Brootherhood Obama Leaps Into Action


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Obama had Brotherhood in his heart from day one....with representatives of the Brotherhood right in the front row at the Cairo speech.

Obama has empowered the Brotherhood at every opportunity...

Now, when the only stabilizing factor in Egypt...the army...takes over, Obama leaps into action!

These 'protesters' attacked Egyptians, burned Coptic Churches....and Obama rushes to defend the Brotherhood:

1. "Obama condemns Egypt over violence, cancels joint military exercise

2. CAIRO – President Barack Obama strongly condemned Egypt’s interim government Thursday, saying the United States was canceling a planned joint military operation in protest over violent clashes that left at least 525 dead.

3. "We deplore violence against civilians,"
[Bulletin: Coptic Christians are civilians....]

4. Hundreds of angry Morsi supporters attacked and set fire to the offices of the governor of Cairo's Giza district ...They threw Molotov cocktails and fired live ammunition into the building as government workers fled, according to security sources.
[Someone better tell Obama....]

5. The Muslim Brotherhood also announced plans to hold a march in Cairo, and pledged to bring down the military-backed interim government.
[That outta make Obama happy....]

6. .... the Islamist organization,...Churches were attacked in the Nile Valley towns of Minya, Sohag and Assiut, where Christians escaped across the roof into a neighboring building after a mob surrounded and hurled bricks at their place of worship, state news agency MENA said."
Obama condemns Egypt over violence, cancels joint military exercise - World News

When are American Leftists going to connect the dots and realize who they put in charge????

Remember this:
"Egyptian lawmakers from the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood are expected to attend President Obama's highly anticipated speech to the Muslim world Thursday in Cairo..... attendance of the Brotherhood members already is stirring some criticism from conservatives in the U.S. who say they do not represent the kind of moderate Muslims Obama should be appealing to.

...."What kind of signal are we sending?"
Muslim Brotherhood Members to Attend Obama's Cairo Speech | Fox News
I am very confused

Perhaps this will clarify it for you:

‘Peaceful’ Brotherhood Protesters Torching Coptic Christian Churches

In the familiar pattern, the Western media are focused on the military raids against Islamic supremacists in Egypt but ignoring the latter’s use of violence and of women and children as human shields. After all, the “protesters” say they are “peaceful.”

...Islamic supremacist aggression against Egypt’s Christians — which was a prominent feature of Muslim Brotherhood governance..."
'Peaceful' Brotherhood Protesters Torching Coptic Christian Churches | National Review Online

Then, there was this:
"A division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) was deployed to Sanford, Florida in 2012 to provide assistance for anti-George Zimmerman protests, including a rally headlined by activist Al Sharpton, according to newly released documents."
DOJ provided security for anti-Zimmerman protests | The Daily Caller

As they have no assignments currently, perhaps Obama can get Eric Holder to send " division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)" to help out the Muslim Brotherhood....

...'cause there must be lots of Coptic Christian churches to burn.....
Obama had Brotherhood in his heart from day one....with representatives of the Brotherhood right in the front row at the Cairo speech.

The Brotherhood was / is the largest political opposition organization within Egypt. Ignoring them would be horrible policy.

Obama has empowered the Brotherhood at every opportunity...

Then why didn't he label the military take over a coup in support of the Brotherhood? Doesn't that rather go against your notion?

Now, when the only stabilizing factor in Egypt...the army...takes over, Obama leaps into action!

How is the military, staging a coup and kicking out a democratically elected president, dissolving a democratically elected parliament, suspending a democratically elected constitution, and then killing hundreds of people them acting as a stabilizing force?

3. "We deplore violence against civilians,"
[Bulletin: Coptic Christians are civilians....]

Do you not deplore deadly violence against civilians?

When are American Leftists going to connect the dots and realize who they put in charge????

Who WE put in charge? The Muslim Brotherhood came to power pretty naturally on their own.
Obama had Brotherhood in his heart from day one....with representatives of the Brotherhood right in the front row at the Cairo speech.

The Brotherhood was / is the largest political opposition organization within Egypt. Ignoring them would be horrible policy.

Obama has empowered the Brotherhood at every opportunity...

Then why didn't he label the military take over a coup in support of the Brotherhood? Doesn't that rather go against your notion?

How is the military, staging a coup and kicking out a democratically elected president, dissolving a democratically elected parliament, suspending a democratically elected constitution, and then killing hundreds of people them acting as a stabilizing force?

3. "We deplore violence against civilians,"
[Bulletin: Coptic Christians are civilians....]

