Broke California Hires Holder on Taxpayer $$$$

Good choice by California.

If there's anyone better at defending ignoring and breaking laws than he is, it's a pretty short list.

I imagine Lynch will get picked up by NY or illinois for a similar role to keep leeching those stacks of taxpayer greenbacks.
Eric Holder impeached and disgraced is appropriate for California.

California's crazy train is 3.6 billion in overruns right now and 7 years behind schedule. Not a foot of track has been laid.

It's understandable to hire Eric Holder.
Time for an investigation of fast and furious by someone other than Obama lackeys.

Toodaloo, Eric.....
Good choice by California.

If there's anyone better at defending ignoring and breaking laws than he is, it's a pretty short list.

I imagine Lynch will get picked up by NY or illinois for a similar role to keep leeching those stacks of taxpayer greenbacks.
After Lynch ,Raham Emmanuel will probably be mayor of
A CA official has brought CA Constitution to the attn of the Legislature noting what they did was illegal.
Just starve em out.

Unplug the phones and let them try funding services to all of those illegals without fed money flowing into those coffers. They should last a week or two....
Eric Holder impeached and disgraced is appropriate for California.

California's crazy train is 3.6 billion in overruns right now and 7 years behind schedule. Not a foot of track has been laid.

It's understandable to hire Eric Holder.
legalizing pot should save them LOL
California should hire someone to help them create a positive business environment.
That is not going to happen. California wants businesses to leave. From the burger shack on the corner to the factory California wants that business gone.
The want everything controlled by the state. From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

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