"Bring Netanyahu before the International Criminal Court for war crimes." Spanish Social Rights Minister

I posted article from Israeli media and you still refused to accept it. The fact is that Netanyahu and his right wing extremist government are scumbags who tried using Hamas to stop Abbas and the Palestinian Authority's demand for a statre and it backfired in a terrible way.
So to your mind all articles in Israeli media should be trusted as true?
The problem with your opinion is in how Israel became a state in the first place, which is why there are Arabs who feel the way they do.

How Britain Started the Arab-Israeli Conflict | Free Documentary History

Israel steals Palestinian land, murders Palestinians by the thousands, treats them as sub-human, and the thanks Israel gets are these 100% unprovoked attacks!

Only a moral imbecile would criticize Israel for its 80 year campaign of genocide, and suggest this reign of terror was the provocation for these HAMAS retaliations!
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You just refuse to accept the truth no matter what you have been shown.
That's how it works.

Do you now see why I discourage you from trying to reason with them?

They're 21st century KKKers.
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Yes, Hamas was supported, and partially funded, by Israel. In hindsight, it was a mistake. But honestly, what the hell did Israel think was going to happen. Israel openly supported Hamas because they wanted to dispose of Fatah, which was the bulk of the PLO. The difference between Fatah and Hamas, Fatah was a secular organization, Hamas is a religious one, kind of a Sunni based Taliban if you will.

And that is just it. Israel was formed, not as a religious nation, but a secular one. Yes, it was created as a "safe haven" for Jews, but for all Jews, not just the orthodox. But ever since the founding the nation has continually moved to the right. Today, ultra-right orthodox Jews hold most of the power, and that is no small reason as to why there have been mass protests in the streets.

It is not just Christians and Muslims that are discriminated against in Israel. It is secular Jews as well. A clear violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which as a member of the United Nations, Israel is required to follow.
^ Knows his shit.
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It's no small coincidence that right wing Americans are all on board with Netanyahu.
Yup - 21st century antisemitism.

It's cooler than 20th century antisemitism because you can pretend you're not a raging/ignorant bigot.
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Or that you're on board with Hamas.
I'm not on board with Hamas or Israel. I'm simply speaking the truth. But you're illiterate so you couldn't read where I said that when Israel gets rid of Hamas, they need to get rid of Netanyahu.
So to your mind all articles in Israeli media should be trusted as true?
Well, when your read 5-6 articles and they all say the same thing, it's pretty obvious what the problem is.
"Today we want to raise our voice to denounce that the State of Israel is carrying out a planned genocide..."
Ione Belarra, Spanish Minister of Social Rights.

Well, when your read 5-6 articles and they all say the same thing, it's pretty obvious what the problem is.
The problem is you are an ignorant bigot. With the fierce political competition that has been gong on in Israel for the last few years, you could find articles in Israeli media to prove just about anything. Were you an honest person, and not just an ignorant bigot touting anti Israel propaganda, you would examine the facts and reasoning the articles present instead of just saying, well, several Jewish people said so, so it must be true.
The Palestinian Ministry of Health gives an announcement among the civilians tragically killed in the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Baptist hospital.

It's urgent to send the terrorist Zionst murderers to an international trial with all of their collaborators

The Palestinian Ministry of Health gives an announcement among the civilians tragically killed in the Israeli bombing of the Gaza Baptist hospital.

It's urgent to send the terrorist Zionst murderers to an international trial with all of their collaborators

View attachment 844419

Surveillance video appears to show failed rocket launch causing Gaza hospital blast​


Surveillance video appears to show failed rocket launch causing Gaza hospital blast​

Only problem?
This video is from August of 2022.
Only problem?
This video is from August of 2022.
Of course that is not true. First, the report does not say Hamas bombed the hospital, it says a failed Islamic Jihad rocket hit. Try to keep your lies straight. Second, the image you showed is not among the images in the Times of Israel article I linked to.
I'm not on board with Hamas or Israel. I'm simply speaking the truth. But you're illiterate so you couldn't read where I said that when Israel gets rid of Hamas, they need to get rid of Netanyahu.
Your truth isn’t THE truth. Did you just equate Hamas with Israel? Typical 85

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