Do you not deplore deadly violence against civilians?

When are American Leftists going to connect the dots and realize who they put in charge????

Who WE put in charge? The Muslim Brotherhood came to power pretty naturally on their own.

"The Flight of the Intellectuals" also summarizes recent archival findings by three historians—Jeffrey Herf, Klaus-Michael Mallmann, and Martin Cuppers—who provide the clearest picture to date of the fascist roots of violent twentieth-century Islamist movements, beginning with the World War II collaboration between the Nazis and the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The victorious Allies should have tried the mufti as a war criminal.

Instead, he escaped to Egypt and formed a bloody-minded alliance with the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna (the grandfather of Tariq Ramadan). Al-Banna welcomed Husseini to Egypt and called him “the hero who challenged an empire and fought Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone but Amin al-Husseini will continue the struggle.” Berman describes the Nazi plan (in which Husseini would play a key role) for the physical destruction of the Jewish community in Palestine after Rommel’s expected victory at El-Alamein. Rommel’s defeat aborted the plan, but al-Banna’s Muslim Brotherhood fought side by side with the mufti’s cadres in the 1948 Arab and Palestinian war against Israel with the same goal of destruction in mind.

The Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well today, with hundreds of thousands of followers in many parts of the world. In Gaza, the movement is called Hamas, and its charter mimes the World War II symbiosis between Nazi eliminationist anti-Semitism and radical Islamism.
The Intellectuals Keep Flying by Sol Stern, City Journal 21 October 2010
"The Flight of the Intellectuals" also summarizes recent archival findings by three historians—Jeffrey Herf, Klaus-Michael Mallmann, and Martin Cuppers—who provide the clearest picture to date of the fascist roots of violent twentieth-century Islamist movements, beginning with the World War II collaboration between the Nazis and the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The victorious Allies should have tried the mufti as a war criminal.

Instead, he escaped to Egypt and formed a bloody-minded alliance with the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna (the grandfather of Tariq Ramadan). Al-Banna welcomed Husseini to Egypt and called him “the hero who challenged an empire and fought Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone but Amin al-Husseini will continue the struggle.” Berman describes the Nazi plan (in which Husseini would play a key role) for the physical destruction of the Jewish community in Palestine after Rommel’s expected victory at El-Alamein. Rommel’s defeat aborted the plan, but al-Banna’s Muslim Brotherhood fought side by side with the mufti’s cadres in the 1948 Arab and Palestinian war against Israel with the same goal of destruction in mind.

The Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well today, with hundreds of thousands of followers in many parts of the world. In Gaza, the movement is called Hamas, and its charter mimes the World War II symbiosis between Nazi eliminationist anti-Semitism and radical Islamism.
The Intellectuals Keep Flying by Sol Stern, City Journal 21 October 2010

This copy and paste job doesn't address any of my points.
"The Flight of the Intellectuals" also summarizes recent archival findings by three historians—Jeffrey Herf, Klaus-Michael Mallmann, and Martin Cuppers—who provide the clearest picture to date of the fascist roots of violent twentieth-century Islamist movements, beginning with the World War II collaboration between the Nazis and the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The victorious Allies should have tried the mufti as a war criminal.

Instead, he escaped to Egypt and formed a bloody-minded alliance with the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna (the grandfather of Tariq Ramadan). Al-Banna welcomed Husseini to Egypt and called him “the hero who challenged an empire and fought Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone but Amin al-Husseini will continue the struggle.” Berman describes the Nazi plan (in which Husseini would play a key role) for the physical destruction of the Jewish community in Palestine after Rommel’s expected victory at El-Alamein. Rommel’s defeat aborted the plan, but al-Banna’s Muslim Brotherhood fought side by side with the mufti’s cadres in the 1948 Arab and Palestinian war against Israel with the same goal of destruction in mind.

The Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well today, with hundreds of thousands of followers in many parts of the world. In Gaza, the movement is called Hamas, and its charter mimes the World War II symbiosis between Nazi eliminationist anti-Semitism and radical Islamism.
The Intellectuals Keep Flying by Sol Stern, City Journal 21 October 2010

This copy and paste job doesn't address any of my points.

You have proven to be a lying walking human offal....the above addressed the fascist nature of the Muslim Brotherhood, and explains the reason no self-respecting person would support same.

