Bumbling Joe's Speech

Even CNN couldn't hide the embarrassment. Nobody cared to watch the bumbling fool. He's a very uninspiring, boring person. He's good at lying and taking credit for things he isn't responsible for. 47 years serving as a corrupt politician, who says one thing and does another.

Nielsen estimated that 26.9 million people watched the speech across 16 cable and broadcast networks on Wednesday night.
Former President Donald Trump's equivalent address to Congress in 2017 averaged 48 million viewers.

You said "over twice as many" and even your bogus data doesn't show that.
Twice 27 million would be 54 million - Not 48.
Young people don't watch TeeVee - They STREAM loon.
And that is FAR more true in 2021 than it was in 2017.
I'm counting minimally several million more hits on Tubers alone!

One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Not used to listening to an adult, are you?
There's nothing to listen to. He's a marionette of the radical Left, literally everything he says and does is ordered by Obama, Pelosi, Sanders, AOC and the rest of the Democratic Party Bolshviks.

He picked a dandelion for his wife.

Did you see that?
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Not used to listening to an adult, are you?
There's nothing to listen to. He's a marionette of the radical Left, literally everything he says and does is ordered by Obama, Pelosi, Sanders, AOC and the rest of the Democratic Party Bolshviks.

He picked a dandelion for his wife.

Did you see that?

Ewww - to each their own eh?
She'll file for divorce by this coming Fall :)

One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Not used to listening to an adult, are you?
There's nothing to listen to. He's a marionette of the radical Left, literally everything he says and does is ordered by Obama, Pelosi, Sanders, AOC and the rest of the Democratic Party Bolshviks.

He picked a dandelion for his wife.

Did you see that?

Ewww - to each their own eh?
She'll file for divorce by this coming Fall :)


You fancy her?
Even CNN couldn't hide the embarrassment. Nobody cared to watch the bumbling fool. He's a very uninspiring, boring person. He's good at lying and taking credit for things he isn't responsible for. 47 years serving as a corrupt politician, who says one thing and does another.

Nielsen estimated that 26.9 million people watched the speech across 16 cable and broadcast networks on Wednesday night.
Former President Donald Trump's equivalent address to Congress in 2017 averaged 48 million viewers.

You said "over twice as many" and even your bogus data doesn't show that.
Twice 27 million would be 54 million - Not 48.
Young people don't watch TeeVee - They STREAM loon.
And that is FAR more true in 2021 than it was in 2017.
I'm counting minimally several million more hits on Tubers alone!

While YOU said more people watched Biden. Even according to CNN Biden's speech was an epic fail. Once again, the mental cases on the Left are completely devoid of intellectual honesty.
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Not used to listening to an adult, are you?
There's nothing to listen to. He's a marionette of the radical Left, literally everything he says and does is ordered by Obama, Pelosi, Sanders, AOC and the rest of the Democratic Party Bolshviks.

He picked a dandelion for his wife.

Did you see that?

Ewww - to each their own eh?
She'll file for divorce by this coming Fall :)

Meanwhile, nobody on the Left is talking about Hunter, the child rapist drug addict, who's pictures are an embarrassment to this country and every American.
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.
Not used to listening to an adult, are you?
There's nothing to listen to. He's a marionette of the radical Left, literally everything he says and does is ordered by Obama, Pelosi, Sanders, AOC and the rest of the Democratic Party Bolshviks.

He picked a dandelion for his wife.

Did you see that?
Probably that he was told to do as well. Everything with Biden is fake and scripted.
To each his own.

Good job they were masked.

Like the bank robbers they are.

A competent leader sets an example ...
You know, unlike The Former Guy who gasped and wheezed after mounting 50 or so steps :)

His warp speed vaccine program saved this country and the world. You should be thanking him.

Trumpy Bear had nothing to do with Pfizer.
And he sucked at messaging, purchasing and distribution.
D minus grade overall.
One of the most uninspiring, boring speeches filled with lies and taking credit for Trump's achievements in the economy and with the warp speed vaccine rollout, in fact repeating many of the things that were in Trump's platform. Biden is no stranger to plagiarizing, he's done it all his life. But once again, Democrats don't really care about the things they pretend to, as long as they're in power.

On the other hand Tim Scott's speech was an inspiring breath of fresh air that talked about unity, and love for country, God and all his children.

The rest of America disagrees. ;)

"The rest of America" ?

Don't think so.

Only those who watched it.

From what I recall hearing, it was about 10% of America.
To each his own.

Good job they were masked.

Like the bank robbers they are.

A competent leader sets an example ...
You know, unlike The Former Guy who gasped and wheezed after mounting 50 or so steps :)

His warp speed vaccine program saved this country and the world. You should be thanking him.

Trumpy Bear had nothing to do with Pfizer.
And he sucked at messaging, purchasing and distribution.
D minus grade overall.

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
To each his own.

Good job they were masked.

Like the bank robbers they are.

A competent leader sets an example ...
You know, unlike The Former Guy who gasped and wheezed after mounting 50 or so steps :)

His warp speed vaccine program saved this country and the world. You should be thanking him.

Trumpy Bear had nothing to do with Pfizer.
And he sucked at messaging, purchasing and distribution.
D minus grade overall.

Another claim completely divorced from reality, just like the elderly man held hostage by the radical Left that some call "president".
KHN & POLITIFACT HEALTHCHECKBiden’s Criticism of Trump Team’s Vaccine Contracts Is a Stretch
By Victoria KnightMARCH 8, 2021

“When I came into office, the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America. We rectified that.”
— President Joe Biden, March 2 news conference
During a March 2 news conference on the covid-19 pandemic, President Joe Biden claimed that former President Donald Trump’s administration did not ensure there would be enough vaccines for the American public.
“When I came into office, the prior administration had contracted for not nearly enough vaccine to cover adults in America,” said Biden. “We rectified that.”
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This story was produced in partnership with PolitiFact. It can be republished for free.
Biden then announced he was using the Defense Production Act to facilitate a partnership between two competing drug companies: Merck had agreed to help manufacture the recently authorized Johnson & Johnson vaccine.
The move, he said, would accelerate the timeline for the availability of vaccines: “We’re now on track to have enough vaccine supply for every adult in America by the end of May,” he said, two months earlier than he had previously projected.
It’s been a common political message since the Biden administration took office that the initial vaccine rollout under Trump was “chaotic.” PolitiFact previously rated a claim by Biden’s chief of staff, Ron Klain, that the Trump administration left no vaccine plan behind as Mostly False.
So, we thought it was important to check whether Biden was going too far in alleging that the Trump administration hadn’t contracted for enough vaccines to cover the American public. Let’s see what the contracts, which are public documents, say.

The Operation Warp Speed Contracts and FDA’s Process
As part of Operation Warp Speed, the Trump administration entered into contracts with multiple drugmakers. The contracts were generally signed while potential vaccines were still in clinical trials.
Experts told us this was smart because the Trump administration didn’t know which vaccines from which drugmakers would work, how effective they would be or how quickly they could be produced.
“That was the whole approach of Operation Warp Speed,” said Dr. Amesh Adalja, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. “Not knowing which one would cross the finish line, the Trump administration took a portfolio approach and invested in multiple vaccines.”
Here’s what the Trump team’s contracts called for drugmakers to supply to the U.S. government:

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