brietbart hemorrhaging?

Several people leaving because they are tired of lying for Trump

Its just so interesting to watch conservatives slander each other the same batshit nonsense they've been spewing on every one else for years.

My favorite was Breitbart making up this story (which they pulled, of course....but the internet never forgets) to smear Shapiro after he quit in protest of Breitbart's treatment of Michelle Fields:

However, the site ran a piece on its homepage Monday with the headline "Ben Shapiro betrays loyal Breitbart readers in pursuit of Fox News contributorship." The piece was later removed but can still be found online.

Breitbart Reporter Quits After Alleged Assault by Trump Staffer

Now that's some loathsome, loathsome shit.

And even more loathsome? How many conservatives are going to be polishing Breitbart's turd until it smokes.
I bet you're a Duke Lacrosse, Twana Brawley apologist
Several people leaving because they are tired of lying for Trump

Its just so interesting to watch conservatives slander each other the same batshit nonsense they've been spewing on every one else for years.

My favorite was Breitbart making up this story (which they pulled, of course....but the internet never forgets) to smear Shapiro after he quit in protest of Breitbart's treatment of Michelle Fields:

However, the site ran a piece on its homepage Monday with the headline "Ben Shapiro betrays loyal Breitbart readers in pursuit of Fox News contributorship." The piece was later removed but can still be found online.

Breitbart Reporter Quits After Alleged Assault by Trump Staffer

Now that's some loathsome, loathsome shit.

And even more loathsome? How many conservatives are going to be polishing Breitbart's turd until it smokes.
I bet you're a Duke Lacrosse, Twana Brawley apologist

I bet you're going to polish Trump's turds without thought or question until you're just covered in shit.
Who would even know if three staffers resigned from Huffington or Media Matters? Nobody on the right cares about left wing blogs but (with the cooperation and support of the liberal media) the left keeps tabs at all times on conservative speech. That's the way it's been for years since the left's failed attempt to censor talk radio. It's all about the mainstream media's loss of credibility and the left's desperate war on the 1st Amendment right to free speech.
Who would even know if three staffers resigned from Huffington or Media Matters? Nobody on the right cares about left wing blogs but (with the cooperation and support of the liberal media) the left keeps tabs at all times on conservative speech. That's the way it's been for years since the left's failed attempt to censor talk radio. It's all about the left's desperate war on the 1st Amendment right to free speech.

Trump's rally's are becoming increasingly violent. Old men sucker punching protesters and saying that they 'might have to be killed next time', CBS reporters being arrested at Trump Rallys, Breitbart reporter Michelle Field's being allegedly attacked by Trump's campaign manager.

Of course Shapiro's statements on the topic are going to be discussed. It wasn't some conversation that 'liberals' lifted with a secret microphone in a bathroom stall.

Shapiro's statement on the matter was released for public consumption BY be read by the public at large.

Andrew’s life mission has been betrayed,” Shapiro wrote. “Indeed, Breitbart News, under the chairmanship of Steve Bannon, has put a stake through the heart of Andrew’s legacy. In my opinion, Steve Bannon is a bully, and has sold out Andrew’s mission in order to back another bully, Donald Trump; he has shaped the company into Trump’s personal Pravda, to the extent that he abandoned and undercut his own reporter, Breitbart News’ Michelle Fields, in order to protect Trump’s bully campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, who allegedly assaulted Michelle.”

Michelle Fields, Ben Shapiro Resign From Breitbart

Why cite Buzzfeed? That's who Shapiro released his statement to.
Saw that. What's up with that? I didn't know they'd bedded down with the Donald...
Michelle Fields came forth with the accusation that Trumps Campaign manager assaulted her. Brietbart media staff were split if it was true or not. Videos and accusations continued to fly over the weekend. When the dust settled a couple (or few?) staff left. There's a video out there showing very clearly that Corey did not grab her aggressively and pull her to the ground. She lied. She has a history of making things up and interestingly enough she has a book coming out.
I thought that it had been determined that that was at a different time during the event.
Negative. The spinsters may be saying that, but its clear its a continuation of the video that gets cut off by the scrum of media.
Saw that. What's up with that? I didn't know they'd bedded down with the Donald...
Michelle Fields came forth with the accusation that Trumps Campaign manager assaulted her. Brietbart media staff were split if it was true or not. Videos and accusations continued to fly over the weekend. When the dust settled a couple (or few?) staff left. There's a video out there showing very clearly that Corey did not grab her aggressively and pull her to the ground. She lied. She has a history of making things up and interestingly enough she has a book coming out.

When did she claim she was pulled to the ground? I don't remember reading that as her claim. The video I watched shows him reaching for her arm, but you can't tell one way or the other what actually happened.

