...

..and the last meal has become a buffet.


How creative......



For something to be really's gotta be fact-based......​

Three Texas surgeons were arguing about who had the greatest skill.

The first began, "Three years ago, I reattached three fingers on a pianist. He went on to give a recital for the Queen of England."

The second replied, "That's nothing. I attended a man in a car accident. All his arms and legs were severed from his body. Two years after I reattached them, he won three gold medals for field events in the Olympics."

The third said, "A few years back, I attended to a cowboy. He was high on pot and alcohol when he rode his horse head-on into a freight train traveling at 100 miles per hour. All I had to work with was the horse's ass and a ten gallon hat. Two years ago he became President of the United States."

The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past.
.....Much like those religious-fanatics who insisted-upon burning schizophrenics & epileptics, at-the-stake, for being possessed.​
If you bothered to read the article in the New Yorker you would see that a renowned arson expert refuted all the state's evidence in the case. Unfortunately he was found very late in the appeals process

read pages 11-15 of the article and then tell me there were no mistakes made and that the independent arson expert had he been allowed to testify may have turned the case.

I read the article, this is only one of two or three its posted in. It is not a fact piece, it is an opinion piece.

So the arson investigator was an opinion?

His findings were opinion?

Yes, they were his opinion.
The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past


It is the obligation of government to protect the innocent, not the guilty.
Yeah.....pretty amazing how there are....



funny how the left has no problem killing babies but will judge a man for carrying out the execution of a convicted murder.

disgusting priorities
I read the article, this is only one of two or three its posted in. It is not a fact piece, it is an opinion piece.

So the arson investigator was an opinion?

His findings were opinion?

Yes, they were his opinion.

So then the state arson investigator sent a guy to death over opinion? Sorry but opinion is never enough reason to kill a man

The arson investigator crushed the states evidence scientifically.
The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past

It is justice, not vengeance.

You "conservatives" are into Execution for it's entertainment-value; same as it's.....


The Death Penalty will become the next gay marriage type social issue as red states cling to their right to vengeance and Blue States phase it out

Most of the world already look at us as barbarians for our government enforced executions. We will gradually move to a point where exertions are looked at as a remnant of our sordid past

It is justice, not vengeance. But your hyperbole is entertaining.

Call it what you want. It doesn't change the fact that we endorse government sanctioned killings of prisoners. Most of the world looks at it as barbaric and do not ask "why can't we be more like the United States?"

We will gradually recognize the death penalty for what it is......biblical, eye for an eye vengeance

As creative as Mankind has become (over the Centuries), when it comes to punishing people.....Murders STILL HAPPEN.

Where's the Deterrence?


(...Kind o' like Bush tax-cuts creating jobs.)​
It is justice, not vengeance. But your hyperbole is entertaining.

Call it what you want. It doesn't change the fact that we endorse government sanctioned killings of prisoners. Most of the world looks at it as barbaric and do not ask "why can't we be more like the United States?"We will gradually recognize the death penalty for what it is......biblical, eye for an eye vengeance

Then why do we have over 4 million people waiting in line to become citizens?
That's what Porky Limbaugh says, huh?​
Call it what you want. It doesn't change the fact that we endorse government sanctioned killings of prisoners. Most of the world looks at it as barbaric and do not ask "why can't we be more like the United States?"

We will gradually recognize the death penalty for what it is......biblical, eye for an eye vengeance
It's nothing more than big government at its finest.

It's always funny to me that the anti-big government babblers are anything but.

Please explain how a state government is deemed as big government.
You've gotta be from Kansas.

That's basically because it was Perry that dismantled investigators looking into whether or not that has happened.

This isn't going away.

Actually, the only people who are upset about career dirtbags getting executed are the kind of people who would never vote Republican, anyway.

No politician has come out publically against the Death Penalty since Mike Dukakis said he wouldn't want the man who raped and killed his wife executed.

So keep playing the little violins for baby-burning wife-beaters, the rest of us aren't playing along.

It's kind of funny that the very same people that say the government gets just about everything wrong...trusts the government when it comes to killing people.


(Tooooooooooooo much logic for the average-Teabagger!!!)​
Actually, the only people who are upset about career dirtbags getting executed are the kind of people who would never vote Republican, anyway.

No politician has come out publically against the Death Penalty since Mike Dukakis said he wouldn't want the man who raped and killed his wife executed.

So keep playing the little violins for baby-burning wife-beaters, the rest of us aren't playing along.

It's kind of funny that the very same people that say the government gets just about everything wrong...trusts the government when it comes to killing people.

Whether that may be invading other nations..or executing our own.

Funny and scary.

Was it the government or the jury that determined guilt?

Too-often, it can be a......' his way to a Senate-seat!!!!

(....When a body-count REALLY pays-off!!)​

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