Bush destroyed capitalism. Obama Saved it.

Want to find out how stupid and hypocritical liberals are?

I will start a new thread saying capitalism is clearly better than socialism.

Watch how the liberals attack that notion. I am even calling the shot here. I think even rightwinger is dumb enough to attack capitalism in the thread I will now start.
Obama's "capitalism" in one easy-to-read graphic:


Interesting graph

What causes increases in eligibility for food stamps?
Depressed wages

President Obama has pushed to increase wages at low end working levels. What has stopped him?

We all know the answer

And why are wages depressed? Globalization and mechanization has led to a decrease in available jobs. More people competing for less jobs = stagnant wages.

The presidents aim to increase wages does nothing more than to create a false economy that will crumble at the first sign of recession.

Do we really want the government to manipulate our economy to save us? Didn't our last meltdown and things like the S&L crisis teach us anything?


So you support the increase in food stamp usage

As a conservative, I would say no. But the reality is, is that we simply don't have enough jobs in this country, and because of globalization and mechanization, probably never will have again.

I love capitalism, but capitalism can only work when the ability to succeed is still a possibility. As of right now, I'm not sure that is true anymore.

But I'll be damned if I know what the solution is.

Obama's "capitalism" in one easy-to-read graphic:


Interesting graph

What causes increases in eligibility for food stamps?
Depressed wages

President Obama has pushed to increase wages at low end working levels. What has stopped him?

We all know the answer

And why are wages depressed? Globalization and mechanization has led to a decrease in available jobs. More people competing for less jobs = stagnant wages.

The presidents aim to increase wages does nothing more than to create a false economy that will crumble at the first sign of recession.

Do we really want the government to manipulate our economy to save us? Didn't our last meltdown and things like the S&L crisis teach us anything?


So you support the increase in food stamp usage

As a conservative, I would say no. But the reality is, is that we simply don't have enough jobs in this country, and because of globalization and mechanization, probably never will have again.

I love capitalism, but capitalism can only work when the ability to succeed is still a possibility. As of right now, I'm not sure that is true anymore.

But I'll be damned if I know what the solution is.


There is no such thing as a utopia, that is probably where you are stuck. Life is about struggle, and our infinite search for taking away all struggle is rather vein.

The greatest enemy to FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE (the better way of describing capitalism) is big government. Government by its very nature desires power. Desires greater power and acquisition of power. Then, maintaining and expanding power as it is acquired.

In essence, that is the great enemy of human liberty. Democrats, use "liberal rhetoric" to acquire this power. They use divisive techniques while propping up their scapegoat. Both things are essential in order for them to win the hearts and minds of the masses. They know how to manipulate and seduce the minds of the ignorant, who comprise larger voting blocks.

You have the race profiteers who work for these democrat tyrants. They have NO DESIRE in the notion of the power of the people. They want mass dependence, and they know how to get it.

This little Gruber guy just made it that clear to all of these manipulated sheep. They are so fucking brainwashed they refuse to see anything that is that clear. No wonder their socialist god becomes more and more brazen with his lies. Look at the shit he has gotten away with.

It really is unreal. The point is there are flaws with any system. There is no utopia out there. The point is capitalism works most practical in a monetary system. Cause it happens to include the part of the human that is not included in marxist style systems. That is the stuff that cannot be measured. Like courage, inspiration, motivation, etc etc etc. That is why communist countries have walls that keep people IN rather than preventing people from getting in.

Why do you suppose there was such a celebration when the Berlin wall fell? A dark day for the moron socialists, whose epic failure of the USSR is lost on them.
Actually Bush tried to stop the democrat loan system put in place by the democrat controlled congress. Because he knew it wasn't sustainable. Much like anyone with a functioning mind would know but the democrats kept insisting it could go on forever.

Obie didn't inherit a mess of someone elses making, he inherited a mess his own people created and he voted for. It's amazing to me how you morons need to twist data in order to support this idiot when actual numbers tell the story. Bush didn't need to fake his numbers like obie does. That should be painfully obvious after six years of obies so called "recovery" when nobody is recovering.

False. Listen to what Bush says in the supplied video. He fiercely advocates for the aggressive expansion of home ownership among the poor, including the elimination of things like down payments coupled with a steroidal role for Fannie/Freddie.

Stop lying and listen to his words.

The laws the democrats pushed?

They didn't push the crony "regulating" under Booosh. When Fanny and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% of the market.


