British Muslims demand insulting Islam be outlawed

There are still 'pauper's fields' in the US. That is likely where he will end up. There or in a national cemetery! I would not be the least bit surprised if that happened.

Where did Tim McVeigh's body end up?

... Or Adam Lanza's?

You just can not help trying to distract members from this video.

Muslims teaching young children how to use guns to murder Americans and Jews.

This is what Pogo is afraid of. He makes noise in hopes you won't look at this video. Pogo, you are outed traitor.

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Where did Tim McVeigh's body end up?

... Or Adam Lanza's?

Good question.

Both killed more people then the Boston Bombers. But I heard no ruckus about their burial.

Because they weren't Muslim?

Of course.

As far as the video(s) of 'Muslim' children being taught to fight and kill Americans and Israelis: What you see are probably Palestinian children or the children of Al Queda militants. What you see are small groups of children. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A tiny percentage of them are militant extremists. You see a video of such people training children to be militant extremists as well, and you jump to the conclusion that all Muslims, or most, are training children to become killers of Americans and Jews. That kind of thinking is ludicrous--extremely illogical and unreasonable. You blame 1.6 billion people for the actions of a few thousand at most. Pogo has not been discredited in any way, but you have for not using any critical thinking skills, for basing a conclusion on a faulty premise.
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... Or Adam Lanza's?

Good question.

Both killed more people then the Boston Bombers. But I heard no ruckus about their burial.

Because weren't Muslim?they

Of course.

As far as the video(s) of 'Muslim' children being taught to fight and kill Americans and Israelis: What you see are probably Palestinian children or the children of Al Queda militants. What you see are small groups of children. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. A tiny, percentage of them are militant extremists. You see a video of such people training children to be militant extremists as well, and you jump to the conclusion that all Muslims, or most, are training children to become killers of Americans and Jews. That kind of thinking is ludicrous--extremely illogical and unreasonable. You blame 1.6 billion people for the actions of a few thousand at most. Pogo has not been discredited in any way, but you have for not using any critical thinking skills, for basing a conclusion on a faulty premise.

I wouldn't piss away any time on Bleach-Blond Boy and his endless parade of photoshopped poppycock. Even now he keeps sending me PMs in some kind of hard-on stalker quest (which FYI Bitchboy I delete unread).

He's made a complete ass of himself in this sterling gem of a thread, where you'll notice everybody from every side of the political spectrum laughs at him for his inanity. He's irrelevant, if revealing.

Oh by the way Es...
Because weren't Muslim?they

Ix-nay on the ig-Latin-pay :D

Aye, that's the question, innit? Questions like this will be uniformly ignored by the 'phobes as inconvenient. Botch Boy will try to bury them in Google Images, videos and onanisitic portraits of himself in the mirror. It's not pretty.
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No...we have a Constitution that prevents the establishment of a state religion....

A Constitution which can be changed. With sufficient numbers it can and will be.

If in two hundred plus years, despite major efforts, a significant conservative Christian majority has NOT managed to establish a state religion, I highly doubt a tiny conservative Muslim minority will be able to do it either.

Exactly. The attitude toward Muslims of many people in America today is based on hysteria and lack of clear thinking or a clear vision of reality. It's also based on bigotry. Over the course of American history, other ethnic groups have been, eventually, absorbed into American society, but not always easily and not over a short period of time (with, btw, these people continuing to practice their religion, dress to some extent in their own cultural clothing, eat their food and maintain other aspects of their culture: various so-called China Towns around America come to mind), and, of course, the difficulty for Muslims in America, or anywhere, of blending into a new country is the fear and hysteria created by Muslim fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists, who don't, in fact, represent the majority of Muslims world wide.

I remember a couple of decades a go, a young woman from Asia telling me she wanted to attend a certain university in San Francisco, but she was afraid if she moved there, she would get AIDS. It is that kind of thinking that colors the thinking of so many Americans towards Muslims. Hysteria. The inability to see the bigger picture. Lack of knowledge.
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Sorry bout that,

It is the same for Germany. I saw a video of a German woman who began to cry out in the streets during a huge gathering, Germany! Germany! What has happened to you and why did you allow Islam to do this?

The video would give you the chills. To see the citizens of Europe one by one declaring they want their nations back and Islam out. No wonder western media wants to avoid the news out of Europe. It's all bad!

