Brits Knew Dossier Was Bogus in 2017 Prior to Trump Inauguration; Have Sent US AG / US IG Evidence

How did Steele proof-read his dossier and still make typos and mis-spellings, under contract?
0006a4def3258905f05940a9f46ed053d8751dbfb8a473806fab51f893a748ee.jpg is never going to happen. Jack shit is going to happen to Trump....jack shit is going to happen to Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey or anyone else...
You may be right...after all..

...the FBI publicly declared they had recovered more than 15,000 official subpoenaed e-mails Hillary tried to destroy, e-mails that proved Hillary had violated both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act and yet she was protected from prosecution, just as former FBI Agent Page testified under oath...

...former fired FBI Directir James Comey publicly declared Hillary had broken laws the made the false claim that ignorance was an acceptable legal defence, claiming Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking laws so HE decided she would not be indicted...

....former FBI agent Strzok was just IDed in a US IG as having criminally leaked classified information during their faux I vestigations of Trump, and some 'Senior DOJ official' has decided criminal charges will not be filed / Strzok will not be indicted for his proven crime...

...the US IG also already recommended fired former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe for indictment for criminally leaking classified, too ... While McCabe is still under investigation it appears the swamp is more powerful than the US AG, as it looks like McCabe will join fellow criminal conspirator Strzok in being protected from indictment / prison... is never going to happen. Jack shit is going to happen to Trump....jack shit is going to happen to Obama, Hillary, Mueller, Comey or anyone else...
You may be right...after all..

...the FBI publicly declared they had recovered more than 15,000 official subpoenaed e-mails Hillary tried to destroy, e-mails that proved Hillary had violated both the FOIA and the Federal Records Act and yet she was protected from prosecution, just as former FBI Agent Page testified under oath...

...former fired FBI Directir James Comey publicly declared Hillary had broken laws the made the false claim that ignorance was an acceptable legal defence, claiming Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking laws so HE decided she would not be indicted...

....former FBI agent Strzok was just IDed in a US IG as having criminally leaked classified information during their faux I vestigations of Trump, and some 'Senior DOJ official' has decided criminal charges will not be filed / Strzok will not be indicted for his proven crime...

...the US IG also already recommended fired former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe for indictment for criminally leaking classified, too ... While McCabe is still under investigation it appears the swamp is more powerful than the US AG, as it looks like McCabe will join fellow criminal conspirator Strzok in being protected from indictment / prison...

and still nothing happens...and still you make a multiple post about it each and every day. That says more about you than even it does the system.

Um, then the FBI needs to verify the information before they use it to spy on a US citizens for over a year.[/QUOTE]

Still defending this creep?

Carter Page - Wikipedia

Guess why the Trump campaign fired him?

Yea...because his Russian connections became public knowledge
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Wow...well, it's lucky that no investigations were based solely on the Steele dossier
and still nothing happens...and still you make a multiple post about it each and every day. That says more about you than even it does the system.
It seems you are exhausted from engaging in discussion...on a discussion board. Perhaps you need to take a break, unplug from everything, take some time in a sensory deprivation chamber to 'detox' from conversing with others for a while....?

Wow...well, it's lucky that no investigations were based solely on the Steele dossier
Former FBI Agent Page testified under oath that the FBI had conducted its own (illegal) internal investigation of Trump and his team members BEFORE an OFFICIAL investigation was opened and BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

NOTE: DOJ Bruce Ohr testified under oath that he was working with Steele - the Trump-hating foreign spy that worked WITH the Russians and FOR the FBI - and ROBERT MUELLER on the Dossier...BEFORE an OFFICIAL investigation was opened and BEFORE Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

NOTE: DOJ Bruce Ohr testified under oath that he notified Obama Deputy US AG Rosenstein, Obama NIA Director Clapper, Obama CIA Director Brennan, and Obama FBI Director Comey that Steele had lied, was politically biased, and had an agenda against Trump - making him an unreliable and unusable source - and that the Dossier was unverified and its source was questionable - making it unverified / unreliable / and unusable - BEFORE those 4 knowingly CHOSE to use the Dossier anyway to commit FISA Court abuses (once initially and twice during warrant renewals) and perjury by Brennan before Congress. In both instances the FBI and Brennan mis-represented the contends of the Dossier as 'Legitimate Intel' that had been collected in an attempt to get an official investigation started and to get Mueller appointed Special Counsel.
-- The FBI also withheld the information that the Dossier was nothing more than Political Opposition Research (and believed now to be Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda) bought by DNC Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

NOTE: At the same time all of this was going on, FBI Director James Comey ADMITTEDLY leaked classified information to his professor buddy, who leaked it to the media, in a successful attempt to get an official investigation of Trump opened.


Page testified that the results of the internal (illegal) investigation of Trump and his team was that the FBI had found NO evidence any collusion had taken place in an attempt to affect the 2016 election results (except by Hillary who had worked with / paid a Trump-hating foreign spy for a Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence Dossier). ZERO evidence was found of a crime having been committed, ZERO evidence of a crime warranting an investigation, and ZERO evidence of a crime involving Trump or his team.

All the additional actions being taken listed in the notes demonstrates when the FBI could not find / prove a crime had occurred or that an investigation of Trump or his team was warranted THEY CREATED A REASON USING THE DOSSIER AND BY LEAKING CLASSIFIED INFORMATION.
and still nothing happens...and still you make a multiple post about it each and every day. That says more about you than even it does the system.
It seems you are exhausted from engaging in discussion...on a discussion board. Perhaps you need to take a break, unplug from everything, take some time in a sensory deprivation chamber to 'detox' from conversing with others for a while....?


