Bristol Palin Shoots a Gun, Quotes Bible Verse About Virtuous Woman

Political Junky said:
Like Clarence Thomas's wife?....

only to people as ignorant as she is.

Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

libtard slugs. lmao... you just stay put in mommy's basement honey. the world is safer with you there.

Jillian, I am apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.
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Political Junky said:
Like Clarence Thomas's wife?....

only to people as ignorant as she is.

Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

libtard slugs. lmao... you just stay put in mommy's basement honey. the world is safer with you there.

Jillian, I apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.

no. you're just a bigoted fool defending one of the vilest posters on the board. :thup:

if that makes you impressed with yourself, i feel badly for you.
Political Junky said:
Like Clarence Thomas's wife?....

only to people as ignorant as she is.

Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

libtard slugs. lmao... you just stay put in mommy's basement honey. the world is safer with you there.

Jillian, I apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.

no. you're just a bigoted fool defending one of the vilest posters on the board. :thup:

if that makes you impressed with yourself, i feel badly for you.

I defended Virginia Thomas.

Maybe you have a reading problem?
Political Junky said:
Like Clarence Thomas's wife?....

only to people as ignorant as she is.

Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

libtard slugs. lmao... you just stay put in mommy's basement honey. the world is safer with you there.

Jillian, I am apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.

I consider myself liberal but not far left.....there is a difference.

I think Jillian does live in the basement...the basement under the basement in her foster parents house.
Political Junky said:
Like Clarence Thomas's wife?....

only to people as ignorant as she is.

Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

libtard slugs. lmao... you just stay put in mommy's basement honey. the world is safer with you there.

Jillian, I am apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.

I consider myself liberal but not far left.....there is a difference.

I think Jillian does live in the basement...the basement under the basement in her foster parents house.

I consider myself to be a liberal of the era of Harry Truman, but not these misfits today. They are largely ignorant and just repeating slogans, little more.
Political Junky said:
Like Clarence Thomas's wife?....

only to people as ignorant as she is.

Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

libtard slugs. lmao... you just stay put in mommy's basement honey. the world is safer with you there.

Jillian, I am apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.

I consider myself liberal but not far left.....there is a difference.

I think Jillian does live in the basement...the basement under the basement in her foster parents house.

I consider myself to be a liberal of the era of Harry Truman, but not these misfits today. They are largely ignorant and just repeating slogans, little more.

It's become like the English and the Irish. The hate has been, and continues to be, transmitted through generations.

It would seem no honest or frank conversation can take place anymore.

People like Jillian are a great example of what you can achieve if you undertake a comprehensive system of programming people to be totally devoted to a cause. The independent part of their brains just waste away.
Political Junky said:
Like Clarence Thomas's wife?....

only to people as ignorant as she is.

Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

libtard slugs. lmao... you just stay put in mommy's basement honey. the world is safer with you there.

Jillian, I am apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.

I consider myself liberal but not far left.....there is a difference.

I think Jillian does live in the basement...the basement under the basement in her foster parents house.

I consider myself to be a liberal of the era of Harry Truman, but not these misfits today. They are largely ignorant and just repeating slogans, little more.

It's become like the English and the Irish. The hate has been, and continues to be, transmitted through generations.

It would seem no honest or frank conversation can take place anymore.

People like Jillian are a great example of what you can achieve if you undertake a comprehensive system of programming people to be totally devoted to a cause. The independent part of their brains just waste away.

Except this hate isn't based on race, ethnicity and the like. It is based on the condescending attitude that socialist have for everybody else. They have ruined liberalism and now are trying to ruin the whole damned country.,
Political Junky said:
Like Clarence Thomas's wife?....

only to people as ignorant as she is.

Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

libtard slugs. lmao... you just stay put in mommy's basement honey. the world is safer with you there.

Jillian, I am apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.

I consider myself liberal but not far left.....there is a difference.

I think Jillian does live in the basement...the basement under the basement in her foster parents house.

I consider myself to be a liberal of the era of Harry Truman, but not these misfits today. They are largely ignorant and just repeating slogans, little more.

