Bundy Caught Lying about "Ancestral Rights"

The takeaway from this 'crisis' is simple. The far right wing in the United States hates our Government and is a threat to the rule of law and peace in our nation. Fortunately, it appears to be self funded - thus far - and has no central command and control, no intelligence (within both meanings of the term) and is fueled by hate, fear and ignorance. It's likely they'd get their ass handed to them in a casket by any urban gang in the United States.

Militia's should obey the law of the land, i.e. The Constitution of The United States, to wit:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;"

"To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

It is apparent that the conservative movement which demand the COTUS be understood by the original intent of the authors ignore it when it comes to Militias one of which, in fact, challenged the legitimate authority of the United States to enforce the laws of the Union in Southern Arizona.
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Pretty much. Fuckem. It was never their land in the first place. I cant believe this thread is even still active. The Bundy clown has been busted in a lie on top of being wrong.

it is their land partially, because it is land managed for the people. Why shouldn't they be allowed to graze on it when the whole purpose of the BLM was to manage land for people to use in that and other ways?

Again, this is not a National Park, or National Monument. Its land to be used.

Yes and the land is being used the way the BLM sees fit. Its not up to the ranchers to decide for the rest ot the people what it will be used for.

So an agency based 1000's of miles away is the right group to decide who uses what in the middle of Nevada? The BLM is catering to environmentalist and other assholes. Fuck them.
You'd pay or you'd have your gas shut off, right? You really think you have the right to arm yourself against the utility company if they shut you off? Really?

Bundy is getting a sweet deal. $1.35 a month per cow. Know how much he'd be paying another rancher to eat his grass? $16 bucks per.

It's not his fucking land. He either abides by the rules or gets his fucking cows off land that does not belong to him. This is not a difficult concept. It doesn't matter how many cows they say he can have on land that is not his...it's NOT HIS.

It is his fucking land. its all our fucking land, not the BLM's land. They are caretakers, nothing more, and the caretakers have taken the side of a tortoise over a person.

So is the land where my house sits, it's mine....that doesn't mean I don't have to pay taxes.
So, if it's your land....why don't you go and try and sell it - then you could pay Bundy's taxes.

Do you have proof Bundy's not paying his realestate taxes? :cuckoo:
The takeaway from this 'crisis' is simple. The far right wing in the United States hates our Government and is a threat to the rule of law and peace in our nation. Fortunately, it appears to be self funded - thus far - and has no central command and control, no intelligence (within both meanings of the term) and is fueled by hate, fear and ignorance. It's likely they'd get their ass handed to them in a casket by any urban gang in the United States.

Militia's should obey the law of the land, i.e. The Constitution of The United States, to wit:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;"

"To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

It is apparent that the conservative movement which demand the COTUS be understood by the original intent of the authors ignore it when it comes to Militias and in fact challenged the legitimate authority of the United States to enforce the laws of the Union in Southern Arizona.
it is their land partially, because it is land managed for the people. Why shouldn't they be allowed to graze on it when the whole purpose of the BLM was to manage land for people to use in that and other ways?

Again, this is not a National Park, or National Monument. Its land to be used.

Yes and the land is being used the way the BLM sees fit. Its not up to the ranchers to decide for the rest ot the people what it will be used for.

So an agency based 1000's of miles away is the right group to decide who uses what in the middle of Nevada? The BLM is catering to environmentalist and other assholes. Fuck them.

I think you are beginning to get the concept. Its Federal land. Fuck them is what the BLM is doing to the ranchers. The environmentalists are working for the people.
You'd pay or you'd have your gas shut off, right? You really think you have the right to arm yourself against the utility company if they shut you off? Really?

Bundy is getting a sweet deal. $1.35 a month per cow. Know how much he'd be paying another rancher to eat his grass? $16 bucks per.

It's not his fucking land. He either abides by the rules or gets his fucking cows off land that does not belong to him. This is not a difficult concept. It doesn't matter how many cows they say he can have on land that is not his...it's NOT HIS.

It is his fucking land. its all our fucking land, not the BLM's land. They are caretakers, nothing more, and the caretakers have taken the side of a tortoise over a person.

So is the land where my house sits, it's mine....that doesn't mean I don't have to pay taxes.
So, if it's your land....why don't you go and try and sell it - then you could pay Bundy's taxes.

Is the local county you pay property taxes to trying to remove a part of your house because of a turtle habitat?
Yes and the land is being used the way the BLM sees fit. Its not up to the ranchers to decide for the rest ot the people what it will be used for.

So an agency based 1000's of miles away is the right group to decide who uses what in the middle of Nevada? The BLM is catering to environmentalist and other assholes. Fuck them.

I think you are beginning to get the concept. Its Federal land. Fuck them is what the BLM is doing to the ranchers. The environmentalists are working for the people.

