Bumbling Joe's Speech

Children in cages? What children in cages. Who cares if there are far more children in cages than during Trump and / or migrants being human trafficked into the country without even being tested for Covid. They are a protected class and future block of Democrat voters. They should call them children packed in sardine containers. What a disgusting group of hypocrites Democrats truly are.
So, you still refuse to acknowledge the difference betwwen unaccompanied children and separating families. You Trumpettes are just plain dumber than shit.
A European style healthcare system.

Does he have no idea that Europe is made up of separate countries, each with their own systems of doing things?

For these stupid greedy Moon Bats an "European style health care system" means that the government forces somebody else to pay their heath care bills.
So you are self funded?
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Not used to listening to an adult, are you?
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Biden took credit for the distribution , not the vaccine.

Speaking of the vaccine, why are Trump supporters afraid of it? Don't they trust Trump?
Well...I don't trust anything that Biden takes credit for.

To be honest.....Biden never does anything.....he just claims it was his program.

Didn't watch it. Thought about it to see if the Stuttering fck gaffed.
I jumped in and out for a few seconds here and there to see if he didn't fall off the podium. I consider it a good speech if he is still standing.

He’s a refugee from a care home.

Put him back to bed.
Hey lady. You take some time off. We never converse nor have I seen you. If you are hanging out with the grommit and Vomitman I wouldn't know.

Who are they?

I just hung out with you, didn’t I?
LOl.............I meant Vrotman and friends.

Are you kidding? Yuck.
LOL. I'm going to start hanging more in The Lounge. See you there. Never knew about it. Hard to pass up when there are 90 boards.......lolol
Didn't watch it. Thought about it to see if the Stuttering fck gaffed.
I jumped in and out for a few seconds here and there to see if he didn't fall off the podium. I consider it a good speech if he is still standing.

He’s a refugee from a care home.

Put him back to bed.
Hey lady. You take some time off. We never converse nor have I seen you. If you are hanging out with the grommit and Vomitman I wouldn't know.

Who are they?

I just hung out with you, didn’t I?
LOl.............I meant Vrotman and friends.

Are you kidding? Yuck.
LOL. I'm going to start hanging more in The Lounge. See you there. Never knew about it. Hard to pass up when there are 90 boards.......lolol

An oasis in the desert?
US President Joe Biden has laid out a sweeping investment plan for jobs, education and social care in his first speech to a joint session of Congress.
Delivered on the eve of his 100th day in office, the Democrat pitched some $4 trillion (£2.9tn) in spending – the largest overhaul of US benefits since the 1960s, analysts say.
A trillion here, a trillion there …

We’ve seen these disasters before. FDR’s New Deal squashed any chance of the American economy recovering from recession and baked depression into the system until Truman set the economy free after 1945.

Blacks were doing ok until LBJ decided to buy their votes with his Great Society reforms. Black families, independence, education and job prospects have been devastated since.

The young and unborn in America have done nothing to deserve having more of these catastrophic ideas imposed on them. As always they will distort the economy away from productive activity toward incentivising non-work.

They will lower the standard of living for almost all, except the crony class plugged into to the power centres.

Posted in ATW
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.

The rest of America disagrees. ;)
Nobody even bothered watching the fool.

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I heard he said that the KKK was the biggest security threat to the US.

All 200 members.

Joe Dufus must have forgot about the six months of insurrection with burning, looting, murdering and destruction by the BLM and ANTIFA assholes.
Bumbling Joe forgot he was best friends with an ex KKK grand wizard that happened to be the longest serving Democrat in the Senate.
Nobody even bothered watching the fool.

He beat Rump! ;)
Also, more younger people are streaming than there were four years ago.

Roughly 18.2 million people watched Biden’s speech on U.S. broadcast networks ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox, Hollywood publications Deadline and The Wrap reported on Friday. The speech was delivered just hours after Biden signed a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill into law, and came on his 50th day in office..​
Trump’s first televised address to the country occurred in August 2017 -- seven months after he took office -- when he spoke about the war in Afghanistan. That event attracted 17.7 million viewers on the four broadcast networks.​

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I heard he said that the KKK was the biggest security threat to the US.

All 200 members.

Joe Dufus must have forgot about the six months of insurrection with burning, looting, murdering and destruction by the BLM and ANTIFA assholes.


There was a speech last night, and it was a good one. It was presidential through and through; it was forceful, optimistic, and upbeat; it brought us together as Americans; and it reminded us of why ours is still the greatest nation on earth.

Oh, and Joe Biden also spoke.

