bush/cheney used cia to spy on american critics of the war


After Democrats balked on impeaching Ronald Reagan..it basically opened the door for all sorts of nonsense. To the roars and cheers of your ilk.

You do know "doing stuff leftists don't like" isn't an impeachable offense, right?


Doing stuff leftists don't like..naw.

It's the treason thing..that's impeachable.

Section 3 - Treason Note

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
John Kerry better look out! :eek:
Well, there you go.

And it's odd, don't you think, that no one else has confirmed?

Not at all. We already know the Bush administration wipetapped journalists.

And this Administration said our veterans were potential domestic terrorists. So?

You realize those two things aren't even remotely comparable, right?

Fact is that the OP, as per usual, made up bullshit about an allegation.... call me skeptical but when someone is plugging a book, I kinda figure their motivation is sales, not factual information.

You fall for the bullshit if you want. I'll wait until I have some actual evidence. That's just the way I am... I like evidence to hang someone, not hysterica and bullshit.

The Bush administration violated the law at virtually every turn. It's not exactly shocking when we find out about another potential violation.
Too bad Clinton's attorney general threatened FBI and CIA agents with arrest if they shared information and looked into the jihad terrorists attending flight school in the US. Maybe we could have saved 3,000 lives. JFK used the CIA to recruit, train, feed and equip a little army of Cuban exiles. and they still couldn't get it right.
Would you kindly direct us to the part of the article that supports your asssrtion that "bush/cheney used cia to spy on american critics of the war ".

I'll wait.

Wow Soggy, are you blind? You have complete discredited yourself with that question. It is stated in the first sentence, literally.

Did you even read the article? It alleges that a white house official asked the CIA to do a thing.

There's nothing in the article that support the thread title. Anyway, investigate away.. I suspect it will be just another wild goose chase as almost all have been... and no doubt right in time for the 2012 election season so the cries of Buuuuuuuuuussssssssshhhhhhhh can continue.

Even worse, Soggy, it alleges that someone else told him that a White House official asked.

I don't even know who this Carle guy IS that I should believe him at all, let alone believe him about hearsay.

And by the way, the article itself says this:

"Mr. Carle also said he did not know the origins of that information or who at the White House had requested it."

Gee, doesn't sound like "Bush and Cheney did this" to ME. How many people work in the White House, anyway?
Wow Soggy, are you blind? You have complete discredited yourself with that question. It is stated in the first sentence, literally.

Did you even read the article? It alleges that a white house official asked the CIA to do a thing.

There's nothing in the article that support the thread title. Anyway, investigate away.. I suspect it will be just another wild goose chase as almost all have been... and no doubt right in time for the 2012 election season so the cries of Buuuuuuuuuussssssssshhhhhhhh can continue.

Even worse, Soggy, it alleges that someone else told him that a White House official asked.

I don't even know who this Carle guy IS that I should believe him at all, let alone believe him about hearsay.

And by the way, the article itself says this:

"Mr. Carle also said he did not know the origins of that information or who at the White House had requested it."

Gee, doesn't sound like "Bush and Cheney did this" to ME. How many people work in the White House, anyway?

Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest!
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Wow Soggy, are you blind? You have complete discredited yourself with that question. It is stated in the first sentence, literally.

Did you even read the article? It alleges that a white house official asked the CIA to do a thing.

There's nothing in the article that support the thread title. Anyway, investigate away.. I suspect it will be just another wild goose chase as almost all have been... and no doubt right in time for the 2012 election season so the cries of Buuuuuuuuuussssssssshhhhhhhh can continue.

Even worse, Soggy, it alleges that someone else told him that a White House official asked.

I don't even know who this Carle guy IS that I should believe him at all, let alone believe him about hearsay.

And by the way, the article itself says this:

"Mr. Carle also said he did not know the origins of that information or who at the White House had requested it."

Gee, doesn't sound like "Bush and Cheney did this" to ME. How many people work in the White House, anyway?

Maybe he's just piling on, after all there is a documented history of the Bush administration violating the rights of Americans, what's one more accusation to go along with the conviction that has already established the precedent?
All of these kooks...

The purpose, he was told, was to eliminate journalists from possible suspicion so that the NSA could focus on those who merited further surveillance. But Tice said on Wednesday that the data on journalists was collected round-the-clock, year-round, suggesting there was never an intent to eliminate anyone from the surveillance.

