Brick vs. Glock guess which one won…also..why you carry a gun in church?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This pastor was targeted by a disturbed person…..the nut came at the pastor with a brick…I guess just to be friendly……so the pastor pulled out a Glock pistol and stopped the attempted murder…

Brick-Wielding Assailant Killed By Pastor’s Glock

A man with a brick in hand attempted to attack a pastor Sunday in Detroit, Mich., only to be stopped by the pastor’s Glock handgun.

The assailant had previous issues with the pastor, The Detroit News reports.

“He had been threatening him to do bodily harm,” Assistant Police Chief Steve Dolunt said. “He walked into the service and went after the pastor with a brick. The pastor pulled out his Glock and fired several shots. I think he hit him 4 or 5 times, and the man died.” (RELATED: O’Malley ‘Pissed’ About NRA In Wake Of Charleston Shooting)

The incident occurred at the City of God Ministries 15 minutes into its 1:30 afternoon service. The pastor at the church is Keon Allison.

Of course…the anti gun extremists must believe it is better to take the brick to your head than to stop the attempted murder with a gun…right?

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