Britains largest cell phone networks drop Huawei phones from 5G launch


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Britain's Largest Cell Phone Networks Drop Huawei Phones From 5G Launch
China's telecom giant was greeted with more bad news on Wednesady, when Britain’s largest cell phone operators pulled Huawei phones from their 5G networks, joining other global telecoms groups in dropping launch plans after the Chinese group was hit by a US export ban that could stop it using Google’s Android operating system.

All the dumbasses who fall for this 5G lmfao you don't know the half of it dumbasses.
Do you think it is carcinogenic as many have claimed? There has been some research on it.

It is being said 5G has not been tested on or around humans and whenit has been by those who took it upon themselves to test it , it baseically eats the FREE RADICALS in our DNA......

Remember the article where all these kids got brain tumors or something because the school was right near cell phone towers I believe....

This is a huge POPULATION control by putting inn 5G it allows all those " SMART" things to be controlled basically not by us but by big tech owned by big gov which in turn uses us for thier billions all the while keeping us like caged rats meaning :

1. Don't pay a bill your " smart card" your ID card, your implanted chip, your scanner code ( are you getting the picture) is and will be controlled by these pricks made your bill payment late , or worse yet can't pay your livelihood can be stopped dead. Think it's bs what do you think is done when pappa didn't pay that child support " freeze that bank account" imagine when we are totally cashless dumbasses who loathe a cashless society.

World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link
Scientists call on the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer to re-evaluate the carcinogenicity of cell phone radiation after the Ramazzini Institute and US government studies report finding the same unusual cancers.

Ramazzini Study on Radiofrequency Cell Phone Radiation: The World’s Largest Animal Study on Cell Tower Radiation Confirms Cancer Link - Environmental Health Trust
Listen to to the March 22, 2018 press conference below.
Britain's Largest Cell Phone Networks Drop Huawei Phones From 5G Launch
China's telecom giant was greeted with more bad news on Wednesady, when Britain’s largest cell phone operators pulled Huawei phones from their 5G networks, joining other global telecoms groups in dropping launch plans after the Chinese group was hit by a US export ban that could stop it using Google’s Android operating system.

All the dumbasses who fall for this 5G lmfao you don't know the half of it dumbasses.
This isn't about the 5G ya moron this is about the trade wars.
Besides you didn't even read your own link........

Despite the launch snub, BT will still rely on Huawei, the world’s largest provider of networking gear and No. 2 smartphone vendor, as it’s supplying much of the infrastructure for the new network, alongside Finnish equipment vendor Nokia Oyj.
Allera said EE has tested its 5G network using Huawei technology and has had “no indications” from the UK government to change course. He said the supply chain restrictions were a concern but that the UK would not benefit from a lengthy delay to 5G launches while the situation is being resolved.

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