Therefore, it would come as no surprise to find you supporting same.
Osomir----- I am not entirely convinced that OBAMA specifically supports the
muslim brotherhood either-----but what specific POINTS do you want addressed.

as to declaring the military coup a "coup" -----the explanation is that the US
has a law which prohibits our government from giving aid to a "COUP GOVERNMENT"--
so ------it is probably a bit of sophistry-----because the US wants to continue to
exert some influence in Egypt via the aid. Obama seems to be critisizing the
Military government a bit over much-----it is the lesser of the two evils----ie better
than the islamicist atrocity

Sadlly the military government of Musharraf----was a lot better then the
far more islamicist crap in Pakistan ----similar situation

even more horrific-----at this point----the saudi royal filth is a lot better than that
which is likely to overcome it. -------Some bad stuff seems to be going on in
Lybia too.

The US will face supporting a lot of crap simply because it is better than the
alternative crap
You didnt address any of the points osomir raised, you just posted the opinion of A Palestine born Sol Stern, topped off with an ad hominem, an Argumentum ad populum, ending with Argumentum ad misericordiam, Ergo?
You didnt address any of the points osomir raised, you just posted the opinion of A Palestine born Sol Stern, topped off with an ad hominem, an Argumentum ad populum, ending with Argumentum ad misericordiam, Ergo?

to what Osimir "POINTS" do you refer?
I am very confused

Perhaps this will clarify it for you:

‘Peaceful’ Brotherhood Protesters Torching Coptic Christian Churches

In the familiar pattern, the Western media are focused on the military raids against Islamic supremacists in Egypt but ignoring the latter’s use of violence and of women and children as human shields. After all, the “protesters” say they are “peaceful.”

...Islamic supremacist aggression against Egypt’s Christians — which was a prominent feature of Muslim Brotherhood governance..."
'Peaceful' Brotherhood Protesters Torching Coptic Christian Churches | National Review Online

Then, there was this:
"A division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) was deployed to Sanford, Florida in 2012 to provide assistance for anti-George Zimmerman protests, including a rally headlined by activist Al Sharpton, according to newly released documents."
DOJ provided security for anti-Zimmerman protests | The Daily Caller

As they have no assignments currently, perhaps Obama can get Eric Holder to send " division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)" to help out the Muslim Brotherhood....

...'cause there must be lots of Coptic Christian churches to burn.....

Chic I do agree with you that islamic violence against copts in Egypt is grossly
underplayed-----simply ignored ------keep in mind----it is nothing new-----way
back before 1990-----a copt colleague of mine expressed his vehement
hatred of MUBARAK ------who he claimed----had murdered the copt patriarch.

I did a bit of reading and found that Mubarak----a person who COMPARED
to that which has arisen in egypt lately------was an angel-----did indeed persecute
and openly denigrated the Copts.
It is not clear to me WHY the information is not promulgated-------who is behind
the coverup of Copt persecution ? Without talking to Kenyan Hindus or Christians---
I would not know about islamic violence against them either. -------the only people
who talk about islamic violence against christians in Indonesia-----are Indonesia
christians who fled that country-----but their complaints do not reach the presses either.

Do you think it is DA JOOOOOOs? after all----the joooos do control the media.

the next obvious question "why do DA JOOOOOS want to coverup islamic
atrocities in Egypt, Kenya, and Indonesia? ------etc etc ??????????????????
Obama had Brotherhood in his heart from day one....with representatives of the Brotherhood right in the front row at the Cairo speech.

The Brotherhood was / is the largest political opposition organization within Egypt. Ignoring them would be horrible policy.

Obama has empowered the Brotherhood at every opportunity...

Then why didn't he label the military take over a coup in support of the Brotherhood? Doesn't that rather go against your notion?

How is the military, staging a coup and kicking out a democratically elected president, dissolving a democratically elected parliament, suspending a democratically elected constitution, and then killing hundreds of people them acting as a stabilizing force?

3. "We deplore violence against civilians,"
[Bulletin: Coptic Christians are civilians....]

Do you not deplore deadly violence against civilians?

When are American Leftists going to connect the dots and realize who they put in charge????

Who WE put in charge? The Muslim Brotherhood came to power pretty naturally on their own.

Yes, Ahmed...who WE put in charge. We made damned sure Mubarek was deposed and then backed the Hood. We are still backing them. Quit playing stupid, or is it for real?
"The Flight of the Intellectuals" also summarizes recent archival findings by three historians—Jeffrey Herf, Klaus-Michael Mallmann, and Martin Cuppers—who provide the clearest picture to date of the fascist roots of violent twentieth-century Islamist movements, beginning with the World War II collaboration between the Nazis and the grand mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini. The victorious Allies should have tried the mufti as a war criminal.