Where is this video showing he did not grab her?
Saw that. What's up with that? I didn't know they'd bedded down with the Donald...
Michelle Fields came forth with the accusation that Trumps Campaign manager assaulted her. Brietbart media staff were split if it was true or not. Videos and accusations continued to fly over the weekend. When the dust settled a couple (or few?) staff left. There's a video out there showing very clearly that Corey did not grab her aggressively and pull her to the ground. She lied. She has a history of making things up and interestingly enough she has a book coming out.

When did she claim she was pulled to the ground? I don't remember reading that as her claim. The video I watched shows him reaching for her arm, but you can't tell one way or the other what actually happened.

Where is this video showing he did not grab her?

Its in the original audio taken during and immediately after the event. Here's a transcript:

Fields: “Mr. Trump, you went after the late Scalia for affirmative action, do you -- are you still against affirmative action?"

Voice (allegedly Corey Lewandowski): “Excuse me, thank you.”

A few moments later (noise of the room can be heard)...

Terris: “You OK?"

Fields: “Holy sh*t."

Terris: “Yea he just threw you down."

Fields: “I can’t believe he just did that that was so hard. Was that Corey?"

Terris: “Yeah, like, what threat were you?"

Fields: "That was insane. You should have felt how hard he grabbed me. That's insane. I’ve never had anyone do that to me from a campaign."

Terris: “Can I put that in my story?"

Fields: “Yeah, go for it — that was really awful. That’s so unprofessional.”

Terris: “He really just almost threw you down on the ground."

Fields: “He literally went like this and was grabbing me down. "I don’t even want to do what he just did to me. Oh my God, that really spooked me that someone would do that."

Terris: “What threat were you?"

Fields: “Nothing. I was asking about affirmative action."

Terris: “And he probably knows you, right?"

Fields: “Yeah, I don’t understand. That looks horrible. You’re going after a Breitbart reporter, the people who are nicest to you?"

Terris: “I know, I’m going to put it in my story."

The two stop talking. Din/noise of people talking, glasses clinking continue through end of the recording.

Exclusive: Audio and transcript of Breitbart reporter allegedly being roughed up by Trump campaign manager
There's an old football tale. There was this defensive lineman named Alex Karras. You might remember him from Blazing Saddles as Mongo. "Mongo only pawn in game of life" Punching a horse.

Any Karras was ... not a nice football player. And he was notoriously near sighted in the days before contact lenses. His brother was also an NFL player, but an offensive lineman on an opposing team. In one game, unbeknownst to Alex, his brother was opposite him. After knocking his brother down, Alex kicked him, prompting "But Alex, it's me, you're brother."
Several people leaving because they are tired of lying for Trump
Lie much? 2 left because that reporter LIED about being attacked by Trumps campaign manager and SHE is one of the ones that left the other is a Cruztard supporter....good riddance to trash. Breitbart is the only decent source of news.
Here is more video. Maybe the left wing shouldn't be so in love with Brietbart news and should do a little investigating for themselves.

WOW! ANTI-TRUMP REPORTER CRIED WOLF! NEW VIDEO Shows Michelle Fields Not Even Bumped by Trump Campaign Manager - The Gateway Pundit
Yup this is the video of the "assault". As they say a "lie goes half way around the world before the truth gets it pants on"

Started with the lies Corey admitted to assaulting her that the media spread around like delicious butter, then there was the photographer that claimed he wasn't there (he withderew that statement when he was called out on the lie), then the horribly acted audio made its way around ( Skylar provided transcript). It was another well orchestrated FAILED attack on the Trump campaign.

Lying carries some bad karma.
Several people leaving because they are tired of lying for Trump

Its just so interesting to watch conservatives slander each other the same batshit nonsense they've been spewing on every one else for years.

My favorite was Breitbart making up this story (which they pulled, of course....but the internet never forgets) to smear Shapiro after he quit in protest of Breitbart's treatment of Michelle Fields:

However, the site ran a piece on its homepage Monday with the headline "Ben Shapiro betrays loyal Breitbart readers in pursuit of Fox News contributorship." The piece was later removed but can still be found online.

Breitbart Reporter Quits After Alleged Assault by Trump Staffer

Now that's some loathsome, loathsome shit.

And even more loathsome? How many conservatives are going to be polishing Breitbart's turd until it smokes.
I bet you're a Duke Lacrosse, Twana Brawley apologist

I bet you're going to polish Trump's turds without thought or question until you're just covered in shit.
I'm a Rand Paul, Rubio backer. So your assumption has as much credibility as your post.
How can you say this with any seriousness?

Several people leaving because they are tired of lying for Trump
Dude your conservative media is doing nothing different than what it's done for decades. Some members of it are just now starting to realize the monster they've created.

Supporting trump isn't conservative.

And it again illustrates the difference between the left and right. The right abandons evil when its exposed

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