Bumbling Joe's Speech

Didn't watch it. Thought about it to see if the Stuttering fck gaffed.
I jumped in and out for a few seconds here and there to see if he didn't fall off the podium. I consider it a good speech if he is still standing.

He’s a refugee from a care home.

Put him back to bed.
Hey lady. You take some time off. We never converse nor have I seen you. If you are hanging out with the grommit and Vomitman I wouldn't know.

Who are they?

I just hung out with you, didn’t I?
LOl.............I meant Vrotman and friends.
I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I heard he said that the KKK was the biggest security threat to the US.

All 200 members.

Joe Dufus must have forgot about the six months of insurrection with burning, looting, murdering and destruction by the BLM and ANTIFA assholes.

I see men on white horses with nooses all the time
I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I heard he said that the KKK was the biggest security threat to the US.

All 200 members.

Joe Dufus must have forgot about the six months of insurrection with burning, looting, murdering and destruction by the BLM and ANTIFA assholes.


There was a speech last night, and it was a good one. It was presidential through and through; it was forceful, optimistic, and upbeat; it brought us together as Americans; and it reminded us of why ours is still the greatest nation on earth.

Oh, and Joe Biden also spoke.

To say that South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott merely upstaged the president last night is to miss out on the enormity of the task: The brief rebuttal from the opposition party always pales in comparison, even when an accomplished and eloquent speaker is at the mic. All we remember about Marco Rubio, for example, was him reaching for that water bottle. No, for majesty and spectacle, there’s simply no beating an American president’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Except last night.
It was a bizarre spectacle, to say the least: a sparsely populated chamber with everyone socially distanced and still wearing masks, even though everyone in attendance had already been vaccinated. Just 200 people in a setting that can accommodate 1,000. And there was more than a bit of dissonance between that weird, surreal setting and Biden’s introductory claim: “America is rising anew. Choosing hope over fear. Truth over lies. Light over darkness. After 100 Days of rescue and renewal, America is ready for takeoff.”

We’re ready for takeoff, all right. Just stay over there and don’t forget your face diaper.

Biden started off smartly enough, looking behind him and saying, “Madame speaker. Madame vice president. No president has ever said those words from this podium, and it’s about time.”

It went down hill from there, though. For one thing, he quickly lapsed into that same irritating tic that plagues all Democrat presidents — that of saying “invest” and “investing” when they mean to say “spend” and “spending.”

Didn't watch it. Thought about it to see if the Stuttering fck gaffed.
I jumped in and out for a few seconds here and there to see if he didn't fall off the podium. I consider it a good speech if he is still standing.

He’s a refugee from a care home.

Put him back to bed.
Hey lady. You take some time off. We never converse nor have I seen you. If you are hanging out with the grommit and Vomitman I wouldn't know.

Who are they?

I just hung out with you, didn’t I?
LOl.............I meant Vrotman and friends.

Are you kidding? Yuck.
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.

Baby Got Build Better back!
Didn't watch it. Thought about it to see if the Stuttering fck gaffed.
I liked watching the shills on CNN react to it, and they didn’t disappoint. Nothing but glowing reviews and fawning over him. Then Tim Scott’s counter speech made them shit their pants.
Literally a thrill down their legs.
A European style healthcare system.

Does he have no idea that Europe is made up of separate countries, each with their own systems of doing things?

For these stupid greedy Moon Bats an "European style health care system" means that the government forces somebody else to pay their heath care bills.
A European style healthcare system.

Does he have no idea that Europe is made up of separate countries, each with their own systems of doing things?

For these stupid greedy Moon Bats an "European style health care system" means that the government forces somebody else to pay their heath care bills.

As I said, Europe has different systems for each country. It’s not homogenous.
A European style healthcare system.

Does he have no idea that Europe is made up of separate countries, each with their own systems of doing things?

For these stupid greedy Moon Bats an "European style health care system" means that the government forces somebody else to pay their heath care bills.

As I said, Europe has different systems for each country. It’s not homogenous.

They don't know that. They are stupid greedy Moon Bats. They just think they are going to get somebody else to pay their bills.
A European style healthcare system.

Does he have no idea that Europe is made up of separate countries, each with their own systems of doing things?

For these stupid greedy Moon Bats an "European style health care system" means that the government forces somebody else to pay their heath care bills.

As I said, Europe has different systems for each country. It’s not homogenous.
They all have similarities.
They all believe that government is the solution to everything....which is anti-American to it's core.
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.

Thanks for the update. I fell asleep after dinner and missed Joe's speech. Reliable sources like you tell me it was nothing special. One review said it was boilerplate-rah-rah-go Democracy generalities.
A European style healthcare system.

Does he have no idea that Europe is made up of separate countries, each with their own systems of doing things?

For these stupid greedy Moon Bats an "European style health care system" means that the government forces somebody else to pay their heath care bills.

As I said, Europe has different systems for each country. It’s not homogenous.
They all have similarities.
They all believe that government is the solution to everything....which is anti-American to it's core.

America was founded on Libertarian principles and the Moon Bats can't stand it. Those principles are an impediment to their agenda to make America a Socialist shithole. That is why they hate the Bill of Rights.
I tried to watch but....nah. I couldn't stand more than a few seconds worth of Joe's preposterous
garbage. What a farce this all is.
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Biden took credit for the distribution , not the vaccine.

Speaking of the vaccine, why are Trump supporters afraid of it? Don't they trust Trump?

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