1. Its coming here too, and we could stop it, but American's in general are stupid as a box of rocks, from the ditch digger to the president, stupid as shit, generally, of course you people are some smart cookies. :badgrin:

A Constitution which can be changed. With sufficient numbers it can and will be.

If in two hundred plus years, despite major efforts, a significant conservative Christian majority has NOT managed to establish a state religion, I highly doubt a tiny conservative Muslim minority will be able to do it either.

Exactly. The attitude toward Muslims of many people in America today is based on hysteria and lack of clear thinking or clear vision of reality. It's also based on bigotry. Over the course of American history, other ethnic groups have been, eventually, absorbed into American society, but not always easily and not over a short period of time, and, of course, the difficulty for Muslims in America, or anywhere, of blending into a new country is the fear and hysteria created by Muslim fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists, who don't, in fact, represent the majority of Muslims world wide.

I remember a couple of decades a go, a young woman from Asia telling me she wanted to attend a certain university in San Francisco, but she was afraid if she moved there, she would get AIDS. It is that kind of thinking that colors the thinking of so many Americans towards Muslims. Hysteria. The inability to see the bigger picture. Lack of knowledge.

That's exactly it-- ignorance. A tabula rasa on which they write whatever the popular rant is like an etch-a-sketch.

BelchBoy for instance freely admits he gets his etch-a-sketch wacko ideas from watching television, which he describes as "reality". :rofl:

But I don't think it can really be described as "so many Americans". The internets bring out these wackos like moths to a flame. Anonymity means freedom from responsibility. Which is great news for those with no ethics.
There is only one way to deal with religious extremists...


A sign saying "Jesus hates sin" is religious extremism? :eusa_eh:
Okey doky Sparky........
Sterling enough.

And radical enough for the people that had to live with the MB, to ban them from office.
30 years of truce with Israel out the window, thanks to the radical Muslim brotherhood, and an American president who lavishes praise on them. You remember the little Arab Spring speech our leader gave us don't you, after he took credit for the overthrow.

Nope. I don't know what alternate universe you inhabit.

Media be damned, facts are facts.

Well, that's kind of what I say. And a "largely unsourced" story doesn't usually qualify as "facts". Kind of like Chem Trails.

Did the Egyptian Brotherhood say they would continue the truce with their neighbor Israel, which would in turn help keep peace in the region, or do they envision Jerusalem as their new capital? :eusa_angel:

Which has what to do with Muslim Americans?

Google the speech, not talking about the story any longer, but Gov. declarations. And wrong thread.

Google Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood. We have moved from your skepticism of some media to actual government events.
Egypt will not be keeping the treaty between Israel and the old regime. And the proud, patriotic, American Muslim thread is due south. This is about Muslims making demands of England.
I'm not doing the line by line dance with you. It's tedious, and makes for a boring read, so agree or don't..........
No...we have a Constitution that prevents the establishment of a state religion....

A Constitution which can be changed. With sufficient numbers it can and will be.

If in two hundred plus years, despite major efforts, a significant conservative Christian majority has NOT managed to establish a state religion, I highly doubt a tiny conservative Muslim minority will be able to do it either.

"Major efforts"?
No...we have a Constitution that prevents the establishment of a state religion....

A Constitution which can be changed. With sufficient numbers it can and will be.

If in two hundred plus years, despite major efforts, a significant conservative Christian majority has NOT managed to establish a state religion, I highly doubt a tiny conservative Muslim minority will be able to do it either.

At a minimum of 5 children each, how long do you expect they will be a 'tiny conservative minority?' Or havn't you heard about the fatwah to have at least that many?
A Constitution which can be changed. With sufficient numbers it can and will be.

If in two hundred plus years, despite major efforts, a significant conservative Christian majority has NOT managed to establish a state religion, I highly doubt a tiny conservative Muslim minority will be able to do it either.

Exactly. The attitude toward Muslims of many people in America today is based on hysteria and lack of clear thinking or a clear vision of reality. It's also based on bigotry. Over the course of American history, other ethnic groups have been, eventually, absorbed into American society, but not always easily and not over a short period of time (with, btw, these people continuing to practice their religion, dress to some extent in their own cultural clothing, eat their food and maintain other aspects of their culture: various so-called China Towns around America come to mind), and, of course, the difficulty for Muslims in America, or anywhere, of blending into a new country is the fear and hysteria created by Muslim fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists, who don't, in fact, represent the majority of Muslims world wide.

