Bumped from surgery 9 times, Winnipeg senior says she's stuck in medical limbo at HSC


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Remember these stories before you accept state run healthcare and socialism in general. Canada is the testing ground for all that ails the civilized, individual liberty loving world and we are a failure, even with such a large land mass and low population. Imagine we had the population of America? We would have been insolvent decades ago.

This is how it works, if she were the family member of a politician or RCMP (or OPP, TPS in Ontario), she would have been bumped to the front and had this done in an hour. Or, possibly helped the state out to violate another Canadians rights, she would get some assistance. However, she's just a regular Canadian who keeps to herself and not a Good Little German, so she sits in purgatory until someone decides they have an interest in her plight.

If she had the means, she would have went to America and had it done the same day. Since she is just a regular Canadian, this means, she has no control over her healthcare nor if or when it will be conducted. What recourse does she have? None. She sits in a bed, has little food and water in anticipation of a process that never comes.

No wonder our allies don't trust us...

Bumped from surgery 9 times, Winnipeg senior says she's stuck in medical limbo at HSC

A Winnipeg senior who has waited for days in hospital for skin graft that will allow her leg to begin to heal says she feels caught in a kind of medical limbo.

On Oct. 3, Sandra Jones, 68, was admitted to hospital for a vascular operation on blockages in her lower leg, which had caused an ulcer to form near her Achilles tendon.

After the surgery, Jones was told she would need a plastic surgeon to place a skin graft over the wound in order for it to heal properly.

Jones was scheduled to have the operation Oct. 11, but that appointment was cancelled at the last minute. Since then, she has been scheduled for surgery eight more times — with each one cancelled after hours of waiting in her Health Sciences Centre hospital bed.

"It's very frustrating. I've got to go all day without food or water," before the scheduled operations, she said.

The director of communications for the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority said in an email the region understands the frustrations and anxieties of patients like Jones.

"As Manitoba's trauma and major surgical referral centre, HSC Winnipeg must delicately balance how we handle surgeries," said Katherine Fox.

Less urgent procedures are placed on standby until there is an available spot, Fox said in an email.

'I want to go home'
Unable to return home for fear of infection, Jones said she is confined to her bed or wheelchair, waiting for the surgery that promises to allow her leg to begin to heal in earnest. Nurses at the hospital change her dressings daily.

"What do you do? I'm caught between a rock and a hard place," she said.

If she goes home without the plastic surgery, the wound will take up to eight months to heal. With the skin graft, she was told it would heal in two weeks.

"I can't do nothing until that's done. I'm just sitting here in limbo. Just waiting.… I want it done. I want to go home."

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