Bulgaria the Next Domino to Fall in Europe


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
By Douglas V. Gibbs @ Political Pistachio

Liberal economic policies are impossible to sustain. They may work for a while, but eventually the math of it all catches up, and the system collapses. In Europe, where policies of government dependence have reigned supreme, the countries one by one are running into severe economic difficulties. Riots have erupted in Bulgaria, and amid the turmoil, and the collapsing financial practices throughout Europe, the government in Bulgaria has resigned.

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Bulgaria the Next Domino to Fall in Europe

Greece, Spain, and now Bulgaria. More will follow suit in the next few months. Will our U.S. Politicians pay attention? I doubt it.
Greece, Spain, and now Bulgaria. More will follow suit in the next few months. Will our U.S. Politicians pay attention? I doubt it.

Poland -- over 50% of Poles work abroad since they can't find job in Poland;
Esstonia, Latvia and Lithuania -- local joke: "the last one at the airport turn off the lights"...


You are a joke. Crawl back under your rock.
Greece, Spain, and now Bulgaria. More will follow suit in the next few months. Will our U.S. Politicians pay attention? I doubt it.

Poland -- over 50% of Poles work abroad since they can't find job in Poland;
Esstonia, Latvia and Lithuania -- local joke: "the last one at the airport turn off the lights"...


You are a joke. Crawl back under your rock.

The economic problems in Eastern Europe have to do with the continuing repercussions of being part of the Soviet Union or being Soviet Satellite countries. Nothing to do with the governments of Western Europe. In fact, they go to Western European countries to work because there are jobs in those countries.

As far as the thread topic: European countries are not ‘falling like dominoes.’ They are experiencing a recession, just like the US is. And, for most of them, their recession is not as bad as in the US. It is a world wide recession. They will all recover, as will the US. The sky isn't falling. The social welfare programs in Europe do work.
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The economic problems in Eastern Europe have to do with the continuing repercussions of being part of the Soviet Union or being Soviet Satellite countries. Nothing to do with the governments of Western Europe. .

Yeah, right!

When these countries were part of the USSR or under Soviet protectorate they had industry, agriculture, 100% employment, no homelessness, no poverty. Prior to entering EU they had to destroy industry and agriculture, and surrender their financial systems to EU.

Read what Latvian composer and politician, a Sejm (Latvian parliament) deputy Imants Kalnins had to say in an interview with Latvijas avīze:

"When one thinks about the EU and begins to understand what they have done to us, one wants to quickly get out of this union. First, they made us uncompetitive. Yes, due to the inadequately low payments to agricultural workers, due to the elimination of the sugar industry and the destruction of fisheries.

I think we should leave. Where to next? We should think about it "- said Kalnins. "At the moment we can not do anything" - he added, stressing that the EU has also deprived Latvia of its sovereignty.

After the fall of the Soviet Union the first thing we did was to rush headlong away from it all, turning our backs to the past and turning sharply to the west. But is it all so good on the "west side"? Today I can not find anything out there with the sign "plus". There we lost our independence. The only thing that's left out of our independence is a declaration of May 4 and August 21.

You can criticise the collective farms, the "iron curtain" on the borders, but in those days there was life in the villages. There were plenty of manufacturing, schools and children, health and social care, but we did not defend that life. The situation now is that we are implementing economic policies determined by Brussels and financial lenders, and political affairs are dictated by Washington.

Looking at what happened in the villages and towns of Latvia, how things are with my friends and colleagues in music and art, I am having great grievances about where this Western orientation has led us...

And how long have you actually lived in either Eastern or Western Europe?
By Douglas V. Gibbs @ Political Pistachio

Liberal economic policies are impossible to sustain. They may work for a while, but eventually the math of it all catches up, and the system collapses. In Europe, where policies of government dependence have reigned supreme, the countries one by one are running into severe economic difficulties. Riots have erupted in Bulgaria, and amid the turmoil, and the collapsing financial practices throughout Europe, the government in Bulgaria has resigned.

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Bulgaria the Next Domino to Fall in Europe

Greece, Spain, and now Bulgaria. More will follow suit in the next few months. Will our U.S. Politicians pay attention? I doubt it.

I don't doubt they're paying attention.

I doubt there's jackshit they can do about it, though.

What SHOULD they be doing about the financial mess in Bulgaria?
I've never visited Greece or Bulgaria but I have traveled in Spain - which like much of Italy and southern France look much like California. The difference is readily apparent in the major cities - their streets are clean compared to ours in the U.S. Their transpiration system is modern, clean and easy to access and their power lines are not on poles but underground. Our country could look the same but we choose to allow our tax dollars to build weapons and our armed forces to police the world, yet we can't with all such efforts even enforce our borders.

IMO it's time for a change, let's put the money spent on 'guns' and armies into rebuilding what made America great. Build and repair roads and bridges, update and secure the electric grid and water supply; build canals, safe bicycle paths, wire every school for INTERNET and cable access to create new and efficient learning tools; build teaching hospitals where able students can learn to be GP's and provide preventative care under Obamacare.

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