Burning the red cow “Parah adumah” is awaited by criminal Zionists

Ancient lion

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Nov 22, 2010
The red cow, or as it is called in Hebrew “parah adumma”, is a cow that Jews are waiting for in order to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the Third Temple. It is summarized by being a cow with a completely red hair color, without any two hairs of any other color. It has not been pregnant, milked, or yoked, and it was born naturally and raised on what is said to be “the land of Israel”.

When it reaches two years of age, it can be used in a purification process that should take place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem opposite the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where it is slaughtered in a special way and rituals, then burned with special rites, and its ashes are used in the process of “purifying the Jewish people”.

Malak Zalbarshalgh and Omri Maniv, correspondents of “Channel 12”, confirmed that " Recently, in cooperation with government ministries, many efforts have been made to implement a mysterious vision since the destruction of the Second Temple, according to which burning a red heifer will enable millions of Jews to reach the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the establishment of the Third Temple on its ruins. Supporters of this mysterious vision pin their hopes on five red heifers brought to Israel by plane from the US state of Texas, and carefully selected .

Because the state of ritual purity obtained through the ashes of a red heifer is a necessary prerequisite for participating in Temple service, efforts have been made in modern times by Jews wishing for biblical ritual purity (see tumah and taharah) and in anticipation of the building of the Third Temple to locate a red heifer and recreate the ritual. However, multiple candidates have been disqualified.
According to Zionists myths, this ritual purifies the impure, but it also renders the pure impure (ie, everybody who participates in the ritual becomes impure).
Rabbi Greg Killian said:

The relationship between the laws of the Parah Adumah and the coming of Mashiach is as follows:

"Exile is related to the concept of ritual defilement, coming in contact with spiritual death. .... The ashes of the Parah Adumah, offering purification from the defilement of death, allude to the time of Mashiach’s coming, the time of redemption from exile, when Jews sunder their bonds with spiritual death, for they then all cleave to G-d and are thus vitally alive... "

Rabbi Greg Killian further explains:​

Details of the Red Heifer​

The Talmud has much to say about the Red Heifer.
Using a red heifer, which had been a prostitute’s fee:

Temurah 30b Our Rabbis have taught: [Scripture says:] In the house of the Lord thy G-d, this excludes the case of the red heifer which does not come to the House. This is the teaching of R. Eleazar. The Sages, however say: This includes beaten gold plates [as forbidden for overlaying]. Whose opinion is that of the Sages? Said R. Hisda: It is that of R. Jose b. Judah. For it has been taught: If he gave her gold as hire, R. Jose b. Judah said: One must not use it to make beaten gold plates even for the space behind the Holy of Holies.
Rabbi continues:

"The Talmud relates the story of a non-Jew, Dama ben Nesina, who possessed a precious jewel needed to replace a stone missing from the breastplate of the Kohen Gadol. The Sages came to him and offered him a fortune for the stone, but he would not sell it to them because the key to the safe in which the jewel was kept was under the head of his sleeping father. He would not wake his father, even for a king’s ransom.

Because he was prepared to give up so much to honor his father, he was rewarded that a red heifer was born into his flock, and he sold that animal to the Sages for the same amount that he had forfeited."
The Rabbi explains

"Since Yeshua came into contact with a dead body (His own) on Nisan 14, He would not have been allowed to enter either the earthly nor the heavenly Temple."
The Rabbi reveals his real evil intentions:

"It will never be possible to remove the mosques that are on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and to build the Beit HaMikdash in their place except after the site and the builders etc. have been ritually purified by the mixture of the ashes of the red cow, which must be slaughtered in a ritually clean site. Since no such sites are known to us today, we would need the mixture of the ashes of the red cow to prepare such a site."
The red cow, or as it is called in Hebrew “parah adumma”, is a cow that Jews are waiting for in order to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the Third Temple. It is summarized by being a cow with a completely red hair color, without any two hairs of any other color. It has not been pregnant, milked, or yoked, and it was born naturally and raised on what is said to be “the land of Israel”.

When it reaches two years of age, it can be used in a purification process that should take place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem opposite the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where it is slaughtered in a special way and rituals, then burned with special rites, and its ashes are used in the process of “purifying the Jewish people”.

Malak Zalbarshalgh and Omri Maniv, correspondents of “Channel 12”, confirmed that " Recently, in cooperation with government ministries, many efforts have been made to implement a mysterious vision since the destruction of the Second Temple, according to which burning a red heifer will enable millions of Jews to reach the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the establishment of the Third Temple on its ruins. Supporters of this mysterious vision pin their hopes on five red heifers brought to Israel by plane from the US state of Texas, and carefully selected .

And that sort of ridiculous Old Testament insanity is why Israel should be ended by a 1 state solution that allows the 13 million Palestinians to out vote the 7 million Zionist fanatics.

Clearly the first Temple of Solomon was in Israel, not Judea, so was at least 10 miles further north.
And the 2nd Temple of Solomon was built by the Romans, and was not on the Temple mount of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Wailing Wall is about 3000 years too old and is obviously Canaanite construction.
Prof. Abdullah Marouf commented:

"Strangely, the five cows that recently arrived in Israel and caused this fuss, were brought from the US state of Texas, after being bred with the support of individuals who follow the extremist evangelical Christian movement in the United States. This can raise many questions about whether these cows were produced by genetic engineering to be completely red.

It is ironic that the legend says that the birth of a red heifer has not occurred in two thousand years, yet today we are faced with 5 red heifers, not just one. This also opens the door for some rabbis to object to the fact that they were not born in “the land of Israel” from the beginning, despite their presence in Israel until they reach the age of two years."
The red cow, or as it is called in Hebrew “parah adumma”, is a cow that Jews are waiting for in order to demolish the Al-Aqsa Mosque and build the Third Temple. It is summarized by being a cow with a completely red hair color, without any two hairs of any other color. It has not been pregnant, milked, or yoked, and it was born naturally and raised on what is said to be “the land of Israel”.

When it reaches two years of age, it can be used in a purification process that should take place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem opposite the Al-Aqsa Mosque, where it is slaughtered in a special way and rituals, then burned with special rites, and its ashes are used in the process of “purifying the Jewish people”.

Malak Zalbarshalgh and Omri Maniv, correspondents of “Channel 12”, confirmed that " Recently, in cooperation with government ministries, many efforts have been made to implement a mysterious vision since the destruction of the Second Temple, according to which burning a red heifer will enable millions of Jews to reach the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the establishment of the Third Temple on its ruins. Supporters of this mysterious vision pin their hopes on five red heifers brought to Israel by plane from the US state of Texas, and carefully selected .

Demolish that thing.

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