Britain's Prime Minister Blasts John Kerry


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Obama the great uniter has our allies united in denouncing the US.

The prime minister’s spokesman said May thought it was not appropriate to make such strongly worded attacks on the makeup of a government or to focus solely on the issue of Israeli settlements.

“We do not believe that it is appropriate to attack the composition of the democratically elected government of an ally,” he said. “The government believes that negotiations will only succeed when they are conducted between the two parties, supported by the international community.”
Just days after they voted to condemn Israel huh? Fucking Brexiters.
Yeah, those thousand missiles a day the Palestinians were shooting at civilians was no big deal. Targeting civilians if fun in leftard land.
Britain's Prime Minister voted to condemn Israel. Way worse than anyhing Kerry said.
Just days after they voted to condemn Israel huh? Fucking Brexiters.
Yeah, those thousand missiles a day the Palestinians were shooting at civilians was no big deal. Targeting civilians if fun in leftard land.
Britain's Prime Minister voted to condemn Israel. Way worse than anyhing Kerry said.
What else are the voices in your head telling you?
Oh sorry I forgot you're on Trump's cock. In your world Britain voted to praise Israel, and the U.S. was the only country out of 15 to vote to condemn Israel.

Great job go MAGA
Let me get this straight...

the Prime Minister voted to condemn Israel?



the UN?
The problem with this response from the Brits are first, as noted by Oldschool, they voted for this in the UN. Second, this is simply a safe approach to take for political purposes as they know that the incoming U.S administration will be taking a different tone. Where was this outrage on the UN floor, or over the last few years? Does she have a position she would like to publicly make regarding the Iranian nuke deal?

Nothing worse than people smiling in your face and then stabbing you in the back. This is what is going on here. Canadians have inherited this approach in Canada and it's why we are not a trusted nation.

No nation is without fault, not one on earth, the average Israeli and Palestenian know this better than anyone. To me what is always most compelling about all of this is that I recall that a couple of times in the 2000's that Israel offered a peace deal, both times it was rejected. It seems to me there are unfortunately too many in Palestine that will never even accept that Israel should exist. This creates a situation that is a clear non starter for peace.
Let me get this straight...

the Prime Minister voted to condemn Israel?



the UN?
Are you playing dumb, or do you really have no idea?

Where did he vote?

Who else was in on the vote?
Oh the leader of a country has nothing to do with UN voting? I guess you embarrassing rubes can't blame Obama for not blocking the vote since he had nothing to do with it then.

So, she didn't actually vote?

The British representative at the UN did?

and that was based on what the Prime Minister wanted?

Or what Parliament wanted?

Who gave the UN representative their talking points?

and since when can't the Prime Minister have a private opinion.

You people are more hilarious than you think I am.
Obama the great uniter has our allies united in denouncing the US.

The prime minister’s spokesman said May thought it was not appropriate to make such strongly worded attacks on the makeup of a government or to focus solely on the issue of Israeli settlements.

“We do not believe that it is appropriate to attack the composition of the democratically elected government of an ally,” he said. “The government believes that negotiations will only succeed when they are conducted between the two parties, supported by the international community.”

Just days after they voted to condemn Israel huh? Fucking Brexiters.

Wait a sec, just hold on a second here. Is that the same thing as------->If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, and I am going to save you 2500.00 bucks a year?

Well I'll be corn porned, chittlins, and some rice........................all these politicians across the globe are the same, now aren't they! No wonder those BRILLIANT Americans elected a businessman instead! Let those socialist leaders from Washington like Obama and Britain, along with Putin, whomever the fru-fru is from France.......yep, all the same. Thnx for pointing it out, those damn Brexit people! How dare they want to preserve their country, and the lying socialist politicians wanted to take it from them. Why are we not surprised-) Tried that in America to! Got Britain Brexit, and America Trump! Guess the Socialists aren't as smart as they thought-)
Let me get this straight...

the Prime Minister voted to condemn Israel?



the UN?
Are you playing dumb, or do you really have no idea?

Where did he vote?

Who else was in on the vote?
Oh the leader of a country has nothing to do with UN voting? I guess you embarrassing rubes can't blame Obama for not blocking the vote since he had nothing to do with it then.

So, she didn't actually vote?

The British representative at the UN did?

and that was based on what the Prime Minister wanted?

Or what Parliament wanted?

Who gave the UN representative their talking points?

and since when can't the Prime Minister have a private opinion.

You people are more hilarious than you think I am.
When you need multiple paragraphs to dance your way out of dumb bullshit you said, you should probably just shut up and hope people forget.
Let me get this straight...

the Prime Minister voted to condemn Israel?



the UN?
Are you playing dumb, or do you really have no idea?

Where did he vote?

Who else was in on the vote?
Oh the leader of a country has nothing to do with UN voting? I guess you embarrassing rubes can't blame Obama for not blocking the vote since he had nothing to do with it then.

So, she didn't actually vote?

The British representative at the UN did?

and that was based on what the Prime Minister wanted?

Or what Parliament wanted?

Who gave the UN representative their talking points?

and since when can't the Prime Minister have a private opinion.

You people are more hilarious than you think I am.
When you need multiple paragraphs to dance your way out of dumb bullshit you said, you should probably just shut up and hope people forget.

Maybe you should find a way to dance out of your dumb bullshit...

before you drown in it.
oh, btw

I'd like to thank all the idiots for pointing out my typo.

at least I now you're reading my posts.

BTW, it's been corrected.
The Brits have a veto too. But Kerry seriously needs to get out of politics. Can you imagine if that idiot had been elected president?

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