This makes me think of that old Chevy Chase routine..Generalissimo[a] Francisco Franco is still dead" is a catchphrase that originated in 1975 during the first season of NBC's Saturday Night
Obama's "capitalism" in one easy-to-read graphic:


Interesting graph

What causes increases in eligibility for food stamps?
Depressed wages

President Obama has pushed to increase wages at low end working levels. What has stopped him?

We all know the answer

And why are wages depressed? Globalization and mechanization has led to a decrease in available jobs. More people competing for less jobs = stagnant wages.

The presidents aim to increase wages does nothing more than to create a false economy that will crumble at the first sign of recession.

Do we really want the government to manipulate our economy to save us? Didn't our last meltdown and things like the S&L crisis teach us anything?


So you support the increase in food stamp usage

As a conservative, I would say no. But the reality is, is that we simply don't have enough jobs in this country, and because of globalization and mechanization, probably never will have again.

I love capitalism, but capitalism can only work when the ability to succeed is still a possibility. As of right now, I'm not sure that is true anymore.

But I'll be damned if I know what the solution is.


There is no such thing as a utopia, that is probably where you are stuck. Life is about struggle, and our infinite search for taking away all struggle is rather vein.

The greatest enemy to FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE (the better way of describing capitalism) is big government. Government by its very nature desires power. Desires greater power and acquisition of power. Then, maintaining and expanding power as it is acquired.

In essence, that is the great enemy of human liberty. Democrats, use "liberal rhetoric" to acquire this power. They use divisive techniques while propping up their scapegoat. Both things are essential in order for them to win the hearts and minds of the masses. They know how to manipulate and seduce the minds of the ignorant, who comprise larger voting blocks.

You have the race profiteers who work for these democrat tyrants. They have NO DESIRE in the notion of the power of the people. They want mass dependence, and they know how to get it.

This little Gruber guy just made it that clear to all of these manipulated sheep. They are so fucking brainwashed they refuse to see anything that is that clear. No wonder their socialist god becomes more and more brazen with his lies. Look at the shit he has gotten away with.

It really is unreal. The point is there are flaws with any system. There is no utopia out there. The point is capitalism works most practical in a monetary system. Cause it happens to include the part of the human that is not included in marxist style systems. That is the stuff that cannot be measured. Like courage, inspiration, motivation, etc etc etc. That is why communist countries have walls that keep people IN rather than preventing people from getting in.

Why do you suppose there was such a celebration when the Berlin wall fell? A dark day for the moron socialists, whose epic failure of the USSR is lost on them.

While I can see some points in your post I agree with, I see the fast changing world as being a problem for a capitalistic society.

In the early 1900's, millions of horses did our hard work for us. The automobile was invented and now horses are not needed.

Starting after WWII, a concerted effort has been made to make our life easier. We have been outsourced and downsized. We now have millions of "horses" who not only don't have job prospects, but those that are available continue to shrink everyday.

Capitalism only works when there is a mechanism in place that allows people to reach their potential. Sadly, we have way to many people and way to little opportunity. And that opportunity is shrinking...fast.

Like I said, I'll be damned if I know the answer, but I do know this. In order for us to succeed something is gonna have to change. The very lives we live today will be completely changed in 50 years, or bad things will happen.

Interesting graph

What causes increases in eligibility for food stamps?
Depressed wages

President Obama has pushed to increase wages at low end working levels. What has stopped him?

We all know the answer

And why are wages depressed? Globalization and mechanization has led to a decrease in available jobs. More people competing for less jobs = stagnant wages.

The presidents aim to increase wages does nothing more than to create a false economy that will crumble at the first sign of recession.

Do we really want the government to manipulate our economy to save us? Didn't our last meltdown and things like the S&L crisis teach us anything?


So you support the increase in food stamp usage

As a conservative, I would say no. But the reality is, is that we simply don't have enough jobs in this country, and because of globalization and mechanization, probably never will have again.

I love capitalism, but capitalism can only work when the ability to succeed is still a possibility. As of right now, I'm not sure that is true anymore.

But I'll be damned if I know what the solution is.


There is no such thing as a utopia, that is probably where you are stuck. Life is about struggle, and our infinite search for taking away all struggle is rather vein.

The greatest enemy to FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE (the better way of describing capitalism) is big government. Government by its very nature desires power. Desires greater power and acquisition of power. Then, maintaining and expanding power as it is acquired.

In essence, that is the great enemy of human liberty. Democrats, use "liberal rhetoric" to acquire this power. They use divisive techniques while propping up their scapegoat. Both things are essential in order for them to win the hearts and minds of the masses. They know how to manipulate and seduce the minds of the ignorant, who comprise larger voting blocks.