It's become like the English and the Irish. The hate has been, and continues to be, transmitted through generations.

It would seem no honest or frank conversation can take place anymore.

People like Jillian are a great example of what you can achieve if you undertake a comprehensive system of programming people to be totally devoted to a cause. The independent part of their brains just waste away.

Except this hate isn't based on race, ethnicity and the like. It is based on the condescending attitude that socialist have for everybody else. They have ruined liberalism and now are trying to ruin the whole damned country.,

While I would agree with you to a point, I would also say that braindead conservatives (not all conservatives....just the Sean Hannitys) of the world have done their part to sour up the environment.
Virginia Thomas is ignorant? She holds a doctorate in law, lol. Just because you disagree with her husbands politics and adherence to the Constitution does not make HER ignorant in any way.

This is why I am dismissive of more and more liberals like yourself when you denounce some one. What you say has ZERO to do with REALITY but only the latest talking points you get off of the Democratic Underground.

You really should be ashamed of yourself for slandering such an accomplished woman as Virginia Thomas.

Jillian, I am apparently a far more honest person than you are if you see the world though such ideologically tainted glasses that you think Virginia Thomas is ignorant.

Maybe you should stay in YOU parents basement instead and spare the world your bullshit.

I consider myself liberal but not far left.....there is a difference.

I think Jillian does live in the basement...the basement under the basement in her foster parents house.

I consider myself to be a liberal of the era of Harry Truman, but not these misfits today. They are largely ignorant and just repeating slogans, little more.

It's become like the English and the Irish. The hate has been, and continues to be, transmitted through generations.

It would seem no honest or frank conversation can take place anymore.

People like Jillian are a great example of what you can achieve if you undertake a comprehensive system of programming people to be totally devoted to a cause. The independent part of their brains just waste away.

Except this hate isn't based on race, ethnicity and the like. It is based on the condescending attitude that socialist have for everybody else. They have ruined liberalism and now are trying to ruin the whole damned country.,

While I would agree with you to a point, I would also say that braindead conservatives (not all conservatives....just the Sean Hannitys) of the world have done their part to sour up the environment.

There are liberals and there are libtards. There are conservatives and there are neocons.

I wouldn't say that Hannity is a neocon, nor a dishonest man. He simply seems to dig into a topic to the point that he feels he has enough evidence to claim that he is right, and then stops. I don't think he ever reads articles on controversial topics that were written by people who actually believe the opposing view to be true.
Ellie May Clampett never slept around and got knocked up. :)

Baloney....she pulled a train with Andy, Goober, Barney, and Ernest T. Bass.

Should photoshop that avatar pic with some picnic baskets, turned over, and general disarray and a caption, "Come back! Look at these claws, look at these teeth, you really think I'm supposed to eat berries and grubs?"
Oh look... mindless partisan bigotry from the village useful idiot.
Notice how she claimed the 2nd baby was planned? But she didn't plan to get married first since groups all about abstinenance have had her as a spokesperson? So she was just using those groups for something?

Whoever writes her statements needs to be fired for one who thinks first. :)
Notice how she claimed the 2nd baby was planned? But she didn't plan to get married first since groups all about abstinenance have had her as a spokesperson? So she was just using those groups for something?

Whoever writes her statements needs to be fired for one who thinks first. :)

Its not that hard to put together, but as a service to the cause of bipartisanship, let me help you to help your own damned self.

While Bristol and Meyer were planning to get married, they shagged up and decided to put a bun in the oven. When their marriage plans changed, Bristol would not just kill the baby like some degenerate libtard, so it was a planned baby regardless of what happened with the planned wedding.

That is what can happen when you put the cart (fucking) before the horse (marriage).
The left loses their minds when the name Palin is mentioned. Seven years ago Palin was a candidate for fucking years these loons have been rabid over Palin

Actually Sarah Palin and Bristol Palin have kept themselves in the news when they should just go on with their lives. I for one do not care anymore about the Palin family and wish them the best, but also wish they would leave the public eye...

The sad part they love the attention no matter if it is negative...

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