Bully, Lie, Intimidate and Ignore are Trump's tactics to win

Trumps efforts to place us back on the road the Founders built for us all of those centuries ago.

It is amazing that such a diverse road map came from such an ethnocentric group of men. But they did give us the most enduring words of all " We the People......"


Indeed they did. they also set up a road map for the most freedom any PEOPLE have ever had. The Founders wanted this country to be as free from government as was absolutely possible. They also worked very hard to prevent a professional political class, and for the most part they were fairly successful, it took the ruling elite 100 years to set themselves up to this point.

So yes, vote, and vote for Trump.

Most of all they worked hard to prevent an all powerful, unscrupulous, King like executive from abusing the power of authority.

So vote, but not for Trump.
President Trumps pièce de résistance was the economy. Low unemployment and a bull market cloaked his histrionics.

How the mighty have fallen....
Trumps efforts to place us back on the road the Founders built for us all of those centuries ago.

It is amazing that such a diverse road map came from such an ethnocentric group of men. But they did give us the most enduring words of all " We the People......"


Indeed they did. they also set up a road map for the most freedom any PEOPLE have ever had. The Founders wanted this country to be as free from government as was absolutely possible. They also worked very hard to prevent a professional political class, and for the most part they were fairly successful, it took the ruling elite 100 years to set themselves up to this point.

So yes, vote, and vote for Trump.

Most of all they worked hard to prevent an all powerful, unscrupulous, King like executive from abusing the power of authority.

So vote, but not for Trump.

Indeed they did. obummer is the only one i know who has violated the COTUS. Trump has been scrupulously following it.

So, yes, vote for Trump.
Bully, Lie, Intimidate and Ignore are Trump's tactics to win. Trump uses the power of the US Presidency along with his tactics to crush anyone and anything that does not align with him.

Trump has found his tactics do not work with corona virus. The corona virus is kicking Trump's ass. Since he does not have the skills to deal with the corona virus it is hurting our country in ways it would not with a more skilled President.
/——/ When did Trump become a democRATs again?
Bully, Lie, Intimidate and Ignore are Trump's tactics to win. Trump uses the power of the US Presidency along with his tactics to crush anyone and anything that does not align with him.

Trump has found his tactics do not work with corona virus. The corona virus is kicking Trump's ass. Since he does not have the skills to deal with the corona virus it is hurting our country in ways it would not with a more skilled President.
The Trump crew is so inept at today's environment they think the 2016 scorched earth playbook will work.
/———/ DemocRATs are still using the 1964 playbook.
Trump is going down and taking his nut case cult followers like you with him. TDS is spreading nation wide. Those with TDS are taking down Trump.
I buy ammo every week.
You can buy all the guns and ammo you want, it will do you no good.
If Trump loses will you be like the looters and thieves that took over the BLM protests?
ElmerMudd is a true Antifa terrorist.

There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent. - Elie Wiesel

Go from the presence of a foolish man. - The Holy Bible

If I never saw another hateful lie from ElmerMudd, it would only be because I added him to my Ignore List of other hateful Leftists bent on destroying America.

ciao brutto
Oh, heaven forbid, ChemEngineer blocked me. That means I won in back and forth. Chem Engineer could not handle the truth I threw in his face. Woo Hoo!
Trump just tweeted:

" Black Lives Matter leader states, “If U.S. doesn’t give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it”. This is Treason, Sedition, Insurrection! "
Definitely a Trump intimidation strategy through a lie. No one speaks for the entire Black Lives Matter movement.

The scorched earth strategy that Trump is trying to pin on BLM is basically what he does all the time.

It is the wrong thing to do for BLM and for Donald Trump and his minions like you.
A “scorched earth” strategy is exactly what BLM is preaching and practicing.
Bully, Lie, Intimidate and Ignore are Trump's tactics to win. Trump uses the power of the US Presidency along with his tactics to crush anyone and anything that does not align with him.

Trump has found his tactics do not work with corona virus. The corona virus is kicking Trump's ass. Since he does not have the skills to deal with the corona virus it is hurting our country in ways it would not with a more skilled President.
My GAWD, you libtards are so fraking stupid, it defies the power of the English language to describe.

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