You have the race profiteers who work for these democrat tyrants. They have NO DESIRE in the notion of the power of the people. They want mass dependence, and they know how to get it.

This little Gruber guy just made it that clear to all of these manipulated sheep. They are so fucking brainwashed they refuse to see anything that is that clear. No wonder their socialist god becomes more and more brazen with his lies. Look at the shit he has gotten away with.

It really is unreal. The point is there are flaws with any system. There is no utopia out there. The point is capitalism works most practical in a monetary system. Cause it happens to include the part of the human that is not included in marxist style systems. That is the stuff that cannot be measured. Like courage, inspiration, motivation, etc etc etc. That is why communist countries have walls that keep people IN rather than preventing people from getting in.

Why do you suppose there was such a celebration when the Berlin wall fell? A dark day for the moron socialists, whose epic failure of the USSR is lost on them.

While I can see some points in your post I agree with, I see the fast changing world as being a problem for a capitalistic society.

In the early 1900's, millions of horses did our hard work for us. The automobile was invented and now horses are not needed.

Starting after WWII, a concerted effort has been made to make our life easier. We have been outsourced and downsized. We now have millions of "horses" who not only don't have job prospects, but those that are available continue to shrink everyday.

Capitalism only works when there is a mechanism in place that allows people to reach their potential. Sadly, we have way to many people and way to little opportunity. And that opportunity is shrinking...fast.

Like I said, I'll be damned if I know the answer, but I do know this. In order for us to succeed something is gonna have to change. The very lives we live today will be completely changed in 50 years, or bad things will happen.

What was the "health care crisis" that forced Obamacare?
What do you think was the number ONE reason Obamacare passed?
Ask 100 people why and they would say "because we have to provide health services for people that don't have health insurance."
Then ask them how many people don't have health insurance and they probably like you would say the common figure of 46 million.
MARK the whole premise of Obamacare was based on his using the Census' figure of 46 million "uninsured'... BUT Obama NEVER NEVER
nor did many people REALLY look at that number closer!
1) The CENSUS itself stated clearly that 9.6 million of the 46 million were NOT legal citizens...therefore NOT eligible... That leaves 36 million!
2) The CENSUS clearly states that of the 46 million there were 14 million THE CENSUS Counted as "uninsured" that were totally easily eligible for
Medicaid/SCHIP! So how in the hell would any administration that it can't get 14 million people registered then capable of administrating health care!
3) Finally is it FAIR to count people THAT DON"T WANT health insurance? That Don't NEED? Can afford?
18 million under 34 that chances of using $20,000 of services in one year are 1 out of 20.. They can afford (make over $50,000) but didn't want
their employers' health plans! 18 million!
That leaves 4 million truly needing but not 1,000% exaggeration of 46 million!
AGAIN remember what Gruber said "stupidity of American Voter" is what Obama et.al. was counting on...i.e. never was a crisis as there never were 46 million "Uninsured"!
DO YOU UNDERSTAND MARK??? Phony blown way out of proportion crisis.... Remember what Obama's chief of staff once said:
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
Rahm Emanuel
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it s an opportunity... - Rahm Emanuel at BrainyQuote
At President Bush's State of the Union address, Congressional Democrats wildly cheer their own intransigence, obstruction, and reverence for the broken status quo. Showing their love for America's biggest government boondoggle, Democrats prove, once again, why they cannot be trusted with power.

Your party is a lying, obstructing, party first disgrace, fool for the greedy idiot rich. So's our bought off, cowardly media.. Looking forward to the GOP self-destruction. Cruz/Paul 2016!
Your party lies even more and are a bunch of cowardly socialist retards, retard.
only in the Pub alternate universe, which corporate media presents without any truth checking journalism.
Nope, in reality, idiots like you prove it all the time.
And why are wages depressed? Globalization and mechanization has led to a decrease in available jobs. More people competing for less jobs = stagnant wages.

The presidents aim to increase wages does nothing more than to create a false economy that will crumble at the first sign of recession.

Do we really want the government to manipulate our economy to save us? Didn't our last meltdown and things like the S&L crisis teach us anything?


So you support the increase in food stamp usage

As a conservative, I would say no. But the reality is, is that we simply don't have enough jobs in this country, and because of globalization and mechanization, probably never will have again.

I love capitalism, but capitalism can only work when the ability to succeed is still a possibility. As of right now, I'm not sure that is true anymore.

But I'll be damned if I know what the solution is.


There is no such thing as a utopia, that is probably where you are stuck. Life is about struggle, and our infinite search for taking away all struggle is rather vein.