Instead, he escaped to Egypt and formed a bloody-minded alliance with the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, Hassan al-Banna (the grandfather of Tariq Ramadan). Al-Banna welcomed Husseini to Egypt and called him “the hero who challenged an empire and fought Zionism with the help of Hitler and Germany. Germany and Hitler are gone but Amin al-Husseini will continue the struggle.” Berman describes the Nazi plan (in which Husseini would play a key role) for the physical destruction of the Jewish community in Palestine after Rommel’s expected victory at El-Alamein. Rommel’s defeat aborted the plan, but al-Banna’s Muslim Brotherhood fought side by side with the mufti’s cadres in the 1948 Arab and Palestinian war against Israel with the same goal of destruction in mind.

The Muslim Brotherhood is alive and well today, with hundreds of thousands of followers in many parts of the world. In Gaza, the movement is called Hamas, and its charter mimes the World War II symbiosis between Nazi eliminationist anti-Semitism and radical Islamism.
The Intellectuals Keep Flying by Sol Stern, City Journal 21 October 2010

This copy and paste job doesn't address any of my points.

Maybe you need to take a reading comprehension course or an ESL class.
considering it is Graham and McCain that are supporting the Brotherhood also makes your contention that Oblama alone is supporting the Brotherhood is another misleading fact that PoliChic likes to omit.
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Friend of mine lives in Egypt. He just posted today on FB about the violence and horrific mutilation of Police officers taking place at the hands of the Brotherhood.

oh-----now I am confused-----did not Obama blame the military and the state for the
carnage? how do brothers manage to identify themselves as opposed to
non brothers in disordered street fights? Is it not true that some cops are
MB sympathizers--------and even some military people? I am beginning to
imagine that the "MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD"----is something a bit more than a
political party in Egypt
You didnt address any of the points osomir raised, you just posted the opinion of A Palestine born Sol Stern, topped off with an ad hominem, an Argumentum ad populum, ending with Argumentum ad misericordiam, Ergo?

Glad you were paying attention.
You have proven to be a lying walking human offal....the above addressed the fascist nature of the Muslim Brotherhood, and explains the reason no self-respecting person would support same.

Therefore, it would come as no surprise to find you supporting same.

For someone so sure of yourself you certainly have a track record of being unable to defend any of your positions when challenged on them. Doesn't speak very highly of the actual confidence that you have in your own opinions.
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Osomir----- I am not entirely convinced that OBAMA specifically supports the
muslim brotherhood either-----but what specific POINTS do you want addressed.

as to declaring the military coup a "coup" -----the explanation is that the US
has a law which prohibits our government from giving aid to a "COUP GOVERNMENT"--
so ------it is probably a bit of sophistry-----because the US wants to continue to
exert some influence in Egypt via the aid. Obama seems to be critisizing the
Military government a bit over much-----it is the lesser of the two evils----ie better
than the islamicist atrocity

Sadlly the military government of Musharraf----was a lot better then the
far more islamicist crap in Pakistan ----similar situation

even more horrific-----at this point----the saudi royal filth is a lot better than that
which is likely to overcome it. -------Some bad stuff seems to be going on in
Lybia too.

The US will face supporting a lot of crap simply because it is better than the
alternative crap

I don't think it really has anything to do with the "lesser of two evils" or even with supporting anyone in particular. We (the Obama Administration included) were happy to partner with and support Mubarak prior to his imminent fall. Only then did we side with the people and push for a transitional government. Likewise we only cared about Democracy under the Brotherhood until the military stepped in via a coup.

What we care about above anything else in Egypt is stability. That's why we are willing to work with whoever seems like they have the ability to consolidate power. When it was Mubarak we supported him. When it was clear that he was going to fall we supported the transition, and now with the military in charge again we are still not withholding aid.

Egypt is an important ally in the war against terror (and still was under the Brotherhood's rule); is key for the security of Israel (especially given the terrorist infrastructure build up in the Sinai over the last several years); and sits at the head of the Suez Canal which is highly important for commercial reasons.

THAT's what we care about. Going on about Obama being a secret Muslim Brotherhood supporter ignores the history of his Egyptian policies and our administration's policies in other countries including Jordan, Syria, and Palestine.
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Maybe you need to take a reading comprehension course or an ESL class.

Your reliance on personal attacks does nothing but demonstrate how little confidence you have in your own position on the subject. Someone who actually knew what they were talking about wouldn't need them.

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