New York Times reporter James Risen, who co-authored that paper’s 2005 story on the warrantless wiretapping program with colleague Eric Lichtblau, suspects he could have been among those monitored, because Bush Administration officials obtained copies of his phone records, which they showed to a federal grand jury. The grand jury is investigating leaked information that appeared in Risen’s 2006 book State of War about a CIA program, codenamed Operation Merlin, to infiltrate and destabilize Iran’s nuclear program. Risen doesn’t know if his records were obtained by the FBI with a legitimate warrant or through the NSA program that Tice described.

Risen told Olbermann that the NSA program to monitor journalists was likely intended to be used to ferret out and intimidate possible sources “to have a chilling effect on potential whistleblowers in the government to make them realize that there’s a Big Brother out there that will get them if they step out of line.”

Who else might have been among those targeted by the NSA?

Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) said, in a separate interview, that he could very well have been targeted, too.

NSA Whistleblower: Wiretaps Were Combined with Credit Card Records of U.S. Citizens | Threat Level | Wired.com
We already knew you thought that. That's why you try so hard to avoid it.
I've seen what you use instead of reality. It's pretty funny, actually. :lol:

Instead of reality? I can actually support my arguments with facts. You run around screaming about how the libruls are out to get you.
Really? I'm not the one just used a quote from Henry II to prove Bush had journalists wiretapped. :lol:
Just another pointless thread. Shit like this goes on in every administration. I'm sure Obama has his spies out there too, making sure nobody is planning to assassinate him. We have bigger problems than to worry about the feds spying on a few suspicious people on American soil.

Really? Having the government spying on people that have broken no laws simply because they disagree with your ideology doesn't concern you? It concerns the hell out of me regardless of who is sitting in the Oval Office.

Might bug us if you had even a shred of evidence. Accusations, on the other hand, only constitute "proof" when left-wing loonies want something to scream about. I could accuse you of buggering sheep in your front yard, but should the rest of the board start screeching about what a horrible animal abuser you are just on that basis?
you dumbasses that think this is okay are so stupid. Get over the fact that this country isn't for you, it isn't by you, nor of you. It is for them, by them, and of them, unless you are a member of the super rich class. You dumbasses that defend the politicians and their actions are FUCKING STUPID. These people are out to get us, to keep us quite, to keep us in line, to keep us distracted with all the crap on tv, movies so we don't wake up to the real reality that they are just trying to get rich at the expense of everyone else. That you at all trust your government is laughable, and yet you act like you are so smart all the time, and make fun of liberals here like you are so superior. It's so funny to me. You people will be the butt of the joke years from now when America no longer reigns supreme, simply because of the false pride and ego you manifest.

^^^^ This post isn't normal...but on meth, it is.

Or, the rage I feel about what you people say. You people anger me beyond belief... I can't even form coherent sentences you anger me so much

Pretty sure your lack of coherency predates your acquaintance with us.
Just another pointless thread. Shit like this goes on in every administration. I'm sure Obama has his spies out there too, making sure nobody is planning to assassinate him. We have bigger problems than to worry about the feds spying on a few suspicious people on American soil.

Really? Having the government spying on people that have broken no laws simply because they disagree with your ideology doesn't concern you? It concerns the hell out of me regardless of who is sitting in the Oval Office.

Might bug us if you had even a shred of evidence. Accusations, on the other hand, only constitute "proof" when left-wing loonies want something to scream about. I could accuse you of buggering sheep in your front yard, but should the rest of the board start screeching about what a horrible animal abuser you are just on that basis?

So what you're saying is you'd be outraged if you saw factual proof that the Bush administration violated the constitutional rights of Americans?

more proof of the evilness of those two. a special place in hell awaits the both of them

Considering what happened to Ambassador Joe Wilson and his wife, former CIA agent Valerie Plame, this is not at all surprising, if true. In fact, I would be MORE surprised if the Bush administration did NOT spy on numerous high profile American critics of the war and afterward attempting to discredit them by various means.

Richard Armitage outed Plame and he was not on the Bush Administration payroll at the time.

The Wilson's have sued the Administration and have lost every appeal so far.
You do know "doing stuff leftists don't like" isn't an impeachable offense, right?

So only ‘leftists’ are concerned about violations of the Constitution and the rule of law. Telling.
Not at all. We already know the Bush administration wipetapped journalists.
Do normal people know that, or just moonbats?

How would he know? He doesn't know any normal people.

"Normal person!!"

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