The greatest enemy to FREE MARKET ENTERPRISE (the better way of describing capitalism) is big government. Government by its very nature desires power. Desires greater power and acquisition of power. Then, maintaining and expanding power as it is acquired.

In essence, that is the great enemy of human liberty. Democrats, use "liberal rhetoric" to acquire this power. They use divisive techniques while propping up their scapegoat. Both things are essential in order for them to win the hearts and minds of the masses. They know how to manipulate and seduce the minds of the ignorant, who comprise larger voting blocks.

You have the race profiteers who work for these democrat tyrants. They have NO DESIRE in the notion of the power of the people. They want mass dependence, and they know how to get it.

This little Gruber guy just made it that clear to all of these manipulated sheep. They are so fucking brainwashed they refuse to see anything that is that clear. No wonder their socialist god becomes more and more brazen with his lies. Look at the shit he has gotten away with.

It really is unreal. The point is there are flaws with any system. There is no utopia out there. The point is capitalism works most practical in a monetary system. Cause it happens to include the part of the human that is not included in marxist style systems. That is the stuff that cannot be measured. Like courage, inspiration, motivation, etc etc etc. That is why communist countries have walls that keep people IN rather than preventing people from getting in.

Why do you suppose there was such a celebration when the Berlin wall fell? A dark day for the moron socialists, whose epic failure of the USSR is lost on them.

While I can see some points in your post I agree with, I see the fast changing world as being a problem for a capitalistic society.

In the early 1900's, millions of horses did our hard work for us. The automobile was invented and now horses are not needed.

Starting after WWII, a concerted effort has been made to make our life easier. We have been outsourced and downsized. We now have millions of "horses" who not only don't have job prospects, but those that are available continue to shrink everyday.

Capitalism only works when there is a mechanism in place that allows people to reach their potential. Sadly, we have way to many people and way to little opportunity. And that opportunity is shrinking...fast.

Like I said, I'll be damned if I know the answer, but I do know this. In order for us to succeed something is gonna have to change. The very lives we live today will be completely changed in 50 years, or bad things will happen.

What was the "health care crisis" that forced Obamacare?
What do you think was the number ONE reason Obamacare passed?
Ask 100 people why and they would say "because we have to provide health services for people that don't have health insurance."
Then ask them how many people don't have health insurance and they probably like you would say the common figure of 46 million.
MARK the whole premise of Obamacare was based on his using the Census' figure of 46 million "uninsured'... BUT Obama NEVER NEVER
nor did many people REALLY look at that number closer!
1) The CENSUS itself stated clearly that 9.6 million of the 46 million were NOT legal citizens...therefore NOT eligible... That leaves 36 million!
2) The CENSUS clearly states that of the 46 million there were 14 million THE CENSUS Counted as "uninsured" that were totally easily eligible for
Medicaid/SCHIP! So how in the hell would any administration that it can't get 14 million people registered then capable of administrating health care!
3) Finally is it FAIR to count people THAT DON"T WANT health insurance? That Don't NEED? Can afford?
18 million under 34 that chances of using $20,000 of services in one year are 1 out of 20.. They can afford (make over $50,000) but didn't want
their employers' health plans! 18 million!
That leaves 4 million truly needing but not 1,000% exaggeration of 46 million!
AGAIN remember what Gruber said "stupidity of American Voter" is what Obama et.al. was counting on...i.e. never was a crisis as there never were 46 million "Uninsured"!
DO YOU UNDERSTAND MARK??? Phony blown way out of proportion crisis.... Remember what Obama's chief of staff once said:
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.
Rahm Emanuel
You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it s an opportunity... - Rahm Emanuel at BrainyQuote

We seem to be on different pages here. I agree that health care was nothing more than a political football, I was talking about capitalism in the grand scheme of things.

Obama's "capitalism" in one easy-to-read graphic:


Interesting graph

What causes increases in eligibility for food stamps?
Depressed wages

President Obama has pushed to increase wages at low end working levels. What has stopped him?

We all know the answer

And why are wages depressed? Globalization and mechanization has led to a decrease in available jobs. More people competing for less jobs = stagnant wages.

The presidents aim to increase wages does nothing more than to create a false economy that will crumble at the first sign of recession.

Do we really want the government to manipulate our economy to save us? Didn't our last meltdown and things like the S&L crisis teach us anything?


So you support the increase in food stamp usage

As a conservative, I would say no. But the reality is, is that we simply don't have enough jobs in this country, and because of globalization and mechanization, probably never will have again.

I love capitalism, but capitalism can only work when the ability to succeed is still a possibility. As of right now, I'm not sure that is true anymore.

