Bummer… Obama Down 2 Points to Romney (46-44) – Blows $100 Million For Jack Squat


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Jul 11, 2004
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Posted by Jim Hoft on Monday, July 16, 2012, 11:22 AM
Bummer. Obama just blew $100 million on Romney attack ads.
Guess what it got him?… Jack squat.

After blowing millions on attack ads Obama is down two points to Mitt Romney.
Rasmussen reported, via Free Republic:

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows Mitt Romney attracting 46% of the vote, while President Obama earns 44%. Five percent (5%) prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) more are undecided.

Matchup results are updated daily at 9:30 a.m. Eastern.

As ScottinVA says, “He spends his money as recklessly as he spends ours.”

all of it here.
I'm sure Romney is enjoying watching him burn that campaign cash early. It would seem that money isn't flowing to Obama as easily as it used to.
I love it...whenever a poll shows Obama ahead...you guys say it doesn't mean anything...but when a poll shows Rmney ahead, we should cringe in fear.
I'm sure Romney is enjoying watching him burn that campaign cash early. It would seem that money isn't flowing to Obama as easily as it used to.

I only sent a small amount so far. The big check goes out next month.
All we know for certain is that Obama is a liar and he must be hiding something because he won't release his records
I love it...whenever a poll shows Obama ahead...you guys say it doesn't mean anything...but when a poll shows Rmney ahead, we should cringe in fear.

Not to mention it's an ultra right wing Rasmussen poll. Every other poll has Obama ahead.

The right wingers like to wear their stupidity like a badge of honor,...
Well,I for one think it's too early to be patting anyone on the back just yet....but, once again....I find the hypocrisy of these people endlessly amusing.
It's interesting to see that the attack ads don't seem to be having an affect. But it's widely known that I dont take much stock in polls.
Obama needs to release his records. He lied about Romney

He probably lied about the bribe Rezko paid him

He probably lied about telling the publisher he was born in Kenya, he needs to release his records to see what he told his colleges. We know he didn't get to college on his grades, at least not as an American student.
I love it...whenever a poll shows Obama ahead...you guys say it doesn't mean anything...but when a poll shows Rmney ahead, we should cringe in fear.

I love it...whenever a poll shows Romney ahead...you guys say it doesn't mean anything...but when a poll shows Obama ahead, we should cringe in fear.

dumb ass.
Real Clear Politics average has Obama ahead by +2.1

Rasmussen and The Moonie Times are the only two out of 8 polls that show Romney slightly ahead.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Ahead by less than the Margin of error for an Incumbent who just won a Court Decision on his signature Legislation, and just spent 100 Million on attack adds. Is nothing to celebrate.

Both sides are silly about polls. You both post a Poll that has your guy ahead by less than the Margin of error and act like it's big news.

Watch the trends not the daily Polls. That is what matters.
The rating that counts is the presidential popularity rating. The magic number is 46%, in the re-elections of Truman, Eisenhower, and Clinton. Eisenhower and Clinton had stronger opponents than Romney. The continued outpouring of hatred from a small minority on the right continues to turn of centrist voters to Romney.

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