I remember a couple of decades a go, a young woman from Asia telling me she wanted to attend a certain university in San Francisco, but she was afraid if she moved there, she would get AIDS. It is that kind of thinking that colors the thinking of so many Americans towards Muslims. Hysteria. The inability to see the bigger picture. Lack of knowledge.

You are the bigot. Your loathing of Christians is beyond all reason. Maybe you should look about the charitable contributions of Christians to this country. What does someone from Asia not wanting AIDS have to do with it anyway. Asian religions are mostly Buddhism, Confucianism, Hindism, Islam, and Sikhism.

Top 5 religions in Asia and which countries? - Religion Answers

I had a chief nurse who got her PhD in South Africa. While there on a camping trip a crown came off one of her teeth. She wouldn't go go the dentist because of the AIDS. I guess she is a bigot. Well, you miight ask those who recently caught hepatitis and who are being tested for AIDS from a dentist who didn't clean his equipment. I guess they are bigots too.
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If one is born a religion, does that mean God is so great that free choice is threatening?

Ah how one forgets about our home grown fundy christers and their christer laws :eek:

Blasphemy law in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fascinating. From this link:
>> Pennsylvania enacted a law against blasphemy in 1977. In the fall of 2007, George Kalman sent the completed forms for incorporating a company to the Pennsylvania Department of State. Kalman wanted to incorporate a movie-production company which he called I Choose Hell Productions, LLC. A week later, Kalman received a notice from the Pennsylvania Department of State which informed him that his forms could not be accepted because a business name “may not contain words that constitute blasphemy, profane cursing or swearing or that profane the Lord’s name.” In February 2009, Kalman filed suit to have the provision against blasphemy struck down as unconstitutional.[1] On June 30, 2010, U.S. District Judge Michael M. Bayslon of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, in a 68-page Opinion, ruled in favor of Kalman, finding that the Pennsylvania's blasphemy statute violated both the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. <<

1977. :eek: Shades of Reefer Madness.
If in two hundred plus years, despite major efforts, a significant conservative Christian majority has NOT managed to establish a state religion, I highly doubt a tiny conservative Muslim minority will be able to do it either.

Exactly. The attitude toward Muslims of many people in America today is based on hysteria and lack of clear thinking or a clear vision of reality. It's also based on bigotry. Over the course of American history, other ethnic groups have been, eventually, absorbed into American society, but not always easily and not over a short period of time (with, btw, these people continuing to practice their religion, dress to some extent in their own cultural clothing, eat their food and maintain other aspects of their culture: various so-called China Towns around America come to mind), and, of course, the difficulty for Muslims in America, or anywhere, of blending into a new country is the fear and hysteria created by Muslim fundamentalists, extremists and terrorists, who don't, in fact, represent the majority of Muslims world wide.

I remember a couple of decades a go, a young woman from Asia telling me she wanted to attend a certain university in San Francisco, but she was afraid if she moved there, she would get AIDS. It is that kind of thinking that colors the thinking of so many Americans towards Muslims. Hysteria. The inability to see the bigger picture. Lack of knowledge.

You are the bigot. Your loathing of Christians is beyond all reason. Maybe you should look about the charitable contributions of Christians to this country. What does someone from Asia not wanting AIDS have to do with it anyway. Asian religions are mostly Buddhism, Confucianism, Hindism, Islam, and Sikhism.

Top 5 religions in Asia and which countries? - Religion Answers

I had a chief nurse who got her PhD in South Africa. While there on a camping trip a crown came off one of her teeth. She wouldn't go go the dentist because of the AIDS. I guess she is a bigot. Well, you miight ask those who recently caught hepatitis and who are being tested for AIDS from a dentist who didn't clean his equipment. I guess they are bigots too.

Please tell me you're not this dim in real life? That you just play one on the internets?

Her point is about ignorance and the myths it creates --- not religion. This Asian woman declining to go to San Francisco for fear of AIDS has everything to do with that woman's working on assumptions born of incomplete information. It has absolutely ZERO to do with her being Buddhist or Shinto or whatever her religion might have been, which we don't even know because it has absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with the point.

It's kind of like you just did going straight to ad hominem based on your own failure to read thus missing the entire point, and then blasting off from the launchpad of assumptions.

Sheeeeesh. Reading comprehension...
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