bush/cheney used cia to spy on american critics of the war

You do know "doing stuff leftists don't like" isn't an impeachable offense, right?

So only ‘leftists’ are concerned about violations of the Constitution and the rule of law. Telling.
:lol: Leftists don't give a shit about violations of the Constitution and the rule of law. You just want to GETBUSHROVECHENEY.
Would you kindly direct us to the part of the article that supports your asssrtion that "bush/cheney used cia to spy on american critics of the war ".

I'll wait.

Do you mean the opening paragraph of the article?

WASHINGTON — A former senior C.I.A. official says that officials in the Bush White House sought damaging personal information on a prominent American critic of the Iraq war in order to discredit him. Glenn L. Carle, a former Central Intelligence Agency officer who was a top counterterrorism official during the administration of President George W. Bush, said the White House at least twice asked intelligence officials to gather sensitive information on Juan Cole, a University of Michigan professor who writes an influential blog that criticized the war.

Is it a crime to use the CIA for the presidents personal agenda or is it just immoral?

Either way, there is already one court ruling against the Bush administration for violating the civil rights of American citizens through spying, how many do we need before we act on the crime?
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?
So, you celebrate that they got away with it.
Too bad Clinton's attorney general threatened FBI and CIA agents with arrest if they shared information and looked into the jihad terrorists attending flight school in the US. Maybe we could have saved 3,000 lives. JFK used the CIA to recruit, train, feed and equip a little army of Cuban exiles. and they still couldn't get it right.
Do you mean the opening paragraph of the article?

Is it a crime to use the CIA for the presidents personal agenda or is it just immoral?

Either way, there is already one court ruling against the Bush administration for violating the civil rights of American citizens through spying, how many do we need before we act on the crime?
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?
So, you celebrate that they got away with it.
Oh, you mean the crimes they didn't actually commit? Yeah, it's good they weren't hauled off before a kangaroo court of butthurt leftists.
So why do you give Obama a pass for extending the Patriot Act?

Who is giving him a "pass"?

Enough House and Senate Democrats to pass the thing.

I haven't heard a lot of fussing in the media, either.

There were enough House and Senate Democrats to pass the thing the first time. Liberals are not giving the President a "pass" on the Patriot Act. We will continue to express our displeasure about it and pressure him to do something about it.

That doesn't mean that I throw the baby out with the bathwater. This President has been able to accomplish great things, despite incredible obstructionism...the like of which has never been seen in US politics. I still support him, but by no means does that equate to "giving a pass".

Why would the corporate media "fuss" over such a thing? The actual liberal media does...Just check Mother Jones or The Nation...
Would you kindly direct us to the part of the article that supports your asssrtion that "bush/cheney used cia to spy on american critics of the war ".

I'll wait.

Do you mean the opening paragraph of the article?

WASHINGTON — A former senior C.I.A. official says that officials in the Bush White House sought damaging personal information on a prominent American critic of the Iraq war in order to discredit him. Glenn L. Carle, a former Central Intelligence Agency officer who was a top counterterrorism official during the administration of President George W. Bush, said the White House at least twice asked intelligence officials to gather sensitive information on Juan Cole, a University of Michigan professor who writes an influential blog that criticized the war.

Is it a crime to use the CIA for the presidents personal agenda or is it just immoral?

Either way, there is already one court ruling against the Bush administration for violating the civil rights of American citizens through spying, how many do we need before we act on the crime?
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?

And how does that make you feel? Goosebumps?
Too bad Clinton's attorney general threatened FBI and CIA agents with arrest if they shared information and looked into the jihad terrorists attending flight school in the US. Maybe we could have saved 3,000 lives. JFK used the CIA to recruit, train, feed and equip a little army of Cuban exiles. and they still couldn't get it right.

Clinton and Bin Laden

Ok, now try a link that doesn't make me roll around the floor laughing my arse off and has at least an iota of credibility...or one that doesn't belong in the 'conspiracy theory' folder
Who is giving him a "pass"?

Enough House and Senate Democrats to pass the thing.

I haven't heard a lot of fussing in the media, either.

