Bruised Cantor Trying To Save Seat


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Bruised from Battling Obama, Eric Cantor Softens His Tone in Domestic Policy Speech

Howard Kurtz
Feb 5, 2013

For the past year-and-a-half, the House majority leader and his colleagues have been manning the barricades of negativity: "No" to Obamacare. "No" to immigration reform. "No" to gun control. "No" to higher taxes on the wealthy. "No" to just about anything the White House wants.

Now Cantor is trying to soften his hard-edged reputation, portraying the Republican Party as caring deeply about education, health care and innovation.


Eric Cantor, like many other of today's Republicans are starting to see the light. The Republican Party is currently wallowing in a 26% approval rating, career politicians like Cantor see the handwriting on the wall -- become Democrats, embrace Democratic Party policies or-----or choose a different career path.
Bruised from Battling Obama, Eric Cantor Softens His Tone in Domestic Policy Speech

Howard Kurtz
Feb 5, 2013

For the past year-and-a-half, the House majority leader and his colleagues have been manning the barricades of negativity: "No" to Obamacare. "No" to immigration reform. "No" to gun control. "No" to higher taxes on the wealthy. "No" to just about anything the White House wants.

Now Cantor is trying to soften his hard-edged reputation, portraying the Republican Party as caring deeply about education, health care and innovation.


Eric Cantor, like many other of today's Republicans are starting to see the light. The Republican Party is currently wallowing in a 26% approval rating, career politicians like Cantor see the handwriting on the wall -- become Democrats, embrace Democratic Party policies or-----or choose a different career path.

There is certainly room for disagreement between Republicans and Democrats. In fact, we need it.

What we don't need is partisanship ahead of country.
Can a weasel change its 'spots'? Cantor like the GOP can pander to the people, but like the weasel don't let him or them anywhere near the 'chickens'.
What we need right now, while Repubs are weakened, is a new, common sense, pragmatic, middle class oriented, political party.

Sign me up.
Can a weasel change its 'spots'? Cantor like the GOP can pander to the people, but like the weasel don't let him or them anywhere near the 'chickens'.

I'm not buying Cantor's cosmetic Republican Party makeover but-----but if his actions/votes become centrist, I will applaud him, but... But my bullshit antennae are vibrating.

Cantor says background checks a possibility

February 5th, 2013
Washington (CNN) – The number two House Republican said Tuesday that he supports beefed up background checks for gun sales, an indication of where potential gun control legislation could be headed on Capitol Hill.

Rep. Eric Cantor, the House majority leader, told CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash that a system put in place in his home state of Virginia following the 2007 massacre at Virginia Tech could be a model for a nationwide measure.

He said that model ensured mental health information was linked to databases used in background checks during gun sales.

"I think that we can take a lot of lessons from what Virginia did and put it in place at the federal level, because there are a lot of states that aren't doing what Virginia is doing to try and beef up the database for the background checks to make sure that we actually can do something that does have a chance at reducing the likelihood and hopefully eliminating it from happening again," Cantor said.

Expanding background checks on gun sales is one of the measures being pushed by President Barack Obama, who spoke in Minneapolis Monday and pressed Congress to act on the legislative proposals he advanced following December's shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

Along with background checks, Obama wants a ban on semi-automatic rifles modeled after military weapons as part of an updated version of an earlier weapons ban that expired in 2004.

Democrats have said the background check measure would stand the best chance of garnering bipartisan support, including from some pro-gun Democrats. Even if passed by the Senate, a gun bill would face tougher scrutiny in the Republican-led House.

Obama said Monday that lawmakers in Congress from both parties were working together on plans that would expand background checks to all gun purchases and criminalize "straw purchases" in which legal gun owners buy weapons for people prohibited from doing so.

Guns sold through private sales currently avoid background checks - the so-called gun show loophole.


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