Bush and Trump at the top of the latest poll for GOP ticket

Now that Macy's has fired Trump his poll numbers should go up or down.
I think that poll just tracked avg americans. And not gopers or gopers likely to vote in primaries.
This proves that polls at this stage are merely markers of name recognition and nothing more.
Yes, it will be funny in October 2016 when it is Bush vs Clinton...
Now that Macy's has fired Trump his poll numbers should go up or down.

They may go up. People don't care about scandal anymore. Nothing is scandalous anymore.
Our moral integrity is so worn there is a big callous on the attitude of society. Nothing is shocking.

Oh well, except if you dare speak against certain protected groups, because you might make them feel badly!
Poll Bush Trump rising for GOP but both trail Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Since we all know Trump is probably the Biggest Clown in the car, Bush appears to be the favorite right now to gain the nomination. I have predicted all along it will be a Bush-Clinton rematch.

Jeb released 33 years of tax returns. I find that admirable.
The top ten is what counts at the moment, because if you don't make the debates, then good luck getting your message out and good luck getting donors. So here is the list.
(1) Bush
(2) Trump
(3) Huckabee
(4) Carson
(5) Paul
(6) Rubio
(7) Walker
(8) Perry
(9) Christie
(10) Cruz

My candidates in order are:
(1) Cruz - He is a brave man with get ideas and he sticks to his ideology. I think he has the intelligence and honor to push us in that direction.
(2) Paul - As a Zionist his views on Israel take me back, but I care more about his domestic policies on America, especially his progrowth economic polices. I am wary of his views on the Patriot act (since I view it as a necessary evil), but he is right on staying out of middle east, African and foreign conflicts, then them kill themselves. He might actual vote for him over Cruz, because it Cruz falls out of the top ten and the debates, then I won't waste my vote.
(3) Walker - He has done wonders in WI. Industry is flourishing there. He took on the Unions and WON! He took on the meanest, largest, most corrupt and more powerful union (other than SEIU that is), the Teacher's Union, and WON. Students are a TON better off in WI.
(4) Christie - This man took on the Unions in the blue-ball state of NJ and WON. He didn't get the victory that Walker got, but he got a victory nonetheless. That is tough when the state is corrupted by blueball democrats that would sell out their mother for a dollar. He cut taxes, spending and balanced the budget. People fault him for shaking hands with the President! The PRESIDENT OF OUR COUNTRY that is! Disagree on politics fine, but showing respect and civility is honorable! Bridgegate was the liberal character assassination ploy, so I give it no stock! I would me HAPPY to vote for any one of these 6 candidates. They call him moderate on social issues! Good I see that as a plus.
(5) Rubio - I like Rubio and his ideas. He seems like an honorable man and I think he will bring creditability when he speaks about ending illegal immigration!
(6) Carson - The man is extremely honorable and obviously extremely intelligent. His lack of business or executive experience scares me, but I would still be happy to vote for him and any of the five above him.
(7) Bush - I don't like Bush. I don't like his name and I don't like his stance on many issues including illegal immigration. He is only here because of I don't like the other below.
(8) Perry - I like what he did in Texas, but I can't get over the craziness he displayed last time around.
(9) Trump - He is the master communicator and salesman. He is doing well because he knows how to connect with the people and tell them what they want to hear.
(10) Huckabee - He seems like a nice guy, but something about him I don't like!
Now that Macy's has fired Trump his poll numbers should go up or down.

They may go up. People don't care about scandal anymore. Nothing is scandalous anymore.
Our moral integrity is so worn there is a big callous on the attitude of society. Nothing is shocking.

Oh well, except if you dare speak against certain protected groups, because you might make them feel badly!
People know the difference between fake political scandals and real ones. People are more in tune with these things than ever before, and it is easier for them to be involved than ever before. Commercial interest know that even if you don't. That is why so many companies stopped selling confederate flag symbol items. Not much you can do immediately about a Benghazi or IRS scandal, but boycotting and hurting a company is just a matter of a few finger movement on a smart phone. How many men need stop ordering ties, shirts and other clothing and accessories from Macy's does it take to harm the finances of Macy's. Customers can now find replacements for those items in minutes, set up a new account and begin ordering hundreds of dollars worth of merchandise from their new source in a matter of minutes on their smart phone. No more Macy's orders. Did you think all the Hispanic Macy's customers were going into the Macy's store to buy those things?
Poll Bush Trump rising for GOP but both trail Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Since we all know Trump is probably the Biggest Clown in the car, Bush appears to be the favorite right now to gain the nomination. I have predicted all along it will be a Bush-Clinton rematch.

Jeb released 33 years of tax returns. I find that admirable.
The top ten is what counts at the moment, because if you don't make the debates, then good luck getting your message out and good luck getting donors. So here is the list.
(1) Bush
(2) Trump
(3) Huckabee
(4) Carson
(5) Paul
(6) Rubio
(7) Walker
(8) Perry
(9) Christie
(10) Cruz

My candidates in order are:
(1) Cruz - He is a brave man with get ideas and he sticks to his ideology. I think he has the intelligence and honor to push us in that direction.
(2) Paul - As a Zionist his views on Israel take me back, but I care more about his domestic policies on America, especially his progrowth economic polices. I am wary of his views on the Patriot act (since I view it as a necessary evil), but he is right on staying out of middle east, African and foreign conflicts, then them kill themselves. He might actual vote for him over Cruz, because it Cruz falls out of the top ten and the debates, then I won't waste my vote.
(3) Walker - He has done wonders in WI. Industry is flourishing there. He took on the Unions and WON! He took on the meanest, largest, most corrupt and more powerful union (other than SEIU that is), the Teacher's Union, and WON. Students are a TON better off in WI.
(4) Christie - This man took on the Unions in the blue-ball state of NJ and WON. He didn't get the victory that Walker got, but he got a victory nonetheless. That is tough when the state is corrupted by blueball democrats that would sell out their mother for a dollar. He cut taxes, spending and balanced the budget. People fault him for shaking hands with the President! The PRESIDENT OF OUR COUNTRY that is! Disagree on politics fine, but showing respect and civility is honorable! Bridgegate was the liberal character assassination ploy, so I give it no stock! I would me HAPPY to vote for any one of these 6 candidates. They call him moderate on social issues! Good I see that as a plus.
(5) Rubio - I like Rubio and his ideas. He seems like an honorable man and I think he will bring creditability when he speaks about ending illegal immigration!
(6) Carson - The man is extremely honorable and obviously extremely intelligent. His lack of business or executive experience scares me, but I would still be happy to vote for him and any of the five above him.
(7) Bush - I don't like Bush. I don't like his name and I don't like his stance on many issues including illegal immigration. He is only here because of I don't like the other below.
(8) Perry - I like what he did in Texas, but I can't get over the craziness he displayed last time around.
(9) Trump - He is the master communicator and salesman. He is doing well because he knows how to connect with the people and tell them what they want to hear.
(10) Huckabee - He seems like a nice guy, but something about him I don't like!

So if we take the existing polling and turn it upside down, we almost come up with your list. COOL!
Trump at the top? LOL

Just goes to show you that the so called GOP "deep bench" is pure quantity over quality.
Macy's just told Trump to take a hike. Now he says he loves Mexicans, because they give him million$ for apartments. Anybody seen the commercial that says, "Some people are STUPID RICH."?
dont polls depend on who gets polled? I am surprised that we havent seen Rubio or Walker in the top three yet. Maybe the Clintons are ordering the MSM to never tell the truth? and make sure they never release a poll with Rubio/Cruz/Walker in the top three?

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