Bruce Willis asked to leave Los Angeles pharmacy for refusing to wear a mask...Die Hard: With A Ventilator

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
And you can't get better by rebreathing them either.
You get better with your immune system. Rebreathing them doesnt give you the virus all over again you idiot. :)
Me idiot? I don't slap the bacteria in front of my mouth to breathe in

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
Bacteria grows on everything you loon. :)
So why wear something on your face to help you suck the bacteria in? Because your handlers told you to?
To keep people from getting your Covid germs you idiot. :)

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
He was and still is down to earth. The rest of the world went crazy.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
And you can't get better by rebreathing them either.
You get better with your immune system. Rebreathing them doesnt give you the virus all over again you idiot. :)
Me idiot? I don't slap the bacteria in front of my mouth to breathe in
Yes youre an idiot. You have millions of bacteria already in your mouth. :)

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
And you can't get better by rebreathing them either.
You get better with your immune system. Rebreathing them doesnt give you the virus all over again you idiot. :)' slow enough for you?
and it doesnt prevent you from getting better you idiot. Do you know how the immune system works? :)
So, breathing germs helps you recover from being sick, right? And I am the idiot??

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
And you can't get better by rebreathing them either.
You get better with your immune system. Rebreathing them doesnt give you the virus all over again you idiot. :)
Me idiot? I don't slap the bacteria in front of my mouth to breathe in
Yes youre an idiot. You have millions of bacteria already in your mouth. :)
Sorry I think that cat has more sense than you.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
And you can't get better by rebreathing them either.
You get better with your immune system. Rebreathing them doesnt give you the virus all over again you idiot. :)' slow enough for you?
and it doesnt prevent you from getting better you idiot. Do you know how the immune system works? :)
So, breathing germs helps you recover from being sick, right? And I am the idiot??
No dummy. Your immune system helps you recover and yes youre the idiot. :)

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
Bacteria grows on everything you loon. :)
So why wear something on your face to help you suck the bacteria in? Because your handlers told you to?
To keep people from getting your Covid germs you idiot. :)
I don't go around breathing on other people, you do?

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
And you can't get better by rebreathing them either.
You get better with your immune system. Rebreathing them doesnt give you the virus all over again you idiot. :)' slow enough for you?
and it doesnt prevent you from getting better you idiot. Do you know how the immune system works? :)
So, breathing germs helps you recover from being sick, right? And I am the idiot??
No dummy. Your immune system helps you recover and yes youre the idiot. :)
No I didn't vote for Biden.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
And you can't get better by rebreathing them either.
You get better with your immune system. Rebreathing them doesnt give you the virus all over again you idiot. :)' slow enough for you?
and it doesnt prevent you from getting better you idiot. Do you know how the immune system works? :)
So, breathing germs helps you recover from being sick, right? And I am the idiot??
No dummy. Your immune system helps you recover and yes youre the idiot. :)
No I didn't vote for Biden.
I can tell. Most idiots didnt vote for Biden.

please leave the premises...YOU'RE OUT!
I would hate to see him get sick Hopefully he grows a brain. I had a short conversation with him at a spice Girls concert I took my daughters to years ago. I thought he was a fairly pleasant guy. Seemed down to earth. Strange days we live in today.
Down here in Florida, it is optional to wear a mask, because we believe that people should be responsible for their actions, instead of having a tyrannical government forcing us to do things without science behind it. So far, i still cant catch that elusive Chinese virus, as my immune system must be 1000x more powerful than the Kung Flu.

It went through my brothers family in Miami. Started with the 4 year old girl and 7 year old boy. They had the sniffles for like 2 days. My brother and his wife were sick for 3-4 days. Light fever, fatigue. They are all fine now.

Its an utter disgrace we shit down the planet for the flu.
Killed 2 people I know including a co-worker. Knocked my best friends family on their asses for a week.

Its idiotic to assume that it effects everyone the same way.
I have known 102 people who had it at work, all back at work after 7-10 days. Correct. People don't react all the same.
Since its unknown how it will effect any specific person the intelligent and correct course of action is to wear the damn mask and stop whining that your freedom to infect people is being restrained.
But we DO know a sick person makes themselves sicker by breathing their own infected air and CO2 over and over again.
Can you explain that logically? Thats got to be the dumbest thing I have heard in awhile.
Oh really? The air doesn't move through completely with a mask on and when you have an infection, the bacteria/germs can accumulate on the inside of the mask and you keep reeinfecting yourself. I suppose you will need links next? And CO2 comes from not all used air being expelled. Common sense.
So you mean the germs that were already in your body keep reinfecting you by being on your mask? Let me guess. You flunked biology in school right?
I did. You dont get sicker from germs that were already in your body to start with you loon. :)
Bacteria grows on everything you loon. :)
So why wear something on your face to help you suck the bacteria in? Because your handlers told you to?
To keep people from getting your Covid germs you idiot. :)
I don't go around breathing on other people, you do?
So either you hold your breath around people or youre lying. Which one is it?

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