No, the environmentalists work for dim witted people like you who think anything they do is to help the environment.

How about you go and fuck over bundy yourself, tough guy? Oh, i forgot you are a giant internet coward without the balls to do anything.
Thats all fine and dandy in Nevada. In Maine in December? Not so much.

Also in bundy's case he doesnt have enough of his own land to keep his herd. The BLM land was part of the equation, and they decided to take it away from him.

So, if I don't have enough water in my well to water my plants I should just connect my hose to my neighbor's well?

For all those that want to live in a country with no government....move to Somalia....

Ahh. Argumentum ad absurdum, the first and last refuge of the poster without a point to make.

Its not using his neighbor's hose, its using a hose that's set up for everyone in the area to use, being able to use it for decades, and then all of a sudden someone says you can only get a few drops out of it.

Ayup.. it's the feds coming by and saying the water in your wells is ours and we have it designated for the turtles so now you can only have a few drops and you have to start paying for it, oh and the price will go up each year and you will have less & less allotment each year till you die of thirst or leave. Why don't you run off like a good little boy like your neighbor did. Oh you won't pay or leave? Fine, we'll use your tax dollars you paid us each year on your income to hire 200 armed contractors to come kill your cows, destroy your water tanks, ...
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It is his fucking land. its all our fucking land, not the BLM's land. They are caretakers, nothing more, and the caretakers have taken the side of a tortoise over a person.

So is the land where my house sits, it's mine....that doesn't mean I don't have to pay taxes.
So, if it's your land....why don't you go and try and sell it - then you could pay Bundy's taxes.

Is the local county you pay property taxes to trying to remove a part of your house because of a turtle habitat?

Thats private ownership but yes eminent domain says that the government can take your land provided they pay you fair market value.
It's not a "right" inherent or otherwise recognized by the United States Constitution or United States Case law.

If you participate in such a revolt against the United States government you are in breach of the Constitution. And the Constitution provides that the United States government can use means to make sure you don't succeed.

And if you "win" such a revolt you are as "pro American" as the colonists were "pro British".

It is a right inherent to all people, or do you think people should just kowtow to an oppressive government?

Your second part is why you have to win said revolt.

As our country continues to slide away from its original intent I would say yes, the people revolting are the real Americans, and the people who let tyranny rule them are a bunch of useless sheep.

"Tyrannical" rule is where you have a small group of people that seek to rule without consent.
And that would be by trying to stop people from voting.

Just who, pray tell, is involved in that practice?

Additionally, who thought:

-Indefinite Confinement without redress or challenge was appropriate.
-Torture was dandy.
-Trial without the ability to examine opposing evidence and heresay being admissible was fine.

That would be you folks. :mad:

Yes- like the Dems did when they passed the New Health Care Law against the majority.

Proving that you are a legal U.S. Citizens is not stopping people from voting and makes sure that people are not voting more than one time.
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The takeaway from this 'crisis' is simple. The far right wing in the United States hates our Government and is a threat to the rule of law and peace in our nation. Fortunately, it appears to be self funded - thus far - and has no central command and control, no intelligence (within both meanings of the term) and is fueled by hate, fear and ignorance. It's likely they'd get their ass handed to them in a casket by any urban gang in the United States.

Militia's should obey the law of the land, i.e. The Constitution of The United States, to wit:

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;"

"To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

It is apparent that the conservative movement which demand the COTUS be understood by the original intent of the authors ignore it when it comes to Militias one of which, in fact, challenged the legitimate authority of the United States to enforce the laws of the Union in Southern Arizona.

Armed gangs are armed gangs, no matter what name they might give themselves.
It is a right inherent to all people, or do you think people should just kowtow to an oppressive government?

Your second part is why you have to win said revolt.

As our country continues to slide away from its original intent I would say yes, the people revolting are the real Americans, and the people who let tyranny rule them are a bunch of useless sheep.

"Tyrannical" rule is where you have a small group of people that seek to rule without consent.
And that would be by trying to stop people from voting.

Just who, pray tell, is involved in that practice?

Additionally, who thought:

-Indefinite Confinement without redress or challenge was appropriate.
-Torture was dandy.
-Trial without the ability to examine opposing evidence and heresay being admissible was fine.

That would be you folks. :mad:

Yes- like the Dems did when the passed the New Health Care Law against the majority.

Proving that you are a legal U.S. Citizens is not stopping people from voting and makes sure that people are not voting more than one time.

Against what majority? Do you need to see the vote counts? Are you that ignorant?
So an agency based 1000's of miles away is the right group to decide who uses what in the middle of Nevada? The BLM is catering to environmentalist and other assholes. Fuck them.

I think you are beginning to get the concept. Its Federal land. Fuck them is what the BLM is doing to the ranchers. The environmentalists are working for the people.

No, the environmentalists work for dim witted people like you who think anything they do is to help the environment.