There were enough House and Senate Democrats to pass the thing the first time. Liberals are not giving the President a "pass" on the Patriot Act. We will continue to express our displeasure about it and pressure him to do something about it.
And if he doesn't? "Oh, well, we tried -- and we'll still vote for him!"
That doesn't mean that I throw the baby out with the bathwater. This President has been able to accomplish great things, despite incredible obstructionism...the like of which has never been seen in US politics.
Well, except for the previous Administration.
I still support him, but by no means does that equate to "giving a pass".
Like I said: If he doesn't change, you'll still roll over for him.
Why would the corporate media "fuss" over such a thing? The actual liberal media does...Just check Mother Jones or The Nation...
Do you mean the opening paragraph of the article?

Is it a crime to use the CIA for the presidents personal agenda or is it just immoral?

Either way, there is already one court ruling against the Bush administration for violating the civil rights of American citizens through spying, how many do we need before we act on the crime?
You do know you're never going to see a BUSHROVECHENEY perp walk, right?

And how does that make you feel? Goosebumps?

No, no tingles down my leg. It's just good to see that the justice system wasn't perverted over sissy bedwetter leftist butthurt. :clap2:

more proof of the evilness of those two. a special place in hell awaits the both of them

Would you kindly direct us to the part of the article that supports your asssrtion that "bush/cheney used cia to spy on american critics of the war ".

I'll wait.

Do you mean the opening paragraph of the article?

WASHINGTON — A former senior C.I.A. official says that officials in the Bush White House sought damaging personal information on a prominent American critic of the Iraq war in order to discredit him. Glenn L. Carle, a former Central Intelligence Agency officer who was a top counterterrorism official during the administration of President George W. Bush, said the White House at least twice asked intelligence officials to gather sensitive information on Juan Cole, a University of Michigan professor who writes an influential blog that criticized the war.

Is it a crime to use the CIA for the presidents personal agenda or is it just immoral?

Either way, there is already one court ruling against the Bush administration for violating the civil rights of American citizens through spying, how many do we need before we act on the crime?

That one line says they did it to one American, Not Americans.
Enough House and Senate Democrats to pass the thing.

I haven't heard a lot of fussing in the media, either.

There were enough House and Senate Democrats to pass the thing the first time. Liberals are not giving the President a "pass" on the Patriot Act. We will continue to express our displeasure about it and pressure him to do something about it.
And if he doesn't? "Oh, well, we tried -- and we'll still vote for him!"

Well, except for the previous Administration.
I still support him, but by no means does that equate to "giving a pass".
Like I said: If he doesn't change, you'll still roll over for him.
Why would the corporate media "fuss" over such a thing? The actual liberal media does...Just check Mother Jones or The Nation...

So you've agreed 100% with everything a President YOU supported did? That's ludicrous...
There were enough House and Senate Democrats to pass the thing the first time. Liberals are not giving the President a "pass" on the Patriot Act. We will continue to express our displeasure about it and pressure him to do something about it.
And if he doesn't? "Oh, well, we tried -- and we'll still vote for him!"

Well, except for the previous Administration.

Like I said: If he doesn't change, you'll still roll over for him.
Why would the corporate media "fuss" over such a thing? The actual liberal media does...Just check Mother Jones or The Nation...

So you've agreed 100% with everything a President YOU supported did? That's ludicrous...

Partisan hackery always is
There were enough House and Senate Democrats to pass the thing the first time. Liberals are not giving the President a "pass" on the Patriot Act. We will continue to express our displeasure about it and pressure him to do something about it.
And if he doesn't? "Oh, well, we tried -- and we'll still vote for him!"

Well, except for the previous Administration.

Like I said: If he doesn't change, you'll still roll over for him.
Why would the corporate media "fuss" over such a thing? The actual liberal media does...Just check Mother Jones or The Nation...

So you've agreed 100% with everything a President YOU supported did? That's ludicrous...
Indeed it is. And if my disagreement with him was serious enough, I wouldn't vote for him again.

Not so the Obama faithful.
No, no tingles down my leg. It's just good to see that the justice system wasn't perverted over sissy bedwetter leftist butthurt. :clap2:

Unlike spending $70 million of your money on a blowjob, right?

1. It wasn't about a blowjob.

2. Since when have liberals ever complained about spending taxpayers' money? :lol:

Absolutely it was. You can cross the t's and dot the i's all you want. Anybody with half a braincell knew it was all about getting Bubba. And let's not forget he appointed the special prosecutor. Wonder why Baby Bush didn't do the same over the lack of WMDs.

Who spends the most money? who knows? You're political system is open to graft....just the way it is....

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