To say that South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott merely upstaged the president last night is to miss out on the enormity of the task: The brief rebuttal from the opposition party always pales in comparison, even when an accomplished and eloquent speaker is at the mic. All we remember about Marco Rubio, for example, was him reaching for that water bottle. No, for majesty and spectacle, there’s simply no beating an American president’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Except last night.
It was a bizarre spectacle, to say the least: a sparsely populated chamber with everyone socially distanced and still wearing masks, even though everyone in attendance had already been vaccinated. Just 200 people in a setting that can accommodate 1,000. And there was more than a bit of dissonance between that weird, surreal setting and Biden’s introductory claim: “America is rising anew. Choosing hope over fear. Truth over lies. Light over darkness. After 100 Days of rescue and renewal, America is ready for takeoff.”

We’re ready for takeoff, all right. Just stay over there and don’t forget your face diaper.

Biden started off smartly enough, looking behind him and saying, “Madame speaker. Madame vice president. No president has ever said those words from this podium, and it’s about time.”

It went down hill from there, though. For one thing, he quickly lapsed into that same irritating tic that plagues all Democrat presidents — that of saying “invest” and “investing” when they mean to say “spend” and “spending.”

Tim Scott simply shat on Joe Biden and the Democrats and their minions in the media, live on TV.
Nobody even bothered watching the fool.

He beat Rump! ;)
Also, more younger people are streaming than there were four years ago.

Roughly 18.2 million people watched Biden’s speech on U.S. broadcast networks ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox, Hollywood publications Deadline and The Wrap reported on Friday. The speech was delivered just hours after Biden signed a $1.9 trillion stimulus bill into law, and came on his 50th day in office..​
Trump’s first televised address to the country occurred in August 2017 -- seven months after he took office -- when he spoke about the war in Afghanistan. That event attracted 17.7 million viewers on the four broadcast networks.​

Boy, do you like stepping in it or what. The viewership was less than half of what Trump got on his first speech.
Children in cages? What children in cages. Who cares if there are far more children in cages than during Trump and / or migrants being human trafficked into the country without even being tested for Covid. They are a protected class and future block of Democrat voters. They should call them children packed in sardine containers. What a disgusting group of hypocrites Democrats truly are.
So, you still refuse to acknowledge the difference betwwen unaccompanied children and separating families. You Trumpettes are just plain dumber than shit.
Seperation of families and putting them in cages was a policy that started and was carried out by Obama, rightly named deporter in chief by the Latino community. It doesn't seem to bother you that far more children are being trafficked, abused, raped and stored in glass containers like sardines under Bumbling Joe than under Trump. And without being tested released into the country.

Of course the media refuses to cover this catastrophe, and Kamala Harris has yet to even go there, in fact the situation has gotten worse since she's been appointed. Instead let's talk about how racist America is to divert attention from the failures that are piling up. Democrats are truly pathetic.
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Boy, do you like stepping in it or what. The viewership was less than half of what Trump got on his first speech.

Even CNN couldn't hide the embarrassment. Nobody cared to watch the bumbling fool. He's a very uninspiring, boring person. He's good at lying and taking credit for things he isn't responsible for. 47 years serving as a corrupt politician, that says one thing and does another.

Nielsen estimated that 26.9 million people watched the speech across 16 cable and broadcast networks on Wednesday night.
Former President Donald Trump's equivalent address to Congress in 2017 averaged 48 million viewers.
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I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I heard he said that the KKK was the biggest security threat to the US.

All 200 members.

Joe Dufus must have forgot about the six months of insurrection with burning, looting, murdering and destruction by the BLM and ANTIFA assholes.


There was a speech last night, and it was a good one. It was presidential through and through; it was forceful, optimistic, and upbeat; it brought us together as Americans; and it reminded us of why ours is still the greatest nation on earth.

Oh, and Joe Biden also spoke.

To say that South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott merely upstaged the president last night is to miss out on the enormity of the task: The brief rebuttal from the opposition party always pales in comparison, even when an accomplished and eloquent speaker is at the mic. All we remember about Marco Rubio, for example, was him reaching for that water bottle. No, for majesty and spectacle, there’s simply no beating an American president’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Except last night.
It was a bizarre spectacle, to say the least: a sparsely populated chamber with everyone socially distanced and still wearing masks, even though everyone in attendance had already been vaccinated. Just 200 people in a setting that can accommodate 1,000. And there was more than a bit of dissonance between that weird, surreal setting and Biden’s introductory claim: “America is rising anew. Choosing hope over fear. Truth over lies. Light over darkness. After 100 Days of rescue and renewal, America is ready for takeoff.”

We’re ready for takeoff, all right. Just stay over there and don’t forget your face diaper.

Biden started off smartly enough, looking behind him and saying, “Madame speaker. Madame vice president. No president has ever said those words from this podium, and it’s about time.”