How about you go and fuck over bundy yourself, tough guy? Oh, i forgot you are a giant internet coward without the balls to do anything.

"Dim witted people" are still people clown. Just because you disagree means nothing. You are a nobody.

Getting upset and suggesting I mess with an old man thousands of miles away from me is silly. Slap yourself across the face and get back to reality.
I think you are beginning to get the concept. Its Federal land. Fuck them is what the BLM is doing to the ranchers. The environmentalists are working for the people.

No, the environmentalists work for dim witted people like you who think anything they do is to help the environment.

How about you go and fuck over bundy yourself, tough guy? Oh, i forgot you are a giant internet coward without the balls to do anything.

"Dim witted people" are still people clown. Just because you disagree means nothing. You are a nobody.

Getting upset and suggesting I mess with an old man thousands of miles away from me is silly. Slap yourself across the face and get back to reality.

and you are some big shot? I'm a citizen. I am not a nobody. Just because progressives want to demean people down to cogs in a government chain doesn't mean the rest of us think the same.

you are an armchair quarterback, nothing more.
So is the land where my house sits, it's mine....that doesn't mean I don't have to pay taxes.
So, if it's your land....why don't you go and try and sell it - then you could pay Bundy's taxes.

Is the local county you pay property taxes to trying to remove a part of your house because of a turtle habitat?

Thats private ownership but yes eminent domain says that the government can take your land provided they pay you fair market value.

FMV is a part of due process, but yes the "state" government can take your land if they adhere to due process. Then they can sell it or hand it over to the feds for whatever reason they wish.
So is the land where my house sits, it's mine....that doesn't mean I don't have to pay taxes.
So, if it's your land....why don't you go and try and sell it - then you could pay Bundy's taxes.

Is the local county you pay property taxes to trying to remove a part of your house because of a turtle habitat?

Thats private ownership but yes eminent domain says that the government can take your land provided they pay you fair market value.

yes they have to compensate you. Bundy had an easement on BLM land and they restricted it without compensation. The use of BLM land made his ranch viable, and when they took it away or limited it, it made it un-viable.

Also eminent domain is when government wants to build something else on your land, not make it a turtle sanctuary.
It is a right inherent to all people, or do you think people should just kowtow to an oppressive government?

Your second part is why you have to win said revolt.

As our country continues to slide away from its original intent I would say yes, the people revolting are the real Americans, and the people who let tyranny rule them are a bunch of useless sheep.

"Tyrannical" rule is where you have a small group of people that seek to rule without consent.

And that would be by trying to stop people from voting.

Just who, pray tell, is involved in that practice?

Additionally, who thought:

-Indefinite Confinement without redress or challenge was appropriate.
-Torture was dandy.
-Trial without the ability to examine opposing evidence and heresay being admissible was fine.

That would be you folks. :mad:

One can always tell when Sallow is at his end, because he goes off on a tangent. I've been schooling you all morning.

No one is trying to stop people with a legitamate right to vote from voting. Try again.
The confinement was of Non US citizens fighting an undeclared war against the US.Try again.
Also against non US citizens, and you people consider anything except 3 hots and a cot torture.
Again, non US citizens.

You haven't been schooling anyone.

You've been wrong on almost every count.
No, the environmentalists work for dim witted people like you who think anything they do is to help the environment.

How about you go and fuck over bundy yourself, tough guy? Oh, i forgot you are a giant internet coward without the balls to do anything.

"Dim witted people" are still people clown. Just because you disagree means nothing. You are a nobody.

Getting upset and suggesting I mess with an old man thousands of miles away from me is silly. Slap yourself across the face and get back to reality.

and you are some big shot? I'm a citizen. I am not a nobody. Just because progressives want to demean people down to cogs in a government chain doesn't mean the rest of us think the same.

you are an armchair quarterback, nothing more.
Maybe an armchair waterboy.
"Tyrannical" rule is where you have a small group of people that seek to rule without consent.

And that would be by trying to stop people from voting.

Just who, pray tell, is involved in that practice?

Additionally, who thought:

-Indefinite Confinement without redress or challenge was appropriate.
-Torture was dandy.
-Trial without the ability to examine opposing evidence and heresay being admissible was fine.

That would be you folks. :mad:

One can always tell when Sallow is at his end, because he goes off on a tangent. I've been schooling you all morning.

No one is trying to stop people with a legitamate right to vote from voting. Try again.
The confinement was of Non US citizens fighting an undeclared war against the US.Try again.
Also against non US citizens, and you people consider anything except 3 hots and a cot torture.
Again, non US citizens.

You haven't been schooling anyone.

You've been wrong on almost every count.

lol. I notice you slinked away like a coward from the thread where I showed you were wrong on the public use of private land statues for NYC.

Brave sir Sallow bravely ran away. Brave Brave sir Sallow.

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