Not at all, I just worry about your sanity. Your obsession with this is not healthy. And once Trump is gone and nobody has gone to jail it might be more than your fragile psyche may not be able to handle the reality of life.

Sent from my iPhone using
and still nothing happens...and still you make a multiple post about it each and every day. That says more about you than even it does the system.
It seems you are exhausted from engaging in discussion...on a discussion board. Perhaps you need to take a break, unplug from everything, take some time in a sensory deprivation chamber to 'detox' from conversing with others for a while....?

Saying the same thing daily isn't discussion it's pummeling people.
Not at all, I just worry about your sanity. Your obsession with....

I truly appreciate one of the reality-denying, fact-ignoring, triggered, TDS-suffering snowflake masses worrying about MY sanity.


My 'obsession' is one with actual, verified, substantiated reported facts, evidence, existing testimony, etc... as opposed to the constant vomitous retching of opinionated false narratives and unsubstantiated, unsupported lies / distortions of reality / fact from the emotionally-manipulated, partisan indoctrinated, Trump-hating snowflakes who hardly EVER offer links / reports or any verified information.
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

Wow...well, it's lucky that no investigations were based solely on the Steele dossier
please list your basis for this and what was used to launch the investigation.

simply saying shit just isn't enough anymore.
Saying the same thing daily isn't discussion it's pummeling people.
Providing the same - and different - links, reports, and actual verified information that continuously counters the never-ending stream of unsubstantiated, un-supported opinionated false narratives continues to disprove / debunk those false narrative and lies being told.

As you say, even thought it is the opposite of what snowflakes / Democrats believe, telling the same lies and spewing the same false narratives every single day isn't discussion, does not make it true, and is 'pummeling' people with lies...

Funny how I don't see you calling out any of these people who tell the same lies day in and day out without ever offering anything but their own opinions to support what they are saying....
simply saying shit just isn't enough anymore.
... a point I have been trying to get across to snowflakes for a long time now....

"Funny how I don't see you calling out any of these people who tell the same lies day in and day out without ever offering anything but their own opinions to support what they are saying...."

I stand corrected....Thank you!
"In January 2017 then-U.K. national security adviser Sir Mark Lyall Grant hand-delivered a memo to soon-to-be national security adviser Michael Flynn's team that asserted the U.K. government had doubts about the credibility of British ex-spy Christopher Steele. Recent reports suggest Steele had briefed British intelligence officials on his dossier after the 2016 presidential election, and the heads of MI5 and MI6 were made aware of the contents of the dossier by late November.

“A whistleblower recently revealed the existence of a communique from our allies in Great Britain during the early days of the Russia collusion investigation,” Meadows said.

“Based on my conversations with that individual, and the credible timelines that are supported by other events, I made a referral to Attorney General William Barr and Inspector General Michael Horowitz for further investigation,” the North Carolina Republican added. “There now is overwhelming evidence to suggest that on multiple occasions the FBI was warned that Christopher Steele and the dossier had severe credibility issues.”

"Donald Trump’s campaign, it sat buried for more than 2 1/2 years in the files of a high-ranking State Department official."

Existing evidence in the form of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Kathleen Kavalec’s written accountof her Oct. 11, 2016, meeting with FBI informant Christopher Steele exposed that:

1. Steele ADMITTED Hillary Clinton paid for the Dossier, that the Dossier was a POLITICAL document that he was adamant about releasing BEFORE the 2016 election to have an impact on the election

2. Steele LIED in his interview with Kavalec (which she IMMEDIATELY knew and annotated in her notes), proving Steele was totally UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY...

3. Kavalec immediately notified the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

DOJ's Bruce Ohr testified under oath that HE told the Directors of the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was UNRELIABLE / UNTRUSTWORTHY and that the Dossier was UNVERIFIED and UNRELIABLE PRIOR to them CHOOSING to illegally use the Dossier to commit FISA Court abuses and Perjury before Congress.

Now evidence shows the Brits gave the US / Obama administration's State Dept a report warning that Steele and the dossier had 'serious credibility' issues...


** Remember, a newly-released e-mail from Obama National Security advisor Susan Rice sites Obama was briefed by then-FBI Director Comey in August 2016 about the 'Russia Collusion Investigation', demanded to be kept updated on every detail, that the Obama administration personnel who had access to this information and who attended meetings included Obama, Biden, Rice, Yates, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, and SECRETARY OF STATE JOHN KERRY.

It should be noted that Ohr is also on record under oath stating that ROBERT MUELLER worked with him and Steele ON THE DOSSIER BEFORE the official investigation of Trump began and BEFORE Mueller was named Special Counsel....which, common sense dictates, if Ohr knew both Steele and the Dossier were unreliable / unverified then MUELLER KNEW as well....BEFORE he began his investigation.

Mueller also HAD to know Steele had been fired by the FBI for lying to the FBI, which is not only a crime but met the requirement for considering Steele unreliable and thus he and the Dossier could NOT be cited in the FISA Court warrant requests, which they were 3 times (1 initial and 2 renewals)!

As time goes on, not only does more and more evidence keep coming out exposing Obama and his top inner circle and agency directors were behind the exposed failed coup attempt but that Mueller was also working with the FBI / Ohr / Steele on the Dossier BEFORE the illegal FISA Court Warrant Requests were made and he knew everything....before he became Special Counsel!

Embarrassing: It Seems Even The British Knew The Trump Dossier Was Trash…in 2017

So John Kerry who is in violation of The Logan Act Right Now with his cute little visits to Iran, also buried this warning from British Intelligence that The Dossier could Never be Trusted.

I'd like to see that son of a bitch brought up on charges. He also helped to deliver the Fake Dossier to The DOJ and FBI and knew it was False Russian Propaganda when he did it.

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