Buddy Brown's Our Fallen Soldiers Didn't Die For A Woke Country

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
This is definitely worth a watch. I love watching this guy. As always, he hits the nail directly on the head.

This is definitely worth a watch. I love watching this guy. As always, he hits the nail directly on the head.

Well actually, they just fought and died for their country. No matter what form that entailed. Freedom. And unfortunately for you alt-right subscribers, that includes your weaponized version of "woke"..whatever the fuck that is.
I've talked to many WW2 veterans who shook their head and wondered how generations that followed them later behaved and what the hell happened to the country they grew up in. But when asked directly, "Is this what you fought for and risked you life for?"
Their answer was unequivocally....yes! The fought for the ideal of freedom, whatever that represented. Not some flag waving, chest pounding putz's divisive hate speech.
Who is this idiot to decide why our soldiers signed up?? Obviously he can't talk to the ones who didn't make it back.

They all signed up and served for their own reasons. But everyone of them died for the guy next to them. Every one of them died for their families and their future.

"Woke" is just another boogieman from the alt-right lunatics.
Funny thing, when I look at his Bio and biographical info, I can see anything about him serving in any branch of the military. And now he is telling us why our soldiers died?

One reason they died is to keep people like him safe and free. They stepped up.
Ok Road Runner, you disagree. So tell me how this guy, who never served in any military, now claims to KNOW why our soldiers, who died in the line of duty, signed up??
I know several men who died while serving their country.

RM2/SS R. Stanton died in the line of duty. He joined for money for college.

Buddy Kiker died in Vietnam because he was drafted and sent to fight in a war we never should have been in. His name is on The Wall. He was a hippy when he was drafted.

Countless men & women have joined and served for many reasons. Some were told they had a choice of joining the military or going to jail. Some wanted to learn a skill. Some wanted money for college. All of them that I ever met were patriots.

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