But I'll be damned if I know what the solution is.

Bingo. This hits at the very core of the problem - the industrial age is gone never to return. We have went through this before. When the world shifted from an agrarian economic base over to an industrial one there were massive growing pains then as well. Just like you, I am unsure of what the solution might be. I don't believe that socialism is the answer but where do you go when the economy has no way of supporting sufficient jobs anymore? Perhaps an entirely new economic model will have to come about as a result of the changes the world is going through. Unfortunately, the only thing that the government AND the electorate seem interested in is preserving a society that not only no longer exists but is never going to return again. There is no way to roll back technology.
Multiple times.

George Bush presided over the greatest era of financial lawlessness since the Gilded Age.
He used the Housing Market to stimulate a dead economy by loaning money into the economy on the backs of people who had no downpayment, no collateral and often no job. Under his guidance, any impediment to mortgage lending was suppressed. Under his leadership, the most corrupt and unregulated derivatives market in world history flourished - until it blew up and destroyed the lives of millions. When Bush was begged to pressure Greenspan to raise rates and cool the bubble, he simply turned a deaf ear.

The Bush job growth numbers are the worst of any president since Hoover.
Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Obama inherited the greatest mess of any president since FDR, yet his job growth has eclipsed Reagan's

Click this Forbe's article...
Obama Outperforms Reagan On Jobs Growth And Investing - Forbes

Once again, a great democratic leader saves capitalism from itself.


Actually Bush tried to stop the democrat loan system put in place by the democrat controlled congress. Because he knew it wasn't sustainable. Much like anyone with a functioning mind would know but the democrats kept insisting it could go on forever.

Obie didn't inherit a mess of someone elses making, he inherited a mess his own people created and he voted for. It's amazing to me how you morons need to twist data in order to support this idiot when actual numbers tell the story. Bush didn't need to fake his numbers like obie does. That should be painfully obvious after six years of obies so called "recovery" when nobody is recovering.
Once again, a great democratic leader saves capitalism from itself.

too stupid and liberal by 200%!! Obama had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, an open communist so it can hardly be said he saved capitalism with commie Obamacare, etc etc etc.
where do you go when the economy has no way of supporting sufficient jobs anymore? .

dear, liberals destroyed all the missing jobs!!

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.
where do you go when the economy has no way of supporting sufficient jobs anymore? .

dear, liberals destroyed all the missing jobs!!

1) Make unions illegal ( 10 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

2) make minimum wage illegal ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

3) end business taxation; especially tax incentives to off-shore jobs ( 5 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

4) make inflation illegal ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

5) make Federal debt illegal( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

6) send illegal workers home(8 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

7) Pass Balanced Budget Amendment to Constitution( 3 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

8) cut pay of government workers in half( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

9) Make health insurance competition legal( 6 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

10) end needless business regulations ( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

11) restrict Federal spending to 15% of GNP( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

12) support unlimited free trade( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

13) reduced unemployment compensation, welfare, food stamps, medicaid.( 2 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

14) privatize education, social security ( 4 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

15) end payroll taxes ( 1 million new jobs) Democrats oppose

Since Democrats always oppose wisdom and common sense the only serious option is to make them illegal as the Constitution intended.
Irrelevant. None of that addressees the fact that the industrial age is coming to an end. You realize that 3D printers are coming out right now. In 5 years that tech will have matured enough to be a staple within most peoples homes. Simple and cheap items will no longer be necessary to produce at all.

Other items are completely digital. Right now digital content will is becoming the norm rather than the exception. You no longer need stores with sales clerks selling DVD's, music or a million other things that used to require them. Automated systems are producing complex products such as aircraft. Boeing has an entire factory floor that builds aircraft WITHOUT A SINGLE WORKER. All automated. Fast food already has that technology in place to create entire stores without employees. Why are they not there right now? Because the older generation simply is more comfortable dealing with people - that is going to change. Those jobs are not coming back and they never will. That is a cold hard fact.

The question is, how do we deal with such losses in a capitalist society? How do we deal with content that can be reproduced essentially for free?
If obama had to deal with a small fraction of what Bush did he would be sucking his thumb curled up in a corner rocking like a kiddie ride in front of a dime store.
Irrelevant. None of that addressees the fact that the industrial age is coming to an end.

dear, a little Econ 101 for you

1) the nail hammer plow wheel saw oil car and truck replaced billions and billions of jobs!
2) supply equals demand so there are always exactly enough jobs in a free market.

Sorry to rock your world. But now you have the rest of your life to be smarter.

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