"Bring Netanyahu before the International Criminal Court for war crimes." Spanish Social Rights Minister

You refuse to recognize how the Netanyahu government has done what Hamas has done for 20 years. This is why citizens in Israel are calling for Netanyahus removal.
The opposition is calling for his removal, as it has always done.
The opposition is calling for his removal, as it has always done.
It is not punishment if civilians are not being targeted, and according to the Laws of Armed Conflict, which is part of International Humanitarian Law, if civilians die as a result of an attack on a legitimate military target the basic principle is that the collateral damage must be proportionate to the military advantage gained by the attack. Since Hamas uses the civilians as human shields, in this war there will be a lot of dead civilians, but if the Laws of Armed Conflict are followed, there are no war crimes.
Hospitals are not "legitimate military targets", neither are power plants, water treatment plants, or Red Cross facilities.
Why accept someone's right to have a "State" when said side won't recognize yours?

Until the concept of "from the river to the sea" is given up by the Palestinians, no peace will be had.
The problem with your opinion is in how Israel became a state in the first place, which is why there are Arabs who feel the way they do.

How Britain Started the Arab-Israeli Conflict | Free Documentary History
The problem with your opinion is in how Israel became a state in the first place, which is why there are Arabs who feel the way they do.

How Britain Started the Arab-Israeli Conflict | Free Documentary History

They fought, they lost. They could have had a divided country, they wanted the whole thing, and they lost the whole thing.

The Mandate of Palestine was a leftover of the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI. At most it was a province of the Empire, never a country on it's own during the Ottoman and previous Muslim Caliphs, empires, or emirates.
They fought, they lost. They could have had a divided country, they wanted the whole thing, and they lost the whole thing.

The Mandate of Palestine was a leftover of the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire at the end of WWI. At most it was a province of the Empire, never a country on it's own during the Ottoman and previous Muslim Caliphs, empires, or emirates.
You just refuse to accept the truth no matter what you have been shown.
I would accept the image if I could find the context in which Netanyahu supposedly said that, but since it doesn't link back to a source, it is impossible to verify it. You, of course, don't care if it's true or note.
I would accept the image if I could find the context in which Netanyahu supposedly said that, but since it doesn't link back to a source, it is impossible to verify it. You, of course, don't care if it's true or note.
Yes, Hamas was supported, and partially funded, by Israel. In hindsight, it was a mistake. But honestly, what the hell did Israel think was going to happen. Israel openly supported Hamas because they wanted to dispose of Fatah, which was the bulk of the PLO. The difference between Fatah and Hamas, Fatah was a secular organization, Hamas is a religious one, kind of a Sunni based Taliban if you will.

And that is just it. Israel was formed, not as a religious nation, but a secular one. Yes, it was created as a "safe haven" for Jews, but for all Jews, not just the orthodox. But ever since the founding the nation has continually moved to the right. Today, ultra-right orthodox Jews hold most of the power, and that is no small reason as to why there have been mass protests in the streets.

It is not just Christians and Muslims that are discriminated against in Israel. It is secular Jews as well. A clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which as a member of the United Nations, Israel is required to follow.
Yes, Hamas was supported, and partially funded, by Israel. In hindsight, it was a mistake. But honestly, what the hell did Israel think was going to happen. Israel openly supported Hamas because they wanted to dispose of Fatah, which was the bulk of the PLO. The difference between Fatah and Hamas, Fatah was a secular organization, Hamas is a religious one, kind of a Sunni based Taliban if you will.

And that is just it. Israel was formed, not as a religious nation, but a secular one. Yes, it was created as a "safe haven" for Jews, but for all Jews, not just the orthodox. But ever since the founding the nation has continually moved to the right. Today, ultra-right orthodox Jews hold most of the power, and that is no small reason as to why there have been mass protests in the streets.

It is not just Christians and Muslims that are discriminated against in Israel. It is secular Jews as well. A clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which as a member of the United Nations, Israel is required to follow.
Bullshit. Under Israeli law, Jews, Christians and Muslims all have the same rights so no one is discriminate against.

Your anti-religious bigotry keeps you from seeing the facts. During the second intifada, most of the attacks on Israel came from Fatah aka PLO aka PA. That's why Sharon had to go into area A to stop the terrorist attacks but not Gaza. Currently, it is only the strong presence of the IDF and Shin Bet that prevents Fatah aka PLO aka PA from launching organized attacks on Israel.

A half century ago, when he founders of Hamas presented themselves as a religious social service agency, Israel looked on them favorably, but once Hamas revealed itself as a terrorist group in 1988, there has been no help from Israel.
Anyone who advocates support for terrorist groups like Hamas and Hizbollah should be snuffed like a candle. IDF needs to vacuum clean Gaza.
Terrorist from the criminal Zionist cowards admits his intention to kill civilians:

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I would accept the image if I could find the context in which Netanyahu supposedly said that, but since it doesn't link back to a source, it is impossible to verify it. You, of course, don't care if it's true or note.
I posted article from Israeli media and you still refused to accept it. The fact is that Netanyahu and his right wing extremist government are scumbags who tried using Hamas to stop Abbas and the Palestinian Authority's demand for a statre and it backfired in a terrible way.
Yes, Hamas was supported, and partially funded, by Israel. In hindsight, it was a mistake. But honestly, what the hell did Israel think was going to happen. Israel openly supported Hamas because they wanted to dispose of Fatah, which was the bulk of the PLO. The difference between Fatah and Hamas, Fatah was a secular organization, Hamas is a religious one, kind of a Sunni based Taliban if you will.

And that is just it. Israel was formed, not as a religious nation, but a secular one. Yes, it was created as a "safe haven" for Jews, but for all Jews, not just the orthodox. But ever since the founding the nation has continually moved to the right. Today, ultra-right orthodox Jews hold most of the power, and that is no small reason as to why there have been mass protests in the streets.

It is not just Christians and Muslims that are discriminated against in Israel. It is secular Jews as well. A clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which as a member of the United Nations, Israel is required to follow.
It's no small coincidence that right wing Americans are all on board with Netanyahu.

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