British NHS baby murderer nurse exposes failing medical system


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
A nurse who murdered babies exposes the continued failure of the vaunted National Health Service of Britain..,

Statements made before the most recent trial reveal an NHS culture seemingly more focused on protecting its reputation than ensuring that patients were protected from a potential criminal on their staff.

For instance, when hospital staff raised concerns about the nurse being at the center of several patient deaths, “Letby responded by filing a bullying complaint against the doctors in late 2016. The hospital apologized to her and pressured two doctors to write an apology to Letby in early 2017.”

One of the doctors forced to apologize to Letby testifiedat the recent trial that, when he tried to raise concerns, “we were explicitly told at that stage it was the wrong thing to contact the police because it would be bad for the reputation of the trust and there would be blue and white tape everywhere.”
For instance, one of the nurses on Letby’s unit admitted that “we had massive staffing issues,” with people being asked to take extra shifts — the same conclusion reached by a team from the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. Then there’s this:

An inquest for a newborn who died in 2014, a year before the deaths for which Letby was charged, found that doctors had inserted a breathing tube into the baby’s esophagus rather than his trachea, ignoring several indications that the tube was misplaced. “I find it surprising these signs were not realised,” the coroner said, according to the Daily Express. The boy’s mother told the paper that “staff shortages meant blood tests and X-rays were not assessed for seven hours and there was one doctor on duty who was splitting his time between the neonatal ward and the children’s ward.”


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