bush/cheney used cia to spy on american critics of the war

This is old news. The Bush administration has already been found guilty of violating the constitutional rights of Americans once and nothing came of it.
you dumbasses that think this is okay are so stupid. Get over the fact that this country isn't for you, it isn't by you, nor of you. It is for them, by them, and of them, unless you are a member of the super rich class. You dumbasses that defend the politicians and their actions are FUCKING STUPID. These people are out to get us, to keep us quite, to keep us in line, to keep us distracted with all the crap on tv, movies so we don't wake up to the real reality that they are just trying to get rich at the expense of everyone else. That you at all trust your government is laughable, and yet you act like you are so smart all the time, and make fun of liberals here like you are so superior. It's so funny to me. You people will be the butt of the joke years from now when America no longer reigns supreme, simply because of the false pride and ego you manifest.

^^^^ This post isn't normal...but on meth, it is.

Or, the rage I feel about what you people say. You people anger me beyond belief... I can't even form coherent sentences you anger me so much

If so, that's a very clear sign of a very serious and debilitating mental disorder.
you dumbasses that think this is okay are so stupid. Get over the fact that this country isn't for you, it isn't by you, nor of you. It is for them, by them, and of them, unless you are a member of the super rich class. You dumbasses that defend the politicians and their actions are FUCKING STUPID. These people are out to get us, to keep us quite, to keep us in line, to keep us distracted with all the crap on tv, movies so we don't wake up to the real reality that they are just trying to get rich at the expense of everyone else. That you at all trust your government is laughable, and yet you act like you are so smart all the time, and make fun of liberals here like you are so superior. It's so funny to me. You people will be the butt of the joke years from now when America no longer reigns supreme, simply because of the false pride and ego you manifest.

^^^^ This post isn't normal...but on meth, it is.

Or, the rage I feel about what you people say. You people anger me beyond belief... I can't even form coherent sentences you anger me so much
Now had either (Bush / Cheney) received a blow job or twittered their genitalia, wingnuts would be wagging about it still. As for depriving American citizens of their civil rights and Constitutional freedoms that's a Repugnant prerogative apparently. As a matter of fact their attitude on the subject is simply if one is not guilty of anything why should it bother them that they are being investigated or secretly spied upon by the government?
So why do you give Obama a pass for extending the Patriot Act?

Did I say that I did? Obama has done many things since taking office with which I do not agree.
Good for you! :clap2: There is much to disagree with.
I'd hoped most could distinguish the subtle :tongue: differences between a President abusing power to further his sexual appetite and a President's abuse of power to further some nefarious self-serving agenda.
Yeah. How long are you going to pretend Clinton's impeachment was about a blow job? :cool:
While Mr. Carle, 54, has written a book to be published next month about his role in the interrogation of a terrorism suspect...
Well, there you go.

And it's odd, don't you think, that no one else has confirmed?

So, basically, this is a scam to get people to buy a book. Marketing... a fool and his money are soon parted.
And the fools will be lined up.
Do you mean the opening paragraph of the article?

Is it a crime to use the CIA for the presidents personal agenda or is it just immoral?

Either way, there is already one court ruling against the Bush administration for violating the civil rights of American citizens through spying, how many do we need before we act on the crime?
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?


After Democrats balked on impeaching Ronald Reagan..it basically opened the door for all sorts of nonsense. To the roars and cheers of your ilk.

You do know "doing stuff leftists don't like" isn't an impeachable offense, right?

So, I'm assuming there is equal outrage from the left when this White House is adding our veterans to watch lists as potential 'domestic terrorists', or right wingers, or anyone else who disagrees with the fucking Messiah and his Obamanation.

That's different. Somehow. It just is.

I'm going to report you to [email protected]. For every 100 denunciations, you get a free brown shirt!

Brown is not really my color, but if it comes with matching Louboutins, I'm in!

Sorry. This is the only approved footwear:

Do you mean the opening paragraph of the article?

Is it a crime to use the CIA for the presidents personal agenda or is it just immoral?

Either way, there is already one court ruling against the Bush administration for violating the civil rights of American citizens through spying, how many do we need before we act on the crime?
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?


After Democrats balked on impeaching Ronald Reagan..it basically opened the door for all sorts of nonsense. To the roars and cheers of your ilk.


Now how would it look if every Republican President from California ended up being impeached? Besides the Republicans haven't got over Nixon - can you imagine what a bigger pain in the ass they'd be if Reagan and Bush had been added to the mix?
Holy christ...Juan Cole? I mean Kristoff, Rich, Hirsch...yea ok, Juan Cole? jesus they are stupid....:lol:
While Mr. Carle, 54, has written a book to be published next month about his role in the interrogation of a terrorism suspect...
Well, there you go.

And it's odd, don't you think, that no one else has confirmed?

Not at all. We already know the Bush administration wiretapped journalists.
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more proof of the evilness of those two. a special place in hell awaits the both of them

Considering what happened to Ambassador Joe Wilson and his wife, former CIA agent Valerie Plame, this is not at all surprising, if true. In fact, I would be MORE surprised if the Bush administration did NOT spy on numerous high profile American critics of the war and afterward attempting to discredit them by various means.

What's the use arguing about it? They're still denying Watergate and Iran-Contra.
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?


After Democrats balked on impeaching Ronald Reagan..it basically opened the door for all sorts of nonsense. To the roars and cheers of your ilk.


Now how would it look if every Republican President from California ended up being impeached? Besides the Republicans haven't got over Nixon - can you imagine what a bigger pain in the ass they'd be if Reagan and Bush had been added to the mix?
While Mr. Carle, 54, has written a book to be published next month about his role in the interrogation of a terrorism suspect...
Well, there you go.

And it's odd, don't you think, that no one else has confirmed?

Not at all. We already know the Bush administration wipetapped journalists.

How the hell do you wipetap somebody?

You know, never mind, I don't want to know.
While Mr. Carle, 54, has written a book to be published next month about his role in the interrogation of a terrorism suspect...
Well, there you go.

And it's odd, don't you think, that no one else has confirmed?

Not at all. We already know the Bush administration wipetapped journalists.

And this Administration said our veterans were potential domestic terrorists. So?

Fact is that the OP, as per usual, made up bullshit about an allegation.... call me skeptical but when someone is plugging a book, I kinda figure their motivation is sales, not factual information.

You fall for the bullshit if you want. I'll wait until I have some actual evidence. That's just the way I am... I like evidence to hang someone, not hysterica and bullshit.
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?


After Democrats balked on impeaching Ronald Reagan..it basically opened the door for all sorts of nonsense. To the roars and cheers of your ilk.

You do know "doing stuff leftists don't like" isn't an impeachable offense, right?


Doing stuff leftists don't like..naw.

It's the treason thing..that's impeachable.

Section 3 - Treason Note

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHXq8TRejow&feature=related]YouTube - ‪Telling Lies‬‏[/ame]
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?


After Democrats balked on impeaching Ronald Reagan..it basically opened the door for all sorts of nonsense. To the roars and cheers of your ilk.


Now how would it look if every Republican President from California ended up being impeached? Besides the Republicans haven't got over Nixon - can you imagine what a bigger pain in the ass they'd be if Reagan and Bush had been added to the mix?

A Reagan impeachment would have discouraged the cowboy antics of George W. Bush's administration.

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