It went down hill from there, though. For one thing, he quickly lapsed into that same irritating tic that plagues all Democrat presidents — that of saying “invest” and “investing” when they mean to say “spend” and “spending.”

Tim Scott simply shat on Joe Biden and the Democrats and their minions in the media, live on TV.

Have you ever seen such a hideous sight?

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I heard he said that the KKK was the biggest security threat to the US.

All 200 members.

Joe Dufus must have forgot about the six months of insurrection with burning, looting, murdering and destruction by the BLM and ANTIFA assholes.


There was a speech last night, and it was a good one. It was presidential through and through; it was forceful, optimistic, and upbeat; it brought us together as Americans; and it reminded us of why ours is still the greatest nation on earth.

Oh, and Joe Biden also spoke.

To say that South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott merely upstaged the president last night is to miss out on the enormity of the task: The brief rebuttal from the opposition party always pales in comparison, even when an accomplished and eloquent speaker is at the mic. All we remember about Marco Rubio, for example, was him reaching for that water bottle. No, for majesty and spectacle, there’s simply no beating an American president’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Except last night.
It was a bizarre spectacle, to say the least: a sparsely populated chamber with everyone socially distanced and still wearing masks, even though everyone in attendance had already been vaccinated. Just 200 people in a setting that can accommodate 1,000. And there was more than a bit of dissonance between that weird, surreal setting and Biden’s introductory claim: “America is rising anew. Choosing hope over fear. Truth over lies. Light over darkness. After 100 Days of rescue and renewal, America is ready for takeoff.”

We’re ready for takeoff, all right. Just stay over there and don’t forget your face diaper.

Biden started off smartly enough, looking behind him and saying, “Madame speaker. Madame vice president. No president has ever said those words from this podium, and it’s about time.”

It went down hill from there, though. For one thing, he quickly lapsed into that same irritating tic that plagues all Democrat presidents — that of saying “invest” and “investing” when they mean to say “spend” and “spending.”

Tim Scott simply shat on Joe Biden and the Democrats and their minions in the media, live on TV.

The Joe Dufus speech was boring, full of lies and simply the typical Socialist hatefilled greedy bullshit like we see from the Democrat filth all the time.

Scott's speech was right on the money.

These Moon Bats were idiots voting for Joe Dufus and then morons for ignoring the fact he stole the election.

When the history of the US being fucked up is written the Democrats will be the villains, just like the Nazis in Germany and the Communists in every country they took over.
I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I think Bumbling Joe's speech can be summed up in only a few words: "He lied his ass off."

I heard he said that the KKK was the biggest security threat to the US.

All 200 members.

Joe Dufus must have forgot about the six months of insurrection with burning, looting, murdering and destruction by the BLM and ANTIFA assholes.


There was a speech last night, and it was a good one. It was presidential through and through; it was forceful, optimistic, and upbeat; it brought us together as Americans; and it reminded us of why ours is still the greatest nation on earth.

Oh, and Joe Biden also spoke.

To say that South Carolina Republican Senator Tim Scott merely upstaged the president last night is to miss out on the enormity of the task: The brief rebuttal from the opposition party always pales in comparison, even when an accomplished and eloquent speaker is at the mic. All we remember about Marco Rubio, for example, was him reaching for that water bottle. No, for majesty and spectacle, there’s simply no beating an American president’s speech to a joint session of Congress.

Except last night.
It was a bizarre spectacle, to say the least: a sparsely populated chamber with everyone socially distanced and still wearing masks, even though everyone in attendance had already been vaccinated. Just 200 people in a setting that can accommodate 1,000. And there was more than a bit of dissonance between that weird, surreal setting and Biden’s introductory claim: “America is rising anew. Choosing hope over fear. Truth over lies. Light over darkness. After 100 Days of rescue and renewal, America is ready for takeoff.”

We’re ready for takeoff, all right. Just stay over there and don’t forget your face diaper.

Biden started off smartly enough, looking behind him and saying, “Madame speaker. Madame vice president. No president has ever said those words from this podium, and it’s about time.”

It went down hill from there, though. For one thing, he quickly lapsed into that same irritating tic that plagues all Democrat presidents — that of saying “invest” and “investing” when they mean to say “spend” and “spending.”

Tim Scott simply shat on Joe Biden and the Democrats and their minions in the media, live on TV.

Have you ever seen such a hideous sight?

View attachment 485623

To be honest- my neighbors cat barfed up a whole bird on my deck not too long ago.

Pretty damn hideous.
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Not used to listening to an adult, are you?
There's nothing to listen to. He's a marionette of the radical Left, literally everything he says and does is ordered by Obama, Pelosi, Sanders, AOC and the rest of the Democratic Party Bolshviks.

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